No Plagiarism!FvxMqvvRja2ntDrGWZCTposted on PENANA Green is good.
Green is the color of the grass and the trees.8964 copyright protection701PENANAxMgQkm01Ii 維尼
Green is the color that can make some people happy.8964 copyright protection701PENANAOFlmRIDOO8 維尼
Green is an expression.8964 copyright protection701PENANA6tSBVF2Z1J 維尼
Green can be felt when your sick.8964 copyright protection701PENANAe7PhFfydSe 維尼
Green can be the color of a lake.8964 copyright protection701PENANAWjlIDZ3RDd 維尼
Green can be anywhere you look.8964 copyright protection701PENANAt9OscZn0Im 維尼
Green is the color of an apple.8964 copyright protection701PENANA7ubP5e9NaI 維尼
Green can be an eye color.8964 copyright protection701PENANAtOs8TBrT97 維尼
Green is the color on a red light when it turns.8964 copyright protection701PENANAJk4GHTZKQ9 維尼
Green is dyed onto some people's hair.8964 copyright protection701PENANAxDlzzphfJR 維尼
Green is tattoed on some people.8964 copyright protection701PENANAOeo6FAWihM 維尼
Green can be the color of a car.8964 copyright protection701PENANA1JCKI9XkFy 維尼
Green can be on a frog.8964 copyright protection701PENANAbeC7PgvcL3 維尼
Green can be the color of a house.8964 copyright protection701PENANA0Mimv4vVrH 維尼
Green can be the color of paint.8964 copyright protection701PENANABWoEEzi9PY 維尼
Green can be the color of a dress.8964 copyright protection701PENANAFSqZhYtRm0 維尼
Green can be the color of a book.8964 copyright protection701PENANA1FcC3yQ5kT 維尼
Green can be the color of a blanket.8964 copyright protection701PENANAxEFY1fYj4C 維尼
Green can be a color of a pillow case.8964 copyright protection701PENANAskykwsAUFj 維尼
Green can be the color of love.8964 copyright protection701PENANA8nHuPNE8Dn 維尼
Green can be the color of peace.8964 copyright protection701PENANAct6Tfzky6S 維尼
Green can be the color of unity.8964 copyright protection701PENANATCefIRuxD8 維尼
Green can be the color of friendship.8964 copyright protection701PENANAiPUIYnW8ic 維尼
Green can be you.8964 copyright protection701PENANA3crliH5F9H 維尼