I woke up in a dark place, although my eye sight was blirry, I still understood that this was not home. "Father! Mother!" I cried out. And to my surprise nobody helped. I was a spoiled child, and when I yelled out there name they always come back to me. "Where the hell are you.... FATHER! ANSWER ME RIGHT NOW!.... Please..." My family was rich, where we're the chandlers, where we're the velvet cusions? I decided to walk around for a bit, to try to stretch my legs and try to find my home, no, try to find ANY BODY to take care of me. The last thing I saw before I came here was that stupid broken pocket clock, or as my parents call it, a 'pocket watch'. They say it's magical, or its from your great great grandfather Hubert Cumbleburg. And it's from ages past, 100s of years before you were born. But never in a DAY of my life would I ever believe my crazy, idiotic parents. "Ugh, Katrina, stop thinking about the past and get to the freaking present." I said to myself. But... Do I still even have that pocket watch? Because if I did I would be dissapointed in myself. And ONCE AGAIN she was surprised to find the pocket clock in her pocket. "Did I seriously take this from my parents when they offered it to me? Damn. I really am a idiot." I dug my hand deeper in my pocket... For some reason I felt paper... I pulled the paper like material out of my pocket to find a note, I read it,
May 12, 201X
'Dear my sweet Katrina,'
You earned this, your spoiled adittude and your horrible comebacks... This isn't the child I wanted... You deserve all of this. Us parents need a break. And this is the break we deserved, I'm sorry my sweet princess but this. Is. Your. Punishment.
Love you darling.
This... Isn't my mother's handwriting.... Who was... "Mother..?"