Thank you
I just want to thank you for reading this, I just have high hopes for this story that is in my head. I'm hoping to spill out my imagination onto the next few pages without it being too messy. Thank you again.
It's been about 4 months since the world was shut down. I've been trying to use my time wisely as much as I can. I try to stay off of my phone because it could be so draining and no one is going to reach me anyways. That's how it's been for a while now, people only talk to me for homework or a favor. It's never 'Hey, I miss you, we should hang out.' It's literally nothing at this point. The only notification I receive on my phone is 'low power mode turned off; battery sufficiently charged.' I'm glad that we are told to stay home because I'm not really an outside person and again, there is nowhere for me to go or people to hang out with. Currently, the time is 9:45 am on a Saturday and today is just going to be like any other. Wake up, brush teeth, browse on the internet, think about my future, maybe have a snack, and so on and so forth. I wanted to do something different. Well, it isn't really different I've been doing this for a couple of months. After making my way to the bathroom I brushed my teeth with one hand and in the other was my phone. Since I don't really talk to anyone, or no one really talks to me, I would DM these celebrities saying how I was feeling or if they could talk. It's not like they don't receive the message, they do, they just probably get so many it's hard to even keep up with everyone. I scrolled in my dms on twitter and everyone has left me on delivered. Who you may be wondering. Youtubers like Larray, Twaimz, David Dobrik, Bretman Rock, celebrities like Luke Hemmings, Michael Clifford, Louis Tomlinson, Niall Horan, Liam Payne, and Harry Styles. I try to be smart about what I say to them. It's not like they would open the message but I mean it would be very very rare. The messages I would send would be if I wasn't okay and I would type ' hey favorite, I'm having a bad day, any words of wisdom?' or just a simple ' I love you'. I try to message them whenever I'm bored, so like every day. And of course, no response as always, but I have gotten a few responses from people. For instance, Luke Hemmings from 5 Seconds of Summer replied to me, I almost got blocked too. I wrote, ' How's the weather up there? Enjoying it with the penguins?' I know, I know you're probably thinking this makes no sense, you are 100% right, it doesn't. As I said, these celebrities have too much time on their hands to even think of responding to dms from fans. He replied with 'Are you saying this because I'm tall? I'm slightly confused on what your goal was here. but much love x Luke.' The day I received this message I freaked not only did THE LUKE HEMMINGS FROM 5 SECONDS OF SUMMER DMED ME, but because I sounded like a total idiot and will be ashamed of my message forever. After tidying up in the bathroom, I made my way to the kitchen and started thinking about what I should make. I could just have some cereal and milk but the milk expired two days ago and that is just a risk I am not willing to take. I decided to scramble up some eggs and fried some bacon with a side of my special iced coffee.
Shortly after my little breakfast meal, it was 10:30 and I decided to dm a celebrity. Oh Harold Styles. I couldn't believe that he was a solo artist and still in the music industry. People often favorited him and called him the lead singer of One Direction but it was a boyband, they all sang together. One was just overlooked than the others. He still is such a beautiful man, handsome even, is there a word to describe Mr.Styles at all? Honestly don't think so. I start to type,
' Harold Styles, the man, the myth, and the legend, I hear that you respond to dms, is that true, if so don't hesitate with me at all.'
There, sent and delivered at 10:45 am. You know it might've sounded a little dumb again so here I go with a follow-up.
' Respond to me if you think you're gorgeous. Who am I kidding you wouldn't even dare to respond to me. It would be too good to be true. I hope you have a wonderful day though, I think about you-' no no, delete delete it's too cheesy, how about, ' I hope you have a wonderful day, try and stay inside it's a little too hot. Maybe enjoy some ice cream. with love Dawn.' There we go, okay enough of that, it's time to figure out what the hell am I going to do right now. I could nap, play with makeup, take pictures, play sims, or bake. There is so much I could do but the question is, am I actually going to do it?
I decided on playing with makeup and maybe posing for a few pictures to post for my Instagram. I'm a little self-conscious so we'll see about that. I gather all of my makeup supplies that I will be using and placed it on my desk and headed to my mirror. I wanted a simple glam look, maybe a pinkish eyelid with mascara and eyeliner. And of course, the false lashes. It's not like I don't have any eyelashes, false lashes just add an extra finishing touch. I promise it won't overdo anything at all. Before I start my make up I always chose a playlist to listen to. Sometimes when choosing a playlist I sometimes skip a few songs because it's not something I want to hear when I am trying to boost up my confidence. Songs that would make me feel good inside while I am giving myself a little makeover would include songs by Cardi B, Doja Cat anything upbeat that I know the lyrics to always works. 30 minutes after trying to get my eyebrows to look like sisters I've started on my eyeshadow. I wouldn't say that I am pro at makeup, I just know how to use products and of course, practice makes perfect. After about 30 more minutes I have finally completed both of my eyelids with eyeliner and the last step was finally to apply my false lashes. The little cherry on top. 10 minutes have passed and I look amazing, the makeup look in my head fitted the one on my face. Now let's try to take some photos. My genuine opinion on photos is all over the place. I don't think that selfies are my go-to if I wanted my picture taken. I'd have to set up my own tripod to put my phone on it and take pictures using the back camera. I took about 15 photos and absolutely hated it. I hated the way that my face was angled that you could see all my imperfections, my double chin and just looking at the photos, none of them made me feel like 'this is the one I wanted to post.' I made my way back inside the house to figure out what kind of posing I should do for the picture so that I am comfortable with the way I looked. I sat on my bed which faced my closet mirror and stared at myself. I stared at the way my back looked when I would slouch, I stared at my stomach that I knew grew from 2 weeks ago, I stared at my face, I no longer felt beautiful. I felt disgusted that I looked the way I looked. I stared at the stretch marks on my arms. One tear fell down the right side of my cheek and I felt like complete shit. I always do this to myself, I bring myself up, then I bring myself back down. I took off my lashes because usually when this happens and I know that I am going to keep crying, I need to take them off because they'll get all clumpy and nasty. I change back into my basketball shorts and comfy tee with my hair up in a messy bun. I made my way to the bathroom and stared in the mirror as I silently cried. I held my stomach and cried harder. This hurt because I noticed the difference in my body, I noticed the new stretchmarks, I noticed everything that was happening to my body. I hated it. a lot. As I was wiping my tears, my phone buzzed and it was unclear to what the notification was. I told you, no one texts me, and I only get battery notifications. It was from twitter, I read 'hi dawn, well it looks like I've 'dared' to respond to you. It sure is a bit hot, maybe in the mood for some watermelon. You know? It's watery, and feels amazing on a summer day, H.'
authors note: If this felt like forever, I am so sorry, there were just a couple of things I wanted you to know about our first main character Dawn. Thank you for sticking around.
Chapter 1. Direct Message
After my little mental breakdown, I needed to make sure that what I was seeing was correct and that it wasn't just some lowlife trying to pose as Harry Styles. But wait a minute, there is no way that it could be some poser because how would they know about the statement I told Harry, this is odd, very odd. I unlocked my phone and clicked on the profile. My jaw dropped, there is no way he'd respond, it had only been a couple of hours. 5 hours giver take. It's not like I'm counting anyway huh... I responded with 'Watermelon is watery? no way, so you'd want a watermelon sugar high?' I knew it was cheesy but if this was a way to hold a conversation. I am definitely doing this.
With the tons of dms and other notifications I receive on my phone, I like to respond to a few to make them happy. It's the least I could do especially if they are supporting me in what I do. Yes, sometimes it could be too much like ' oh my gawd Harry, I love you! please have my babies.' It's a bit odd of a request but I mean I could respond with something negative and just kill the mood or just say ' haha.' A small haha could do a lot of damage, you'd leave them in question with the tone that I was responding in. It could've been a sarcastic haha, disturbed haha or just a haha. On second thought maybe fans don't think like this. I don't know sometimes I just don't know what to say. Ahh received a new message from user @damndawnx 'I hope you have a wonderful day, try and stay inside it's a little too hot. Maybe enjoy some ice cream. with love Dawn.' What a lovely message. straight and to the point. She's basically trying to get my attention and sure, I'll give it to her. This message wasn't weird like all of the other ones I've received today. I typed,
'hi dawn, well it looks like I've 'dared' to respond to you. It sure is a bit hot, maybe in the mood for some watermelon. You know? It's watery, and feels amazing on a summer day, H.'
Maybe it's not the response she wanted but as I said before, sometimes I'm not sure what to say. The fact that I said that watermelon is watery is the most horrid thing I've ever said. My manager says that I have an online meeting in 10 minutes I might as well just try to hold a normal conversation with this Miss Dawn. She responded,
'Watermelon is watery? no way, so you'd want a watermelon sugar high?'
I knew it she'd use the line against me or at least repeat it so that I feel a little bit uncomfortable, but she did mention watermelon sugar high. Clever girl.
'Yes and there is just something with the taste of strawberries in the summer evening you know?'
He responded so quickly, I guess he had some downtime to respond, I bet that this conversation won't last a day. or even 30 minutes. It's as if we were singing the lyrics to his song Watermelon Sugar. I honestly don't think it's about watermelon at all. It's like the whole Beyonce and Jay Z song drunk in love. They were definitely not talking about watermelon just so you know. Now the famous Harry Styles is attempting to hold a conversation with me with his cheesy song about watermelon, supposedly. I read,
' Yes and there is just something with the taste of strawberries in the summer evening you know?'
I could respond with the next few lines which sound like I want your berries and that summer feeling but actual lyrics say I want more berries and that summer feeling. But I wanted the truth even if he doesn't decide to give it to me right away.
'how ironic, haha. now between you and me, trust me I won't tell ANYONE. is this song really about watermelon?'
He is typing for a good 5 minutes. I can see his profile picture just sitting there in the left corner of my phone. I am actually anxious, not to get an answer to my question but to get a response. Harry Edward Styles is texting me, no one is going to believe that at all, they'll think it's the app that makes you look like you are having a conversation with someone famous but it's honestly just you talking to yourself. Not that I care what people think but I mean it'll look fake. Honestly, since no one cares about me now, they won't need to know that I'm texting him. A few minutes go by and my phone buzzes, it's a notification that I didn't know I'd get at all. Someone texted me. Mirah Lane. We used to be so close, she'd always come to my house no matter what the circumstances were. But when we were in high school she just didn't show that she cared about me as I did for her. She was too busy with her new friends who drove expensive cars or at least with people who can drive. I can not legally drive yet, and if I wanted to I can't because the DMV is currently closed because the world is closed at the moment. What would she need from me?
Mirah: Hey, can we talk?
It's honestly not like I did something wrong unless I did. Man, I have no idea where this conversation will go, also still waiting for a response from Harry.
Me: yea, sure what's up?
Mirah: I'm sorry for being such a friend in high school, I was caught up with people who I shouldn't be with.
Me: so I'm guessing your friends left you before summer huh?
Mirah: Something like that yeah, I was just there, never really invited to things, I'd honestly try and ask if I can come to their hangouts but they always avoided the question. What I'm trying to say Dawn, is that I was an asshole friend, we are supposed to be like sisters, I mean we were but like I was not the nice one. I'm here to make it up to you.
Me: don't worry about it, everyone goes through these phases and it is what it is.
Mirah: No Dawn, I'm literally here to make it up to you..
Me: wait what?
Mirah: come outside we're going shopping.
To my surprise, I think that Mirah actually loves me again. Looks like I'm going shopping with her? I'm not even 100% sure. I changed into some shorts and wore a Harry Styles shirt grabbed my wallet, keys, and kissed my mom goodbye. I heard my mom in the distance ' have fun, but not too much fun, I love you, tell Mirah I said hi!!' I yelled back as I'm walking to Mirah's car, 'I love you too mom!!' Mirah peeks her head through the window, ' Hello mom!! Haven't seen you in forever! Love you!!' I sat down and fastened my seatbelt.
'Okay Mirah, where are we going?' I asked.
'Don't worry about it Dawn I'm treating you out today, you can play some music while I drive us to our first stop.' Mirah responded.
I smiled and plugged my phone into the aux cord and selected the song Watermelon Sugar. As we drive away from my house, Mirah and I start to sing along.
Chapter 2. The Mall
'Okay since it's my treat, I want to dress you up, I want to buy your clothes, maybe some makeup if you're up for it?' Mirah says.
'You know you can buy me anything but it won't change me. You'll still have Dawn but with the clothes that you would prefer me to wear. I mean makeup, sure but like I'm not having the best day.' I said while we were both getting out of the car with our facemasks on.
'Cheer up buttercup, Mirah is here to save the day.' She responds.
It's about 5 pm and still no texts from Harry Styles. I mean it was good while it lasted. I sigh out loud and Mirah noticed and said ' So what's the sitch?' 'It's literally nothing I promise, take me to the store and turn me into you're little makeup doll or whatever you want to call it.' She grabs me by the hand and makes a run for Forever 21. I honestly hate this store because they sell the ugliest things in here and they usually don't have my size. 'Mirah, you know they-' she cut me off and said 'Stop having your hopes so low, I know you hate it here but sometimes you just have to look really carefully and see what you can do with it.' How are we going to pull this off? I hate buying clothes without trying them on and she knows this. I mean she's the one buying the clothes but still.
I've been busy with online meetings all day I finally get the chance to relax and just have time to myself. During my free time, I can browse everywhere on social media, or I can just take a nap and enjoy that. I feel like I forgot to do something today. Can't quite put my finger on it. The boys are staying for a few weeks at this airbnb that we rented and it's really nice to just hang out with the lads.
'Look Harold, I was trying to clean up the dishes but we're all out of soap, what brand do you use?' says Liam
'What? You do the dishes?' I laughed.
'Y'know I'm just trying to do something nice other than just sitting on our asses all day while you've been on meetings.' Liam responds and he rolls his eyes at me.
I stare at him blankly.
' So are you going to tell me what bloody soap you use for your dishes? Or do you want me to go pick up some Dawn at the store?' Liam says as he walks towards the door.
'Dawn? Oh, DAWN!' I exclaim.
'Didn't know you fancy soap like that but alright, catch you in a bit mate.' Liam responds as he opens the door to leave.
That's what I forgot to do, I forgot to respond to Dawn. Her message shouldn't be too far from the top. I open twitter to see if I can find her username. She asked me if watermelon sugar is actually about watermelon. I left her on read. She probably thinks I'm an asshole, but honestly, I was just busy. But I bet that's something she wouldn't want to hear.
'aye lad what you up to? are you down to go swimming right now?' Louis asked.
'nothin much, I just have to respond to a friend of mine.' I responded while scratching my head.
'oh Harold has a friend?? what kind of friend are we talking about here laddy?' Louis started to walk towards me with a smirk on his face.
' A friend is a friend mind your business and go get the rest of the boys to swim. I'll go once Liam's back from the store.' I said as I pushed him away.
' Awh come on, lad you can tell me, I won't say a word.' he says as he makes a pouty face towards me.
' gross, now get away.' I said with a chuckle.
Louis distracted me, what was I doing- Right, Dawn. I start to compose a message to her. ' What are your thoughts towards Watermelon Sugar? I apologize for slacking on the messages. 100% my fault my lady.' Not even 2 minutes go by and I received a response.
Dawn: don't worry about it, my king. Thy song of thee Watermelon Sugar is delightful, on the contrary, it's as if you are not speaking of watermelon. Maybe something more. Body language. touch even? Right now I'm out and about with an old friend she kind of messed up our friendship so she is repaying me by taking me out.
Me: your king? am I? Watermelon Sugar is everything you described but of course, it's just sugar-coating the actual message. If you know what I mean? Some celebrities have done it in the past. Maybe you are familiar with drunk in love. It's the same concept ma'am.
Dawn: I don't mean to 'yell' at you, it's just I had a very strong opinion on this, and my lord you have confirmed it.
Me: my lord? what is going on with these nicknames love?
Dawn: love? are you trying to make me fall in love with you?
Me: No I didn't mean to-
Dawn: Because you are Mr.Styles I will let this slide but making me fall in love with you isn't going to be that easy, I promise.
Me: I didn't mean it that way I just wanted to be sweet.
Dawn: it's fine, my love.
Me: well you see I didn't say ' my' I just said love.
Dawn: relaxx 'love' give me a minute I have to try on some clothes my friend picked out for me.
Me: go ahead love, I'll be here.
I lied, Liam is back from the store and it's time to hop in the pool. I lock my phone and smirked to the side with a smile. I didn't notice but Niall was staring at me while I was taking off my shirt.
'aye lad, you like what you see? Take a picture babyyy!! I said to him as I sway my body.
' I like that smirk you had on your face. Who did that to you lad.' Niall says as he pats my shoulder.
' OH my god you too? Can I not smile once in a while?' I responded as we made our way to the pool.
Once we made it to the pool before Niall jumped in he said ' HAROLD HAS A LADY FRIEND!!!!' I raised an eyebrow and jumped into the pool and tackled Niall. Liam then jumps in and tackles Niall but then Louis Jumped in and tried to get Liam and Zayn jumped in and splashed all of us. These were the times that I missed with the boys. This is the side that the media doesn't show you. They make you think that we all stop hanging out with each other. It's not like that, it's also not on purpose we just are too busy with our solo careers. The time passes and it's about 9:45 pm. We were all relaxed on the side of the pool drinking a cold beer. Niall brought some watermelon out and yelled 'WATERMELON SUGAR HIGH, HARRY WANTS HIS LADY FRIENDS BERRIES.' I looked at him with a glare.
'Relax Haz, it's just a joke.' Louis said.
'No no no, I am relaxed I swear.' I said as I was taking a sip of my beer.
'So who's this lady friend of yours?' Vas happenin between you two?' Zayn says.
We all looked at Zayn and we wanted to hurl.
'Alright mate, I don't know who told you that it was okay to say that. please never again.' Louis responded as he pats Zayn on his shoulder making his way to Harry.
'Harry can I use your phone to check my account out I think I got locked out.' Niall said to me as he approached me with his hand out.
'Why can't you use someone else's phone?' I said with a confused look on my face.
The boys shrugged their shoulders to show me that no one else had their phone on them besides me. ' y'know what, fine.' I said while rolling my eyes.
'Unless you're hiding something from us mate.' Louis said with a smirk on his face.
' You know I'd never hide anything from you guys, you are my family. forever and always.' I said while handing Niall my phone. ' Don't even try anything sneaky..' Niall snatches my phone with a smile on his face.
'Anywayssss so what's her name? Zayn asked.
'It's not even a big deal relax guys.' I said while shaking my head.
'You know what he's right, but I think her name is Dawn.' Liam says as he gets out of the pool to sit on the edge.
Oh he's smart. The boys looked confused as if I did something wrong.
'Oh that's not fair at all, you told Liam but didn't tell us?' Louis said with a worried face.
'No I didn't tell Liam anything at all. I don't-' Liam cuts me off mid-sentence and says 'He didn't tell me anything at all but when I went to the store I asked him what kind of soap does he buy and he freaked out over the Dawn brand.'
' AHH HAH! Got ya there buddy her username is @damndawnx!' Niall says as he starts to run away with my phone.
'HEY GIVE THAT BACK!!' I yelled as I was trying to get up but all of the beers I had made me a little tipsy.
'They've been texting all day!! aww she's so cute!' He says while making oooo noises out of his mouth.
The boys are all making obnoxious noises like awhhh ooooo ahhhhhhh. ' How do you know what she looks like? her profile picture isn't even her face?' I said as I was finally able to catch him.
'She sent you a photo!' Niall responded as he finally gave up on running.
A photo? WAIT A PHOTO OF WHAT?! ' GIVE ME MY PHONE YOU FOOL!!' I yelled. It was Dawn in a cute outfit she looked uncomfortable but I could tell she secretly loved it. She was wearing a white off the shoulder shirt with a corduroy overall on top, My girl has a sense of fashion okay. I love it. I sent her heart emojis and told her she looked beautiful.
Author's note: I'm going to stop here for now, I spent the whole day trying to figure out what to write. Let me know what you think <3