She took a deep breath, placing one foot in front of another in a slow, steady rhythm. The edge drew closer, closer, closer, until she was just one step from falling into the depths of the sea beneath her. The deep blue waves called out to her, extending a hand to help her take this leap of faith; they whispered, beckoned for her to take that last step to freedom.
Her hair whipped in the wind and she closed her eyes, trying to calm her rapid pulse. "Shallow waters never suited me anyways," she whispered to herself, her words lost in the breeze as she summoned all of the strength and willpower in her and plunged into the restless waters of the sea. She twisted herself in the air, maneuvering her body into a diving stance and squeezing her eyes shut tight as the wind grew louder and her heart began to beat even faster. A thousand feelings rushed through her in the single second it took to reach the cold knives of the water-- fear, of what would come next; exhilaration, from every sensation that surrounded her in this single moment of time; and elation, because this was what she needed, what she wanted. She was letting herself go, letting herself fall into nothingness.
The second passed, and suddenly there was nothing. No wind, no rain, no tears-- only the eternal silence of the sea. She let out a breath, watching as it bubbled up to the tumultuous surface above her. Then she inhaled the water, inhaled the sea, and finally, all the pain was gone. She was simply breathing, more alive than ever before.