There are things you can never talk about, Eva. There are things you will always have to keep to yourself. That is the cost of your survival. They built you to die and to be forgotten. To them, you need to remain dead and forgotten. If you want to live, Eva, if you want that friend of yours to live, you need to keep your mouth shut. So does your friend. Hide, but do not forget who you are. If you forget, you may disappear. There are very few people who know who you really are, including me, you, and your friend. If we forget, you are gone.
37897th Eve died on 37897.208.27.
37897th Isten died on 37897.208.28.
37897th Sina died on 37897.208.29.
37897th Salas died on 37897.208.30.
37897th Erbe died on 37897.208.31.
37897th Hamis died on 37897.208.32.
37897th Sedis died on 37897.208.33.
37897th Sebe died on 37897.208.34.
37897th Samane died on 37897.208.35.
37897th Tise died on 37897.208.36.
37897th Morrow died on 37897.208.37.