每逢佳節大家都會放放煙火來熱鬧一下只是這一天晚上的煙火,和以往的任何時候都完全不一樣。213Please respect copyright.PENANA2P3ioaq7Sz
Everyone will set off fireworks during the festive season. It's just that the fireworks on this evening are completely different from any time before.
我只知道那一天算是這個月裏少數沒有炸彈襲擊的時候,身邊的鄰居們也打算在這一天晚上共同慶祝一下和平,大家坐在一起歡聚一堂吃點點心聊聊天看上去和以往任何時候沒有什麼不一樣,雖然中途聽到了幾次爆炸聲卻依舊以為只是在放煙花,過了一會兩名士兵衝了進來我們這才意識到今天晚上究竟發生了什麼。213Please respect copyright.PENANA0tP1QmFLha
I only know that that day was one of the few times this month when there was no bomb attack, and the neighbors around me also planned to celebrate peace together on this evening. Everyone sat together and had a snack and chatting. It looked like nothing before. It was different. Although we heard several explosions in the middle, we still thought it was just fireworks. After a while, two soldiers rushed in and we realized what happened tonight.
原來我們還以為只是一場炸彈襲擊可沒想到就在這個時候一枚火箭彈打中了我們附近的一棟樓。213Please respect copyright.PENANAatBFLAS5FO
It turns out that we thought it was just a bomb attack, but at this moment a rocket hit a building near us.
"不是炸彈襲擊,是伊朗強盜打進來了!"213Please respect copyright.PENANAOiPRBeuzqE
"It was not a bomb attack, it was an Iranian robber who broke in!"
人群中我們略微聽到了這樣的呼喊,但在一開始卻依舊對此感到半信半疑直到我們的教官帶著另外一個民兵班的人趕到之後,我們這才知道今天遇上的對手不再是以往那些零零散散的卑路支恐怖份子,而是一群裝備精良組織嚴密的伊朗伊斯蘭革命衛隊。213Please respect copyright.PENANAdzbfioRKjC
We heard such a cry in the crowd, but at first we were still dubious about it. Until our instructor arrived with another militia squad, we knew that the opponents we met today are no longer those of the past. Scattered Beluchi terrorists, but a group of well-equipped and well-organized Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guards.
我們身邊的一群警察和社區保安率先建立起了臨時陣地掩護其他人撤退,老人們也紛紛拿起僅有的槍以及其它武器同警察和保安一起阻擊伊朗強盜,只是我們從前根本沒有打過這樣的仗手裏也嚴重缺乏重武器,而伊朗強盜手上卻有無數挺噴射著熾熱火舌的重型機槍,哪怕再拼死抵抗也依舊如同以卵擊石,強盜的炮彈就像雨點一樣灑落在附近每一個地方的角落,就在姐妹們帶領那些沒有武器的街坊撤退的時候一發強盜的迫擊炮彈徑直打在了警察和保安組建的防禦陣地上。213Please respect copyright.PENANA6fu3hN0WFJ
A group of police and community security guards around us took the lead in setting up temporary positions to cover other people's retreat. The old people also took up their only guns and other weapons together with the police and security guards to stop Iranian robbers, but we had never fought such a situation before. There is also a serious lack of heavy weapons in the hands of the fighters, while the Iranian robbers have countless heavy machine guns with fiery tongues. Even if they fight to the death, they will still be like pebbles. The robber's shells are like raindrops on the corners of every place nearby. , Just as the sisters led the unarmed neighborhoods to retreat, a robber's mortar shell hit the defensive position formed by the police and security.
"教官,我們接下來要去哪裏?"213Please respect copyright.PENANAFTpnHS7wSy
"Instructor, where are we going next?"
"這裏要被攻陷了,撤走街坊之後我們要前往6號陣地!"213Please respect copyright.PENANA1IfuGmnHN5
"This place is about to be captured. After we evacuated the neighborhood, we have to go to Position 6!"
"6號陣地在哪裏?"213Please respect copyright.PENANAOPG02UK2jV
"Where is position 6?"
"卡拉奇港口附近,那裏還沒有淪陷!"213Please respect copyright.PENANAvWcpqeylBw
"Near the port of Karachi, it hasn't fallen there yet!"
"明白了,姐妹們我們先抓緊時間撤退,確保大家安全了之後再去6號陣地!"213Please respect copyright.PENANAY1MIXnTFgn
"Understood, sisters, let's take the time to retreat and make sure that everyone is safe before going to position 6!"
"優素福、阿利耶、薩拉、你們趕緊走吧,我先帶三個班過來阻擊敵人,等一會陸軍第77團會支援這裏,你們放心好了!"213Please respect copyright.PENANAFWBUjpBrdX
"Youssef, Aliye, Sarah, hurry up, I will bring three squads to stop the enemy first, wait for the 77th Army Regiment to support here, you can rest assured!"
"走吧姐妹們,還是趕緊離開比較好,只是今天我們走了明天我們還是要同伊朗強盜戰鬥到底!"213Please respect copyright.PENANAe20Sul3pmT
"Come on, sisters, it is better to leave as soon as possible, but today we are gone and tomorrow we will still fight the Iranian robbers to the end!"
這一晚我第一次領會到了真實的戰爭這樣的場面也是任何戰爭電影都不能比擬的,甚至連電影都不敢這麽拍,後撤的路上一棟大樓在經受了火箭彈和炮彈的輪番上陣之後轟然倒下,我們的頭頂上時不時的有伊朗的海上飛彈從空中略過,一眨眼的功夫又有兩枚飛彈從我的眼前穿過緊接著陸續飛來了五架伊朗戰機,優素福對戰機和各國軍隊名稱都比較瞭解,她告訴我那兩架是伊朗伊斯蘭共和國空軍的F-14雄貓戰機和三架幻影F-1,在此之前我們三個最多也只在電影當中看到過這些飛機的身影,可這一次我們卻是在自己的祖國看到了這些來自敵軍的飛機。213Please respect copyright.PENANA9C1tVaVJVG
This evening, I learned for the first time that scenes like real wars are unmatched by any war movie. Even a movie did not dare to shoot like this. On the way back, a building went into battle with rockets and artillery shells. Then I crashed down. From time to time, Iranian sea missiles passed over our heads. In the blink of an eye, two more missiles passed through my eyes and then landed. Five Iranian fighters flew, Yusuf. She knows the names of fighter planes and various countries. She told me that the two F-14 Tomcat fighters and the three Mirage F-1s of the Air Force of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Before that, the three of us were only seen in movies. We have seen these planes, but this time we saw these enemy planes in our home country.
天空中飛彈到處亂竄,就像一個又一個竄天猴一樣東飛西竄,一棟棟樓房在頃刻間倒下,一架架敵機又從我們的頭頂上略過,地面顫抖的很厲害爆炸聲呼喊聲不絕於耳,這還不算是最殘酷的現實,就在姐妹們撤退的路上忽然間闖入了一群伊斯蘭革命衛隊份子,他們走到那裏就開槍掃射哪裏我們為了躲避搜捕也只能躲在大樓角落當中的一個又髒又臭的垃圾箱裏,透過一個破損的小孔看到垃圾箱外面的事物。213Please respect copyright.PENANA2yK8bCx3rp
Missiles in the sky scurried everywhere, like sky monkeys flying from east to west. Buildings fell in an instant, and enemy planes passed over our heads, and the ground trembled terribly. The explosions and shouts are endless. This is not the most cruel reality. Just as the sisters retreated, a group of Islamic Revolutionary Guardsmen broke into them. When they got there, they shot and shot. We had to hide in order to avoid the search In a dirty and smelly trash can in the corner of the building, the outside of the trash can can be seen through a broken hole.
我們三個姐妹不敢發出一聲聲響,我們生怕一點細微的動靜招來那些伊朗強盜,所以每個人甚至連呼吸都要變得非常小心生怕發出一點聲音,但是事與願違那幫伊朗強盜還是盯上了我們躲藏的角落我心想或許我們可能就要死在這了,但是又不希望成為戰俘於是我們將手上的步槍上了膛,但是垃圾箱上的破洞僅僅能容納一把槍射擊,眼看著伊朗強盜們一步步向我們的角落摸索而來我們早就做好了最壞的打算,而就在這時一陣密集的槍聲從垃圾箱的後方響了起來聽聲音那是一挺水冷式機槍和兩把AK47步槍,見此情景我拿起了手上的M16A1步槍透過破洞朝著垃圾箱外就是一陣掃射。213Please respect copyright.PENANAZHqlYZy7nM
Our three sisters did not dare to make a sound. We were afraid that a slight movement would attract the Iranian robbers, so everyone had to be very careful even to breathe for fear of making a sound, but the Iranian robbers still focused on things contrary to expectations. In the corner where we are hiding, I thought that maybe we might die here, but we don't want to be prisoners of war, so we loaded the rifle in our hands, but the hole in the trash can only accommodates a gun. The Iranian robbers fumbled toward our corner step by step. We had prepared for the worst. At this moment, a burst of intensive gunfire rang from the back of the trash can. Hearing the sound, it was a water-cooled machine gun and Two AK47 rifles. Seeing this, I picked up the M16A1 rifle in my hand and shot through the hole toward the trash can.
之後從我眼前的大樓廢墟當中又陸續冒出了一連串熾熱的火舌,伊朗強盜們還沒來得及開火就一個接一個的倒下,後續趕來的卑路支偽軍也同樣遭到了無處不在的亂搶掃射,在確認過附近基本安全之後我們掀開垃圾箱的頂蓋繼續向著6號陣地進發,後來才明白那裏其實是游擊隊事先佈置好的一處陷阱。213Please respect copyright.PENANAo9XHuDhhuB
After that, a series of fiery tongues of fire emerged from the ruins of the building in front of me. The Iranian robbers fell one by one before they had time to open fire. The Peiluzhi puppet army that followed was also hit everywhere. Randomly robbed and fired. After confirming that the neighborhood was basically safe, we lifted the top cover of the trash can and proceeded towards position 6. Later we realized that it was actually a trap set up by the guerrillas.
但是就在我跳出垃圾箱朝後看了一眼後我忽然間感到有點難以置信,眼前的那名機槍手竟然是一個看上去80歲的老太太而她身旁的那兩位隊員,也一樣是年紀很大的老人。213Please respect copyright.PENANAlk7GeedeW7
But after I jumped out of the trash can and looked back, I suddenly felt a little unbelievable. The machine gunner in front of me turned out to be an 80-year-old lady and the two team members next to her were the same. Very old people.
"你們快離開這,這裏不是你們應該來的地方!"老太太見到我們之後對我們喊了一句213Please respect copyright.PENANA6qNVnQ5DlT
"Get out of here, this is not where you should be!"The old lady yelled to us when she saw us
我們雖然也想對她說上一聲謝謝,但是出於當前的緊急任務依舊二話不說就立即拿上武器繼續踏上前進的征程,冒著敵軍的飛機發射的飛彈冒著強盜們發射來的炮彈和火箭彈雨,奔走在這條人生當中最漫長的道路上,道路的兩旁到處都是損壞的大樓和早已變成鐵渣的汽車以及數不清的死人,深暗的夜色令我們無法具體的看清楚腳下的一切,唯獨路邊的火光可以大致照亮腳下的一部分道路,我們無暇顧及其它的任何事情除了隨時都可能闖入的敵人,我不知道我自己的腳下究竟有多少具屍體也數不清聽到了多少爆炸聲,頭頂上飛過了多少飛彈和敵機,心裏只有一個念頭那就是儘快到達6號陣地。213Please respect copyright.PENANACzfEPSYL4J
Although we also want to say thank you to her, because of the current urgent mission, we will immediately take up the weapon and continue on the march forward, braving the missiles fired by the enemy aircraft and the robbers. The rain of cannonballs and rockets is running on this longest road in life. Both sides of the road are full of damaged buildings, cars that have turned into iron slag, and countless dead people. The dark night makes us unable to be specific. I can see everything under my feet clearly, only the fire on the side of the road can roughly illuminate a part of the road under my feet. We have no time to take care of anything else except the enemy that may break in at any time. I don't know how many corpses are under my feet. I can't count how many explosions I heard, how many missiles and enemy planes flew overhead, I only have one thought in my mind that is to reach position 6 as soon as possible.
下水井變成血池,馬路變成血河,到處都散落著子彈打爛掉的人體器官以及部分人的殘肢斷臂,以前的時候我都很害怕看到死老鼠死鳥但是當我見到眼前的這些場面時,我忽然發覺那些根本就不值一提,雖然心裏依舊有些害怕,但在祖國的使命和尊嚴面前這些根本就不值一提,這時我才知道電視上演的其實都是假的而且假到不能再假了。213Please respect copyright.PENANA6ndC3yKKAo
The well turned into a pool of blood, the road turned into a river of blood, and bullet-smashed human organs and some people's stumps and limbs were scattered everywhere. In the past, I was scared to see dead mice and birds, but when I saw it in front of me In these scenes, I suddenly realized that they are not worth mentioning. Although I still feel a little scared, they are not worth mentioning in the face of the mission and dignity of the motherland. Only then did I know that the TV shows are actually fake And it's too fake to be fake.