Back in his apartment, Taylor leaned the disk against the case of War's Break II, next to the spot cleared for his collector's edition of War's Break III. He removed and tossed his hoody on the back of his couch, grabbed a can of Goofy Pop from the fridge, and returned to his couch, which swallowed him as he fell into it. The soda can opened with a hiss, and he swigged half the can. He let out a satisfied ah, then sat motionless, save for his eyes, which wandered from his television, to his game console, to War's Break II, and to Marching Fire. With no other plans for the day, he figured there'd be no harm in drowning his sorrows by playing a game, even if it was a mediocre one that sold for less at the bazaars near the suburbs.
He turned on his television and his game console, popped in the new game, and fell back against his couch, controller in hand. He played the first level, found it bland and unexciting, but then received a notification that he had earned a code redeemable with a copy of War's Break III. He grabbed a notepad and pen from his kitchen drawer and scribbled the code down and what it granted. After that, he played the second level, explored its landscape and toyed with the junk laying about, and by the end of the level had earned two more codes. He repeated this cycle until he happened to glance at his phone and realized that he should have eaten two hours ago.
Taylor paused the game, threw a TV dinner in the microwave, and downed an entire can of soda while the microwave hummed. He opened the microwave door when the timer had a few seconds left and returned to his couch after grabbing a fork. As he lanced and ate some string beans, he inspected his list of codes. He had memorized the five bonuses available in the collector's edition and found that he had already earned four of them so far.
He checked the time, guessed what time he had started playing, and predicted that he had a few more hours worth of gameplay left. He sat for a few moments, considering the risks and rewards of his plan versus what the Recommender had sold to him. He typed up a message on his phone, contemplated whether he was positive on sending it, then let his thumb press the Send button.
Forget about the plan guys. I got us the codes for the weapons and armor plus more.