Dear Isabella,
I know writing these letters to you is pointless. You're never going to see them. But...I miss you.
Love, V
The quiet alleyways of Spaira were peaceful, for now. No one knows them like I do. Something is always waiting around the corner. I shifted slightly in the corner I was hiding in. By now you probably think what I'm doing is strange. It seems more strange that a 16 year old girl like me, was hiding in a musty alleyway at all. But, here I am. I stopped my train of thought for a second. I could hear voices in the distance.
"Listen, we can do this the easy way or the hard way. Either hand over that money, and I'll let you off the hook, or it's jail time for you." Male voice, young, I decided. I slowly edged by way out of my cramped hiding spot.
As I came into view I realized who the thieves were. Great. I don't have time to deal with this. Not tonight. It was Ricardo and Lorenzo. Too easy.
"Well, well, what do we have here, Ricardo?"
"Why, it's the Black Sparrow, Lorenzo!"
"Ricardo. Lorenzo. We meet again. How exciting." I scoffed. I really didn't have time for this.
"Wow! You're the Black Sparrow? Wow, huge fan, this is amazing!" The boy from before started talking after staying silent for a while. Well, the very little hope I had in that guy was gone. Notice how I said "very little".
"Yeah." I narrowed my eyes. The slightest form of emotion could weaken my focus. I turned back to Lorenzo and Ricardo.
"Alright you two. Hand over the money. I know you're working for the-" I paused and narrowed my eyes. The amateur was still next to me. He could be a key witness. Rule one in my book: Never leak more information than needed. He couldn't be trusted. Ricardo and Lorenzo stared expectantly at me, their faces saying, "Go on, say it. I dare you."
"Well. You know exactly what you work for. No need to repeat it. Hand over the money, or else we all know what happened last time. I can make it happen again."
The crooks exchanged worried looks, and tossed the money on the ground before running away as fast as they could. Cowards.
"Works every time," I muttered. "Now to return this." I glanced at the bag. The boy picked up a sack. I rolled my eyes, but didn't object. We walked to the bank.
"So Black Sparrow." The boy started talking again. "What's your real name?"
I wasted no time in answering this. Rule two: Do not reveal your name.
"...Black Sparrow." I answered.
"Okay, code names. I'm The Hacker."
"Uh-huh. That's nice." I said absentmindedly. I took both of the bags of cash and disappeared into the bank. The Hacker waited outside. Thank goodness. I dropped the money on the ground inside the building and came back outside. They would find it in the morning. Unfortunately, Hacker was still waiting.
"So that was pretty cool how you handled those guys. What do you say we team up?"
"Nope. This is like a one woman circus thing. We won't see each other ever again." I turned and started walking backwards, then, disappearing into the night.
A/N: Follow me on Wattpad @AnjiandNan