Number 1,200, please come up to entryway number 3 to be sorted.
The robotic voice rang throughout the room and a tall blond boy stands up and makes his way to the door labeled 3.
Please wait for your door to open. Number 1,201 please come up to entryway 15 to be sorted.
The boys door swings open and he steps through, there is a look of surprise on his face and then the door shuts. A short girl slowly hauls herself out of the chair, she wipes the sweat from her brow and goes to door 15. Minutes go by and more people are called to be sorted. My number is 1,259. Number 1,250 just went. I will have to go up soon..
Number 1,251 please make your way to door number 8.
Soon numbers 1,252-1,257 are called up. Its almost my turn.
Number 1,258, please stand and make your way to door 9.
No one stands. That's weird.. You can't skip this day, sorting day is probably the most important day for a person. Its the day when we find out our future, when we are told what kind of person we will be, what kind of job we will have, who we will marry, how many kids we will have, etc.
Number 1,258, go to door 9.
Everyone in the room turned and looked at each other, no one knew what to do. Suddenly there was a shout followed by 3 gun shots, then two tall figures all dressed in white body suits burst through the hallway. Over their heads they were wearing black helmets, on the helmets there was an open rectangle so the ushtarë could see. In the ushtarë's arms was a boy, he was about my age with shaggy brown hair, blood dripped from his head, neck, and stomach. My eyes followed the dead boy as he was dragged down the aisle. When he passed me his eyes flew open and made contact with mine. I jumped up and shook my head, i looked back at him and his eyes were closed. He is dead.
We apologize for the.. Interruption. Number 1,259, please make your way up to door 11.
Slowly, I stood up and wiped my sweaty hands on my jeans. As I made my way through the rows of people to my door, it felt like everyone else's stares were cutting through me like daggers. When I finally found my door, there was a steel plate that rose about an inch from the ground when it sensed that I was there. I hesitated before stepping onto the steel plate, which then caused the steel door to slide open and as it opened, a blinding light shined on my face, causing me to close my eyes as I blindly stepped into my assigned room.
Go, go, GO! I thought to myself as I ran threw the winding hallways of Domus mille animas. I ran faster and faster as I heard the two ushtarë chasing after me, one of them yelled something I couldn't understand and a bullet went flying past my head, just barely grazing my ear. Bullet after bullet went past me, some missing me, some grazing me. I made a sharp turn, avoiding a bullet to the head, I saw a door. "Finally!" I thought as I continued running, I thought I was going to make it, I knew I was going to make it, but that all changed when I dropped to the floor, and once again, I was dead.
Once my eyes adjusted to the lighting I slowly opened my eyes to see a square, glass platform on top of a small puddle of water in the center of the room.
Please step onto the platform.
A voice rang out through the small room and I hesitated to move from my spot.
Please step onto the platform.
The voice repeated itself and i scurried over to where the platform was. Before stepping up onto the glass, I dipped a foot into the puddle, but I could not feel the floor under the puddle. I shook my head, " I don't have anytime to think about it, just listen to the voice.." I muttered to myself as I remembered what happened to that poor boy. I stepped onto the platform and then steel rose from the platform of glass, entirely covering my feet and keeping them attached to the platform. Suddenly I hear a something come up behind me. I try to spin around but the steel covering my feet stops me from moving them so I crane my neck back to see that another platform has risen, but this time the platform is floating by my waist. On the platform is a green-blue cracker.
Please eat the cracker, and wait to be taken to your assessments.
I do as I am told and reach back for the cracker. I pick it up, and bring it up close to my face to examine it quickly before I eat it. Scared about what could happen to me if I disobeyed the voice, I quickly gulped the cracker down in a couple of bites, trying to ignore the seaweedy taste the cracker had too it, the voice spoke again.
You will reach your assessments in a moment.
As soon as the voice finished its sentence, the platform started sinking into the puddle, with me still attached to it. Once I was about knee high into the puddle, the platform started sinking faster and faster and my head was soon submerged underwater. I'm going to die. I closed my eyes and wrapped my arms around my head. I tried to bend over or curl into a ball but the platform was pulling me down so fast that I couldn't move at all. I let out a scream, hoping someone would hear me but I was probably 100 feet underwater by now so of course no one could hear me. After what felt like hours, the platform that I was somehow still attached too, started slowing down and I was able to kneel down on the platform and look around. I reached out my arm out and swished the water around, "wait" I thought "how am I breathing underwater?" I quickly covered my mouth and nose with my hands, thinking I would drown. After a couple of minutes I slowly removed my hands from my face, and took a deep breath. I could breath underwater! I pushed my long blonde hair out of my face and looked down and saw that the platform was nearing another puddle. Suddenly, four giant hooks shot out of the ground and latched onto the platform I was on. I quickly stood up and looked around. Why... Why did it stop? Is this what happens to everyone? I thought as a giant black cloud quickly came flying towards me. How..? My thought was cut off by a bang of thunder and a flash of lightning from the mysterious black storm cloud. Panic slowly flooded through me and i started clawing at the metal that kept my feet connected to the glass platform.
You will now begin your first assessment
I stood up straight and turned my head to see how far away the cloud was.
Say a command, the platform will follow.
"Hm.. Right" I said, keeping my eyes on the storm cloud. The platform slowly turned right. " Right again, faster this time" The platform turned again, but faster. I was now facing the storm cloud, which seemed to be getting bigger and faster every second. I took a deep breath (somehow I did it without drowning) and glanced at the ocean floor around me. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw something shining a few feet away from me. I looked over at the object buried in the sand, trying to figure out what it could be.
If you look closely, you may find objects that could help you conquer your fear, and your love. Objects may change depending on what person/thing you must kill.
The voice said as if this were a video game and I was about to fight the boss. I took a quick look at the storm cloud, its almost here. I have to act fast, every second the storm cloud was getting closer and faster and who knows what will happen once it reaches me? I thought to myself as I was trying to think of something to do. I looked back to the shining object on the ocean floor. "um... Down, quickly!! To the shiny thing!" Nothing happened for a moment, but then a blue glowing control key appeared by my hand. It was a square with four arrow keys on it, by my other hand a pair of fingerless gloves floated up. The gloves were black with zig zagging glowing blue lines all over them. Without thinking I quickly slipped the gloves on my hands then hit the down arrow on the control pad, making me move backwards and putting a little more distance between me and the storm cloud.
Using the control pad, you can move around freely, without having to say a command. The gloves have a magnetic feature that will help you pick up and reach helpful objects faster.
The storm cloud was almost here.
5 miles
I rubbed my hands on my now soaked jeans and tried to focus as the voice counted down to my demise.
4 miles
My breathing quickened and my eyes started to sting from the salty water.
3 miles
I could feel the adrenaline going through me, all other noises were drowned out by the rapid beating of my heart and pumping of my blood in my ears.
2 miles
"Breathe in.. Breathe out... Breathe in.. Breathe out....."
1 mile
I cleared my mind of all thoughts and stood up straight, attempting to look intimidating and maybe even a little brave. The storm was here.
My eyes slowly opened, two tall male figures loomed over me. "What..Wh-Where..?" I mumbled as I was beginning to realize that I have regained consciousness.My vision is hazy but I could tell that the men were dressed in black. The taller one was bald, with one of those stereotypical bad guy mustaches, the second one had hair that stuck up more. They were saying something that I couldn't understand and they both had the same heavy accent that I could not identify. "Where... Am I? Wh-Who are you?" I said, loud enough to catch their attention. The bald one looked over at me, probably surprised. He said something to me that I couldn't hear and then the shorter one handed him something small, thin and sharp. Panic flooded through me 'I don't know where I am or who I am with and the guy with the stereotypical bad guy mustache was now towering over me holding a sharp object that was now very close to my face' I thought to myself as I tried to find the strength to get up and run. The bald one plunged the object into my neck and an icy feeling swept through me, followed by a burning feeling. It was a needle.. Well that's new.. I haven't been killed by a needle before.. I squeezed my eyes shut and hoped that it would be over soon enough because the thing about me is that I know what its like to die, and even though I come back to life every time I am killed, death still scares me.672Please respect copyright.PENANAKxSJKDH49s