30 years ago, during the year of the Magic Movement, the lands of Gutherax went through a grave change. Swordmasters could no longer protect their people against the real and growing threat, magic. So Spellcasters took over kingship across the lands.
The Magic Counsel, a group of spell masters who dedicated their lives to the study of the Magic, Gained the undesired responsibility of protecting the people against rogue spellcasters. They were the only ones with the power to hold spellcasters accountable for misuse of magic. The use of magic as a weapon is forbidden unless you are defending yourself or others from another's magic. Unfortunately, Rouge spellcasters believe they are above the gods' will, or just don’t care. The magic council issued new legislation outlining new laws about the use of magic in Gutherax. This new legislation worked well briefly, but there are more rogue magic organizations than they can cover, and the rogues know it.
About 15 years ago, the magic counsel started to show signs of corruption. What's worse is that the up and coming generation of casters have raised the bar of high potential. Most cant even make sense of how people as young as 17 are borderline mastering magic. The pure magic capacities are higher than to believed possible. Some of us who have practiced magic for our entire lives won't stand a chance against this new wave of super spellcasters. This is why rogue organizations have begun to target and kidnap some of these high potential children. To raise and train them to be great weapons of destruction.
The newly empowered king of Pheznia created a new organization called Pheznia Allied Spell Foundation (PASF). This Organization lead by General S is responsible for protecting the lands of Gutherax against rouge casters. Along with the responsibility of keeping the high potential kids safe. Unfortunately, there aren't enough skilled casters in PASF to satisfy all of these obligations.
The New king gave PASF first selection of recruits each annual draft to help offset the unrealistic expectations. Those in the next wave with next-level abilities are already looking for careers as spellcasters. It makes sense to have the overseers of the lands have the best pool of recruits; hopefully, this wave turns out better than the last wave.
Chapter 1: Old and New Bond’s
May 20th, 30AMM
It Is a couple hours before sundown. A male PASF soldier and five seventeen-year-old boys are setting up a camp in a forest in Pheznia. Two pack-mules are accompanying them. The PASF soldier and two of the boys are setting up a tent. Two other boys are using their swords to dig a hole beside the tent while the other is collecting firewood.
The soldier appears to be in his mid-thirties. He has short brown hair, a stubble beard and is the only one wearing a PASF uniform. The PASF uniform is dark blue to the point that it seems black in poor lighting. A white symbol of a single flame is stained in the chest. White writing spells out 'P.A.S.F' on each shoulder. Under the white writing shows the symbol of the soldier's rank.
"Captain, HPS," said the most built and second tallest of the boys, to the soldier. The boy has a tattoo of an explosion on the back of both of his hands. His skin is tanned, and his light brown wavy hair is four inches long. "Why didn’t we use horses? We would already be at Greatfold by now."
"Well, Destroyer, General S, and I agreed that it would be better to go on foot. Give you guys some time to get to know each other, and It gives me some time to maybe teach you guys a thing or two along the way," said HPS.
"What?" said the other boy helping with the tent. This boy is the youngest looking and skinniest of them. He has short light blonde hair and is pale-skinned. "We could have gotten to know each other when we got to Greatfold, and then you could have taught us stuff there."
"I'm with Andrew," said Destroyer. "We have been walking around Pheznia for how long now? You picked me and Agent up early February. Almost four months now for us. Andrew and JJ were picked up a month after me and Agent so, its been a while for them too. Breaker, is lucky to be the last one to get picked up, its been not even two months for him. It wouldn’t be a big deal if we were on horseback."
"Are you saying we should have found someone closer?"
"I mean, he did get lost collecting firewood a week ago," laughed Andrew.
"Hey, I thought we agreed to forget about that,” called out one of the boys who was digging. He is average height with an above-average build. His short brown hair is no longer than a quarter inch. His pale pigment is hidden by a slight red from a developing sunburn. The sword he carries is the only unique one in the group. The blade and handle are darker in colour as they are made from refined black steel.
"Breaker, you are the only one capable of forgetting about it," laughed Destroyer.
"And don’t you forget it!" said Breaker with confidence.
"Breaker, that isn't a good thing," said a boy carrying a stack of firewood. This boy is the shortest of the boys. He has black stubble hair and has the darkest complexion in the group.
"Fuck you, Agent," said Breaker. "hurry up on that wood, you're slow."
"Fuck you too, At least I didn’t get fucking lost!" yelled Agent aggressively. "there was wood all around the camp, where did you go for wood? North pole?"
"I'm getting really sick of you thinking you're so much better than me," said Breaker. "spar with me, prove that you are."
The other boy digging with Breaker says, "Guys, seriously. You fight over fucking everything, and it's annoying."
"JJ, your supposed to be on my side," said Breaker.
"I'm not taking anyone's side. Both of you are annoying me," said JJ.
"He is on your side like he always is!" said Agent, "all of you always take that fucking morons side. Never mine!"
"Alright enough!" ordered HPS. "You two need to figure your shit out. You’ve been at each other's throat since you met. You're on the same team, now fucking act like it."
"I'm tired of Breaker's bullshit. He's so fucking cocky, he is a moron and brings nothing to the team. Why did we go all the way to Northern Gutherax just to pick him up? He is the only one who hasn’t talked about his magic, does he even have any? Or is that what the fancy sword is compensating?"
Breaker chuckles, "I probably have the highest magic level here, and swordsmen aren't dead yet. Magic can’t be used for war."
"Bull shit. And give it twenty years and Sword Masters will be extinct. Yes, the Magic Counsel revoked the right to use magic for anyone other than them, unless defending yourself or others against magic. But the last five years have shown us that fewer people care. The Magic Counsel can’t cover all of the lands anymore. There are too many rogue spellcasters."
"I'm not bull shitting you, I could kick your ass with magic or swords."
"Prove it then, spar me, may the strongest man win."
Breaker steps away from JJ and waits for Agent to approach him, "Andrew, you and Agent verse me."
"You can't take two of us on Breaker. Your stupid, but not that stupid," said Agent.
"I mean, Your second statement is true. Andrew, you and Agent. Let's go." Andrew looks to HPS.
"If Breaker says he can take you both on, let him try," said HPS.
Andrew stands beside Agent. "I'm not proving anything if I have help, I got this Andrew."
"Your call," Andrew sheaths his sword and stands with everyone else.
"This is just a spar guy’s, if it gets out of hand, I'm ending it," said HPS.
"Is this really a good idea?" JJ asked HPS.
"Blowing off some steam will be good for them, as long as It doesn’t get out of hand."
Agent charges at Breaker, who stands his ground. Agent one swing after the other slashes at Breaker, who parries each swing without much struggle.
Breaker thinks to himself, 'Damn. For a little guy, he swings pretty hard.'
Minutes pass, and Breaker is still yet to attack. He only has been dodging and blocking, "Fight me!" yelled Agent. "be a man."
"What do you think I've been doing this whole time?"
"Turtling, you haven't swung once."
"I'm getting a feel for your fighting, got a problem?"
"Fight me!" Agent gets noticeably angrier and starts swinging again.
"Captain, you should stop this, if Agent lands one of those swings, Breaker could die," said JJ.
"Breaker won't get hit, not if its just Agent he's dealing with."
"How can you be sure?"
"I've read all of your draft reports. Breaker wasn’t bluffing about fighting Agent and Andrew at once. He could beat any of us one on one, including me."
"Even you?"
Agent continues to hack at Breaker repeatedly but seems to be slowing down a bit. Meanwhile, Andrew picks up one of the larger pieces of wood Agent brought. Destroyer sees it, and picks one up too. "let's make this interesting," said Andrew readying to throw the log.
Destroyer and Andrew throw the logs, one heads for Breaker and the other for Agent. Breaker notices and rolls out of the way of both a swing and the wood, and then slashes away the log aimed at Agent. Everyone stands amazed.
Agent thinks to himself, 'I didn’t see the logs, it would have hit me if Breaker didn’t block it. He's this good, yet he won't just end this fight.'
Breaker turns around and fake swings at Agent, who tries to block. Breaker quickly switches the swing direction, and Agent manages to still block it. Suddenly the dynamic of the battle changes as Breaker barrages Agent with quick finessed strikes. Barely keeping up, Agent manages to block a handful of swings before Breaker kicks out his leg. Agent falls to the ground, and Breaker kicks the sword away.
With his hand stretched out, Breaker says, "You did much better than I expected. That swing of yours has some heat, damn."
Agent, shocked at the sight, lets Breaker help him to his feet, "I'm surprised your not rubbing it in my face or being an ass about it."
“Both of them proved something to the other, do you see why I didn’t stop it?” HPS asked JJ.
"Holy shit," said JJ pinching himself. "did Breaker just complement Agent for the first time? is this even real?"
"First and last time," Breaker winks at Agent.
"Alright, its almost sundown," said HPS. "JJ, Agent and Destroyer collect firewood, Andrew and Breaker, help me finish setting up the tent."
"Poop, I wanted to collect wood too," said Breaker.
"Based on what happened last time, that’s a bad idea," said HPS.
"Fair enough," said Breaker exaggerating a pouting face.
Andrew snickers and says, "if you want some wood, here you go," as he grabs his balls.
"Dude, you say weird shit sometimes," Breaker shaking his head.
"You guys helping or what?" HPS hinting for help.
May 20th, 30AMM
It is nighttime, and HPS and the boys are surrounding a campfire talking. "There is something I meant to mention earlier," said HPS. "Once we get to Greatfold, I have to head back to base. I will not be overseeing your training as some of you thought. I never meant to give that impression, my mission was to collect you guys, teach you some important skills, and get you to Greatfold safely. I am needed else where which is why someone else will be getting you ready for PASF recruitment."
"Wait," said Breaker. "I thought we were recruited."
Agent lets out a deep sigh, "moron, no. We are Pre-recruits."
"I've never heard of a Pre-recruit before," said Breaker.
"Didn’t you read the fucking letter they sent you?"
"I skimmed some of it."
"Why doesn’t that surprise me?"
"Are you gunna' explain what the fuck a pre-recruit is or not?"
"Shut up and listen. Last year PASF started a new pre-enlistment program. This program is designed for high potential casters who are too young or just not quite ready to join PASF. It allows them to train and prepare specifically for PASF.
"You saying I ain’t ready to whoop ass?"
"No, the higher-up’s of PASF are. We are one of a hand full of squads that were drafted as pre-recruits."
"So, why didn’t they just wait until next year or what ever, rather than go through the trouble."
HPS jumps in and says, "because your potentials are extremely valuable. If we don’t put you in a system and protect you while you train, some other group or maybe even the spell counsel will find and corrupt you. That’s why all Pre-recruits are stationed in Greatfold. It's easier for us to watch and protect you when you're all in one place. Not to mention the last few drafts, we drafted some young high potential kids like yourselves, and none of them made it. Between getting kidnapped or just taking on Spell Masters before they are ready. PASF is spread extremely thin these days."
"I thought giving PASF priority in the January draft was supposed to fix that," said JJ.
"To give you perspective. Only fifteen percent of the people drafted in 29 AMM are still alive. Not even two years, and almost the whole draft class is gone."
"Talk about Debby Downer," said Breaker.
"I'm telling you this so you understand the importance of your growth. You need to understand that we are losing this war, and you guys are our last hope. Me and the remaining PASF soldiers will do everything we can to hold off the evil while you guys get ready to join us. It's also important to not rush it, we've made that mistake enough times. It'll probably be a year or two at least before your officially a PASF squad."
"No pressure or nothing, right?" said Breaker sarcastically.
"Are we going to be famous?" asked Destroyer.
"Oh yeah we are," said JJ. "We are going to be the best damn squad PASF ever drafted."
"Fuck yeah!" cheered Andrew.
HPS thinks to himself, 'You guys were one of the last people drafted. Projected to not get selected at all, but me and General S. saw what the other organizations didn’t. Once they mature and learn to work as a team. The balance of power will shift, and peace in Pheznia, maybe even across all regions of Gutherax, may be possible. They laughed at us when we selected you guys, make them regret it.'
"I can see it now, JJ and his squad end the Great war," said JJ.
"This is gonna’ sound crazy, but trust," said Breaker. "I have never read a full book front to back in my life- Agent interrupts by saying, "that doesn’t sound crazy, I believe it."
"I'll fuck you up."
"Breaker, finish what you were going to say before you forget!" urged Agent.
"Oh, ya. But anyways, I did read most of this one book, and I shit you not it had that exact line in it."
"What book?" asked Agent.
"I forget the name, The Something Dogs or something like that,"
"haven't read it, but now I gotta'," said JJ. "let me know when you remember the name."
"Breaker, I'm having a hard time believing you read even most of a book," said Agent.
"Most, as in more than my usual," said Breaker.
"Most of none, is still none."
"If it wasn’t for the fact that you weren't wrong, I'd slap the shit out of you."
"I'm gonna' slap the shit out of both of you if you fucking start again," said JJ.
HPS stands up and says, “put the fire out. Let's get some sleep.”
"I thought the point of digging the hole was so the fire cant be seen easily from a distance," said Destroyer.
"That was the point, but the wind is blowing towards the tent now. I wonder how easy it is to see a tent on fire."
JJ kicks some dirt on the fire to put it out, and everyone goes to bed.
May 21st, 30AMM
HPS and the boys already packed up camp and are on their way to Greatfold.
"So HPS," said Breaker. "What does your name stand for. I assume your name isn't actually HPS."
"Three of you, including yourself don't use your real names. Why is mine suddenly of interest?" asked HPS.
"Is it your initials?" asked Breaker.
"No, it's from a nickname I used to have," said HPS. "Where does a name like Breaker come from?"
"'Cuz I'm the breaker of all things, now bow or meet your demise," joked Breaker. "On a forserious note, I got tired of people associating me with my Dad. My family is well known, at least in the North. And I refuse to live in his shadow. So I don't use my family name, or even my first name. I go by Breaker, because I was young and thought it sounded cool."
"Who is your Dad?" asked JJ.
"If I tell you guys, you'll just be like everyone else," said Breaker. "I'll tell you guys when you know me well."
"Is your Dad a monster or something?" asked Destroyer.
Breaker laughs, "no it's not like that. What about your name Destroyer? What’s the story behind that?”
“It sounds like a sex nickname,” giggled Andrew.
Everyone just ignores Andrew’s comment and Destroyer says in his loud voice, “I had a lot of trouble controlling my power growing up. It seemed like everything I touched I destroyed. One time I saw this girl I had a crush on getting picked on. Some older kids took her family necklace and were throwing it around to eachother. I caught it and next thing I know, my hands explode and turned the only thing she had left of her mother, to dust. I’ll never forget the look in her face. I tried to apologize but she ran away screaming, ‘stay away from me Destroyer.’ After that everyone called me Destroyer.”
“That’s why you’re here isnt it?” asked Breaker. “You have something to prove.”
“I cant return to my clan as Destroyer of happiness. I need to learn how to fully control my powers and get strong enough to protect people. I dream every night about returning home as the Destroyer of evil.”
“Some day that dream will become reality,” said HPS. “all of you will end many great evils.”
Breaker says, “here’s how it’s going to be. You’ll destroy evil, and I’ll break it.”
“I like that plan,” Destroyer says.
“So Agent,” said Breaker. “where did your name come – fuck it I don’t care.”
“Destroyer,” said Agent. “Breaker might be the evil you have to Destroy. Please let me help when that day comes.”
“I’d love to see you try,” Breaker winks at Agent.
HPS draws his sword and looks worried.
"What's wrong Captain?" asked JJ.
"We're not alone," said HPS. "Prepare to fight, work together."
Three men dressed in dark green bodysuits with black hoods walk out from behind a bush. The middle man is the only one not using the hood. He looks about 27 years old, tall and handsome with slicked-back dark hair. There is a gold wolf's paw print on his chest, which is white on the other two men. Other than some scraggly beards, not much can be seen under the other men's hoods'.
"I believe you have something I want," said the middle man.
"You must be Lance, leader of the Lost Dogs," said HPS.
"I'm glad my presence is well known. Then I'm sure you know better than to make me ask a second time," replied Lance.
"What is it you want?" asked HPS.
"Them," he said, pointing at the boys.
HPS readys his stance and says, "sorry, I can't let you have that."
"You don't have much of a choice," said Lance. "Earth spell, arrow tsunami!"
Countless rock spikes shaped like arrows shoot out of the ground behind Lance.
"Earth wall!" said HPS pulling a rock wall out of the ground to block the arrows.
"Sixteen, now!" ordered Lance.
"Earth spell, Earth Cage," said Sixteen.
Out from underneath HPS and each of the boys shoot out Earth Cages. HPS, JJ, and Breaker manage to evade the cages just in time. Agent, Andrew, and Destroyer are trapped in the earth cages.
"Three of them didn’t get caught," said Sixteen.
"Sixteen, start the spell. Twenty defend him," ordered Lance.
Sixteen sits cross-legged on the ground and starts a series of magic hand signs. HPS makes a couple of magic hand signs but is interrupted by Lance smashing through the earth wall and grappling him. HPS breaks out immediately and rolls towards JJ and Breaker. Lance retreats to Sixteen and Twenty. Neither side makes a move for a few moments.
"Guys," said HPS. "I recognize those hand signs, it’s a forbidden transportation spell. If we don’t break the earth cage spell within five to ten minutes, the others will be gone."
"Over my dead body!" yelled Destroyer from inside the cage, followed by a muffled explosion.
"Destroyer!" yelled JJ.
"Don't worry, he will be fine," assured HPS. "Being a son of the Demolyn Clan makes him more resistant to their own abilities. But you can probably count him out of this fight indefinitely."
Agent thinks to himself, 'I swear Breaker is rubbing off on them. That was straight-up stupid.'
"Let's not wait that long," said JJ making three hand signs and holds his palms out. "Water spell, Water Bolt!" JJ shoots a water bolt out of his hand towards Sixteen. Twenty casts an earth wall to block it.
"We have to be more coordinated than that to beat these guys, Lance is a powerful Spell master," said HPS.
HPS thinks to himself, 'It’s a shock they aren't being aggressive anymore. It's also weird that Lance only brought two earth spell casters. Both of which seem to be support casters. From what I've heard about Lance, he is a serious threat. If I can lure him away from the fight, I believe JJ and Breaker can take the other two without me.'
"Here's the plan," said HPS. "You guys do whatever you can to stop the two, I'll lead Lance away."
"They have great potential, but they aren't ready to handle my Lost Dog apprentices," said Lance. "But hey, you’re the boss. Why don’t we give the kids more room the play."
The ground under Lance's feet moves with speed to the side like an earth surfboard, "keep up if you can."
HPS thinks to himself, 'this feels like a trap, but I don’t think we have a choice. Even if it is a trap, our best chance to break the spell before its too late is to remove the biggest threat.'
The ground under HPS springs out of the ground and launches him towards Lance, who picks up speed.
"Remember Breaker, we have to work as a team here," said JJ.
Breaker widens his stance and says, "lightning spell, Lightning spear." a spear made of lightning appears in Breaker's hand, and he prepares to throw it, "I'll take the standing dude."
"We need to both go for the sitting one," argued JJ. "if we take him out, then the cage spell will break, and we will have the numbers advantage. Also, make sure you're doing hand signs when you can. We can't afford to waste magic like that."
"I don’t really get how that whole thing works, to be honest, and I don’t know the hand signs to this."
"Fucking useless!" yells Agent from in the cage.
"Bro, can we just let them keep Agent?" asked Breaker.
JJ puts his hands on the ground and says, "Not the fucking time Breaker, we wasted enough time." JJ quickly makes eight magic hand signs, and a bunch of water seeps out from out of the ground and builds up around him.
"Underground spring," said Sixteen. "don’t let them hit me."
"I promise you, brother, they won't touch you," said Twenty.
"Water spell, tsunami!" said JJ as he sends half of the water he collected towards Sixteen. Breaker throws the lightning spear towards Sixteen.
Twenty uses an earth wall to block both attacks.
"fuck!" said JJ. "He's strong." JJ pulls back all of the water back to him.
"Breaker, again," said JJ sending another water tsunami, but this time with all of the water. The wave is wide enough to hit both targets. JJ thinks to himself, 'maybe if we split his magic Breaker can breakthrough.' Breaker throws a lightning spear at Sixteen. Twenty successfully uses two earth walls to shield him and his brother.
"Fuck, it didn’t work," said JJ.
"We are running out of time, I have a plan, but it's risky," said Breaker.
"How risky?"
"It's an all or nothing plan."
"We don’t really have time for anything else, what's the plan."
"I need you to hammer the standing dude with everything you have and don’t let up. I’ll deal with the sitting one."
JJ thinks to himself, 'if this doesn't work out, we won't have enough magic to keep fighting. But, it’s been too long already. I have to trust Breaker has something up his sleeve.'
"I'm trusting you, Breaker."
JJ makes eight hand signs and uses half of the water in another tsunami, and uses the other half as a second tsunami. He sends them at Twenty. Before contact, JJ makes ten quick hand signs and says, "elemental transformation spell, Ice shrapnel!" The two tsunami's freeze into sharp ice pieces.
Breaker forms another spear in his hand, but this time it does not seem to have any lightning in it at all. The colour is bluer and is more smoothed in shape. He throws it at Sixteen. The power and speed from this spear exceed the previous lightning spears massively.
Twenty casts fresh earth walls Infront of the damaged ones just before JJ and Breaker’s attacks’ land. The two waves of ice shrapnel hit the wall Infront of Twenty, eroding it heavily but not enough to break it. The Earth Wall Infront of Sixteen still stands. JJ and Breaker start to look fatigued.
JJ looks to Breaker and says, "Fuck, he was still able to block both of us."
Breaker, too weak to stand, falls to a knee and says, "No, he wasn’t."
Twenty looks over to Sixteen and sees blood gushing out of his chest and back. Blood drools from his mouth and he falls over. "Brother!" screamed Twenty running over to him.
"What just happened?" asked JJ.
"My magic spear pierced right through the wall."
"You're fucking dead! All of you are dead!" screamed Twenty. "Earth spell, Spiked lance gauntlet!" Rocks form around his right arm into a large stone spike. He points it at Breaker and yells, "Your dead!" Before diving into the ground as if it was water.
The earth cages containing the boys crumble as the last bit of life leaves Sixteen. Agent quickly thinks over the situation and starts a series of hand signs. Twenty is underground charging towards Breaker. Breaker attempts to get ready to dodge but is too weak to stand on both feet.
Breaker thinks to himself, 'I'm fucked.'
Out of the ground, ten meters from Breaker charges Twenty. Agent finishes seven hand signs and says, "Earth Spell, Stone Armour!" rocks from under Breaker move up his legs and forms around the front of his chest. A moment later, Twenty's spike arm smashes into the rock armour, throwing Breaker back with speed.
"I have to reposition it." Agent said before making four hand signs. The Rocks on Breaker's front start to move to his back, but is too late. Breaker crashes into a tree and falls over unconscious. "At least he will live."
Twenty shift's to face JJ who dashes back to create distance. JJ stands next to Destroyer, who gets to his feet. "Holy shit, you good bro?" asked JJ.
"No, I'm fucking pissed," said Destroyer tearing off the burnt remains of his shirt. A tattoo of an explosion similar to the ones on his hands is located over his heart. "I'm going to serve this pussy a Demolyn clan special if he is stupid enough to come close."
Suddenly Lance comes speeding on his rock surfboard, "Twenty, we have to go." HPS shoots out of the ground between the boys and Lance.
"Not until after I kill them! They killed my brother!" said Twenty.
Lance points his index finger at Twenty and his thumb in the air. A small pebble is attached to his fingertip, "They can't pay for that properly if they are dead, stand down Twenty." Twenty ignores Lance and charges at HPS and the boys. Lance cocks his thumb down, and the pebble shoots off his finger almost too fast to see. The small stone goes right through Twenty's head and out the other side. Agent could feel the pebble wiz past his head also. Lance punches the ground powerfully, forcing dirt and dust into the air.
"He's gone," said HPS looking around. "and so is Andrew." Realizing they haven't seen Andrew since he was confined in the earth cage, everyone looks around, hoping to find him.
With confidence, HPS says, "They must have teleported him just before you guys took down the caster. Don’t worry, we will get him back. Clearly, they need you guys alive, Andrew will be okay. I promise." The feeling of failure takes over the mood.
"He was an annoying prick, why does it hurt so much," said Agent as his eyes begin to fill with tears.
"Because your brothers now," explained HPS. "although it hasn’t been long, I can already see a bond forming amongst you guys. I watched you guys go from strangers to brothers. It was the same way with me and my team back in the day. We didn’t always get along, but no matter what, I'd take a bullet for anyone of them. Hell, we had these two guys that hated each other for years. Would push each other's buttons to no end. Even throw down once in a while. Yet no two soldiers have saved each other's lives more than them."
"Breaker is okay right?" asked JJ. Everyone makes their way to Breaker, who is still on the ground out cold.
"Thanks to Agent, yes," said HPS placing a hand over Breaker's head. "What did Breaker do? His body sustained a large amount of trauma, but not from the impact."
"I think he used a pure magic spell," said JJ. "It didn’t look like he mixed it with any elemental magic at all."
"Fucking idiot!" said Agent. "There is a reason no one does pure magic spells! The human body can't handle that much unstable magic. And its nearly impossible to control how much you use. He could have used all of it and died on the spot!"
"We are going to have to talk to him about it once he's awake," said JJ.
"look’s like we are staying here for the night," said HPS. "Breaker is in no condition to move, and JJ, you don’t look so great either."
"I used a lot of my magic, I could use a rest," said JJ.
"Destroyer, Agent, Help me set up camp," said HPS.
June 1, 30 AMM
In the Region of Pheznia, a classroom full of students in Greatfold wait for their teacher to arrive. The class starts in just a few minutes. The desks are in rows facing the front stage, which has three large chalkboards covering the wall. At the head of the stage is a stand where the lecturer would typically stand.
"Alice, I heard that there are new guys in our class. Their PASF Pre-recruits. Probably with big strong arms for you to cry in," whispered a girl with long straight black hair.
Alice glares at the girl and says, "Susan, you know I'm not looking for anything right now."
"Well, you should be, you need to get over your Ex," said Susan.
"Why I'm not looking has nothing to do with him, Susan," insisted Alice.
"Whatever helps you sleep at night," said Susan. "you know what would definitely help you sleep at night?"
Alice glares at Susan again.
An older man with half spiky silver hair, dressed in casual attire walks into the room and grabs everyone's attention. He isn't recognized by any of the students. The man walks to the front of the lecture stage and admires the class through his thick glasses.
"Welcome little ones, I am Professor Phestphezojur, but please call me Mr. P." the old man announced energetically. "I can't wait to teach all of you the magic that is spellcasting, figuratively and literally. Now let's get started."
Mr. P walks to the chalkboard and picks up a piece of chalk and mutters to himself. "am I forgetting to say something? Said that…. said- wait no, I didn’t."
Mr. P walks back to the front of the stage, "before we get started, my favourite part of the first day. I would like to make sure we are all where we need to be. This is Intermediate Spell casting, anyone who isn't here for Intermediate Spell casting you may leave now."
Mr. P pauses, and no one moves. He waits a few more seconds, and still, none move. "I promise if anyone leaves now, I will be nothing but fair," Mr. P noted.
No one moves. "Alright, let's get started," said Mr. P.
"Wait!" Mr. P explodes with energy, "I did forget something. I'm sure some of you heard of the new PASF Pre-recruits that are supposed to be in this class. Unfortunately, something came up, and they weren't able to make it today. The details aren't mine to share, but they are expected to be here next class."
When the instructor turns his back to the class, Susan lightly taps Alice and winks at her. Alice replies with a glare.
"As for the new guys," continued Mr. P. "I hope you all do your best to be welcoming. Their homes are very far from Greatfold, and they likely won't know anyone here. Most of you have lived your whole lives here, imagine leaving all of this behind for something unknown, something uncertain. And then top it off with the pressures of being the first PASF Pre-recruits ever. And the - anyways, you get what I'm saying, right?"
The class stays silent. "Alright then let's get started- wait!" Mr. P interrupts himself. "I forgot to talk about my rules. Where do I start? Oh yes, feel free to speak your mind but do not interrupt classmates, don’t ever be afraid of asking a question, come prepared to learn, respect me and your classmates."
"What else," continued Mr. P. "oh, and please, if you learn best by doodling or whatever please come talk to me after class. I have no problem if you doodle if it helps, but it's quite distracting for me. So knowing ahead of time will allow myself to prepare to ignore you."
He scans over the class, "I believe that’s all I have to say, are there any questions?" No one says anything. "Alright then let's get started," said Mr. P before turning to face the chalkboard.
Susan leans and whispers to Alice, "you’d think Greatfold would have someone a lot more powerful than this nut case."
"I was thinking the same thing," replied Alice.
Mr. P writes the word 'Magic' on the board and says, "alright, let's get started. Since it's the first day, we won't be doing too much today. Let's start off with going over what the layout of the course will look like."
Fifteen minutes pass, and in the middle of a sentence, Mr. P pauses. He walks off the stage, muttering, "Crazy Grandpa. I'm not crazy in the slightest."
He approaches a student, points to her notebook and says, "this doesn't look anything like me. Perhaps I'm biased. One second."
He takes her journal and brings it to the big chalkboards. He places it facedown on the board and makes a magic hand sign with the other. Suddenly extending across the whole board is an enlarged sketch of the professor with dramatically crazy hair labelled, 'Crazy Grandpa'
"Do you guys think this looks like me? Personally, I don't think the hair is crazy enough.
A boy near the back corner takes advantage of the opportunity and tries to sneak out. "Ah-Ha!" shouted Mr. P turning around and pointing at the boy. "There is always one."
"What, no, I just got a message from my mom, and I have to go watch my little brother," he said.
"You could have missed out on the humiliation if you left when I gave you the opportunity." explained Mr. P. "now you have to explain infront of the class why you thought this was Introduction to Support Spells. Also that I know you were not magic messaging your mother, but a classmate in the class you're supposed to be in."
"I don’t know what you're talking about, you crazy old man. I'm here for Intermediate Spellcasting, but you know what, fuck you. I'm dropping this class," the boy said.
"Then I'm curious," said Mr. P., "why you wrote at the top of your notebook, 'Introduction to Support Spells.’ Does it, by any chance, have anything to do with the fact that Alice is In this class. You told your friend on the magic paper that she looks even cuter than last year. Something along those lines."
The class starts to snicker, and the boy is speechless. "Plus," Mr. P. adds. "Petry is not on my class list. I do not appreciate being lied too, Petry."
"I don’t give a fuck what you appreciate; your just a useless old man," said Petry.
"I'm sorry to hear that," replied Mr. P in a calm unbothered tone. "I was going to give you some useful advice, but I'm just a useless old man, right? Instead, I will just mutter on, and on, and on, and on. About how useful this useless old man's advice could have stopped what is about to come. Almost done stalling, aaaaaand action."
Petry turns to leave the room and walks into a man in a PASF uniform bearing a captain insignia.
"I'm sor-"
"I don’t want to hear it, Ass Sniffer!" screamed the Captain. "did your mother not teach you manners, boy! Get your eyes tested damnit before you hurt someone!"
"I- I" stuttered Petry in fear.
"Drop and give me twenty for being a smart ass maggot!" yelled the Captain.
"No! I didn’t mean eye, eye, I - I meant I -"
"Are you trying to confuse me now, Shit Muncher! Add another 20 for that!"
Petry gets down on the floor and starts doing push-up’s while the students' snickers’ louden. "look!" the Captain continues. "your disturbing one of my closest friends lectures! What do you have to say for yourself!"
"I'm sorry!" Petry pleaded.
"Cooper, he's just a little one," Mr. P reminded the Captain. "I'm sure he will get his eyes checked as soon as possible."
Petry looks at Mr. P then at Cooper. "Are you deaf too! Get lost!" screamed Cooper. Petry runs out of the lecture room as fast as he can.
Cooper's energy does a complete 180, and he puts on a charming smile and walks up to the stage. He says something quietly to Mr. P who announces. "something, unfortunately, has come up, I will be excusing class early today. See you all next week."
It is June 1, 30 AMM, in the lands of Pheznia just before midnight.
In a dark alley deep in the slums of Greatfold stands a person dressed in all black. It is too dark to make out any features. He looks over his shoulder to ensure no one is around, then faces the darkest corner of the alley.
In a teenager's voice, the person says, "if you are as powerful as you say, why are we meeting here?"
A deep, powerful, gritty voice from the dark corner replies, "Why does it matter? Are you scared? If you are as powerful as you say, it wouldn't be a problem, Godfrey."
"It's not, I wiped the floor with two dudes in spandex on my way here," bragged Godfrey.
The deep voices chuckle in the alley and says, "I know, you did well against my men."
"Wait, what?" said Godfrey shifting to an offensive stance. "you set me up?"
"Think of it more like a test. If you're going to be my right-hand man, you have to prove you can hold your own."
Godfrey's attention peaks, and he eases, "You want me to be your right hand?" he asked.
"Your potential for power is great. I can show you how to use the hatred deep in your heart as power. Your classmates will be powerless to you."
Godfrey thinks to himself, ‘This guy can make me stronger than PASF ever could. I wonder what the catch is.’
"Why do you care about my power?" asked Godfrey
"In exchange for near-infinite power, you will help me destroy the magic counsel."
"That's impossible. The Magic Council is a group of the strongest spell masters in all of Pheznia. No two people, no matter how strong, can take them on."
"You underestimate me and yourself."
A blinding red flash lights up the alley. Godfrey is given a vision of him being all-powerful before coming back to reality. "If you can get me that powerful, I’ll destroy anything you ask," said Godfrey.
"As expected."
"Why do you hate the magic counsel so much?"
"They took everything from me. I will rip them all apart for it."
"Whats next?"
"Kneel to your King."
Godfrey kneels, and the voice says, "the first thing you must do is..."
-----------------------------------------END OF CHAPTER------------------------------------