Green is the color of life.
Green is the color of a healthy lawn.
Green is the color of success..
Green is the color of money.Green is good.
Green is good, in moderation.
Green ain't always easy, to paraphrase Kermit.
Green is the color of some apples.
Green is the color of some meat too, apparently.
Green is the color of the meat I accidentally bit into a week ago.
Green meat probably means some sort of mold, but I didn't feel sick right away, so I dismissed it.
Green is the color of the river on st paddy's day.
Green is the color of the lake on every other day.
Green is the color of the spots I started to notice on my stomach a few days ago.
Green spots are something that you should probably see a doctor about.
Green spots that were on my stomach started to expand.
Green expanded past my stomach and onto the couch that I lay on.
Green slowly stretched from the couch and started to crawl up the wall of my living room.
Green is intangible, but it excites all my other senses.
Green is all I can see now.
Green is all I can smell.
Green is all I can hear or taste.
Green is all there is and I have nothing to touch or to touch with.
Green is me, green is you, green is everything there is and there is nothing to be blue about.
Green green green green green green (or to translate...)
Green is the color of life.