Once upon a nursery rhyme, when animals talked like people, those were the good old days! *sigh*
Sorry sorry that's not how a fairy tale starts, I'll start again, "ahem ahem" Before the beginning of time, before the beginning of everything, before there was a beginning, beyond the woods, beyond the seas, beyond the high mountains, there lived a beautiful couple with their three year old daughter, Mary Beth Ella.
Ella's life was smooth, like a wire without current.
Her favourite pastime was horse riding, singing and even a little bit of cooking but most of all she loved eating because of which she was beautifully plump and lovely.
Ella also had a friend, Aaron, they were like mirror and shadow to each other. Mirror never lies and shadow never leaves.
But time is like the wind it lifts the light and leaves the heavy and Ella was left with a heavy heart when her mother passes away on her twelfth birthday. Leaving the father and daughter in a state of hopeless despair.
As years went by, both the father and daughter learned to lean on each other and as for Aaron he never left, just like a shadow, he stayed by her side facing all the ups and downs.
"The king is organizing a big royal ball, to which all the unmarried girls of the area are invited, so that his son Charles can find a woman to marry." Ella's father announces on the morning before her 19th birthday.
"Why? Can't Prince Charles find a woman himself? And doesn't he already have two wives?" Ella responds.
"Prince's can marry as many women as he wants, it's nothing new Ella."
"I guess."
"Well, you'll have to go, you don't have a choice in the matter, it's compulsory for all the unmarried women to attend."
Ella groans but agrees.
"You can wear your mother's wedding dress."
"It won't fit me father, I'm too fat."
"You don't have to lie, father and anyway I'm going to wear the dress Aaron gave me on my 18th birthday."
Father nods and they go back to doing their chores.
At around 8 pm, Ella gets ready and makes her way to Aaron's house.
"You look beautiful Ella", Aaron says looking at Ella all dressed up.
"Thank you", Ella blushes
"You're going to the ball." it wasn't a question.
"I am, but I'm going to sneak out early and meet you at the garden?"
"Okay, I'll wait for you."
Ella swirls the drink in her glass, watching all the beautiful ladies dancing with the prince, his wives nowhere to be seen.
She wanders around, highly disinterested and divices a plan to bolt just as a hand shoots out in her peripheral.
"Can I have this dance?" Ella glances up to see the Prince standing in front of her.
She hesitates but agrees.
Ludicrously, she found Prince Charles to be very charming and enjoys her time with him, after dancing the prince shows her around the palace.
"It's beautiful.", she exclaims.
"And so are you.", prince retorts.
She flushes, not knowing what to say.
"I'll marry you.", The prince asserts.
Ella turns to face him in shock. Thinking him mad.
Why would he choose me over all those beautiful ladies out there? She wonders.
He pulls her close for a kiss but she pushes at him and runs down the stairs and out the castle as he shouts behind her to stop.
Hugging and puffing she reaches the garden to see Aaron waiting for her.
He turns at the sound of someone breathing loudly behind him and finds Ella. A huge smile overtakes his face, he comes towards her and kisses her softly on the head and whispers "Happy birthday" in her ear.
She gasps realising it was twelve and apologies "I'm sorry, I'm late."
He shrugs and says, "what's important is that your here."
Then they perch themselves on a bench and Ella unfolds the happenings of the night.
The morning after Ella's birthday, Ella and her father gets invited to the castle where they are informed that Ella is to marry the Prince. Ella refuses but The king threatens to throw them in the cellar, she reluctantly agrees.
She races to tell Aaron the news. Aaron weeps and they lay on the garden floor and make love for the first where Aaron confesses his love for Ella.
"I love you too." She kisses him one last time.
"I'll wait for you." Aaron says and they bid farewell.
After the marrying the prince, she is forced to sleep with him.
After a week, the King dies and Prince Charles becomes King Charles.
She meets Drizella and Anastasia, king's wives, soon after. Within two weeks of meeting them, they give her a nickname "Cinderella."
"What did he see in you, Cinderella? You're so fat and ugly." Drizella mocks.
"Yeah Cinderella, you're so fat and ugly and pathetic." Anastasia mimicks the first wife.
Ella kept quiet. Taking the insults. Because one should be kind and forgiving and that's what her parents always taught. (Side note guys being kind and forgiving doesn't mean you shouldn't stand up for yourself, because in the end you can't blame anyone but yourself, they were rude to you but you let them.)
"You know, you would look so pretty, only if you lost some of that weight." Charles thinks out loud. "From now on, I'll ask the servants to feed you only once a week." He adds smiling.
She was constantly abused emotionally and physically.
After a few months, King hosts a party and invites all his cousins and introduces his latest wife.
"Oh my lord, I've seen more meat on a chicken than you." One of his cousins directs the insult towards Ella, which inturn makes everyone laugh.
After the party Ella sits in her room and cries for hours, missing her life back home.
"Why why why? Why me?" She looks up and cries louder.
A light shoots through the room and a beautiful glittery woman with a wand in her hand stands in front of Ella.
"Who are you?" Ella asks
"I'm your fairy good mother." The womam replies.
"Are you here to help me?"
Before the woman could answer someone wakes Ella up from her dream.
"Wake up, skinny Cinderella." Anastasia cackles.
"Where is the magic? Where is my Fairy good mother?" Ella speaks disoriented.
"No one's coming to save you, stop fantasizing, you fool." Anastasia cackles again.
Anastasia's words hits Ella like a ton of bricks, "You're right, there's no magic, no one's coming up save me." she whispers to herself.
She then gets up and gets ready and proceeds to the dining room where she hears Drizella say "she was so fat that she used to fall off both sides of the bed." Anastasia and the maids laugh with her on the joke and the king remains silent.
Ella smiles and enters the room "You don't have to disrespect or insult others simply to hold your ground, Drizella, if you do, that shows how shaky your own position is." She looks around the room and says "I don't know why I took y'all so seriously! In order for you to insult me, I'll have to value your opinion, which I don't. Not anymore."
She takes out her ring and hurls it towards the king, " You know King Charles, you'd be charming if you kept your mouth close and your hands to yourself."
"Anastasia, if laughing was the best medicine then your face could've cured the world."
Ella then sings "Roses are red, violets are blue, I have five fingers and this one is for you.......ALL." and makes a heart with her hands.
"Good luck, all is forgiven, no hate." she then turns on her heels then turns back around to face them and says "It's Mary Beth Ella, by the way." and walks away.
Shocked faces looked at each other and the king announces "I'm going to host another ball."
Guess some people just don't get it.
On the way to her house she sees Aaron sitting on the beach in the garden. She moves in his direction, he looks up and smiles.
"I'm sorry, I'm late." She apologizes
He shrugs and says "What's important is that you're here."
THE END. 552Please respect copyright.PENANAnrLhFNELYX
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Moral of the story: When you can't control what's happening, challenge yourself to control the way you are responding to what's happening, that's where the magic is.
In the end, no one is going to save you, you've got to be your own hero because everybody is busy saving themselves.
Real women are fat. And thin. And both, and neither and otherwise, doesn't make them any less real and don't forget beauty is skin deep.
Love yourself, Speak yourself, stand up for yourself.
Don't let anyone make you into a Cinderella because Prince charming isn't coming to save you.
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