"阿利耶,敵軍的狙擊手究竟在哪裏?"214Please respect copyright.PENANA9d2W3EYsH5
"Aliyah, where are the enemy snipers?"
"你問我,我也不清楚狙擊手究竟躲在哪,對了有沒有什麼東西可以把狙擊手給誘出來?"214Please respect copyright.PENANAsbDxZNHlSN
"You ask me, I don't know where the sniper is hiding. By the way, is there anything that can lure the sniper out?"
"有了,我手上有一頂帽子和一個小鍋,或許可以通過這個來吸引敵軍的狙擊手開槍!"214Please respect copyright.PENANAiMIRbmWwpU
"Yes, I have a hat and a small pot in my hand, maybe I can use this to attract enemy snipers to shoot!"
"試試看,也許敵軍狙擊手會上當,但是你要怎麼看出敵軍的狙擊手在哪呢?"214Please respect copyright.PENANA0mE2CohfRe
"Try it, maybe the enemy sniper will be fooled, but how do you know where the enemy sniper is?"
"那就看子彈從哪個方向打過來的,這些伊朗狙擊手太狡猾了,都是藉著火炮聲音來掩蓋槍聲,這樣靠聽聲音判斷的辦法就行不通,也只有這種土辦法可以用了"214Please respect copyright.PENANAyZHFDax486
"Then look at which direction the bullet came from. These Iranian snipers are too cunning. They use the sound of artillery to cover up the gunfire sound. This way, the method of listening to the sound will not work, and only this native method can be used."
"這樣,你來用這根鋼筋來挑起戴上帽子的小鍋,我來留意火星飛濺的方向這樣就可以大致知道子彈是從哪個方向來的了!"214Please respect copyright.PENANAnFJ26BWkpm
"In this way, you will use this steel bar to stir up the little pot wearing a hat, and I will pay attention to the direction of the splash of sparks so that you can roughly know which direction the bullet is coming from!"
"優素福,你記得留意一下周圍可疑的槍口火焰!"214Please respect copyright.PENANAL0reSt2qeX
"Youssef, remember to pay attention to the suspicious muzzle flames around!"
"明白!"214Please respect copyright.PENANAj6teKIQzlS
薩拉小心翼翼的用鋼筋頂起了戴著帽子的小鍋,一直延伸到了暴露在可視範圍的區域卻依舊沒有看到任何的風吹草動,一些姐妹們覺得好像沒有了狙擊手的威脅想要立刻跑出去卻又戛然而止,畢竟寧可信其有不可信其無在解決掉狙擊手之前這麽跑上去準備開炮就等於是白白送死,只是無論我們怎麼等就是等不到伊朗狙擊手開槍,這時候優素福有些不耐煩了順手晃了晃忽然間就打來了一顆子彈!214Please respect copyright.PENANAfylqXrXBm7
Sara cautiously raised the small pot wearing the hat with steel bars, and extended it to the area exposed to the visible range, but still did not see any wind and grass. Some sisters felt that there was no threat of a sniper and wanted to run out immediately. It came to an abrupt end. After all, I would rather believe that it is untrustworthy. Before the sniper is dealt with, running up and preparing to shoot is tantamount to sending death in vain, but no matter how we wait, we can't wait for the Iranian sniper to shoot. youssef was a little impatient and shook his hand, and suddenly a bullet came!
"伊朗狙擊手應該就躲藏在陣地後側三點鐘方向,因為火花是朝著火炮的方向飛濺的,優素福你把小鍋拿下來看看!"214Please respect copyright.PENANAmQPLjckYQZ
"The Iranian sniper should be hiding behind the position at three o'clock, because the sparks are flying in the direction of the artillery. Yousef, take down the pot and take a look!"
"拿手電筒照一下,你們看,子彈是從後側這個方向打來的,很明顯就是後側三點鐘方向而且是在靠近上方的地方命中,潛伏的狙擊手應該就在某棟樓上!"214Please respect copyright.PENANA1TWFKO30qD
"Take a flashlight. Look, the bullet came from this direction from the back. Obviously it was from the back side at three o'clock and it hit near the top. The lurking sniper should be in a certain building!"
只奈何漆黑的夜晚無疑給敵軍的狙擊手提供了很大的優勢,在沒有照明的情況下想要找到狙擊手無疑大海撈針,而手上僅有的手電筒最多也只能照亮非常小的一塊區域,若是打開不僅找不到狙擊手反而增加了我們暴露在敵軍狙擊手視線當中的危險,而躲在樓房廢墟當中想找到狙擊手又完全不可能因為躲在這裏視野局限性太大,只是無論如何這麽等著終究也解決不了問題。214Please respect copyright.PENANAFNLiCSMnRh
But the dark night undoubtedly provides a great advantage to the enemy snipers. If you want to find a sniper without lighting, you will like undoubtedly find a needle in a haystack, and the only flashlight in your hand can only illuminate a very small piece at most. If the area is opened, not only can we not find a sniper, but it increases the danger of our exposure to the sight of enemy snipers. It is impossible to find a sniper in the ruins of the building because hiding here is too limited, but In any case, waiting this way will not solve the problem after all.
"對了,我有一個辦法,你們看到這裏擺著一個假人了嗎,給假人帶上帽子放到旁邊比較開放的窗戶那,接著我們用手電吸引一下敵人!"214Please respect copyright.PENANAPBFrfUqh8I
"By the way, I have a way. Have you seen a dummy here? Put a hat on the dummy and put it in the open window next to it. Then we will attract the enemy with a flashlight!"
一位姐妹的話立即讓原本一籌莫展的我們靈機一動,於是我們迅速照著她説的辦法將假人搭在了附近的窗戶旁並用僅有的膠帶將手電捆在了假人的手上,最後由一位姐妹打開手電並由我躲在窗戶底下移動假人的位置,優素福和薩拉則爬上窗戶頂端用廢墟裏撿來的繩索牽引假人的手,而我則跑到較為開放的區域觀察外圍的樓房是否冒出了可疑的槍口火焰,就在我剛剛準備拿起望遠鏡的時候伊朗狙擊手開槍了,我錯過了一個絕佳的機會對此我感到很愧疚,盡管我盡全力觀察一切但是除了聽見一聲槍響以外,根本就看不到任何可疑的動靜。214Please respect copyright.PENANAw7RoKwSjYI
A sister's words immediately gave us a clue who was at a loss, so we quickly put the dummy next to a nearby window as she said and tied the flashlight to the dummy's hand with the only tape. Finally, A sister turned on the flashlight and I hid under the window to move the dummy's position. Yusuf and Sara climbed to the top of the window to pull the dummy's hand with a rope picked up in the ruins, and I ran to the more open Observe whether suspicious muzzle flames are emerging from the surrounding buildings. Just when I was about to pick up the binoculars, the Iranian sniper shot. I missed an excellent opportunity. I felt very guilty about it. I watched everything with all my strength but apart from hearing a gunshot, I couldn't see any suspicious movement at all.
"伊朗狙擊手太狡猾了,沒想到隱藏的這麽好,在這麽下去究竟什麼時候戰鬥才能結束!"214Please respect copyright.PENANA76m8rgHfdN
"The Iranian sniper is too cunning. I didn't expect to hide it so well. When will the battle end after this goes on!"
轉眼間大家的努力再一次化為泡影,不甘心的姐妹們想盡了各種辦法吸引敵軍狙擊手都未能成功,除了幾次敵軍狙擊手開了槍,但是在發現多次上當後我們再也吸引不到他了,這下子一切都陷入了僵持狀態伴隨著不遠處其它陣地的火炮聲響,想要就此睡覺也不可能想要重新開炮也不可能,想吸引狙擊手也變的不可能了,這下子姐妹們一時半會都不知道究竟該如何是好,就這樣時間一份一秒的過去了炮火聲依舊迴盪在夜空中,伊朗狙擊手依舊隱藏在那片我們不知道的角落一直這樣僵持下去終於有姐妹忍不住了,她無視命令跑了出去,我們原本都以為她肯定會被狙擊手打死,但誰也沒想到的是從陣地後側的一棟樓房三樓傳來了一陣連續的槍響,伴隨著一陣閃爍的金色火光。214Please respect copyright.PENANAL61MiBgdBc
In a blink of an eye, everyone's efforts came to nothing. The unwilling sisters tried all kinds of ways to attract enemy snipers, but they were unsuccessful. Except for a few times the enemy snipers shot, but after we found out that we were fooled many times I can't attract him anymore. Everything is now in a stalemate. With the sound of artillery from other positions not far away, it's impossible to go to sleep and fire again. It's impossible to attract snipers. It may be possible. Now the sisters don't know what to do for a while. Just like this, the sound of artillery fire still echoes in the night sky, and the Iranian sniper is still hidden in the corner that we don't know. The stalemate has been so stalemate, and finally one of the sisters can't help it. She ran out ignoring the order. We thought she would definitely be killed by a sniper, but no one expected it to pass from the third floor of a building behind the position. There was a continuous burst of gunfire, accompanied by a flash of golden fire.
"我們幹掉狙擊手了!"214Please respect copyright.PENANABMyzLkTZKA
"We killed the sniper!"
從那棟樓的三樓傳來了一陣呼喊聲,聽上去是一群小孩子最開始我們依舊感到半信半疑,但是當他們將敵軍狙擊手的屍體踢下去的時候我們這才相信他們說的都是真的。214Please respect copyright.PENANAyRfTCMhJ2Z
There was a shout from the third floor of that building. It sounded like a group of children. At first we still felt suspicious, but when they kicked the body of the enemy sniper down, we believed that they said were True.
"姐妹們,狙擊手被幹掉了,所有人全體投入戰鬥,打倒伊朗強盜!"214Please respect copyright.PENANAqEqLQaMVRu
"Sisters, the sniper was killed, and everyone went into battle to defeat the Iranian robbers!"
"快點裝炮彈,敵軍的炮火就要打到這裏了!"214Please respect copyright.PENANAvtRoXBQR9f
"Hurry up and load the shells, the enemy's artillery fire is about to hit here!"
"開炮!"214Please respect copyright.PENANAXoeG16P3uB
原本寂靜的陣地上又再度變得熱火朝天了起來,新的一輪炮戰就在此時此刻展開了。214Please respect copyright.PENANAPEmMEJPFWu
The originally silent position became hot again, and a new round of artillery battle began at this moment.
"無論如何,也要炸沉敵軍艦船!"214Please respect copyright.PENANAiPzImKbErf
"In any case, sink the enemy ship!"
這一場炮戰一打就是4個小時,只可惜我們手上的煤氣罐火炮精度太差,這一仗打下來也并沒有炸沉多少敵軍艦艇,還多次遭到隱藏的敵軍狙擊手襲擊,光是我們第34班就因爲敵軍狙擊手死了3個姐妹,這才是戰鬥打響的第5天我們這個班就已經死傷過半,前前後後就有8位姐妹犧牲在了作戰前綫。214Please respect copyright.PENANApvAzcW6U3t
This artillery battle lasted for 4 hours, but unfortunately the accuracy of the gas tank artillery in our hands was too poor. In this battle, we did not sink many enemy ships. We also encountered hidden enemy snipers many times. In the attack, our 34th squad alone killed 3 sisters because of enemy snipers. This was the fifth day of the battle. Our squad had already killed more than half of them. Eight sisters died on the front line.
我們誰也不知道後面的戰鬥是否會更加殘酷,我們唯一最清楚的就是永遠不向敵軍投降的誓言214Please respect copyright.PENANAueMqVO3dYH
None of us knows whether the following battle will be more cruel, the only thing we know best is the oath to never surrender to the enemy
儘管敵軍艦船的炮火更加猛烈,我們還是堅信只要我們誓死不退他們就無法侵佔我們一寸土地!214Please respect copyright.PENANAEgmQysW3to
In spite of the fierce fire from enemy ships, we still firmly believe that as long as we swear to the death, they will not be able to encroach upon us an inch of land!214Please respect copyright.PENANAKorTe28GKm
214Please respect copyright.PENANAZzrGOsOROJ