As Kade was led through security, the dark haired male checked for any possible escape routes. He wasn’t surprised to find nothing but solid concrete walls that seemed to funnel down to the entrance. Guess they weren’t nervous about a fire breaking out and killing all the inmates cause if there was one, there was no way that any of them were getting out.
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Following the security guard down the first hallway, Kade watched as they passed the unmoving forms of the men who kept the inmates from getting anywhere near the front doors. Each held guns in their hands, ones that were powerful enough to rip someone’s head clean off even if the bullet missed it’s mark. It was one of those sniper rifles that were far too powerful for their own good, but apparently that was what they got to play with here at Shutter Ridge. Kade had always wanted to get one of those, but now he only got to be envious of others that could kill him without him having a change to even hear the gunshot.
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“How often do they get to use those things?” Kade asked the man in front of him as he forced his gaze away from the toy he has be so desperate for just a few months ago.
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“Not enough,” The guard said as he turned his head to face Kade, a lovely sadistic smile lifting a single corner of his mouth. Since Kade was a little on the masochistic side, he loved the fact that the guard looked about ready to snap and just kill him right then and there. It was exciting. “Last time someone was shot about a month ago, but I bet any one of them would love to put a hole through your chest if you tried to run now. Wanna see if I’m right?”
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Kade simply let out a small huff of laughter as followed the male until they reached another door. This one took almost five minutes to open, enough time for Kade to start getting bored.
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“There is another door that you will need to go through, but I won’t be leading you through it,” The male said, half pushing the new comer through the threshold before typing in a code on the outside that had the door closing. Kade watched with curiosity as the guard folded his arms in front of his chest to wait for the heavy door to secure itself. “Only guards with certain armor are allowed passed this door, so I will be saying good-bye to you here.”
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Nodding to the guard who had led him this far again, Kade backward and turned around only to be greeted by a man that had Kade’s head craning back to simply look at his chin. Was everyone this massive here?
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“Seven foot.” The guard stated in this bear like growl, that sent excited shivers down Kade’s spine. The man was build like a freight train and it made the new comer look almost like a child. A child with several piecings and tattoos, but a child nonetheless. “Before you ask, no people don’t challenge me. They respect the fact that if they charged me I could have them flat on their back in two-seconds with their hands bound and their body in excruciating pain. I would recommend that you keep that in mind.” As the guard stopped talking, he moved so he could usher Kade in front of him. Once that was done, Kade could see him raise his hand to signal something to, what appeared to be, nothing. Though, the black haired male knew better. The guard had to be waving to a camera, but where was it? After a good few seconds of looking, the guard seemed to realize what he was looking for and supplied the answer. “You see the black dots along the center of the ceiling?” Kade looked up and gave a quick nod in response. “Those are the cameras. They are everywhere, including your cell. There is no privacy here so everything you do will be seen from those cameras.”
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“Even when I take a shit?” Kade asked with his usual lopsided grin. It was a good thing he wasn’t shy now wasn’t it because this would get awkward otherwise.
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The guard just nodded, no hint of a smile on that face of his when the new prisoner turned around to check. Bummer. “We have ten more flights of stairs before we reach the last door,” he said when Kade hesitated on the steps.
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“Only ten?” the inmate asked as he started to move his far smaller frame down the steps again.
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Being a whole five foot eleven, Kade wasn’t particularly small, especially since he had his own nice set of muscles going for him, but he had nothing on the male behind him. Though, unlike Incredible Hulk there, his muscles were built to be toned, to work with more fine movements instead of brute strength. He didn’t want to be able to punch through a wall, he wanted to gracefully jump and twist his body over it to leave an obstacle between himself and his attacker. “So tell me, Hulk, are all the guards like you?”
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When Kade looked over his shoulder at the guard, he saw an unamused face, just like before, all except for a small rise of one eyebrow to show he had heard the nickname he had just received. Had no one really thought about giving him such a name? You would think someone else in here had seen that movie. No? Well, their loss. “No. All of us are different and you will find that out soon enough.”
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After a long pause, Kade realized that was all he was going to get out of him and gave a soft sneer. This man was no fun. Just left him hanging left and right.
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Making a small tsking noise, Kade started down the first flight of stairs. Walking down these things were fine, but he couldn’t imagine having to walk up and down these multiple times a day. That would get seriously tiring. Wow that made him sound lazy.
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When they got to the last stair on the last staircase, the guard finally reached out to stop Kade only to move in front of him, produce a card and swiped it through a small key holder which caused a variety of small machines to pop out form the wall.
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“You have got to be kidding me.” Kade wanted to laugh at how thick this security was. What were they so afraid of? If an inmate could get through high powered sniper rifles, a thick door - which didn’t open from the inside apparently - and all the guards stationed around the area that looked like they could kick some serious ass, they deserved their damn freedom.
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“Everyone in here deserves to be here and locked away from society for the rest of their lives. No one wants a serial killer, who spent thirty years terrorizing a country with murder after gruesome murder on the streets. We also don’t want mob bosses escaping to take over their crew again to supply drugs, traffic people, or whatever else they do to earn their stay here so we have high security. Sorry you don’t approve of it all.”
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Ignoring the fact that the guard just kept answering unasked questions, Kade lifted his dark eyebrows and wiggled them a little to show playfulness even if his new guard friend wasn’t paying him any attention. “Don’t you want to know why I’m in here then? Why I need to be locked up so-”
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Kade was cut short by the guard moving away from the retracting devises and turning to face him again. He looked just as unamused as ever, but crossed his tree truck like arms in front of his chest to show he was annoyed by the kind of question just asked. “I know exactly what you have done Kade Drago. I’m in charge of most of the security and that means I know about the prisoners I am bringing into this place. You were one of the hitman for the American Mafia. Though, unlike other’s we have brought in here, you have the reputation of doing a quick, clean job unless you are pissed or annoyed at something. The job that got you landed in here was the big family reunion thing right? You were supposed to kill a rival Mafia leader and his right hand man. Instead you killed every man, woman, and child on the premises. It was a blood bath, nearly one hundred dead because of it. If it was a one time deal I am sure you would be out in a normal prison, but this is what, the tenth time you’ve done massive killings and you kill at least one other person every other day. So that means, fifteen hit a month on a slow month?”
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After a second to mull over the other’s words, Kade let his lips tug into a slightly wider smile. He was always proud of his work, even when it was sloppy. “That’s not all true,” he paused to turn to look at Hulk in the eyes. “I spared the kids in all those mass murders. Most of them simply committed suicide while waiting for the cops, especially for that last one cause I used a powerful handgun I found on one of the patrons. Apparently kids don’t like seeing blood and guts as much as they claim when they are looking for video games, but like I said, I didn’t kill kids. If I wanted to, I could have, I’m a damn good shot, but kids don’t deserve death.”
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Motioning for Kade to follow, the guard passed through the last door, only to stop and do this wave thing for the camera again. “Then why kill everyone else?”
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“Cause it was a set up,” Kade said simply, earning a full curious glance form the guard. The look made Kade’s grin turn into something a little more sinister. Almost looked like he was willing to do something stupid like pounce on the man. “The men I were supposed to kill weren’t there. Though I recognized some people as allies of the people that had originally sent me to the little trap.”
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“How did you know there were cops waiting for you?”
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Turning his full attention to the guard again instead of the machines that were now reading various body parts of Hulk, Kade lifted his hands slowly and tapped his temple with one of his pointer fingers. “I’m smart. Targets not there, a hit in the middle of the day that I don’t get to spend a few days checking out, and seeing so many people that were nervous around me even if I should have been nameless? Yeah, I knew it was a set up and I knew I wasn’t getting out because when I tried that first time I saw too many cop cars and too many people looking around in places where I would be able to make a run for it. Can’t say it was worth it, but I can’t say it wasn’t either. I may be here, but the person who set me up probably regrets believing the cops could save those that had just gone to enjoy a nice barbecue.”
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After that, the conversation seemed to die until they got to a few more flights of stairs. This is where Kade was stopped, patted down a few more times then released from the cuffs that bound both his to his ankles.
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“Not afraid of me trying to run anymore?”
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“Not really. I could put my hand on your head and you wouldn’t be able to go anywhere,” The man almost teased as he tucked the cuffs into his back pockets.
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Kade just grinned up at the man in return, rubbing at his sore wrists in the process. “Whatever you say Hulk.”
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Finally the door opened and let them pass through. Eve though Kade w as a man, the first thing he noticed was the fact that everyone was in a different jumpsuit color. There was black, orange, red, yellow, and white. Personally he was in the black and thought it looked better than all the others, especially the yellow.
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“What’s with the different colored jumpsuits?” Kade asked, turning his attention to the guard beside him. Why would there be different colors? Wouldn’t that be a pain to try to deal with?
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“It indicates the threat levels. Anyone in red you don’t touch without having boy armor, then there is white, which is a bit dangerous, but obviously not as bad as the red. Orange is like caution and yellow is mild. Well, mild for here. Each of the inmates gets to know your personality this way, which could end up bad for you, but it helps us. We know who to keep an eye on and who is bound to just serve their time.” Just as Kade was about to ask what black meant, Hulk reached out to bat at the loose fabric on his arms. “You are one of the few that were given black. It means you are unpredictable. In some ways that is worse than having a yellow jumpsuit on.”
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“How so?” Lifting his eyebrows, Kade looked around the room again to see how many people were wearing which colors and was slightly surprised by what he found. Believe it or not, fifty percent of the people out in the room were in yellow, at least thirty percent were in orange, ten percent were in red and almost the remaining ten were in white. He could only find one other person with a black jumpsuit. That’s when he realized why it could be more dangerous wearing the black one instead of the yellow. “They will try to push my buttons won’t they?” He didn’t need to look over at the guard to know that he had nodded. “Well, that’s good for me. I don’t like sitting still for very long unless I have a sniper rifle in my hand.” Even then he didn’t always sit still. “So tell me, who else has this color jumpsuit?”
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“Only your cellmate and one of his friends,” Hulk stated almost as if he was apologizing. “They are dangerous and I would recommend staying at least kind of on their good side. If you don’t, you could end up with some seriously problems.”
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“I’ll keep that in mind,” Kade said, as he glanced to the only other male in the room dressed in the dark cloth. He was just about to head that direction when a hand grabbed his shoulder and Hulk was telling him that he didn’t get to look around until tomorrow morning. Apparently they didn’t want a dead inmate before they had all the paperwork that showed he was actually here. This meant that Kade was led to his cell approximately an hour before the rest of the inmates would be forced to do the same. Since there was nothing to do, he intended to take a little bit of a nap before his cellmate got here. He had this nagging voice in the back of his mind that told him he wouldn’t be sleeping much tonight anyway, so get as much sleep as he could before he was going to be bouncing around trying to annoy the shit out of the man he was told to play nice with.
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Grinning to himself, Kade fell back onto the lower bunk of the bed and stretched his arms out so they reached for both ends of the bed before stretching out a single leg towards the middle of the room since the other needed to remain bent at the ninety degree angle to keep him from sliding right off the bed.
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For a prison bed, this one sure comfortable. Maybe this place did spent some money to give the men comfort after all.