Jungkook passed out on the floor.
Jin being a their medical doctor he is, he helped Jungkook up and layed him down on the bed. Before Taehyung could even come in, he sassily turned around and held both sliding doors glaring at Taehyung for god knows what.
"What? Why? I'm his fiancé!" Taehyung forced himself in, only to be pushed away by Jin making Taehyung stumble and land his face on the floor.
"I'm going to do probations on Jungkook. So don't disturb me!" Jin slammed the sliding doors. Taehyung cursed and muttered incoherent words under his breath, fixing himself.
"I think maybe we shouldn't let Jungkook join us for now.." Jimin said. He's worried that Jungkook can't cooperate in his state right now.
"Jimin's right. Still- I can't believe King Bing has a brother! What kind of fuckery is this?" Yoongi said raising his voice. "I know right,"
"Can someone tell me who King Bong is? I'm confused." Lav tilted her head. Jimin turned his head on Lav,
"It's King Bing." Jimin corrected. "I don't give a fuck of whoever he is whether his name is King Bang pd nim or King Ariana Grande! Just tell me who he is," Lav let out sarcastically.
Jimin frowned at her, "Yah! You didn't need to be sarcastic!"
"Well, it's because of you i turned like this!"
"What?! Why are you blaming me!"
"Then what the hell do you want me to do?!"
"I don't know? Maybe magically turn into a sweet baby again?"
"Abracadabra! Nope, i'm still a bitch!"
Namjoon sighs and massaged his temples, "I ain't dealing with this shit," Namjoon walked away to the control room to fix the map on the way to their location.
"60 minutes left before we reach your final destination." A robot voice was heard through out the whole spaceship.
Jungkook has awoken at the sound. He looked around the familliar room, only to see Jin standing staring at him.
"YAH!" Jungkook jolted, getting startled by Jin's weird ugly stare. "You didn't need to stare at me like that!"
"Oh, sorry. I was just making sure if i'm not seeing things."
Jungkook frowned and pursed his lips. "What do you mean?" Jungkook asked tiredly, rubbing his eyes. "What're you feeling?" Jin asked.
"I don't know, i feel fine." Jungkook now furrowed his eyebrows. Was he not supposed to feel fine?
"Well, your iris turned silver."
"WHAT!" Jungkook widened his eyes. The ebony-haired boy stood up and looked at one of the mirror Jin has.
His eyes widened even more. His eyes were pure silver.
The doors opened revealing a worried Taehyung. "I heard someone scream, what the fuck happened to my baby?!" Taehyung then forgot he has two babies. "Oh, i mean, What happened to my babies?!"
"Taehyungie!" Jungkook ran up to Taehyung throwing Jin's mirror to the ground and his his face on Taehyung's chest.
Taehyung caresses the ebony haired boys' hair. Jungkook hid his face at Taehyung's wide chest. "Hey baby, what's wrong?" Taehyung asked Jungkook and attempted to make him look up.
"Why are your eyes closed?" Taehyung asked, raising an eyebrow. "I-i don't wanna let you see it!"
"See? See what?"
"Taehyung, let's talk." Jin said, a serious expression displayed on his face. Taehyung nodded and told Jungkook that Jin and him were going to talk. Jungkook turned around, still eyes closed, and accidentally bumped on the wall.
Taehyung and Jin walked up in the control room where everyone was. "Guys, we need to talk about something." Jin said, all of them gathered around, excited to know what it is.
"What is it? Is it free food?"
Jin ignored the question and looked at Taehyung. "Do you want to know the good news or bad news?" Jin asked.
Taehyung wanted to know the good news first because he didn't want the negative things to come first. "I-i'll go with good news."
"The good news is. Yes, Jungkook is positively pregnant. He is 2 weeks pregnant with your baby and the baby is very healthy." Jin said smiled. A big smile crept up on Taehyung's face and everyone started cheering. "Holy cow, i'm really a grandpa!"
Jin's smile soon flattered away, replacing it with a sad look and frown. That made Taehyung more worry. "S-so, the bad news is-"
"Wait! I'm sure the b-bad news isn't really that bad right?" Taehyung said, He felt really apprehensive.
Jin stayed silent at that. Everyone started looking at each other and frowned. "What's wrong?" Lav asked, she saw Jin started to tear up.
"T-the bad news is.." Jin looked up at everyone, feeling anxious. Everyone nodded, signalling him he could continue. "J-jungkook might not make it.."
Everyone was silent. Dead silent.
"W-what do y-you mean..?" Taehyung asked, his eyes turning glossy and the nausea feeling are piling up in his stomach. He was sure he misheard Jin.
"J-jungkook.. I-it's so rare for a male human being to get pregnant. You see, he's pure human carrying a Juno's child. Unlike your father Tae, Zaivis, He's a pure Juno so it's completely okay because he can bear a Juno's blood run through his body. B-but Jungkook c-can't.." Jin said, he looked down, tears started to fall.
Everyone was shocked, not really wanting to believe the information they were fed. They all felt opposed.
Taehyung was shaking in fear, tears started to fall intensely. He fell on his knees the anxious feeling a nausea waved through his whole body, his body felt numb.
Lav and Jimin helped Taehyung up, who was shaking tremendously.
"I-is there another way to save Jungkook..?" Namjoon asked. "I-it's whether lose the baby or lose Jungkook."
Everyone had been silent for 30 minutes now. Jin is currently in the medical room, checking up on Jungkook. Taehyung locked himself in his room, not coming out.
"I'm done with your probations. You can go rest now." Jin said, Jungkook thanked Jin and walked towards Taehyung's and his room. He twisted the door knob but it was locked.
Jungkook knocked on it, "Taehyungie, it's me Jungkook!" Jungkook called. Almost 00.1 seconds, the door swung open revealing Taehyung. "Hey, why are your eyes so swollen? And you look so blu- Ah-!" Jungkook didn't even finish his sentence when Taehyung suddenly pulled him in and slammed his lips on Jungkook.
Jungkook was confused at first but then later closed his eyes and reciprocated the kiss. Both males were making out intensely on their bed. Jungkook pulled away first, needing oxygen.
"Hyung, wha-" Jungkook was cut off when Taehyung once again slammed his lips on Jungkook. Jungkook kissed back for abit but not as intense as Taehyung then eventually pulled out, panting.
"Hyung-! Calm down!" Jungkook cupped Taehyung's cheeks. Calming him down. Taehyung stopped moving and just stared at Jungkook. "Y-your eyes.." Taehyung breathed out.
Jungkook's eyes were light silver.
"Uh- yeah. Weird right?" Jungkook said. "A-aren't you feeling anything? Are you hurt? Just tell me." Taehyung said, desperately gripping on Jungkook's shirt. "N-no hyung, i'm feeling completely fine," Jungkook started to worry what was going on. Taehyung has never acted like this.
"20 minutes left before we reach your final destination." A robot's voice was heard through out the spaceship. "I think we should join the others." Jungkook said, Taehyung nodded, Jungkook was about to stand up when Taehyung suddenly stopped him. "Let me carry you."
Jungkook snorts, "What? I'm not a baby!"
Taehyung ignored what Jungkook said and carried him bridal style. Jungkook started to squirm under Taehyung's hold.
The others were all gathered up in the control room. Namjoon was about to discuss what the plan is. They had to come up of their own plan because airheaded Namjoon left it in his fucking office.
"So, i need suggestions." Namjoon said. "Oh! We can manipulate the other alien species so they'll dispel away!" Lav said, Namjoon looked at her. "That's not really a good idea... If we manipulate other alien species. They might cut ties with Scora VZ2. Or even worse, they might come for humans for revenge, it might start a universe war." Everyone nodded, agreeing Namjoon's point.
"We can give them Taehyung's cum, in return they stay away from us." Yoongi said. Namjoon looked at him in disbelief.
"We can share them our global signal, in return for them to dispel i guess." Jin said. "Then we'll lose half of our signal in Scora VZ2. That might make half the world go crazy and if some important parts doesn't have signal. That'll be the end of us."
Everyone sighs. They didn't know what to do now because their ideas were not compatible.
Jungkook raised his hand, Namjoon looked at him and smiled. "Of course, you're the idea guy right? Go on, tell us."
"How about we accept missions for them in return they'll dispel? We'll make a contract for them to sign!"
Everyone stayed silent. Namjoon then smiled widely, "Great idea! That'll make it more easier and we could also get advantages for that!"
Everyone smiled and cheered for Jungkook. Jungkook shyly giggled. "You're so smart my baby." Taehyung said and started to pamper Jungkook with kisses and please don't touch author because i'm FUCKING SOFT.
"Alright. Then it's settled. But, the we only have two explorers which is Jungkook and Taehyung.." Namjoon said. "We need one volunteer to switch with Jungkook."
"Wait! I can do it!" Jungkook said, raising his hand up. Hoseok turned to him. "But your health is still not that good. You need to rest."
Jungkook smirks and stood up. "I'm not weak. I can do it, i'm manly. See?" Jungkook flexed his now non existent muscles.
"Ugly muscle pig." Yeontan said. Jungkook pouted at Yeontan and everyone started laughing.
"I think we should let Jungkook. He's not sick. He's pregnant." Jin said.
"Yeah, no."
"You just volunteered so there's no turning back now babe." Taehyung said as he fixed Jungkook's suit up. Jungkook had a huge ass cute pout on his face. "But, what if King Bang pd nim makes me breed even more!"
Taehyung snorts, "Babe, it's King Bang."
"And no. I'm sure he won't and i'm here." Taehyung said fondly and placed a soft kiss on Jungkook forehead. But before he could, Jungkook looked up making Taehyung kiss his soft lips.
"Woah, you're fast." Taehyung let out surprised, Jungkook just giggled and slapped Taehyung's ass before he walked to the control room, leaving a shocked Taehyung.
"Alrighty, so you guys ready?" Jimin asked through the speaker. "Yeah," Taehyung answered. Jimin scurried off to a little pod, hovering above the parked spaceship, they saw Jimin smile and wave at them as they walked on a metal walkway.
"God, this gives me deja vu." Jungkook said. Taehyung chuckles and interwined his hands with Jungkook. "Yeah, but the only difference it has is that my love for you has strengthen and increased." Taehyung looked at Jungkook so lovingly.
Jungkook blushed at this, he slapped Taehyung's shoulder. "You're so fucking corny and it's weird!" Jungkook laughs.
"Ya'll know i can hear you. Stop the ugly romantic yada-yada and focus!" Jimin scolds them bitterly.
They found the passerbys they saw before, who were still flying in the air. Jungkook still seems to remember where the palace was. They both looked up and saw the palace. It was fucking titled on the air. It looked like the leaning tower of pisa but floating.
"I knew this place wasn't stable." Jungkook said. They both pressed down the ground and clicked a button on their sleeve and they were flying into the air. This time, they both had balance and Jungkook was flying around like a fairy while Taehyung scolded him not to because they might get separated.
And, well. They both got separated.
"YAH! Jungkook! Go back to Taehyung!"
"I don't know where i am!" Jungkook squealed when Taehyung suddenly reached up behind him and held Jungkook's small waist.
"Come on baby, let's go to the palace before Jimin rages." They heard Jimin raging through the speakers of their suits and both just laughed it off making Jimin even more pissed off.
They floated their way up to the palace and reached up and went through the familiar gates. The bee like guards stopped them from entering.
"Hey.. It's me! The one who you wanted to impregnant..? Heheh." Jungkook said awkwardly. Taehyung face palmed himself. "Jungkook's still dumb." They heard Jimin say through the speaker. "Hey!"
Jimin spoke in some kind of alien language and the bee guards looked surprised and looked at each other. The bee's nodded and opened the gates for them to enter.
"Jimin what did you say?"
"I told them you agreed to be impregnanted."
"I'm kidding! Just- do it."
They entered the palace only to see the throne empty. No one was sitting on it. Jungkook and Taehyung looked at each other, confused. When suddenly some kind of blue tentacle grabbed the both of them.
Jungkook started screaming while Taehyung tried to squirm his way out of the disgusting slimy tentacles.
Jungkook was handcuffed while Taehyung was held by the tenticle.
The King appeared infront of the both of them. He was.. Chubby.
"So you've come." King Bang spoke. Taehyung shoots deadly glares at the King while Jungkook squirmed around screaming.
"Baby! Are you alright?" Taehyung yelled trying to look at Jungkook. "I'm okay!" Jungkook yelled back.
"Aww, that should be cut out." King Bang said. "Cut out what?"
"No Taekook moments-"
"Shut the fuck up! What do you want?!" Jungkook screamed at the King. King Bang looked at him. "To get my sweet revenge. My brother was too stupid to be manipulated by you. So, i've come up with a better plan. And, i found out that Juno's or Jupiterians have much better breeding process. So, i'm going to take him and you human will tortured for my sweet revenge." The King said and he started laughing exotically.
"Did you really fuckin' think we'd let you? I think the fuck not!" Lav and Yeontan came in the doors and started shooting lasers at the King. The bees started to run away and King Bang accidentally let go of Taehyung, Taehyung landed on the floor swiftly and ran up to Jungkook to uncuff him.
"Stop! Alright, alright! I won't breed them! Just don't destroy my palace!" King Bang said, holding up a dead bee on his face to protect himself.
Lav smirks and layed down the laser gun, "And why should we?"
"I'll do anything!"
"Cool! You got him to give us stuff!" Hoseok said. "I still don't trust any of that shit." Namjoon said, recalling the last time they received the vodka from King Bang.
"And, I made him sign the contract." Lav said. All of them cheered while Yeontan looked grumpy. He was sitting on his baby chair like a human being with his legs crossed and his arms crossed.
Jungkook notices and went up to Yeontan. "What's wrong lil buddy?"
"Shut the fuck up whore," Yeontan growled.
Jin looked at all of them and saw Taehyung alone, sitting in one of the chairs in the control room. Jin went up to Taehyung and took a seat beside him. "Still thinking about it?" Jin said.
Taehyung stayed silent at first and then sighs heavily. "I just.. Don't want to lose him. I love him so fucking much."
Jin's lips formed into a thin line. The sympathy feeling waved through Jin. "You should talk to him." Jin patted Taehyung's shoulders before turning back around.
Jungkook was staring at them. Looking suspicious.
sorry for being too angsty lmao
but i promise it won't last long!
Was it okay? Was it boring? Let me know!