I woke up and Tara and Rim were gone.
A post-it note on the door said “Gone out shopping, TTYL!"
Then I saw the plate on the table in the kitchenette. On it was heaped a pile of scrambled eggs and two links of bacon. Next to it was a piece of paper folded in half and propped up like a tent. My name was written on the front.
I picked up the fork and began to shovel eggs in my mouth as I unfolded the letter. It was from Armor:
"Dear Blake, I’m sorry for the way I acted last night. I know I was harsh. You have probably waited all your life to have a father, and I do admit I probably haven’t been the best one. I hope, Blake, that we can grow closer. These crucial times make it difficult, but I will make time for you, my son, and I am sorry if my actions have convinced you otherwise.
I went to the citadel last night and Rim was right about your mother being captured. I was in distress, to say the least. You see when she left to live in the real world with you when you were a newborn I had Lena place a spell on her. The spell was to give her the safety that she couldn’t be found by anyone...even me. We kept in touch once in a while.
You might remember her having phone conversations late at night once in a blue moon or something like that. We have been waiting to tell you about you, we really are for a very long time, but we knew that mentioning it might put you in danger. I loved you so much, and I never wanted to be separated from you, but together with your sister would make you an immediate target for the un-naturals.
Rim told you about how Super Naturals are possible, and how our powers came to be. There are two sides to the story. The test subjects of the powers were his daughters Sonya and Rue. Sonya, as it turns out, was given the greatest powers known to mankind. The other, Rue, was given none at birth.
She was actually less talented than the average human, lacking many abilities. She was the first un-natural. The father tried and tried to mend the resentment between her and her sister, but Rue was resourceful.
She feigned abilities using dark magic. Unfortunately, these un-naturals, and anyone who has joined their cause, are our most threatening enemies at the moment, and now they are making sure they have their revenge.
I’m sorry Blake, but it seems they might be after you. The Un-Naturals should not be able to enter the city. I know keeping you here in the apartment will do you no good. I know that your powers are making you vulnerable, but they can also be one of your greatest strengths.
I’ve arranged for you to take some training sessions at Hero Prep, the school here in Super Natropolis for gifted youngsters like you. Today your classes start at 10:30.
When you need to go, head down to the garage level of the apartment. A hovercar should unlock with your fingerprint. Sicily, our robot assistant, will control your car. I trust her completely; you are in very good hands. I want to warn you that the other children are likely to treat you differently because of your powers, and even so, I want you to keep going.
You are a very special boy, Blake. I love you so much, and powers or no powers I am happy to call you my son. -Armor
PS: Enjoy your eggs."
I put down my fork and glanced at the time on the kitchen oven timer.
I had overslept, and I didn’t even know the way there! I shoved the bacon links in my mouth as I got up from my chair, swiveling into my room. Crumpled on the floor was a pile of clothes. Armor must have brought them yesterday when he came home.
They were a little big but I would fit into them just fine. I put on my volleyball sneakers from yesterday and ran for the elevator. I called one for the garage and fixed my hair in the hall mirror. Pretty good for two minutes. When I arrived I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to find the car.
That was ridiculous.
The doors slid open and there was a small panel.
“Please type your name,” A robotic voice chirped. I touched the keypad, typing in my last name.
Immediately a hover drove up to the curb and I let the car door read my fingertip. I jumped in. It was cushioned and very comfy on the inside, and reminded me of what I always pictured a limousine to look like, even though I had never ridden in one before.
Alarmingly, the engine hummed beneath me, and then I was moving.
“Hello, Blake.” I exhaled.
“Hi, Sicily. Dad said you have the coordinates for school?”
“Indeed. I have inserted them into the mainframe and we are currently on our way there. Since I have not been computed into a frame yet to gain physical existence, I am remotely piloting the hover to make sure you get there safely.”
I could hear almost hear a smile in her voice. I laid my head back against the seat, glad to have a robot friend that could give you a fist class ride.
“Would you like some fresh air? I can open the top if you would like.” As she said it the panel folded down until the wall of the hovercar reached my shoulders. All around me sped vehicles, mostly hovers, of every shape and size.
“I know! The traffic is awful! Bleh!” Sicily went on complaining, at times making the same comments as my mother. I watched out the window. A fancily dressed man sat behind the wheel of a massive car.
A family was piled in a high-speed minivan.
A teenage boy was riding a hover scooter next to us.
He waved at me. I lifted my hand in a bit and wiggled my fingers a bit. Then I realized the boy didn’t know who I was. He didn’t know I could be his downfall. Never the less, he grinned a huge smile before he was forced into the next lane.
I turned towards the front.
“Sicily, how is it possible to have hover cars and other crazy stuff here? They haven’t made these on the surface, have they?”
"Well, no, but I suppose if some of the residents of your town are naturally brilliant, ideas are easy.”
“How come they don’t bring them up to the real world? Don’t they want everyone to see their inventions?” There was an awkward pause.
“Well, you see Blake, Super Naturals are kind of....reserved when it comes to their powers. They usually keep their powers hidden because they can put others in danger. Also, a lot of Super Naturals don’t feel like they belong in the real world. That’s why they live here.” We sat in silence for a little bit. Being a Super Natural was not sounding like fun at all.
Before long we reached a tall building in the shape of a rocket. Sicily parked the car next to the curb.
“Here we are. Enjoy your first day at school.” I climbed down the steps she folded out for me.
“Thanks, Sicily.”
“No problem. And Blake?”
“Computers can tell good people from bad ones. You’re a good one. Please be careful. It would not be good if you hurt yourself.” She folded up the steps of the hover. I smiled.
“We won’t want that now would we.”
“Why do you use so much sarcasm? It’s ruining my processing!”
“I love you too, Sicily. See you later.”
As the hover I sped away I stood as the foot of a staircase. I climbed the stairs nervously. At the top, the doors slid open. Armor stood there.
“Blake! Fancy seeing you here.” He did a wide sweep with his arm. “Come on in. Destiny awaits.”
I walked into the room and saw some familiar faces. They all sat in the ring of bean bag chairs. Allen came up to me.
“Bro! I’m so glad you’re okay!” He relayed our handshake, squeezing my fingers too hard at the end. I raised an eyebrow.
“Glad I’m okay? What are you talking about?” He stared me good in the eyes. “I saw it on the news this morning. The police force was talking on and on about how you were almost kidnapped by those....people. It’s all good now, right?”
“Are you kidding me?” This was one of the boys he introduced me to yesterday: Rex.
“I mean it in the best way, but if they can make it into that kid’s apartment, where else can they go? They have access to the whole city!” Chatters filled the room. Allen put up his hands.
“Chill everyone. We’ll figure something out. Surely the council knows what we’ll do. They won’t let anything happen to us.” I spoke up.
“Council? What council?”
“Here in Super Natropolis, one of every natural head is in the council, where they just argue all the time until they reach an agreement. Your dad’s on it. Lana is too. They’re the ones who train us.”
“Are you serious?”
“Yeah. You sure you’re okay?”
“I’m fine, thanks bud.” I looked around the room. Rim was sitting in one of the chairs, headphones in her ears. Tara sat a couple of bean bags over. She was wearing new clothes from shopping before class. I couldn’t even recognize her from the night before when her eyes were huge and filled with terror.
Now, she looked very relaxed as she twiddled her thumbs in her lap. She looked up and for a second our eyes met her facelifted in a half-smile. The doors opened and adults entered the room.
I spotted Armor, standing with his head held high. Next to him stood a ten-year-old wizard girl, Lana.
Rim said that some types of magic are the responsibility of the head naturals. If what Allen said was true, she must represent head naturals. On his other side was the golden-haired woman. The man with the bodybuilder's upper body had made an appearance.
So did another man who I didn’t recognize. There were five of them in total, one for each sector of the city....except ultra- naturals. Armor faced the horizon and made a big gesture with his hands.
“Greetings trainees. Most of you know us, but for you, newbies who might not, my name is Knight’s-Armor. This is Lana, Healer-Touch (to the golden-haired lady), Muscle-Strength (to the muscular man), and Flexi-Fast. We want to personally welcome you to the class. You have probably already met your fellow classmates,” he added gesturing towards us.
“For now, we better get training.” Without warning the section of the floor we stood on began to sink down as we entered a room that looked like a gym.
“All right, now. Today’s an open class. We will be here to help you perfect any skills you may want to work on. You know the rules, especially the most important: don’t use your powers to hurt another classmate. Are we clear?”
There were a lot of “uh huh’s” and “yeses”. The group began to spread out along the floor of the room, flocking to different coaches. I saw a blur of color next to the instructor Flexi-Fast, who held a stopwatch in his palm.
“Three.....two....one.....and stop.” When he said stop, the blur slowed down and revealed Terence, who meandered around the floor, his legs wobbling.
“So....dizzy,” he muttered. His mentor caught him.
“Nice work bud. You almost beat your record, but remember what I said last time. You need to control yourself a bit.”
“Okay,” Terrence said, peeling off his instructor.
Not far, Allen was doing monkey barrings. M-Strength, as he seemed to like to be called, stood below him. Andromeda stood next to him, using her powers to change her make-up several times in a hand mirror. I didn’t really see how that would save her life, but at least she was trying.
Other students were training around it. I didn’t know how to find my niche. A hand grabbed my shoulder. I turned around. Armor stood there.
“I’ll help you and Tara today, okay?”
“What about Rex?” I asked, looking at the kid from across the room. Armor looked at him.
“I’m having Heala work with him today.” 472Please respect copyright.PENANAbMCnusFgis
He took Tara and me to a corner of the gym and told us later that he wanted us to feel as comfortable with our powers as possible, so we could pick up more material. 472Please respect copyright.PENANAAKy67k3Z0Z
“First off,” he began. “We need to see what you guys can do.” 472Please respect copyright.PENANA7juRFuFml0
He handed us two cloths. “I want you to do it blindfolded.”472Please respect copyright.PENANAVJFpzb28JK
“What will that do?”472Please respect copyright.PENANAyEhARd3hrF
“It will help you unleash your powers without having the pressure of everything you see with your eyes.” He tied it around Tara’s head, then began with mine. "I want you to reach really deep. Don’t force it. Just remember what’s inside of you and we’ll see what happens.” 472Please respect copyright.PENANAkZKVFJeeSA
I relaxed my mind a bit. 472Please respect copyright.PENANAV3zQfUIuJw
I tried to be extra aware of what was going on. 472Please respect copyright.PENANA4jY3NEnZ1S
I tried not to think about my powers at all, but nothing seemed to be happening. A felt something on my foot. 472Please respect copyright.PENANAbo29eWaNjc
“Good job, Tara.” I hear Armor say. 472Please respect copyright.PENANAVc2zF0P5bA
“Wha...what am I doing?” Her voice was unsure and slightly afraid. 472Please respect copyright.PENANA7qJRdZnG1P
Whatever it was by my foot stopped and I fear a thump. 472Please respect copyright.PENANARJIsGnE1G5
“Tara, are you alright?” 472Please respect copyright.PENANA6IYsAe4Ma1
“Yes. I’m fine.”472Please respect copyright.PENANA1xkWwFEhrx
“You definitely have something for those weather patterns, but you get self-conscious and your concentration crumbles. I want you to try it again, but this time, pretend you’re alone.” 472Please respect copyright.PENANAdQFqo2VNMH
I tried to concentrate, burying my personal thoughts. Nothing seemed to be happening. I tried again and grunted in frustration. 472Please respect copyright.PENANAyFoNVvoMIc
“I...I can’t”472Please respect copyright.PENANAkMT1v4ykW4
“Yes you can, Blake. Relax.” 472Please respect copyright.PENANAH3RvTYF8ZI
I tried.472Please respect copyright.PENANAnK74qt0qbu
I tried it again. 472Please respect copyright.PENANA4f96vXeMMc
Nothing.472Please respect copyright.PENANAudkXrEEYB7
I put my hands out like Tara. I covered my hand with my other hand. I was panting afterward, and my head was beginning to throb. My voice broke a bit when I let my hands drop to my sides. 472Please respect copyright.PENANAN7AEuUNh0J
“I’m sorry.” 472Please respect copyright.PENANA4riilyPMqn
The day went too fast for me to grasp. I was depressed most of the time. My powers were gone for good, I could sense it. No matter how many times I tried to use them I would reach empty space and have to give up. 472Please respect copyright.PENANAYlaobU3c3c
I didn’t know what was up. Most of all I felt like a disappointment to my father. He was a superhero. He finally gets his only son back and he gets a failure too. I knew he was trying to be patient with me, but, it just isn’t normal for a boy of my age to experience an inability to use his powers. 472Please respect copyright.PENANAT7yGJdA3tc
Not only that, but I also became a sort of criminal. I brought the worst enemy to ever face the human race straight to the city that was supposed to be safe. Mothers wouldn’t let their kids be around me. Allen tried to take me to an arcade earlier that day but they wouldn’t let me in. 472Please respect copyright.PENANA0QNmMB78Et
“He’s the Bringer,” the man protested when Allen put up a fight. 472Please respect copyright.PENANA7Tc7FytNpF
Eventually, I just convinced me I could see it fine from outside and we went to a nice burger place nearby. I tried to ignore the horrible dirty looks everyone was giving me in the restaurant. 472Please respect copyright.PENANAjsKda392ma
By the time we ate all of the fast-food we could fit in our stomachs the place was empty. Allen acted like he didn’t notice, but I knew the truth. I was an outcast. Eventually, he left me alone, and I walked through the city to the park. I walked as far away from the people as possible, to the top of a hill that was topped by a little park bench. 472Please respect copyright.PENANAB3K1rSDvxF
I sat there and stared at the rocks near my feet. Trying to think. Trying to forget. I silently wished that attack at the volleyball game never happened. 472Please respect copyright.PENANAhQqUWhH4Bx
I wished Rim didn’t bring me to the city. 472Please respect copyright.PENANAVx20rL9ELp
I wished she had never told me “you’re not who you think you are.” 472Please respect copyright.PENANAyrpskIupLq
I had friends before. Now I was alone. 472Please respect copyright.PENANAkuUsUBS2dn
“Hey,” someone said behind me. I didn’t even turn around. The person circled the bench and sat beside me. I gave her a sideways glance.472Please respect copyright.PENANAT4xN26ag6M
Tara. 472Please respect copyright.PENANAedypNbqN3v
“Would you be mad if I sat with you for a bit?” I sat up a bit. 472Please respect copyright.PENANA1AVuvSYcSb
“Of course not.”472Please respect copyright.PENANAjnXKP1t0Hk
“Swell,” she mumbled, folding her hands in her lap. There was silence between us for a while. I kicked the rock away from my feet. 472Please respect copyright.PENANAEgYO3LtSxF
“What brings you here?” She twiddled her thumbs, squeezing her palms together. 472Please respect copyright.PENANAFyvAsnDj4Z
“I wanted to be alone.” She bit her lip and stared at her hands. “I can’t take it anymore,” she said softly. Her thumbs moved faster with her mood. “I...I can’t live like this. Your dad....he says I have all this potential, but I’m a coward.”472Please respect copyright.PENANAabJ0FeQkLz
“I know how you feel,” I said honestly. “I want to leave. I want to go back. Back to life, I’m SUPPOSED to have.” Our eyes met.472Please respect copyright.PENANAYmL1vSoHxF
“You know what you’d be getting yourself into. It would be walking into a trap. I’ve heard rumors of the horrible things they do.....” She caught herself. “I’m sorry. I forgot that your mom...”472Please respect copyright.PENANA08GBS8A4gi
“It’s fine,” I assured. I hope my growing unease wasn’t apparent on my face. I changed the subject.472Please respect copyright.PENANAbsakqqJ5Xf
“You’ve had it too?”472Please respect copyright.PENANATcL4oa6eDi
“I guess you could say that. I miss.....being normal. I know that might sound crazy.” I shook my head. 472Please respect copyright.PENANAdZOoJKGQmD
“No, it's not crazy. Coming here, seeing all these heroes, I felt like I was home. Like I belonged here. But now... I think that was a mistake.” I was surprised by how easy it was to talk to her. It reminded me of talking with my mother. 472Please respect copyright.PENANAXQk8Nj6zTZ
Then, I got a crazy idea, and it poured out of me right there: “What if I went and rescued my mom. She could sort everything out. Protect me in the real world. I could escape this place. I could rescue everyone, and everyone will stop thinking of me as....weird or dangerous. You...you could come with me. You could prove yourself.” 472Please respect copyright.PENANAnce1bS0TdQ
After saying it I realized what a crazy idea it really was. It could backfire in a million, nasty ways. I dropped eye contact and gnawed on my lower lip. 472Please respect copyright.PENANA0SRiegiaIX
“I’ll do it,” she said. My eyes widened as she continued. “It is risky, but it’s better than being a scaredy-cat her in Super Natropolis. But Blake, we don’t even know where it is!”472Please respect copyright.PENANACzmtB5a5wZ
“We’ll figure something out. Maybe we can find it in the archives or something. My dad said something about checking them in the citadel that first night we were here.” 472Please respect copyright.PENANAZrypZk0a4z
“We could ask Armor,” she suggested. I thought for a moment. 472Please respect copyright.PENANADCUviK4Xp1
“No, he can’t know. He wouldn’t approve. We need another approach. We can’t tell anyone.”472Please respect copyright.PENANA4ZdYIV9cSP
“We need a guide."472Please respect copyright.PENANAJUZzk7D5HT
"I know who we can ask. I know what we’re going to do.”