"The war fixed everything. The creation of the Homo Sapiens was just a beta test for the evolution of the Homo Idem, what we are now. While the Homo Sapiens eventually evolved into the Hatari, the power was not controlled and led to their destruction. This is when the Accord took matters into their own hands and created a new society, where differences wouldn't destroy us, and we could live in peace. Without differences, our society is clean from the messy emotions that bring war and, eventually, extinction. Which is why we should appreciate the Accord and celebrate the day we are all Remade."
As I look around the auditorium, I find blank faces morph into an abundance of smiles and hear the roar of applause that erupts from my peers and superiors.
I look over to my right to find one of the Accord members, Ancell Noble, taping on the enhanced reverberator to begin the Ceremony of the Remade.
"Let's give another round of applause for Seline Mira, our Atticus Class Presenter."
As I head towards my seat, I find my friend Camilla seated inside rows upon rows of my other classmates from the Atticus Class.
The Accords thought it wise to create a new system of learning, as the previous one had failed. However, there is nothing I can compare my education to because the Accords also thought it best to destroy any knowledge of what the Homo Sapiens lived like, fearing we might revert to our instinctual ways.
Camilla is smiling and signals her friendship by swiping her nose with her forefinger. I do the same and seat myself, waiting for the remade to enter onto the stage.
The Ceremony of the Remade has been my favorite day of the year as far back as I can remember. It was the day I found my place in Crishire, and when I met my companion, Aaron Rayne.
When the extinct were still alive, they thought companionship was the most crucial decision in someone's life. But that caused mixed emotions and dangerous situations. So the Accord figured out that through an unusually strict system, they could find your most worthy suitor, in a matter of a year.
Aaron Rayne is precisely what I had imagined when I thought of worthy, he is a stellar student in my class, second only to me, and he is adequately attractive enough to produce children that will make it to the top ranks as we did.
As I sit waiting for the Remade Ceremony to start, I look over at Aaron, give him a fleeting smile and a small wave. He does the same and looks back to the stage, focused on the new-coming students for Atticus Class.
A projection of the Accord members blinks into my side vision as I turn my head towards the stage.
"As you all know, today is a wonderful celebration commemorating the system the Accords Ancestors created for us long ago. While we still have rebels such as the Hatari, trying to destroy the system we fought hard for, we have had a successful rebirth of Homo Idem's this year!"
The auditorium erupts, yet again, with ovation. Once the hums of a few chatty students have died down, the Accord members look to the left side of the stage, smiling, and begin presenting the newly Remade.
"Our first Remade, Riyon. He is a stellar student in both the Academic field and Physical field. He is being placed in the Kintrol Residential Area and will be found a companion soon!"
As Riyon comes onto stage I see that he is not what I would call worthy, or even trustable. He was handsome though. His dark brown hair fall across a light-skinned face, and dark, brooding eyes break through the haphazard strands. His jaw was firm and strong, and his nose slightly long. There was a small curve to his lips, as if he knew an inside joke no one else did, and it was that brief, wicked glance I caught that said maybe he wasn't as perfect as the Accord member mentioned. And he liked that. The hint of danger. That his whole persona was a lie and if you got caught in it, you'd never make your way out the door. He was the type most girls would crush over, but I knew better than that. Aaron was just fine for me. But that didn’t stop the sudden rush of murmurs across the room from every girl as he treaded past them.
Riyon walks towards the ever-so-slightly glitching hologram and faces the Accord members. His stance is daunting yet demanding, as if he is the lion taunting his already doomed prey. After being given his echoalias, the device we use for all communication once we are in the Atticus class, he heads towards the auditorium seats and seats himself next to me.
While the rest of the newly Remade come on to stage I can feel his presence as he sits in a glowering manner. When the final Remade has taken their seat, the Accord members conclude the meeting and we are all sent to our first forming. I get up gracefully at the same time Riyon does and mistakenly brush my hand with his. I look up towards his menacing eyes and have the sudden urge to look away.
In the last second before I decide to face my attention towards pressing matters, like getting to my next forming, his mouth curls into a smirk and winks at me. Shocked and surprised I back away and bump into Aaron.
"Hey Seline, wanna walk to our next form together?" His eyes glance from me to Riyon and back to me.
"Oh, I didn't notice you. Riyon right?" Aaron puts out his hand out to shake Riyon's and waits promptly.
Riyon looks at me then back at Aaron and hesitantly shakes Aaron's hand.
Looking back at Aaron I nod my head and start to walk towards our next class. Giving into temptation, I look back at Riyon and notice that he is doing the same as he stands still, his eyes never wavering as he stares into mine. I look away and give up on the silly notation that he would wink at me and try to push the thought out of my mind. Throughout the whole day, I can't focus on chemistry, math, reading, or Accord history. Teachers look at me with confusion as I can't name the simple rules that were placed as a way to protect our home from people like the Hatari. All I can do is say to myself, "Aaron is my companion. He is worthy and not a danger, like Riyon is. Riyon is just Remade, he is dangerous, and can revert back to his older mindset."
But in the furthest part of my mind my mind Is saying "Yes."