"I honestly don't understand why don't they know how to say fucking 'thank you.' Like, Bitch i opened the door for you." Jimin said. Rolling his eyes.
Namjoon 'tsked.' "Why worry about it? She probably didn't see you that's why she didn't say thank you."
"She prolly thought the doors open itself."
"Why are ya'll being assholes?" Jimin scoffed and drank his tea. "The fuck? Why does this taste like bug spray?"
"Oh, i peed on it." Yeontan said, smiling at Jimin with his tongue sticking out.
"Cause the force is strong with this motherfucker."
Jimin barked at Yeontan and Yeontan looked at him weirdly, "Did this mother fucker just bark at me?"
"Guys be quiet!" They heard Jin scream from the medical room.
They all boarded their spaceship. Thanks to Alexander's boyfriend he helped them fix the spaceship.
"Hey Yeontan!" Jungkook called. Yeontan turned around to face Jungkook. "What do you want whore?"
"I have a surprise for you!"
"I don't want anything coming from your dirty ass hands."
Jungkook tried his best to calm down and not throw Yeontan out.
"So like, i have five fingers right?" Jungkook said, "Bullshit." Yeontan said. Jungkook just snickered. "And the middle one is for you!"
Everyone started cracking up laughing at Jungkook and Yeontan. "Oh hell nah!"
They all started laughing and giggling, enjoying each other's company.
"You're what?!" Jin almost practically screamed. "Jin! Be quiet someone might hear you!" Taehyung shushed Jin.
"Are you sure about your decision? Like, really..?" Jin said. Making sure.
"I-i... agree on aborting the baby."
✧ ✬ ✧ ✬ ✧ ✬
"Jungkook we need to talk." Taehyung said. Jungkook looked so happy, laughing around with the others. Taehyung's heart ached at the thought of what he was going to do.
Jungkook turned his head towards Taehyung and nodded. He turned back to the others. "I'll talk to ya'll later," He smiled before walking right up to Taehyung.
"What? Are you hard again?" Jungkook grins at Taehyung. "W-what? No."
Jungkook shrugs and opened the door to their room.
"So, what do you want to tell me?" Jungkook sat on the headboard of their bed, smiling at Taehyung. Taehyung sat down infront of Jungkook and sighs. He had to tell Jungkook.
"It's about the baby." Taehyung said. Biting his lip, feeling anxious. "I think we should-"
"Oh! Actually i forgot to tell you!" Jungkook cut him off. He held Taehyung's hand, Taehyung noticed Jungkook's eyes shined and are full of galaxies. Feeling really happy.
"I thought of names for our baby! I also wondered what it would look like! Well, my hair is naturally brown colored and yours is silver!" Jungkook enthusiastically said.
"Baby, but-"
"I thought if it's a girl, we could name her Eun Areum! Well, Eun means silver and Areum means beauty because i already know that she will look like you! A-and, for the boy, I like the name Jungso! Don't you think?" Jungkook said, he looked really happy and excited. It made Taehyung's heart shatter.
Taehyung, tell him.
Taehyung stared at Jungkook and stayed silent.
Jungkook smiled and leaned onto Taehyung. "I'm so happy. I'm so happy about starting a family with you and only you." Jungkook then leaned up and placed a soft kiss on Taehyung's lips. Taehyung kissed back, he felt so much regret and pain. He felt so abashed.
A small tear escaped Taehyung's eyes.
Jungkook felt the liquid substance flow on his cheeks and pulled away from Taehyung. He looked at Taehyung and realized Taehyung was crying.
"T-tae..? What's wrong? Are you alright? Why are you crying?" Jungkook said. He felt worried.
Tell him.
Tell him.
Tell him.
Tell him.
Tell him.
"I'm just really happy."
✧ ✬ ✧ ✬ ✧ ✬
"I honestly regret agreeing to be friends with ya'll." Namjoon said. Everyone let out a fake ass gasp.
Jimin touched his chest dramatically. "Oh my god! Namjoon hates us!" Jimin said as if it was the worst thing he heard.
Lav started to fake cry and Yoongi glared at Namjoon.
"How is it my fault that ya'll are a bunch of crack-" Namjoon was cut off when an alert sound filled the whole place.
Everyone felt anxious, thinking what could it be.
Namjoon ran up to one of chairs in the main control room.
"What is happening?" Taehyung came in the control room along with Jungkook with confused looks on her faces.
"We're gonna die!!!!"
"King Bang's here!!"
"He's gonna breed us all!!"
"I'm too gay to die!!!"
"He's gonna eat our asses!!"
"Fuck this! I'm gonna jump off!"
"You can't jump off! Your head's gonna explode!!!"
"SHUT UP!" Namjoon screamed and everyone paused, their mouths wide open.
"We are not gonna die you dimwits!" Namjoon frustratedly said.
Namjoon ignored whoever said that. "We are not dying. King Bang is not here. No one is going to fucking breed us and- Why the fuck are you too gay to die?"
"Wha- did you just say 'idk' out loud?" Namjoon turned his head towards Hoseok. "Idk?"
"W- y'know what, whatever." Namjoon rolled his eyes. He seriously can't handle their stupidness anymore.
"The spaceship alerted because someone from outside the spaceship is trying to call us." Namjoon said. "I knew it. It is King Bang- He's calling us an he probably will say 'sup motherfuckers. Time to make babies.'"
"Omg Jungkook shut up!!!" Namjoon screamed frustratedly and gripped on his hair. He's gonna go crazy.
Namjoon sighs and just went up to the captains chair. He clicked a button on one of the buttons on the control pad. He started typing some stuff on there.
Everyone gathered around Namjoon. Watching him do his thing.
"Yo, i can't fucking see. Lift me up." Yeontan said. Jungkook looked at Yeontan and grins. "Wipe that stupid ass smile outta 'yo face, whore."
"Yeontan, stop calling him a whore." Taehyung said. He turned his head towards Yeontan.
"Alright. I'll answer the call. And PLEASE Don't say anything stupid nor dumb- i mean- just don't talk." Namjoon said and everyone nodded.
Namjoon pressed on a button and call screen appeared on the glass of the main spaceship.
"H-hello?" They heard a woman's voice squeak.
"Hello. This is Kim Namjoon. Captain of the spaceship. May i ask why you made a call?" Namjoon said through the speaker.
"I-i need you help- t-there are unfamiliar things following me! And your spaceship was the closest thing i saw! Please- help." The woman said desperately, her voice was croaked because of crying.
"Calm down. I'll hold you on the phone for 2 minutes. Just- breathe." Namjoon said. Attempting to calm her down. And with that, he muted it and turned around.
"I want to help her, but how can we trust her?" Namjoon said. "Don't. Just- give her something that'll drive away those things following her. We can't risk someone coming in here that we don't know." Jin said crossing his arms.
"Lav? Are you alright?" Jimin asked Lav who was frozen on her spot.
"N-namjoon. Can i please talk to her?" Lav asked. Namjoon looked confused at first but nodded and pressed a button to disable mute.
"H-hello? Is there a-anyone there?" The woman said.
"......Bitch?" Lav asked.
The other line paused for a sec.
"Lav, what the fuck?" Namjoon said with his eyes wide. "Lav, apologize-"
Everyone stayed silent.
"Oh my gosh! It is you! Violet!!!" Lav said excitedly jumping around.
"Lav? Is that really you?? Omg! Bitch i missed you so much!!!"
Lav turned around to the others, smiling widely. "Guys! She's my sister!!!" Lav exclaimed. The boys stood there in shock.
✧ ✬ ✧ ✬ ✧ ✬
"Thank you.." Violet said as Namjoon gave her a blanket. Lav held her hand, really happy seeing her. "Lav, why didn't you come back to us? Mom and dad were worried."
Lav let her hand go and frowned. "I just.. don't like it there anymore. When i stayed in Scora. It felt like a dream. I was free to do everything. No one will judge me nor lecture me."
Violet just stared at her and then smiled. "Same."
Lav looked at her confusingly. "Same? What do you mean?
"I ran away. After we found out you'd never come back. They decided i should be the one who'll hold the responsibility of the whole kingdom. At first, i was really excited cause i mean, who wouldn't? Then, i realized. It was so difficult. I just couldn't take it anymore and.. left." Violet said. Lav had a look of sympathy on her face.
"Don't worry. You're safe with us. You will love those guys. They're smart as fuck!" Lav said enthusiastically. "Oh really?" Violet smiled.
Lav nodded and turned her head towards the others.
Hoseok threw a mac n cheese at Taehyung, making it land on Taehyung's black shirt. "I SAID I DON'T WANT MAC N CHEESE! I DIDN'T SAY I HATE IT!!!!"
Hoseok's smirk faded away. "You.. don't hate mac n cheese..?"
"Fuck you man!" Taehyung stomped his foot and made his way to his and Jungkook's room leaving a trail of mac n cheese behind him.
Jin wiped the sweat off his forehead and placed down the broom. "Finally i'm done-"
Jin cut himself off when he saw a mac n cheese trail.
"My shoe is original." Jimin showed off his sketcher shoes. "Tss. Why show off?" Jungkook scoffs. "Mine is too." Jungkook said and kicked the wall and it made his shoe light up. "Mine doesn't light up.."
"Too bad." Jungkook laughs and went over to Yeontan who called him donkey.
Jimin kicked the wall and his shoe broke and he screamed.
"Nevermind." Lav said. Violet laughed at what was going on. "Are they clowns?"
"What- No!" Lav said. Lav and Violet continued giggling.
"I just fuckin' turned around for FIVE GODDAMN MINUTES AND THE PLACE IS ALREADY A DISASTER!" Namjoon screamed and pulled his hair, almost ripping them all off.
"I can help clean up!" Violet stood up, volunteering. "No, it's fine. You just got here-" Namjoon was cut off when she cleaned the whole room in just seconds.
"What-" Water came out of Namjoon's mouth, he choked.
She was then drinking tea peacefully. "She.. likes cleaning and she's fast." Lav said.
She smiled and drinked her tea. "Where have you been all my life?" Namjoon said.
"Sorry, i'm in a relationship." Violet said, looking around. "Oh?"
"She's inlove with with herself." Lav nonchalantly said.
"It's not my fault i can't keep up with relationships! All guys are too gay or too handsome or too intelligent." Violet sipped on her tea with her brows furrowed.
"That's.. repugnant."
"Yo, have you seen my sex toys? I think i left it at the bathroom." Yeontan said looking around. "Yeontan- you don't say that in public you imbecile."
"Woah, woah, did you just call me an imbecile?" Yeontan backed away from Namjoon and glared at him. "Shut your unwise, unintelligent mouth up if you don't have anything to say you absurd brainless man."
Namjoon backed away, feeling offended.
"I think i'm inlove."
Lav and Namjoon looked at Violet weirdly. Thinking whether she's kidding or she's on drugs.
✧ ✬ ✧ ✬ ✧ ✬
"Why didn't you tell him?" Jin asked Taehyung while cleaning up the medical room.
"I just.. couldn't. I promise, i'll tell him soon. I just need to find the right timing." Taehyung said. He bit his lips. Feeling so ashamed of himself.
"You should before it's too late. If you don't tell, i will." Jin warned. Taehyung sighs and covered his face with his hands. This just gets so frustrating.
✧ ✬ ✧ ✬ ✧ ✬