Being a head butler can get stressful but it also get you close to the connections of important people. Brad has been working since he was eighteen and during his time in Blood household he had made connections with several important people or their butlers. Brad quickly contacted one of his good friend who worked as a butler for owner of security company. Appointing bodyguards for the protection of four siblings. He know that even though all four children of the Blood family are different but when something happen to anyone of them, they stand together as one. Nixon is already here with Elliot and it won't be long before other two would come running here too. After this attack, he can not take any chance, he also informed the security head of Blood Family, George. Jesus, he need all the courage in the world when he inform their father about this.
Nixon wrestled his ways with medial security staff and had already knocked out four security men, injured who tried to stop him, throwing punches and kicks. Brad's eyes widen when he see two men are creeping from behind and one of them has a syringe. What he only guess is filled with a dose to knock Nixon out. Before he can warn young master, Nixon sensed it because he dropped the security guard who looks close to fainting.
" Step an inch forward and i will break every single bone in your body then i will have this doctor here heal you back. After that i will break you again and again till your body forget to heal itself. Do you get me??"
Nixon turn and circling the men like a lion does to its prey. The doctor he pointed went pale as a paper sheet. Nixon's face is set on murderous glare and with bleeding cuts, the darkness in his cold green orbs is deadly. Brad feel shiver of fear run down his spine, other people openly flinch and cower away by the harshness of the tone. With face titled slightly and a grin appear, making him look a deranged man. It does not help that his huge frame already seem to made him dominant. This look of Nixon scared Brad more that Nixon's father. Brad step forward because he know how short tempered Nixon is and these people are fools for poking a beast by trying to stop him. Good thing was Elliot taken by nurses for the treatment.
" Sir, let me handle this. You need to get your wounds treated."
Nixon huffed glaring sharply before he flop down on metal chair nearby. Butler sigh when young master agreed without any fuss. The head butler had the same look swirling in Nixon'eyes that he had seen in Tyrone and he had to stop Nixon. Now he need to find the head nurse which is easy by the big tag print. Straightening his posture, he walk confidently towards the blonde woman who paled when her eyes meet his.
" Madame, the man there is the heir of Blood empire and the boy inside is his dear brother, Elliot. Get the best for treatment, there is not issue of money. If you come with me. I would like to discuss the damage payment and other things. . . . . "
Brad had learned to fix short tempered males reckless actions usually elder sibling took care of rebellious twins and Darius. So, this is the first time for Brad to handle things. Since young master is not in right mind set to think he need to step up.
Nixon see their butler walking down the corridor with a nurse for the talk. Maybe to set his destructive arrival. His eyes flicker towards the operation room where his brother was taken few minutes ago. His knuckles are torn and bleeding, pieces of tiny glass still stuck in his both arms, face but Nixon felt no pain. His body still running high on adrenaline. His head snap up towards the squirming nurse who look close to faint. His eyes narrowed before fall on the first aid kit in her trembling hands.
" Go way."
He growled harshly tugging his hair. Squealing, the woman run way without a word. Good. He need to calm his brewing anger. A groan rumble from his throat when his phone vibrate in his pocket.
He barked at Natalie. Eyeing the running nurses who going back and forth with trays, devices and other things towards the operation theater.
" Do you know where El is?? I do not feel very good. . . . "
" In the hospital. . . . . "
That's all he said before hang up. He does not know how much time has passed before someone sit beside him and rest head on his shoulder, softly crying.
" Nix, what happened??"
Natalie asked her face is blotchy with tears rolling down, chin wobbling. His eyes fall upon Brad setting on the other beach at a distance. Looks like Brad had filled Natalie. He know that Natalie would be the first one to know if something happens to Elliot and vise versa. Their twin connection always sparks when other one is in danger. One time. Just for once, when the connection shit might help them, this stupid girl was drunk and stealing things. If only she has told him then maybe. . . . maybe Nixon had prevented it or protected Elliot.
He is going out of his mind how can Natalie had known. They were under tight security. How could he blame her, if someone was to be blamed then it had to him. He always keep an eye on Elliot during parties but today he failed. Elliot is the most reckless person you ever meet. Nixon breath out before standing up pacing in the corridor. No. Think properly, moron. Nixon screamed mentally at himself.
And that's what he did.
All he thought during the waiting time about the attack. Nothing add up to the picture, his brain refuse of corporate plus all those coming nurses, frustrating him by not telling anything about the condition of Elliot.
" I don't know. I just went out . . . . .then i saw man lying there. I thought he was some stranger then i felt in guts to check and it was him passed out. I thought he passed out like usually he would in party. . . . . .y-you know how light headed he is. . . . ."
" Nix . . . "
Natalie gasped in shock seeing his elder brother's eyes almost black. She had seen Nixon being anger but now he look furious. His eyes are pools of dark brewing rage. It scared her.
" Family of Elliot Blood. . ??"
Both Siblings jump along with Brad. Nixon step forward gulping down the tight ball that stuck in his throat seeing the grim expression on the man.
" How is he??"
The man raise his brows in question.
" I am his elder brother. . ."
" Right, Mr. Blood. Patient has lost so much of blood due to several deep cuts and wounds. We need blood transfusion. His blood type is rare. . ."
" Elliot is O negative."
Both sibling snapped together cutting of the man. Nixon is the first to catch the reason.
" I am O negative."
Nixon tower over the staff member before Natalie can even open her mouth. The man nodded.
" Alright, come with me."
Both siblings run behind the nurse man without any hesitation. Nixon does not flinch when the needle stuck in his wrist, his eyes are too busy looking at his brother next to his bed who has white gauge wrapped around his forehead, two band-aids on his nose. His chest wrapped up too, a black eye, bruises around his neck.
" How is my brother?"
Nixon jerk his head toward Elliot making the nurse nearby pause writing down on the clipboard before she flipped papers.
" Patient has two deep fatal wounds, broken nose, three cracked and one broken rib bones, bruises on neck, shoulders, scratches and cuts around the body, some internal injuries in head that is concerning. We will wait for two hours if he is not awake by then. We have to operate the injuries in head. The scans shows some swelling."
Nixon inhale sharply while Brad cursed. Natalie bust out crying again. After both of the male and female attaching the blood bag to Elliot. The nurse swiftly patched both Nixon and Brad. Instructing Nixon to rest and drink juice to fill out of the loss of blood drawn from his body.
" It will be enough for now. Your blood group is very rare and no nearby blood bank had it. Till morning maybe we will able to manage some."
" I don't mind giving some blood to my brother. If need more i have another sibling to donate blood."
The female nurse nodded mutely before instructing to press the bell to call her if they need help and left. As soon as the door closed behind the nurse, Nixon jumped out of the bed walk towards Elliot's bed. Eyes observing scratches and visible wounds. His inside twists with uneasiness.
" More than two people had attacked him."
" How do you know. . . . "
"Elliot maybe sixteen but i made sure that he able to handle himself in minor fights. It was well planned attack just for him. Four or five men with weapons was not something he able to fight alone. They had him cornered. He is reckless but has a brain to decide when to fight or to run."
Nixon muttered softly answering Brad's question. Gently, placing his hand on Elliot's wrapped forehead. If Nixon can exchange place with Elliot, he would have done it gladly. He does not tell Brad that the attack was with very intention to kill Elliot. The places of wounds made it all clear. Elliot just barely able to defend himself. Whoever the attackers were, they left Elliot to bleed out to death. It had planned. The place where Elliot was, out of the public's eye. It would be a success, if Nixon did not stumbled there. Seeing his brother breathing and heart monitor beeping soothe Nixon's mind.
" But you are confident about the weapon. . ."
Brad counter-back and making Nixon nodded in agreement.
"I know what a cut of knife look like. Elliot clearly tried to protect himself."
He pointed to the wrapped hands of his little brother. The wounds are at fatal place aimed to do damage.
" Getting a knife in a party which had lot of food was easy. No one had noticed it. Fuck, attackers were present in the party."
Natalie completed her brother's sentence, her eyes narrowed and face blank, fist clenched tight. The door burst open with a bang and panicked Darius come running. Tears dripping from his face as flutter over Elliot. Nixon pinched bridge of his nose in frustration. If Dee is here that means his parents are also going to be here any minute. He already stressed over the sudden attack and condition of Elliot. He does not want his parents here adding up the level of stress.
" I-i did not told them a-anything. . . "
Darius whispered softly identifying the cold look in his brother's eyes. Both other two siblings breathe out in relief. Natalie hugged Dee. Then they all wait for the youngest sibling to wake up. While Nixon and twins lead with brains, Darius let emotions and heart lead him, not that he is not intelligent. Infact, his IQ score is highest of all his siblings. Darius just a very emotional and sensitive person until someone actually piss him off.
The two hours is the longest hours in Nixon life. Natalie is sitting near her twin brother, whispering softly. Darius was with doctor to grill more information putting his manipulative persuasion. People babble all about their life without a single doubt because of Dee's charming and gentle ways which was something Nixon was not good with. The butler was gone to sort out other things. The clock in the room stuck midnight. A pained groan break the tension in the room making siblings perk up.
"Aww man, it hurts. . . . . "
Elliot moans as his eyes flutters open.