"I can't believe so many people died over a sword," Clay says as we sit at lunch. "Why is it so important anyway?"
"Because," Cass sighs, "It's enchanted and helps us in war. Valdonnia is already way more prosperous and wealthier than Alynthia. They've got amazing armies. We need the sword to help us not fall."
"But it seems the King and Queen are giving up. We can't risk losing so many people." Liam says between bites of food.
"Yeah, I guess..." Clay says, still looking confused.
"Well, there is nothing we teens can do to solve the problem, so-" I start to say, but get interrupted by a voice on the intercom.
"Can the following students come to Ms. Neely's office, please? Liam and Cassandra Hart, Clay Remington, Marina Castro, and Victoria Bennett." Marina's brown eyes widen. "Did we do anything? Are we in trouble? I have a clean record, I can't mess up." She starts to bite her lip and breath heavily. She never gets in trouble.
"Calm down, Marina. I'm sure it's fine." We get up and start walking out of the cafeteria. All the students stare at us with confused or questioning looks. I shrug in response and we head to Ms. Neely's office. She is the headmistress of our boarding school.
I can't possibly think of what we did wrong. Was it the prank we pulled on a student last week? No, Cass and Marina weren't involved in that. Oh, maybe it was the time we replaced the lemon custard pie in the cafeteria with mustard pie...? No, Marina stayed out of that one. What could it be?
Liam knocks on Ms. Neely's door. "You may enter." a voice says from within the room.
We walk inside and I look around. It is a cozy room with a desk, a fancy fireplace, bookshelf, and a reclining chair. In front of Ms. Neely's desk are 6 chairs. The room is dark except for the fireplace and the light filtering in from the closed blinds. Ms. Neely is sitting in the chair behind the desk and she smiles at us.
"You may sit down." We sit in the chairs. I look over to the 6th chair and see someone sitting there that I hadn't noticed before. It is an old man with a long beard. He has no hair on his head and has bright piercing blue eyes. He has a kind smile etched onto his face and is wearing a long grey robe. He quietly watches us while we sit down.
I look at him suspiciously. Who is he?
"Welcome students." Ms. Neely says. "You are probably wondering why I called you here. You are not in trouble. So please do not worry." Ms. Neely glances at Marina, and Marina lets out a sigh of relief.
"I was told that today in History class you learned about Prosperitas and how it was stolen. Is that correct?"
"Yes, Ms. Neely," Cass answers for us.
"Well then, before I tell you why I called you all hear, I would like to introduce our guest. Students this is our kingdoms wizard, Madivere. He works in the royal court and is close with the king."
Madivere, the wizard guy, looks at us and waves. We hesitantly wave back.
"I have called you all here to tell you something very important," Ms. Neely continues, "Madivere has recently discovered a prophecy deep within our kingdoms records. He and the King have counseled with the royal court and decided to let me know about the prophecy."
Liam looks at Cass in confusion, and she shrugs.
"The King and Queen have sent many groups into Valdonnia to try and get Prosperitas back, but to no avail. No one had discovered the prophecy until a few days ago, so It wasn't able to help until now. The prophecy contains huge news that could possibly help us get Prosperitas back once and for all. Madivere, if you could hand me the prophecy please."
Madivere reaches inside his robe and pulls out a worn scroll tied with a red ribbon. He hands it to Ms. Neely and she opens the scroll and reads aloud.
"Bennett, Remington, Castro and Hart. Two boys and two girls must depart. On a journey to save Alynthia's throne, to save the kingdom and prosper or fail and be overthrown."
As Ms. Neely reads the prophecy, my mind starts racing. The prophecy has our names in it. Does that mean we are the only ones who can save Alynthia and get the sword back? But then, all the other groups who tried before died in vain. THIS MAKES NO SENSE.
I look at my friends and I can see them all thinking. Liam is wringing his hands, Marina is biting her lip, Clay looks confused out of his mind, and Cass is muttering something under her breath. I can almost see the wheels turning in Cass's head as she analyzes all this information we were given.
"Ms. Neely?" Cass asks.
"Yes, Miss Hart?"
"The prophecy says, 'Bennett, Remington, Castro and Hart. Two boys and two girls must depart.' Tori Bennett, Clay Remington, Marina Castro, and Liam Hart. I'm not one of the people in the prophecy, because those four combined are two boys and two girls.
"You are correct."
"If I'm not in the prophecy, why did you call me here with everyone else?" Liam looks at Cass with a shocked look on his face. I'm startled as well, as I hadn't noticed that detail before.
"Good question Miss Hart. I invited you here because I am aware you are a very smart girl and have a fascination with magic. While your four friends are on their quest, Madivere has decided that, if you choose to, you can study with him and I as we await your friend's return. Madivere has had trouble finding a youth interested in magic, and he has been wanting to pass on his magic knowledge to the next generation for some time."
Cass's eyes light up and a smile forms on her face.
"I-I would love to! I am honored that you have chosen me." Madivere grins at Cass's answer to his invitation.
I can't believe we were chosen. Us four, of all the kids in school. It's unbelievable! This is going to be very dangerous, I don't even know if we'll survive. According to the prophecy, we'll either succeed and save our kingdom, or fail miserably. That's a very comforting thought.
"Ahem," Clay clears his threat obnoxiously, "When do we start?"
Ms. Neely answers, "You will leave tomorrow morning."
"Tomorrow?!" We all ask, startled.
Ms. Neely chuckles, "Yes, and no one in the school must know."