“Missy, are you ready?” Eion yelled. Today is the day we move to my mansion.
“Yessir!” I shouted sarcastically, bounding down the stairs and leaping onto Laze’s back. He momentarily buckled under my unexpected added weight before straightening and running around, bucking like a horse. We used to do that all the time when I was a kid.
Thorne plucked me from Laze and tucked me into his arms like a football. He tossed me into the back of the limo that my siblings were in awe about. I spent five years of my life being chauffeured around in one, you get used to it.
We passed time by playing Go Fish in groups of four since AJ, Bo, and Igor were with us. I played with Jane, AJ, and Enna, beating them almost every time. I was anxious to arrive. I haven't hung out with Gale in a week since we were getting ready to move.
When we arrived, Gale was already waiting out front. I slid out of the car and tackled him. Of course, Gale being Gale, didn't move. There’s a reason he was chosen as my bodyguard. “Dang it! Can’t you at least pump up my ego and stumble a bit?” I complained.
He smirked. “No can do, Roma. The movers have already come and gone. Danton had me pay them extra to put everything away. The only things you have to unpack are your overnight bags. I rode with them and told them which warehouse to store your old stuff. The key is on top of your dresser. Also, Danton is going to come over in a few minutes. He needs you to sign some papers giving you legal rights to the company. He also wants to meet your siblings and friends.”
“You know, you’re more like a personal assistant than a bodyguard,” I teased.
He grinned. “I know, Danton is paying me to do both.”
“Seriously? One of my best friends as my PA and bodyguard? You do realize I’m going to abuse this situation, right?” I smiled mischievously.
“Danton’s the one paying me, so he is technically my boss. Plus, he won’t let you fire me if I don’t listen,” he challenged.
“Dang it!” I complained.
“Baby girl, aren’t you going to introduce us to your friend?” Thorne asked.
“Oh, right, but I’m not a baby. Everyone, this is Gale. He’s one of my best friends, but he doubles as my PA and bodyguard. Gale, that is Thorne, Jane, Eion, Laze, Oasis, Enna, Seth, Ethan, Ajax, Bo, and Igor.” I pointed to everyone as I said their names.
“Bodyguard?” Enna questioned worriedly. “Why would you need a bodyguard?”
“The company she will be working for is run by a billionaire and she will be the co-owner. She’s already a billionaire herself since Danton made a joint bank account that will become solely hers the second she turns 18. People could go after her because of this and try to hold her for ransom,” Gale explained.
“You’re a billionaire?” Seth interrogated. Everyone’s jaws were dropped open in shock.
“I have been since I met Danton. Did I forget to explain that? I could easily afford this mansion. Danton is merely paying for it since it was a gift,” I said.
“My younger sister is richer than me. Huh.” Ethan blinked.
“Once Danton arrives we’ll go inside and I’ll give you a tour. I’ve been in here billions of times. It’s awesome, I swear,” I told them excitedly. Just then, Danton pulled up. I jogged over to meet him. He wrapped me into a hug, kissing the top of my head. I grabbed his hand and dragged him over.
“Slow down, Roma, I’m not a kid anymore,” Danton stated.
I looked at him weirdly. “Danton, you’re only 31. That isn't old at all. You aren't even middle aged.”
“Whatever,” he huffed. I introduced him to everyone and we took an hour long our. Afterwards, Danton, Gale, and I went to my office so I could read over and sign the papers. I read them carefully, something than Danton taught me to do. You never know if someone is going to cheat you out, though I trust him completely. I finally finished reading and quickly signed the papers.
“The deed is done,” I said in an overly deep voice. Gale rolled his eyes and Danton cracked a smile.
“Welcome to The Flaming Arrows, Missouri Romaro,” they both chorused. That’s the name of the gang. The public started calling it that for some reason, so we just stuck with it.
“It’s a pleasure.” I curtsied dramatically. They snorted.
“We have a car race tomorrow. A lot of people are coming, and admission is 30 bucks per person as usual. A few rival gangs are coming, as well as allies. You should know which is which, since nothing’s changed. Everyone is expected to be there, so you’ll get to see the actual members and not just our workers. Of course, the actual members and their families live on my property but still,” Danton informed me. He has multiple properties that he owns, and he built a few race tracks on one. It’s one of our ways of making money. We don’t pick pocket or rob, unless it’s from people who deserve it. We also sell weapons and supplies, a few that are illegal. We occasionally participate in grand theft auto and sell our loot. Of course, not everything we do is illegal. He owns a few legit clubs, both for minors and adults that are very successful. His private property is equipped with a smaller mansion than mine, but several houses are scattered along the property. His mansion only has 10 bedrooms, but that is enough since he is the only one that actually lives there full time. He owns a lot of land and basically has his own town equipped with all necessities and a lot of wanted things. No one has to leave his property for anything except work, though they often do. He owns several acres. I own less acres than him, but still a lot. He has a fence surrounding his property so that no one will stumble across what we are doing.
“Ok. What time do I have to be there?” I asked.
“Be there by 9:30. The races actually begin at 10:00 and go until 4:00. There’s an after party at The Rave. It’s a club for both minors and adults. The bottom floor is for minors and the top for adults. Minor Flaming Arrows can come up or go in the VIP section if their name is on the list as long as they don’t drink alcohol, and I called to have yours added,” Danton reported. One thing he is strict about is underage drinking. I don’t mind, but a few members complain when he isn't around. They know that if you participate in underage drinking, you are instantly out. Danton used to have a friend who was an underage drinker that ended up dying from alcohol poisoning.
“Ok, thanks,” I chirped.
“No problem, Roma. Now, are you dating anyone, maybe one of those friends of yours?” Danton wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.
I gagged. “Gross, no way, Jose.”
“Good. Can I set you up with someone?”
“That depends…” I eyed him warily. “Is it someone you think I’ll like a lot?”
“No,” he deadpanned.
“Then go ahead,” I answered.
“I don’t get the two of you,” Gale muttered.
I patted his hand. “It’s ok, no one does.” Danton nodded towards Gale when he wasn't looking.
“NO!” I yelled. Gale looked up, startled.
“What? Did I miss something?”
“Do me a favor and go unpack for me and help the guys and my sister do so if they haven’t already, please?” I gave him the puppy dog eyes he’s never been able to resist. He nodded and left, shutting the door behind him. I waited a moment before checking to see if he had really left. He was nowhere to be found.
“Explain yourself,” I ordered.
“Come on, you are all touchy-feely with him and have obvious chemistry.” Danton rolled his eyes at my apparent naivety.
“I’m touchy-feely with everyone I’m close to and there is no chemistry!” I argued.
“You do so have chemistry! Answer some questions for me. Who was your first kiss with?”
“Gale, but only because we were curious.”
“Who did you play marriage and family with?”
“Gale, but a lot of kids do that.”
“Who’s overprotective of you that you aren't related to?”
“Gale and a bunch of my friends, some that you’ve never met.”
“Who constantly tells you they love you that isn't related to you and is actually young enough to date you?”
“Gale and a bunch of my friends.”
“Why’d you group Gale away from your friends?”
“Because you’re talking about him.”
“Who volunteered to be your bodyguard and PA when they had a job that is technically better and more interesting, though I kept his pay the same?”
“Gale, but he’s one of my best friends, is overprotective, and loves to spend time with me.”
“Who watches chick flicks with you just to make you happy?”
“Gale and a bunch of my friends.”
“Who treats you like their girlfriend but without all the romance?”
“Gale, but I have friends that their best friends treat them like that.”
“Who do you dream about?”
“Everyone I’m close to.”
“Who do you dream about the most?”604Please respect copyright.PENANA50jFf9ziE3
I paused in thought. “Gale, but he’s one of my best friends and I have a lot of memories of him and I that stand out.”
“Who lives with you that you aren't related to?”
“Gale and a bunch of my friends, but it’s part of his job description and I live in a mansion.”
“Who would get shot by a bullet for you that isn't related to you?”
“Gale and a bunch of my friends, but again it’s a part of his job description.”
“Who was practically torn apart when you left?”
“Everyone I was close to.”
“Who was affected the most emotionally when you left?”
“Gale, but we are best friends.”
“Who has called you pretty and complimented you several times that you are not related to and is young enough to date you?”
“Gale and a bunch of my friends.”
“Who has said that whoever dates or marries you will be lucky and could actually do those things?”
“Gale and a bunch of my friends.”
“Who has a crush on you that he desperately hides because he thinks it will ruin your friendship?”
“No one that I know of. Do you know something that I don’t?”
“Yes, I do. Why do you think I suggested you two date in the first place? He told me. Now, who has been the answer to every single question I asked?”
“Gale,” I begrudgingly answered. I hate it when Danton’s right.
“Do you like him?”
“Maybe,” I mumbled.
Danton clapped once. “I told you so! Now, go kiss the poor boy or something!”
“Um, no. I am not making the first move. What if this really does ruin our friendship? I would die if that happens. I am perfectly content remaining friends with him,” I disputed.
“So you’d prefer to remain single your entire life and longing for him secretly? Or worse, him moving on and you having to watch him being happy and lovey-dovey or the other way around?”
“As long as we remain friends, yes,” I agreed stubbornly.
“Stultus es, mi (You are a fool, my dear). Tu sinis abire perfecte bonus (You are letting a perfectly good man get away)! Care passurus es, dic ei, si non libet, saltem ei (You are going to suffer dearly if you do not at least tell him you like him)! Melle quod optimum vobis sed volo (Honey, I only want what is best for you),” he said. Latin is kind of our version of a secret language. The entire gang uses it when we have to make phone calls about business. Danton and I will use it randomly.
“Scio (I know)! Ego potius a parte sua quam quia odit (I would rather be a part of his life than someone he hates)!” I replied, running my hand through my hair harshly.
Danton’s expression softened. “Roma suam non oderit (Roma, he will never hate you). Obviat ipsa anima (It goes against his very soul). Vos destinatum, promitto (You two are meant to be, I promise).”
“Quomodo tam certus (How can you be so sure)? Imperium est aliquid de aliquo, id est futura (That is something out of any man’s control, knowing the future).”
“Ne dubita regula ad vos vivetis aut paenitet (Do not let uncertainty rule you or you will live to regret it).”
“Sapiens verbis senis (Wise words from an old man).” I teased.
“Whatever,” he huffed, reverting back to english. “Are you really not going to do anything?”
“No, I’m not. Whatever happens, happens. I am most certainly not making the first move. It really could ruin our friendship, and I don’t want that,” I restated.
“I give up!” Danton threw his hands into the air. “I need some aspirin.”
“I think there’s some in the bathroom cabinet.” I pointed to the bathroom attached to my office. He waddled up to the medicine cabinet and swallowed the pills without water.
“I’m going to head home. Call me if you need anything, ok?”
“Will do. Love you.” I hugged him.
“Love you too, Roma. See you tomorrow.” He left, leaving behind a copy of the papers, which I store in my desk drawer. Gale walked in.
“Everyone’s done. Who is Danton trying to set you up with?”
“You,” I answered, sitting on top of my desk and kicking my legs.
“I figured. I don’t know whether to be offended that you literally screamed no or not.” He smirked, but I know he was trying to hide the hurt in his eyes.
“Don’t be. You’re a great guy, I just don’t want to ruin our friendship. Otherwise I’d probably have said sure, no harm in trying,” I told him.
“Stroking my ego, I see how it is. Now, what makes you so sure I would’ve said yes?” He raised an eyebrow in challenge.
“I’m awesome. Plus, Danton is your boss, if you get what I’m saying,” I hinted.
“You don’t think…” he trailed off cryptically.
“No, I know he would so he could try and prove he’s right. If that happens, I’ll just start paying you myself,” I assured him.
“Ok then, that’s our back up plan.”
“Now, if you’ll excuse me,” I slid off my desk. “I have to go complain to my sister.”
“Girls always complain to either their sister or other girls about ‘boy troubles.’” I explained.
“Is this classified as ‘boy troubles?’”
“Well, you are a boy, so yes. Danton is male, though I don’t think anyone would dare call him a boy. Eh, close enough.” I sauntered into my sister’s bedroom. She looked up from her phone.
“Yes, sister of mine?” Jane greeted.
I groaned. “Boy troubles.”
She leapt up, tossing her phone onto her bed and pulling me down eagerly. “Speak.”
I explained the situation. She mused silently when I was done. “Does he know you like him?”
“If saying I’d date him if we weren't such close friends counts, then yes,” I answered.
“Has he outright admitted that he likes you?”
“To Danton apparently, never to me.”
“Hmm,” she said. “Are you looking for advice?”
“Not at all, I just needed someone to complain to.”
“Ok,” she pouted, disappointed. My phone rang. I answered it.
“Hello?” No reply.
“Hello?” I picked up snickering on the other end of the line.
“This is just annoying. Let me guess, Pax?”
“Dang it, how’d you know it was me?”
“There’s a little something I like to call caller ID, genius.”
“What? Oh, I forgot to do *67.”
“Idiot.” I shook my head.
“An idiot that you lurvvvvvvvvveeeeeee.”
“How much A&W Root Beer did you drink?” That stuff contains so much sugar, he practically gets drunk off of it.
“A lot. I had them with skittles.” He giggled before burping.
“Paxton, you know better. Where’s Juliet?”
“She’s hanging out with her friends. I’m lonelyyyyyyyyyyy. Can you come over?”
I sighed. “Sure, kid.”
“I’m not a kidddddd!” he protested.
“You’re sure acting like one! I’ll be over as soon as I can, ok?”
“Okkkkkaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy. See ya soon, Missy-poo!”
“Bye,” I grumbled before hanging up. “I’m going to go hang out with Pax. He’s drunk off of root beer, again.”
“Ok, I’ll tell the guys if they ask.” Jane replied.
“Gale will probably insist on coming with me. Oh well, it’s his job, can’t blame him for doing it. Bye.”
“Bye, baby sister,” Jane teased. I glared at her before going to Gale’s room and knocking on his door. He opened it.
“I’m heading over to Paxton’s house. When he drinks too much root beer, he acts drunk. Juliet isn't home to make sure he doesn't do anything dumb, so I’m playing babysitter,” I explained.
“Give me a minute to get ready, ok?” I nodded and walked downstairs to wait by the main entrance. A short while later, Gale came downstairs. I gave my personal chauffeur the address before hopping into the back of the red Ferrari. Danton had gotten me some slightly less wealthy cars than just limos. Of course, he bought me some inconspicuous cars too.
About 15 minutes later, we pulled up to Pax’s house. Things were strangely quiet. I slowed down and crept forwards. Something’s wrong. Gale stepped in front of me protectively. He rang the doorbell. When no one answered, he knocked loudly. I noticed a piece of paper on the ground being blown around by the wind. I picked it up and read the writing.
You say Mommy and Daddy are mean? We’re much worse.
I felt my face pale. “Gale, pick the lock.”
“NOW!” I ordered. The door was open in seconds. We slinked into the house. When we got to the living room, we saw Pax laying face down on the floor, sleeping soundly. I bent down and woke him up.
“Missy?” he asked groggily. “How’d you get in here?”
“You left the door unlocked,” I lied. “Paxton, someone left a threatening message on your porch. I need you to call Juliet to make sure she is ok.” He went for his phone in a flash, but before he could dial anything, it rang. He answered it and put it on speaker.
“Hello, are you Paxton Gregory?”
“That is me, yes. Who is this?”
“I am Officer Reynolds.”
“Why are you calling? Is Juliet ok?”
“As a matter of fact, she is the reason I’m calling. She was shot walking out of a small boutique. She is alive, but doctors do not know if she will make it. She is at Sentara Leigh Hospital. Do you know where that is? Afterwards, I’m going to have to interrogate you. You are not a suspect for the time being, we just need information about her,” Officer Reynolds said. Pax choked on a sob. I gently pried the phone from his hands.
“Officer Reynolds, this is Missouri Romaro. I’m a friend of Paxton and Juliet. Can you tell me the exact time she was shot?”
“A witness said at 1:00 on the dot. Why are you asking?” he questioned.
“Paxton was on the phone with me then. He invited me to come over. You can check my phone records, if you would like. Also, I may have a lead for you on who shot her. There was a cryptic message hinting about one time I was almost killed by a gang at the age of four. I believe her attempted murder was a direct hit to me. The name of the gang was The Blood Brothers. You might want to investigate them. I do not know the members name’s, but I could help you with their appearances,” I suggested.
“That would be excellent, thank you. Please bring the note with you when you come down to the station. Make sure Mr. Gregory is being careful on the roads.”
“I will have my chauffeur drive us. I am also going to have Paxton stay with me, at least for the time being. I have a top of the notch security system. I will feel better knowing he is safe. Can you get a paper and pen to write down my address?”
“I have them.” I recited my address for him before ending the call. Seconds later, another call came in. I answered it and listened carefully, the phone no longer on speaker.
“What?” Pax interrogated once the call was over.
“That was the hospital.” I paused. “I’m so sorry Pax. She’s dead.”