jiggan village. 18th century.
jiggan village is one the most powerful town in the country mane.
the king was standing with his daughter on the jiggan town nearby mountain
so daughter let see what you have learn so far.
he said. facing the his daughter direction.
yes father.
after finishing those two words, she instantly stretched her white pale hand forward pointing at her father. by doing so, stress begin to built inside her hand causing abnormal flames to be to be dancing all over her five fingers. the more stress built in. the bigger the flames.
come fort and hear my command. holy light sword of justice
immediately a long sword that got snake like tattoo on it appeared on his rough big palm. his daughter fired the flames that was on her fingers, but before it could reached him. the king used his sword as a shield and blocked it causing the flames into an huge explosion. so the daughter took advantage of the smoke and she instantly ran behind him as fast as she could. well her father couldn't see cause he was blinded by the smoke. while he was trying to figure to out the position of his daughter, she hurled another huge flame at her father but he blocked it with his bare hand, so she took that time to threw a kick right straight to his head. she landed a blow making the king to spin backward two times and then he stop. but with a small scratch on his clean face.
not bad daughter. you got better that i expected, that exactly what you need to be able to lead this town one day.
he patted her on the head when she was by his side. and she smiles.
father. do you know anything about the cursed child.
the cursed child. why do you want to know, i mean it just a legend.
am just curious. beside am 16 year old, you promised to tell me everything when am at this age.
all right. first let sit down.
they both sat down at the mountain tip and the town was below them. but the king was careful so he wouldn't get his golden robe dirty.
so based on what i' have heard. the cursed child was born in this town 50 years ago, he was born in a barn cause his parents were farmers. when he was born he was glowing in an strange aura, kinda demonic. so his parents tried to calm him down, but instead he murdered both of them.
how can a baby murder someone.
well according to the legend they said that the aura that was coming out the curse child was so strong, that it instantly destroyed every single biomolecules that was in his parents bodies. after people find out how dangerous he was, they sent for the strongest magician in the country in order to seal him away. even though they accomplished it, it was not an easy task.
i kinda feel bad for him.
it okay to have sympathy on someone but remember it just a legend.
later that evening after sandri had dinner with her families. she decided to go to her room just to look at her beautiful face and sleep early. she went to the mirror that was on the wall next to her beautiful huge bed, she stares at her own reflection and then she started fiddling with her face that is almost as white as the snow. and the black and red royal gown she had on was just too gorgeous. after that she went back to bed but she couldn't fall asleep, so she started thinking more about the story her father the king told her. that when she suddenly remember about the dungeon that she had been wanted to explore ever since she was little but her father refused, and said it was too dangerous for a young lady.
maybe. just maybe i could sneak out of the palace and take a peek at the dungeon. beside it nearby to the castle.
she stood up and put on her blue glittering shoe, as she went to the door of her room and open as quietly as she could, then sneak out of the palace. luckily her parents were in a deep sleep. she finally got outside the castle, and she headed right straight to the dungeon. she went left to the left side of the castle since that where the dungeon is located. she got there after 20 minutes of walk.
am finally here. wow this place is so creepy in the dark.
before she could get in she realized that there was a steel door blocking the entrance.
she first thought about blasting it away but that could alarm the nearby guards, and if she tries to melt it with her flames that would take too long. so she has no choice but to look for the key. as she was looking around she found a little tiny steel that shape like a screwdriver on the leafy ground. she took it and held it in her hand, preparing to unlock the steel door.
should I, should I go in, or should i not.
she asked herself a rhetorical question. she put the screwdriver thing in the little hole that was on the door handle and unlock the door. she went in. the inside was dark so she snapped her fingers together creating a medium size flame that was dancing on her palm. at first she didn't see anything but layers of rocks, but as she walk farther she saw one huge cell made with tick steels and there was a young man inside he was chained all over his body. she was startled and wanted to run but she forced herself to calm down.
hello! hello!
her voiced echo through the entire dungeon. but the young man didn't answer.
i think he's dead
she whispered to herself. as she walks closer to the cell, when she was close enough, she saw a sign at the top of the cell saying.
the cursed child.
now she was so scared that she could pee on her gown she wanted to walk away and run like someone was chasing her, but she didn't. instead she walk even closer and bang on the cell making a loud noise. immediately the young man lifted up his head and they made a direct eye contact, he was the most handsome young man she has ever seen although he was dirty his brownish face was covered in mud and his clothe was full of dust and cobwebs. but she didn't mind she just felt empathy for him. before she was able to say anything. he says
am i not born the same way as the other humans. why did they treated me like a monster and like i don't even exist ?
i don't get your question but i am going to get you out of here.
there is nothing you can do young lady, so just save yourself from trouble and ignore me like the others did.
i wanna help you get out. am the princess of this town only i can help you.
not even you can save me princess. you see it my destiny to die here.
even destiny can be reversed.
she put her hand on the cell trying to melt it with her flames
what are you doing ?
getting you out.
it useless it won't work.
you right. my flames didn't even put a single scratch on it
it was made by the strongest blacksmith. if you really want to get me out of here try this spell mani al'ke mono acu's
wait you used spells.
yes, just do it.
why don't you do it ?
am too tired it won't work.
alright. here goes nothing. mani al'ke mono acu's
after finishing those incantation the cell and the chain that was on him immediately turn to dust.
wow i did it.
she went to him and pull him up with her hand. he was surprised that she touched him despite the fact that he's dirty, they got to the castle.
i never taught i could ever see the moon or the sky again. thank you, princess.
call me sandri. and what your name?
am jude.
great name. come inside the castle jude
first he hesitated but then he went in. after getting inside she took him to her room, and showed him where he could take a shower. she gave him her tower so he could cover up before coming to the room. and he had to wear some of sandri clothe.
so, the thing is we gonna have to keep you staying here as a secrete cause if my parent find out that i save the cursed child. i know you know the consequences.
so, you knew. that i was the cursed child, and yet you saved me i really appreciate it with all my heart. but i don't have to be here i could go on my own, i don't want to cause you trouble.
no you have to stay. but you gonna have to disguise as a servant for the palace that way when they sees you they wont recognize you, they just gonna assume that you are one of the palace worker. all you just need is the male palace servant clothes and everything will be in place.
she left the room and went to the workers room that was right in front of her room, to steal some workers clothe for jude. she went in, the workers were all asleep in their tiny beds and it was both gender. she saw the wardrobe where all the clothes are kept, she saw the one that says male on it, she opened it and took out about three workers clothes and she went back to her room, as she saw jude preparing to sleep on the floor. she dropped the clothe on the nearby chair.
you back already.
what are you doing ?
getting ready to sleep
on the floor? no you sleep on the bed.
but isn't that your personal bed.
it doesn't matter you can still sleep on it. the bed is big more than enough for both of us.
both of us.
is anything wrong with that? Oh, don't get the wrong idea it not what you think.
jude laid on the bed but wasn't sleeping. and so is sandri but they were both facing opposite directions.
so jude how old are you?
you might not believe it but am 68 years old spiritually.
i get what you mean. cause physically you look like you are 18 to 19 years old. but why do you look so young?
the seal prevented me from ageing.
so can i treat you like we're about the same age.
that what i want.
she blushed. as she blew out the candle that was on her side of the bed. they slept.
the next morning jude was already awake, putting on his palace workers clothe as a disguise. and sandri had went to the dinning table to have breakfast with her family as usual.
good morning daughter.
to you too father.
sandy good morning. you didn't know when i came back from my trip yesterday.
she gave sandri a kiss on the cheek as she sat down
mom am not a kid anyone more, enough with the kiss.
she said slowly.
nonsense a child never get too old for anything in front of their parent.
where is the servant that severs and bring the food.
before he could finish that sentence jude was coming out of the door that connected the living room and the dinning table, he was carrying the foods to them. he has on a flat hat that cover halve of his face. when he was close enough to put the food down the king said wait. he was scared.
i have never seen you before. do you work here?
yes sir
he does work here father.
daughter don't interfere.
he scolded her.
if you work here then how come i have never seen you before. have you seen him before honey?
no dear.
am sure you have seen me before you probably don't realized it.
jude immediately put on a fake smile.
okay. put the food down and you can go.
he walked away but the king still suspected him. after that sandri hid some food under her gown and gave it to jude to eat in the room. now they are both inside the room.
am leaving the palace today sandri.
am sorry but i can't stay here any longer it too risky, and i barely escape death today.
but father didn't realized whom you are.
next time he will. and beside me staying here is really dangerous for both you and your family. cause i don't want you to loss anyone because of me, so please don't try and stop me.
i'll let you go on one condition am coming too.
that is insane. what about your parent don't you care about how they ll'l feel when you gone.
they be fine. you let me tag along or i don't let you go.
sound like a threat. sure tag along but i warned you.
later that night. jude was already prepared, but sandri was still getting ready. she spent 1 1/2 hour to pack all the necessary thing, like food, clothe, she even stole some money from her dad wardrobe.
okay we're ready.
they was about to get out through the door that lead to the exit, when they realized that there was guard guarding it. so, they had to get out through the window that was in sandri room, and the window lead to the forest but they went anyways. after getting out successfully they started running to the forest
can you take it? it gonna be a long run.
don't underestimate me cause am a female.
the queen was just getting up from her bed. trying to talk to sandri about what happened in the morning. so she wen't to sandri room. but it was closed, she knocked twice but nobody answer. so she bang in like a storm.
sandri! sandri! sandri! where are you?
the queen checked all over the room and the palace but couldn't find her daughter. and she immediately went back to her room to report the situation to her husband the king. and he instantly got up and scream for the guard when he heard that the princess is gone.
guard! Guard!
he yelled. and the two of the guard came in, and say yes my king.
go all over the town and bring back the princess, if she not with you. don't come back.
guard 1
yes my king.
the guard went outside the palace and signal the other guards by whistling. before you know it, over hundred palace guard gathered in front of him.
guard 1
I want every single one of you to go out there and bring the princess, and you can kill the new servant that was with her.
yes sir! they all replied, as they head straight to the forest. while jude and sandri was still running in the forest they heard the guard footsteps, and by the time jude turn back he saw hundreds of guard that was about 30 feet away from him and sandri
here comes trouble.
and when sandri turned back in curiosity she saw the same thing, and said to herself that it over, because she knew that even with her flames there is no way she could defeat over one hundred guards. and she dint think jude could. and that was when jude took action, he raised his right leg as he stomped the ground saying.
juska amatai abri'm
after the incantations the ground started shaking causing it to shift away from each other. as a huge hole appeared in the middle, separating the jude and sandri from the guards. the guards and sandri mind was blown away in amazement. because the hole was one meter deep, 2meter long and was 10 yard wide. now there was nothing the guard could do but watch them as they get away, getting farther and farther from them until they vanished.
it had been over two hours since they been running, so they both decided to rest a little while in the forest. they sat down next to a medium size pine tree. and it was kind of getting chilly so sandri took out a big blanket that she had put in her bag before they ran away. And she used it to cover both of them.
you're welcome.
while they were having a long conversation, tears started coming out of his eyes.
why are you crying.
I never knew someone like you still existed. i wished i had met you years ago.
it all gonna be alright from now on.
she said. whiping his tears with her hand as she gave him an eye contact, she blushed as she closed her eyes and put her lip into his giving him a long decent kiss. jude was surprised but happy.
is it alright if i put my head on your shoulder
you are more than welcome to.
after sandri had fell asleep on his shoulder, he smiles and felt his eyes getting heavier so he closed them. they slept. the next morning they were at the nearby river cleaning up themselves, and packing everything back into the bag.
so what direction should we go. south, north, west, or east
I don't know.
do you think there a nearby town here.
maybe. let me check
jude clapped his hand and he started levitating above the ground. soon he was flying above the trees.
jude was flying in the sky trying to see if there is a nearby village and there was. there was a little village that was on the north side of the forest. so he flew back to the ground.
did you see anything?
yes. there a village on the north side of the forest
so, shall we start going.
it will take too long if we walk. i have
a faster way that could get us there in about a minute.
he went to her and grabbed her by the waist. she felt kinda weird about it, but then she smiles.
you ready.
she closed her eyes and by the time she opened it they were in front of the village. she knew he had teleported them.
you are amazing.
i am the cursed child after all. am blessed with magic.
they both went inside the village, the village looked wreaked and poor. there was people on the street sitting down doing nothing they were so skinny that you could see their finger bones, some of them even look dead. sandri went to one of them and gave her food as she asked for the nearest inn. she thank her and gave her the direction to the nearest inn, but before sandri and jude could leave, the other people gathered around them asking and begging for food. the two of them ended up giving out all their food. after two miles of walk they got to the inn and went inside, the inn was clean and filled with a lot of people mostly men. they went to the counter and ordered one room and breakfast.
female worker
that will be about 100 quarters.
sandri took out a small bag of money and pay. while both jude and sandri sat down waiting for the breakfast. the men that were sitting down started staring at them in a mysterious way. sandri was starting to get a bad feeling about it but jude didn't care. when their food arrive the men stand up as they were about to eat. they drew out their sword and knife getting ready to attack jude and sandri, when they were about to go into action one man came out of the room that was behind the men, and the men froze
stop whatever you doing. don't attack my guest.
we're sorry we didn't know they were guest one man said bowing his head as a sign of apology.
come in.
he took them to his room.
two of the palace guard went to the king throne room where the king and his queen was sited. my king am sorry but we couldn't find the prince nor is the servant that ran away with him.
my poor child
she started weeping. and the king bang his hand on the throne and cursed.
kingdom of wind. the high priest of kingdom of wind went to the palace in order to inform the king about something in his throne room. he had on white garment and a tribal mark was on his cheek and he face look really old he was also holding a magic staff.
king barchar
high priest what bring you here?
my lord i heard that the cursed child escape from his prison. i also heard that the princess of jiggan town is missing.
king barchar
well that a good news. the jiggan town people thinks the story about the cursed child is just a legend. since he is gone i can take the advantage of that and capture the cursed child. he will be a useful weapon when it time to wage a war against jiggan town.
he laughed wickedly.
king barchar
high priest am ordering you to bring me the cursed child no matter what, even if it cost your life.
yes my lord
the priest bang his staff on the floor, teleporting himself back to his shrine. his shrine was filled with blood and human skeletons. he look at the clean water that was in a bowl on one the skeleton head. he scoop a little water in his palm and used it to wash his face, the moment he did that his face instantly get 20 years younger and his tribal mark was gone, and he had on waistcoat. now he scoop some sand from the ground and put it in his palm.
deme'sea ackas 'matas! show me the location of the cursed child.
and immediately the village where jude is appeared on his palm.
i found you.
alex room. alex explained why he had lied that they are his guest, it was cause he knew that jude was the cursed child and that only him has the power to save his little village from the pressure of king barchar.
so please i beg with my life, save my village from king barchar.
all right so what do want us to do.
i want you to help this village with all you can. i also want you two to lead this village.
so, what do we do?
am going to gather all the villagers, and i want you to announce that from now on that both of you are going to lead this village.
if that what you want we do it.
after the long conversation, sandri and jude stood up. existing the room so they could have their break fast and this time the men didn't try to attack them.
when king barchar heard that this little village is under the protection of the cursed child he try to lower his demands toward this village. cause he knows what the cursed child is capable of.
he whispered to himself. two hours later, now jude, alex, and sandri were outside standing in front of the inn. and it seems like alex have spread the news about their new leader, cause all the villagers were gathered there. alex was in the back and jude was in the middle with sandri next to him.
now as you all know am a stranger in this village, but that what motivated me more to wanna help all of you from the oldest to the youngest. this town land is fertile so if we all work together, we can all solve poverty and hunger i and my dear friend sandri including my new friend alex. with our knowledge we can make this village reach to the point that it going to be one of the best village in the entire continent. now am sure that some of you are going to doubt and say what can the people accomplish in this little village, but i assure you that there a lot of things you can accomplish like all of you can start a farmland, or even start trading business with other towns or village. my main point is that if you all agree to let me govern this village i promise that you never experience poverty anymore.
after finishing those sentences the people shouted in a happy tone as they agreed to what jude just said.
thank you. all of you!
he bowed to the people.
as token of my appreciation am going to change the name of this village into the village of eli. meaning village of peace.
once again. the people shouted. now after all that the people went back to their home, some to the street. alex, jude, and sandri went back to the inn. and it seems that the men were gone cause, they were not there anymore after the speech.
thank you.
it nothing.
that went well than i thought it would be.
two months later. the people including alex were at jude and sandri wedding party which was hold in a big green house that was guarded by more than 50 well trained guards. and inside the housesitting room which was full of people, food, and some generals that sited on the wooden chairs looking like they were drunk. now in the middle of the room were jude and sandri sited in a well made beautiful wooden chair, they were holding hand and smile at each other at every seconds.
i was so surprised when you proposed to me in the room four days ago.
i was happy that you accepted my proposal.
while they were flirting with each other, a guard came in holding the high priest as his hostage.
your majesty, i found this strange man outside the blue house trying to get inside. he said that he wanted to see you.
the people dint even know what was going on they just kept partying, alex was the only one that noticed. but he pretended like he wasn't aware of anything. the more the guitar man played his guitar the more it made it harder for people to hear the conversation jude was having with the stranger.
your majesty please let me work under you.
he knelt down and bowed his head.
why would you want to work under me, and what's your name?
my name is judasi. i wanted to work under you because i know that only you can protect my family from king barchar.
why would your family need protection?
king barchar threatened to use my family as a sacrifice, in order to please his gods.
darling let help him.
alright i'll see what i can do. you can go.
thank you, your majesty.
he stood up and put on an evil smile as he walks away. the next morning the jude and his wife sandri was still in their room sleeping. while alex was outside the blue house giving the guard direction and what they should do, incase an enemy fire attack on the blue. after he was done with them he walk a mile away from the house that was when he saw the stranger known as judasi helping out the nearby farmer on his farmland.
so you are the man that was having a conversation with king jude yesterday.
yes that was me.
i just wanted to tell you that whatever you planning won't work, and am always watching you.
alex walked away. later that evening jude was at his throne room that was made of silver. when judasi came in.
your majesty i heard that king barchar is preparing his attack on this village.
what! Jason!
after finishing that word a guard came in and say am here your majesty.
call all the generals. we are having a meeting.
the generals gathered in the throne room. there was 10 of them total, five to the left and five to the right side of the throne room alex was also there.
i don't know if you guys realized this but king barchar have declared a war on this village.
a war, that way too absurd. they murmured.
so what do we do your majesty?
first how many soldiers do we have in total
we have about 100 thousand. one of the general said
i don't think that enough compare to the army king barchar has. We'll do it this way, i'll take care of the major soldier. general alex and mone can take about 20 thousand soldier and attack east of kingdom of wind, and my wife and the females worker are going to supply the soldiers food and clothes.
but your majesty you're not supposed to fight, you are the king.
you are wrong. i promised to protect this town with my life.
alex was about to tell jude about judasi, how he sneaked out last night to the forest heading toward kingdom of wind. but he hesitated so he dint say it. after four hours of planning how they going to attack kingdom of wind, jude dismissed the meeting. and as he went inside his room. his room was huge and full of he and his wife portrait and the bed was awesomely designed. and his wife was on the bed sleeping. judasi had went home early after the meeting in order to prepared a special tea for the king just to show appreciation.
after preparing the tea he went inside the blue to the king room, but it was locked so he knocked on the door. the knocking was so loud that it woke up sandri.
honey i think someone at the door
i'll go see who is it.
he went to the door and open it, as he saw judasi. he was standing at the doorstep.
my king, am sorry for disturbing you at this hour.
it alright.
would you mind coming to my house to have a little tea, just to show my appreciations.
i really don't feel like it. but if you insist
oh i insisted your majesty.
before they left sandri told jude that she as a surprise for him, and that when he's back she tell him. the priest known as judasi took the king to his cabin house, when they got inside, the table that was in the middle of the dinning room was clean and filled with all type of wine and tea. the table itself was made of glass but the chairs were made of wood. jude sat down as judasi started pouring the wine. he drank.
that a really good wine. where did you get this judasi?
he asked a rhetorical question.
this's the best wine i have ever had in my life.
probably the last wine you going to have your majesty
he said that in a dramatic way.
what do you
before he could finish that sentence, he felt his eyes get heavier and his vision get blurry as he lost his conscious
it is done.
he chuckled. as he carried jude on his shoulder, he then opened a portal and went through. now it has been three hours since the king has left sandri in the room, so she was starting to get worried she already called alex to the room with her and explain how judasi had come to the room asking him to come and join him for a tea.
huh judasi. i really have a bad feelings over this
do you think something bad has happen to my husband.
am sure he's safe my queen he said. because he didn't want her to stress herself, especially in her condition.
i'll see what i can do, whatever i found out, i promised to inform you
as alex went out of the room, an assassin came jumping through the window and cover sandri mouth before she could scream or attack. the assassin was wearing a black clothe that cover her entire body including her face and she also has a braided hair.
alex took two guard and they went to judasi house, they searched the entire house but couldn't find him. so alex decided to informed mone about what going on, he went to mone house alone. mone and his family was in the middle of having dinner when alex came in, so mone had to excuse his family and go to his private room just to speak with alex. by the time alex finish explaining everything mone was shocked.
so what you saying is that the king life is in danger, and that judasi might have been his kidnapper. so what do we do?
first we going to attack kingdom of wind tonight like the king planed. So, what i want you to do is that when am gone i want you to tell the ministers and the other general that the king went to the kingdom of wind to compromised with king barchar.
but why not tell them the truth.
it because if they find out the truth now, it going to cause panic among the ministers and the villagers which might cause them to act irrationally.
alright i'll do it.
thanks. i know i could rely on you.
after he was done talking to mone he headed straight to the blue house in order to inform and calm the queen down. but she wasn't there, that made alex angry and motivated him more to want' to strike down the entire kingdom of wind. cause he knows that they are behind this. so he immediately wen't to the barrack in order to get prepared for a deadly war.
he was standing in front of the barrack tent as all the soldier gathered around him.
i want you all to sharpen your sword and get prepared to bring down the kingdom of wind, tonight we will save our beloved king and queen!
later that evening, alex took about 50 thousand soldier and went inside the capital of wind where war broke out. in the beginning both side lost approximately six hundred soldier but towards the middle of the war the eli soldier was wining with the help of alex cause he killed total of 200 hundred men in the first hour of the battle, the battle was so quick that king barchar wasn't even aware what was going on.
by the time jude woke up, he found himself in front of king barchar and judasi in underground next to king barchar palace. well he had not known that the other guy next to judasi was king barchar cause he had never seen him before. and he also heard king barchar talking about how different judasi looked in his new young form.
judasi you traitor, how could you.
he wanted to stripped judasi body to bone, but he couldn't because he was chained with magical chain that even his power cant break. the king went closer to him.
king barchar
you know. we shouldn't be enemies, we should be partners don't you think. work for me and i'll set you free and i never bother your little village again.
once i agree i'll forever be your slave, so for that reason no.
king barchar
you not as dumb as i thought you were. but if i can't get you to accept willingly i'll have to forced you. let do it high priest or should i say judasi.
king barchar smiles
yes! my true king.
he said that in jest of jude. as he snapped his finger and at once the assassin came in holding sandri hostage, sandri was struggling and she wanted to say at least a word but she couldn't cause her mouth was covered and her hand was chained so she couldn't free herself.
king barchar
if you want to be with your wife again you have to agree to be my servant.
first before i agree to anything i have a question for judasi.
judasi why did you betray me?
judasi laughed.
betray you. i was never on your side to begin with, everything i said on the first day i met you was a lie. you see my mission was to capture you alive and i did. by simply giving you a tea that i had poisoned with sleeping potion, and before i came to ask you for a tea i had arrange an assassin to kidnap the queen after three hours that you have been kidnapped.
you bastard you'll pay for this ju-da-si!
king barchar
make up your mind cursed child. or else it going to cost your wife life.
after the king finish that statement the assassin immediately put a small knife on sandri neck. but sandri shook her head side way twice. indirectly telling jude not to accept
king barchar
i'll give you to the count of three. one, two, three.
jude was silent through all those counts, and after three counts the assassin sliced sandri neck and a water fall of blood gush out as she fell to the ground. jude could not believe his eyes, watching his beloved wife get slothered in front of him.
your stubbornness caused you your wife life
jude started weeping in agony, and immediately the whole underground shaked and rumbled and instantly the chain broke into pieces
king barchar
what going on judasi ?
i don't know my king.
they tried to run but their leg was stuck to the ground like they were being swallow by the ground itself. and instantly every living things turned to a statue except jude and sandri, now the underground was more like a surface ground cause it was exposed to the surface. jude hurried to sandri and put her head on his lap, sandri was crying blood on jude lap as she says her last sentence which was
the surprised i had for you was that i am pregnant.
after saying that one sentence she died with her unborn baby. and jude shouted in pain and cried. the noise was so loud that alex could hear in the middle of the war and he recognized it.
my king.
while he was looking for jude, he found him in an underground that is now exposed to the surface. alex saw three statue next to jude and he then saw sandri dead body on jude lap. he went closer to him.
am sorry that you lost your wife and your unborn child, but you got to get up and keep moving.
so you knew.
yes I knew that your wife was pregnant, but she ordered me not to tell you. am sorry.
please alex kill me, my existence don't matter anymore
don't say that. if you die what going to be the hope of your people, you promised to always be there for them even if it cost you your life!
i don't care about anything anymore.
you got to care for your people killing yourself won't bring back the queen, and if you die and let everything you've started go to waste is just like you've let her die in vain. the deed has been done, there is nothing we can do but to move forward i just want you to know that the live of the villagers is in your hand.
you right. thanks for the encouragement.
he stood up as he put his wife corpse on the ground. after the soldier of winds have heard that their king is dead they immediately surrender and jude went to king barchar throne with alex, in order to take king barchar kingdom flag. and he did. he went on top of the palace roof and wave the flag saying the war is over, and the eli soldiers started rejoicing at once.
four months have passed since the war. now the kingdom of the wind was under the control of king jude and he also renamed it swain after eli has become the capital of the nation.
jiggan village palace.
prime minister
my king i have a, good news for you
what is it prime minister?
prime minister
he handed him a letter. the king took it and opened it by the time he was done reading it, he realized that it was treaty letter sent by king jude from the nation of swain.
jude? jude? oh i remembered now he was the servant that ran away with my daughter long time ago. but how is he a king all sudden.
he asked a rhetorical question.
prime minister
i think it will be rude if we don't accept this treaty cause the nation of swain has honor us by asking this town to sign a treaty with them. and beside signing a treaty with them will increase our economy growth, because the nation of swain is one the richest and most powerful nation in this continent.
tell my guard to get my horse prepared we going on a journey.
prime minister
yes my king.
after two days of journey the king with his guards finally arrive at swain. when they enter the nation, it was so lively and beautiful especially eli the capital of swain. the king mind was blown away when he arrived at jude palace because the inside looks like it was made of gold and silver. the king went to jude throne room by himself and jude was alone too.
you dint change on bit king.
after you succeeded in running away with my daughter you became the king of this nation, am truly impressed. as for the treaty am going to sign it once i see my daughter.
follow me.
he took the king to a room that was next to his throne room, the room looked like a tomb. and the king saw a grave. in front of him.
where is my daughter?
right there in front of you.
what do you mean?
the tomb that is front of you belong to your daughter, it a long story but she died months ago.
the king put his hand on his face and weep a little bit, then he stopped.
am not signing the treaty.
am sure your daughter will be happy wherever she's if you sign it, and it has always been her wish for both nations to join together. so please sign the treaty.
alright i'll do it for my daughter.
they shake hands.
jude died of old age in 1890, before he died he had two children, name john and saraih. even after centuries past, jude was known for being the best king in the history of swain. and sandri was always remember for her painful sacrifice.