"I'm sorry for your loss," yet another person told Pax at Juliet's funeral. My poor best friend's eyes were bloodshot and swollen from crying. A placed my hand on his shoulder comfortingly. He looked up at me tiredly.
"When will it be over?" he croaked.
"One day, you will wake up and it will just hurt less. It could be in a week or in a year, but it will happen eventually. Unfortunately, the pain never goes away completely. I say this from experience," I responded.
He looked at me curiously. "Did you lose a loved one?"
"Yes, but that's a story for another time." My chest tightened in pain as I forced myself not to think about him. "I know what you're going through. It's tough, isn't it? By the way, do me a favor and don't tell anyone, ok? It's a secret."
"I won't. I wouldn't of, anyways. If you ever need to talk about it, just come to me," Pax offered.
"It's ok, Pax. It doesn't hurt so much anymore." I smiled sadly.
"If you say so. Can we go home now? I'm tired."
"Of course." In Juliet's will, she asked to be buried under the stars. We complied, obviously. By the time we get home, it will be at least 11:00 and I have to wake up early tomorrow. Danton rescheduled the car races and the afterparty to give me time to spend time with Pax and make sure he is alright, all things considered. He's been getting slightly better, and we have to do the races soon. Laze is going to babysit him for me. They get along well, always have and always will. Thorne doesn't like Pax very much, probably because he tried to murder me several times when we were children. Eh, I don't see the big deal. I did the same right back to him. Well, technically I started it. Ah, the good ol' days.
We drove home in near silence, Pax lost in his thoughts. I couldn't blame him. It's an incredibly tragic thing when your lover dies, especially at a young, ripe age. It tears your heart into shreds. Over time, you slowly patch it back up, but it is never again what it once was. Yet, you can't truly ever regret that fleeting glimpse of love. It is better to love and it to end in tragedy than never love at all.
When we arrived home, Gale opened the door for us. I'd asked him to let us go alone. He agreed, but only because of the magnitude of this event.
"You ok?" he asked softly.
I cracked a small smile. "I'm fine, just tired. It's been a long day. Goodnight, Gale."
"Goodnight, Roma." I quickly got ready for bed and burrowed under my covers. A few minutes later, my door creaked open. I lifted my head, but couldn't see the person's features because of the dark.
"Missy?" It's Pax.
"Can I sleep in here?" he questioned feebly.
"Sure." He crawled in next to me after shutting my door again. I took his hands and gently rubbed them comfortingly. Once I was done, I kept our hands linked. I knew he was here because he saw me as a kindred spirit now, both of us having lost our lovers. I don't mind.
"Do you ever miss him?" he said after a moment of silence.
"All the time. Sometimes it hurts so much I can't breathe. Other times it's a dull, throbbing ache or nothing at all," I took a deep breath. "I still cry at night sometimes; I'm not ashamed to admit that. Pain and grief are part of being human, but so is love, joy, kindness, and other good things. We just can't forget about those."
"Missy, do you think either of us will ever love again?"
"Probably. Paxton, one cannot help falling in love. The only thing they can do is prevent action towards that. I know Juliet would've wanted you to move on and be happy. I know H-Hugo would've wanted the same for me as well," I stuttered. Pax began softly crying. I pulled him into a hug, resting my head against his chest. Tears began slowly dripping down my cheeks. Our bodies shaking with silent sobs, Pax and I fell asleep.
Dream/Flashback: Three Years Ago: Age 14-
"Hi," a boy my age said, sitting on the bench next to me. He has caramel colored hair and green eyes with flecks of gold.
"Hi," I replied politely. We sat in silence for a second.
"My best friend's parents are here looking to adopt. They brought us along to help, I guess," he chuckled, which is a very comforting sound. It brought me back to the moments my siblings and I would have, unburdened by the threat of my parents. A lump formed in my throat.
"Fun," I responded. He tilted his head, studying me.
"You aren't shy, are you?"
I laughed. "No, I'm not. I just don't talk a lot. I'm used to being alone. I've gotten used to only saying things that need to be said."
"You've got a beautiful laugh," he remarked.
"So, how old are you?" he interrogated.
"I'm 14."
"I'm 15."
"Cool." We chatted for a little while, though we never exchanged names. Personally, I don't think it really mattered. It's not like I'm going to see the guy again.
"Dude, who are you talking to?" another guy addressed the green-eyed boy. He eyed me curiously. He has charcoal hair and warm brown eyes. I quickly smiled at him. The green-eyed boy pulled him off to the side and talked to him for a minute, their eyes darting to me occasionally. The brown-eyed boy approached me.
"What's your name, Scout?"
"Have you been reading To Kill A Mockingbird lately? Hate to disappoint, but I'm not Jean Louise Finch," I joked.
"I like you already," he announced.
"I'm Missouri Romaro. Come up with whatever nickname you like, I don't care," I introduced myself.
"I'm sticking with Scout," he responded.
I shrugged. "Whatever."
"I'm Eugene. You're going to be my new sister," he declared.
"I'm fine with that. You don't seem completely terrible."
He went to find his parents and force them to sign the paperwork to officially adopt me. The green-eyed boy and I stood together.
"So, I never got your name," I commented.
"Oh, right, I forgot about that."
"So, what is it?"
"Right, sorry. Give me a moment, I need a grand reveal," he paused. I rolled my eyes, but let him have his fun. He reached out and grabbed my hand, kneeling to the ground and kissing the back of it softly. He smiled charismatically up at me, his eyes twinkling mischievously.
"I'm Hugo."
Present Day-
"I feel like a father catching their daughter with a boy," I heard Gale whisper.
"It's called jealousy. Get used to it, the two of you are both too stubborn to admit you like each other and get together," Danton remarked.
I groaned. "Be quiet, I'm trying to get my beauty sleep."
"It's time to wake up, sweetie," Danton crooned.
"No!" I complained.
"Yes!" Gale jumped into our conversation.
Pax stirred in his sleep, opening his half-lidded eyes. "Missy? What's going on?"
I leaned down and kissed him on the forehead. "Go back to sleep, Pax. I have to get up for work." He instantly drifted off. I eased myself up from the bed and shooed Danton and Gale away. I got ready quickly and met them downstairs.
"Next time you come to wake me up, be a little quieter, ok? Pax hasn't been sleeping well since Juliet died," I scolded.
"Sorry, Roma," they both chimed.
"I forgive you, but don't do it again," I warned.
"We won't," they chorused as we headed outside. One of the limos were waiting for us. I stared out the window for most of the ride, a result of my dream. The memory played on a loop in my head. I bit my lip, holding back a bittersweet smile. I'm sure anyone looking at me would've seen the utter longing in my eyes. I'd do anything just to go back to that short, sweet moment. It's a perfect memory, one without any fears or burdens weighing you down.
I was jolted out of my stupor when I felt a hand on my arm. I blinked and looked up, seeing it was Gale. "We're here," he said sweetly. We climbed out of the car and began sauntering to the racetrack and bleachers.
"Thanks. Sorry, I was zoning out. I think I was seconds away from falling asleep again." I laughed. He grinned at me.
"Ready to see me race?" Gale absolutely adores cars, always has and always will. He straight up told his dad that the second he can drive, he's participating in the races. Carpenter's pretty easy-going, so he agreed.
"Yeah. Make sure you get your entire car checked and be mindful of the people around you. I have a feeling that whoever sent that threat is going to go after you, too," I warned.
He frowned. "I didn't consider that. Would it make you feel better if I sat this one out? I don't mind, I promise."
"No, you race," I demanded. "Just be careful."
"I will." He kissed my temple softly, winking before walking away. He had dropped me off at the reserved bleachers, even though Danton was with me. Other members of our gang crowded around us, along with our allies. I greeted everyone with a big, fake smile on my face. It has nothing to do with them. In fact, I like most of them with few, if any exceptions. I'm just worried about Gale.
Soon, the races began. Socializing all but halted as we watched different groups of cars struggle to stay in the lead. Gale, in his sleek, gray car, almost always won.
On the last race of the day, a green car came a little too close to Gale for comfort. I sat up in my seat, worried. It nicked his bumper. I descended the bleachers, Danton beside me. The green car, in the very back, oddly slowed and drove off the racetrack. It did small circles in the grass until it stopped completely. The driver stepped out, yelling something about his brakes not working. Bile rose in my throat as I recognized the driver as, lo and behold, Eugene. I jogged over to greet him.
"Scout?" he questioned, shock taking over his features. I simply nodded.
"Don't tell," we blurted simultaneously. "Pinky promise?" We both linked our pinkies and giggled before he pulled me into a tight, brotherly hug. We share a birthday, so we often say we are twins, even though he is a year older than me. He says he was just born a year too early or me a year too late. He plays another one of my brothers, though he hasn't met AJ, Bo, Igor, or anyone else.
"Roma? Do you know this guy?" Gale asked, glaring at him harshly. Everyone had stopped racing when Eugene did.
We both nodded happily. "We're twins, not biologically obviously. His parents adopted me but I asked them to give me back up to the system because I figured they'd send me back to my original foster home and I hoped I'd be able to find my family. That happened about half a year before I reunited with you guys. You know the rest. Eugene, this is one of my best friends Gale. He's also my PA and bodyguard."
"Nice to meet you," Gene beamed. "So, you're in a gang? That doesn't surprise me, you little rebel. Imagine Dad's reaction if he ever found out."
"He's never going to find out," I poked him in the chest. "Are you in a gang now or just a racer?"
"Just a racer. Steve told me about this place," he answered. Steve was Hugo's dad. His son took after him entirely. I know Steve is a gang leader. I haven't seen him yet. I sent Gene a look so he knew not to mention anything about Hugo. He sent me a look conveying that the message has been received.
"Is Steve here?" I gulped. Don't get me wrong, I love the man, but it's been hard to look him in the eye ever since Hugo died.
"I'm right here. Good to see you, Scout." Speak of the devil and he shall appear.
"Howdy, Chief," I greeted. He's the Chief of The Police, which is probably why he never gets caught. We have a few policemen as well. He pulled me in for a hug. "Please don't bring him up. I only reunited with them a month ago and haven't been able to bring myself to tell them about him," I murmured in his ear.
"No problem, Scout. You need to visit soon. Promise?" he whispered.
"Promise," I responded. We pulled away from each other. Gale dragged me over and rested his chin on my head. I relaxed against him. Steve looked at us curiously with a raised eyebrow. "No," I answered his unasked question.
"Sir, we checked your car and the break line appears to have been sabotaged, most likely in between races since nothing happened earlier," an employee told Gene. "This was tied to the bottom of the car." He handed Gene a piece of paper. He opened it and read out loud.
"Hopefully, this will take out two birds with one stone."
I blanched and staggered against Gale, looking fearfully up at his face. "They were trying to kill you two."
"I know. We're fine though, we don't even have a scratch," he comforted me.
"The threats have continued?" Steve growled.
"They found me about a week ago. They killed Juliet, my best friend Paxton's girlfriend. They wanted to start off small once they found me again." I laughed bitterly.
"You sound like Juliet's death wasn't the beginning," Danton noticed.
"It wasn't," I sighed.
"Who?" he interrogated.
"You sound an owl," I stalled, laughing nervously.
"Roma, who died?" he dragged each word out.
"Hugo did," I said softly, bitting the inside of my cheek.
"Danton," Gale warned, looking at me with concern.
"Gale, she said it herself, she is no longer a child that needs to be coddled and handed with kid gloves! She's never been that type of person and you know it! Her parents stole that opportunity from her!" Danton practically snarled.
"Stop!" I shouted, covering my ears. Steve and Gene pulled me in between them, glaring daggers at our companions. Danton and Gale's faces softened. I guess I still have one feature that is childlike. It's common knowledge between those close to me that I hate when people I care about argue, especially if it's about me. When I was younger, it was so bad it would make me cry. Now, I can usually keep myself in check. Today, I'm just overly emotional."Sorry, sweetie, but we need to hear what happened so we can try to figure out where they are," Danton soothed.
"I'm sorry, Roma, but you know how protective I am of you," Gale apologized.
"It's ok, I just don't like seeing people argue because of me," I sheepishly admitted.
"Scout, do you want me to tell them?" Steve questioned.
I shook my head. "No, I'll do it." I took a deep breath. "Hugo was Steve's son. He was my and Gene's best friend. He was murdered. The next day I received a note saying that his death was only the beginning and that I'd be seeing from the writer soon. There were no hints as to who it was though." I zoned out, remembering the day in question.
Flashback: Several Months Ago: Age 16-
"Hugo, where are you taking me?" I smiled up at the love of my life. He's taking me on a surprise date.
"It's a secret," he grinned back.
"Come on, tell me!" I whined.
"Nope," he said. We drove for a while, me trying to get him to He, of course, refused. I finally gave up after a while and just chatted with him about random things. Half an hour later, we arrived at a fancy restaurant. I raised an eyebrow at him.
"Did I miss an anniversary or something?" We rarely went to fancy places, though we could easily afford them.
"No," he chuckled. "I just wanted to do something special." He exited the car and opened my door for me. I linked arms with him and we sauntered into the restaurant. We were seated at a private table. We ordered escargot as an appetizer. He got steak as a main course and I got salmon. We both got vanilla ice cream for dessert, choosing to keep it simple. After that, he stood up, his hands and knees shaking. I titled my head, looking at him curiously.
"I-I have s-something im-important to ask you," he stuttered.
"What is it?" I asked. He pulled a little black box out of his pocket and flicked it open, revealing a gorgeous diamond ring on a gold band. He sank to one knee.
"I know we're young and immature but the one thing that I am certain off is that I'll love you always and forever, regardless of the obstacles of life. Missouri Evelyn Romaro, will you please marry me? I'm not saying we have to get married anytime soon. We can be engaged for years and years and I will be content because I have you. Please say yes," he proposed. I gaped at him in shock, along with the others in the restaurant. My eyes watered with unshed tears and I fanned them before holding my left hand out in a silent answer, frantically nodding my head. He sighed in relief, slipping the ring on. "Thank goodness, I was nervous you'd say no. Hallelujah!"
"Just kiss me already," I ordered. He complied and kissed me passionately. When we pulled apart, a few people came up and offered congratulations. Others scoffed, certain we were too young. It's not like we're getting married soon, probably in a few years. We're just doing the engagement part really early.
"It's so pretty," I said, admiring the ring once we had arrived on my front porch.
"I thought you'd like it." He puffed up his chest.
"What inspired you to propose now, of all times? Not that I'm complaining, I'm just curious."
"It was love at first sight for me, I'm not sure about you."
"It was for me too, you know that," I interrupted.
"Anyways," he stared pointedly at me. "The closer we got, the more certain I grew that you are the only girl for me, ever. Ooh, if we ever have a daughter, we should name her Ever. That would be perfect, a symbol of our everlasting love. You see what I did there?"
"Yes, I noticed, but isn't it too early to be talking about kids? We just got engaged, at the age of 16 no less. Well, I'm 16. Kids can wait a little while," I told him.
"I know, but I seriously can't wait to have little you and me's running around. Just promise me we can name our first daughter Ever?"
"Ok, I promise." I humored him.
"Yay!" He did his odd happy dance.
I rolled my eyes. "You can be so childish sometimes."
"You still love me, though."
"Oddly enough, I do. For the life of me, I can't figure out why."
"Considering that you're so mean to me, I wonder why I love you too." He pouted.
"It's because of my amazing awesomeness, right?"
"Right, Scout," he replied.
"So it isn't for my beauty?" I gasped in fake shock.
"Your beauty is an added bonus, but I would love you just the same no matter what," he declared.
"You're such a sap."
"Only for you, my love, only for you."
"That's nice to know, I was worried," I joked.
He kissed me on the nose. "I'm glad that was a joke. Otherwise, I'd never have proved that I'm yours forever."
"If you hadn't of given me the ring, how else would you have proved it?" I wondered.
"Like this." He pulled me into his arms and kissed me gently, as if I was made of precious glass that could easily break. One we were done, we rested our foreheads together.
"That definitely proved it," I breathed.
He grinned arrogantly. "I figured."
I shoved him away from me. "Now, go home. I love you."
A sudden shot rang through the air. I jumped a mile high and looked around to see a figure fleeing in the distance. Before I could chase the person, Hugo slumped against me. I couldn't figure out why at first. Then, I saw the back of his shirt was crimson stained. Blood dripped from his nose and mouth. He had been shot in the back. My mouth opened in horror, letting a strangled noise escape.
"I love you too, always and forever," he gasped out before he became still. I sat there in shock until his rosy cheeks had paled, his eyes dulled, and his soul was no longer in his body. Strangled sobs were pulled from me.
Hugo was dead.