Missy280Please respect copyright.PENANAyuX49aK1gU
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The pounding in my head woke me up. Or no- Gwen was waking me up.
“Hmmm go to hell.” I rasped.
“Too late, it's Monday, we’re already here.”
Yawning I stretched my arms out. Gwen took advantage of this and yanked me up. After stumbling for a moment I found my footing. Using Gwen to steady myself I finally opened my eyes.
“Shit.” I said looking around the room.
“Yeah.” She laughed. The place was a gods damned mess. Passed out everywhere were my friends, their leather and jean jackets thrown around, half crushed beer and soda cans littered the floor tables and couch, light streamed through the grimy basement windows, illuminating the many rock bands and heavy metal posters lining my basement.
Gwen held out her hand, a freshly lit cigarette just waiting for me.
“Hell yes.” I said as thank you.
Taking the cigarette I took a long inhale, tilting my head back to watch the smoke pouring out my nose.
Tapping my foot against the filthy black shag carpeting the chains on my leather boot clinked.
Monday already.
I sauntered over to a windowsill and grabbed my trusty ‘get the fuck out’ air horn.
One long honk is all it would take.
So I gave a short honk- enough for everyone to wake up, and once I saw the startled bodies moving I gave it one extra-long honk.
Just to be sure.
I was met with a few,
“Holy shit….”
“Bitch could you not?”
And of course the all classic;
“Get up asswads.” Gwen said, picking up shoes and throwing them to their owners. Probably.
Trusting my friends- or not giving enough of a damn, I made my way up to the main floor to put on a pot of coffee.
Unsurprisingly my mother was sprawled out on the couch, empty vodka bottle still held by the tips of her fingers.
I stared at the clock on the wall. An hour before first bell. Wonderful.
I ran my fingers through my hair, already stressing about cheer practice.
After coffee. I reminded myself.
I poured myself a healthy cup, and a second for after school, glaring at the Neon pink nails I wore while doing so.
I walked upstairs, knocking on my sister’s door in hopes she wouldn't yell at me.
“Still dead Ell?” I asked. After a moment of no response, I sighed, opening the door to the blindingly colorful room. “Yeah, thought so.”
A shower later I opened my sister’s closet. “What to wear what to wear.” I murmured. My sister went through phases. She had been in her ‘princess’ phase as it was labeled on her Pinterest board. However, she had been moving into her ‘Royal’ phase, or Queen phase when she died. This included a redo of her room, makeup supplies, shoes, closet, basically everything short of that nasty personality. She was going to unveil her Royal phase when she finally secured Dunkin as her King. Well, he wanted a milkmaid, and like any dramatic and rejected royal she threw her life away for one grand statement.
But back to the matter- her closet looked like a rainbow was brutally murdered. I grabbed something, not really looking at what, and walked back into her steaming bathroom, one mask of makeup later I looked at myself in the mirror
“Oh yeah,” I said in my now high pitched valley girl voice. “I am what everyone wishes they could be.”
Except for me of course.
Her golden hair sparkles in the cafeteria lights, making even this disgusting place have a sliver of beauty.
We watched her laugh, that bright smile, her ocean blue eyes sparkling.
“It's just gross.” Emit said, crinkling his nose.
We nodded our heads in agreement, some of us glancing at the empty seat to my right.
“Just last year she was at this table.” He continued. “With her black Jean jacket and an attitude worse than us.”
“Don't forget that sexy red hair...” Jamie said, licking her lips.
“Here here bitches.” I commented in agreement.
“And now,” Emit continued, taking an angry sip of Red Bull. “She's wearing that slutty outfit with her nice blonde hair and red lips and a little miss popular attitude running around as the new cheer squad captain like a prissy little bitch we all know she ain't. “
“Common ladies and lads,” Jamie said. “She still tries to be herself the best she can. We see it every Sunday.”
“Yeah, a whole one day a week she hangs out with us. What a blessing.” Emit retorted.
I agreed with him but I didn't like his attitude.
“It's better than never.” I chimed in.
“Yeah, plus it's the only time she can get away from cheer practice.” Jamie added.
“Being her best self would be saying fuck her sister’s death wish and come back to us.” Emit said fuming.
“It's her wish,” I said. “We hate everyone because they don't respect us and who we choose to be. They don't respect our wishes. You really want to draw a parallel to them when we don't have to?”
The group nodded in defeat. Emit even seemed to calm down, but the fire in his eyes lit right back up when Mason Forney walked into the room. He was the second most popular in the school and was rumored to take a bigger football scholarship than even rich boy Dunkin had. Not that he needed it. His family was loaded to the brim with what was also rumored to be blood money. Everything surrounding him was rumors, but Jean said that in reality, he was just a dumb little puppy dog who found amusement in the suffering of others.
He was a real sick freak but he brought Jean’s status up immensely.
“Hey, my little Mint.” He cooed to Jean sitting down next to her.
“Baby!” She exclaimed, throwing her arms around his neck before snogging him shamelessly.
“And I have lost my appetite.” Emit said before getting up, throwing out his food, and of course, storming out of the cafeteria.
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Mason's hand snaked over my thigh and it took all I had not to scream, turn red, slap him, and run over to my table.
Not your table anymore. I reminded myself.
Yeah. The table for outcasts with bad attitudes, for Goths, Punks, and the place where my most trusted friends were. Not my table anymore.
“Mmmm I wish you weren't at church so much…” Mason murmured through kisses. I pulled away giggling like he was being cute or something.
“I'm sorry but Sunday is devoted to our lord baby.” I said with an adoring smile. Flashes of last nights ‘Sunday Worshiping Session’ at my house hit me. Fine white lines on my coffee table, music so loud I don't know how I’m not deaf, dart tournament, foosball table broke when Emit was dancing on it. It was a blur. But there was definitely some worshiping going on if I don't recall Jamie and what's her face locking themselves in my bathroom.
I glanced over to them, my fake smile faltering as I saw them staring at me. My chest got tight at the disgust in their eyes. That's right. I'm not Jean anymore.
Mason looked over, by the time he had they had all gone back to their conversation.
“Awe don't give her no mind. Emma's just a no-good bottom feeder.” Mason said, trying to cheer me up. He had looked right past the table wearing denim, leather, and fishnet. Everyone does. He had looked right to the A table. Right to the table with The school's star couple, Emma Park and Dunkin S. Hawthorn.
My chest got tighter as I saw her giggling and blushing red while he smirked using the chance to steal one of her fries. She smacked his hand and his two idiot friends laughed, gawking at the good girl and the bad boy. I could kill her. I could do it right here and right now.
“Baby?” Mason said in a worried tone. He cared about me for sure, I was his equal, he had genuine feelings for me, but the feelings were because of my looks and status as future queen of Belhaven.
I smiled looking back at him.”I’ll be right back.” I quickly got up and pranced off ignoring Masons complaining.
My chest was getting tighter and if I didn't let off the steam it was going to boil over.
I was out behind the school before I realized where I had been going. I reached in my pocket for a pack of smokes but remembered I didn't bring them because then I would smell like a cigarette and that's just no good.
I slammed to the door shut behind me, embracing the brisk afternoon, growling my unease.
I looked over to see Emit. Oh.
“It's..” the pretty girl act was fading. At least I could be myself for a few minutes around Emit. “It's Mindy now.” I said.
“Right...” He said, not at all concerned with the name, the spark in his eyes said he needed to let off some steam too.
My spine popped as it got slammed against the wall, my exposed lower back scrapping against the harsh bricks.
Emit’s hands dug into my hips, the smell of cigarettes and last night’s party wafted off of him in an intoxicating allure.
“Why the fuck,” He said in between breaths, “Do you smell like strawberries?” I could hear the clink of his belt falling, and I didn't exactly care to respond as he peppered my neck with kisses and bites, just the way he knew I liked it.
Twenty minutes later I walked into class, the teacher didn't bat an eye at my late arrival. I had to practically empty out my perfume bottle just so these people would smell my unholy deeds. I sat down opening my chemistry book. In the pages was a note-
10:30 Millings road by the arcade, Wolfs gonna show. -G
I didn't have time for this shit. If I went right home after cheer I still wouldn't have the time to get dressed for the occasion.
But still that last phrase…
Wolf. Notorious drug lord, no one has seen his face, but if what Gwen said is true, he's easily the most dangerous person from Belhaven to Seattle.
The gangs been trying to track this guy down and take him in for years, since I joined the group in middle school when it was so small we didn't even separate the high schoolers from the elementary kids, they have been trying to track this guy down. They call him the new wolf, since I've been in high school he changed and runs things differently so there's speculation that he's a replacement for the original. Either way, I was going to kill him. His minions have been targeting the product to younger audiences, kids who haven't even had to solve for x in math yet. The minority group, in our case, was Native Americans who are hooked on the stuff too because of him. What he sells is the real deal, quality stuff, but it's been killing and hurting a lot of irresponsible people.
I'm a complete hypocrite in the fact that he hooked my group when we were young. We were lucky though, the seniors looked after us and made sure when we got into trouble we knew when to get out of it, or at least knew we could count on each other.
I was still going to kill him.
I was so lost in my thoughts I didn't notice class was ending until the bell rang.
“And your unit four test is tomorrow. So study study study please!”
Right. The test. Shit if I went tonight I wouldn't have the time for the studying on that test. Gods I needed a tutor.
Turned around knocking over some kid.
His glasses went flying off of his face, and books and papers alike spilled everywhere. Shit.
“Watch it Nerd!” I snapped, contempt lining my features. The last of my classmates walked out, snickering at the pale kid that looked like he was going to wet himself.
“S-sorry!” He said putting his hand up like I was going to beat him up or something.
I was about to step over him and walk out but…
His papers all had A+ at the top.
This might just work.
He looked up quickly scrambling to put his glasses on.
“You stay after school for some stupid dork club right?” I asked.
He nodded his head vigorously.
“How late?”
“Uhm about E-eight…”
Perfect. “Wait behind the school for me. And bring your stuff. If you don't come I'll kill you.” I added with a sugar-coated smile.
He nodded even more.
Everything ached. Most of these girls have been doing cheer since they were small. I have not. I had to learn everything over the summer. My summer of hell. The summer I had to become my sister. No, better than my sister at being a bad shallow horrid human being. But I did it and I did it well. Captain of the cheer squad proved it.
I pulled around behind the school. Waiting right outside the door, looking like he was going to be sick was the Nerd. I pulled up next to the building. A little under two hours until I had to be in that alley.
I rolled down my window.
“Get in specks.” I said.
He nervously obeyed. He got in the car. I started driving and he fumbled around, putting his seatbelt on and dropping his things everywhere.
Sighing I opened my mouth to start talking but he beat me to it.
“L-look, I-I'm really sorry for bumping into you, b-but I’m still a virgin so please don't ruin me!”
I looked over, scrunching my eyebrows together. He had his hands up over his face.
I couldn't help it. I laughed. I laughed like I hadn't since I heard my sister's death wish. It wasn't a cute little giggle it was howling laughter as this stupid nerd thought I was going to ‘ruin him’!
I could if I wanted of course. I could show him the dark side of the moon. I, however, was more interested in passing chemistry than sending him home with teeth marks on his hiney.
“I thought you were supposed to be smart,” I said wiping the tears from my eyes. “Just get out your Chem notes and help me understand them so I can ace tomorrow's test.”
“R-really?” He said looking relieved.
“Yes!” I said laughing again, hitting him on the back.
“How… how did you get that? You're off by five.” He said, looking a lot more relaxed.
Cursing I did the math in my head again getting the same answer.
“I don't understand these damned equations…” I muttered.
“Well,” he said in a patient tone. “Let’s go back to the equation structure-”
“Hold that thought,” I said pulling into my driveway. “You can wait in here I'll only be a few.”
“Uhm, may I use the bathroom actually?”
“Knock yourself out.” I said. I wasn't too worried about him spreading rumors about me, no one would believe him if they said I acted anything other than a pampered princess so I supposed I could drop my guard around him.
Walking into the house I went down to the basement, or my room as would be. My asshole friends had picked up their trash but the foosball table was still on its side with a broken leg, and they hadn't bothered to put away the food. Flies swarmed the half-eaten pizza on my bed. Frowning I closed the box, throwing it on the bottom steps upstairs.
I opened my closet and smiled. Only black with a bit of red or maybe blue. Much nicer than my sisters.
“You really like rock.”
I whipped my head around to see the Nerd looking at my precious AC/DC poster next to my record player.
“What the fuck are you doing down here?” I spat.
Nerd jumped back, putting his hands up in innocence. “I thought you were going to show me where the bathroom way, although I was confused you led me into the basement but now I see I was wrong and now I'm invading your space and I look like a pervert and wow you really only have black in that closet-”
“Alright alright just get the fuck out! The bathroom is upstairs right by the fucking front door, now unless you want me to ruin you with my unholy ways I would move your skinny ass up!”
The door at the top of the stairs shut before I got my last word out. Sighing I pulled out a black jean jacket, ripped skinny jeans, and a white tank top just to spite that ‘only black in your closet’ remark.
I got back in the car where Nerd was reading some chemistry paper.
What caught my eye was the Mindy written at the top of it.
“Nerds. Is that my paper?”
Nerds went pale.
“Well you see I wasn't sure uhm where you were going wrong on your math so I grabbed this out of your bag and you know hindsight that was a bad idea but now I know why you’re close to the answer but not there so it was a win-”
“Where do you live?” I said cutting his ramble off.
“Oh, just the neighborhood backing this one, anyways as I was saying- wait why do you need to know where I live?”
“To drop you off. Unless of course, you want me to keep you.”
“No no! It's just that I finally figured out where you're going wrong and I think we could fix it-”
“Not a chance, I have somewhere I need to be and I can almost bet you that I will be out too late for your curfew.”
“My parents don't even know I’m not there.” He said.
“You can't go.” I said firmly.
“Why not?” he whined. One second he's terrified and begging for forgiveness and the next he's whining.
“Because I said.”
“But we can fix your equations!” He said with some stupid puppy look. Gross.
“You are going to sit in this car and not move a muscle, and when I am done I am going back to my house and you can either walk your sorry ass home or sleep in my shower because I am NOT, let me say it again, NOT going anywhere after this.” That'd get him to give up.
“Fine.” He said,
And then he started babbling about Chemistry. I should have just said no.
I parked a few ally ways over and walked an extra block so if he did try and come find me he would get lost instead of shot.
I pulled my hood up concealing that long blonde hair I wore. I hurt and I was tired and I needed more coffee or like some hot pockets or maybe just sleep. I didn't want to be here.
I turned a corner, Emit and Gwen stood in front of our little gang, they all had bats or guns or- I shouldn't have surprised me that Jamie was holding some 16th century sword.
I put my hands in my pockets after slipping my fingerless gloves on, sauntering to the front line where I stopped in front of Emit and Gwen. I took a deep breath to rid my head of swarming chemistry equations and focus on the bastard in front of me.
The wolf was already waiting for us. He leaned against the hood of his black BMW, his two minions flanking him. Bold of him to only bring two. But I knew each of them could take our group out without a second thought. His mask was in the style of an Egyptian Dog, the gold I'm sure was real rather than 20 cent Acrylic paint. What a fucking show off.
“You're late.” He growled.
The pretty girl act almost surfaced, almost snapped at him and how dare he speak to me in such a manner when he's just filth.
I was off the clock though, so I just shrugged.
“We know you've been taking out our salesmen and taking the store for yourselves.” He growled.
“Made for some excellent nights, I thank you.” A cocky grin spread across my mouth, the only part of me he could see under my hood.
“You've lost us some important cash.” That deep voice of his rumbled in the filthy alleyway. “We could kill you right now.”
I could hear chains clinking and leather tightening behind me as my gang tensed up.
“You could try.” I said with another shrug.
“Your lives aren't worth what you lost us, unfortunately.”
“Shame.” I cooed.
“We have a job for you.”
“Not interested.”
He however ignored me and continued talking.
“There's a guy, he's apparently a big-time stalker for the girls at Camille High.”
“We should care why exactly?” Something in me tensed even as I said it in such a bored manner.
“He's rumored to have some… unsavory delights, and there's speculation he was involved in Eleanor Mindys death.”
My body tightened, even my heart seemed to stop for a moment.
“He's apparently set his sights on Mindy- the new one so I'm told, she just goes by Mindy. She's Eleanor's half-sister or something, he's also after Emma Park.”
I didn't want to be here. I should have stayed home. My heart seized in my chest, my muscles tensing up. Eleanor. He was… no. That's right. It was suicide. Nothing else.
“Why should we care about some dumb high school kids?” I asked, yawning.
“We were paid handsomely to get this creep off their back. But we have more important things to do and you people owe us for the profit of our goods.”
“And if we don't?” I asked.
“I think you know what happens then.” He responded. And then he got in his car, minions behind him, and backed out, pulling away to whatever dirty little hell hole he came out of.
I started walking away. Gwen and Emit on my heels, the rest of the gang staying, knowing this wasn't going to go over any better than it did last time.
“Jean if you need to talk-” Emit tried.
“Fuck off. I'm done, I'm out, I'm done with this shit. I don't have time for it anymore. Wolf can come rip my spine out my ass and then go fuck himself I’m not playing hero. The drugs were one thing, but my sister’s death? Protecting that whore Emma Park? I think the fuck not.”
“Jean wait-” Gwen pleaded.
“So what?” Emit barked. “You gonna leave us to clean up the mess you made?”
I avoided a puddle of piss or water, turned a corner to see my car, Nerds still in it thankfully.
“Yeah, I fucking am. And for the last time, It's. Mindy.” I opened my car door hopping in.
“Who the fuck is that loser-”
I cut Emit off before he could finish. “SEE YA ON SUNDAY!” And then I slammed my door and pulled off, Emit now yelling, Gwen trying to calm him down.
“Don't. Say. Anything.” I said not bothering to look at Nerds. Mercifully, he didn't.
She was a lot different than I expected. Instead of perky and deadly she had more of an intimidating crass way about her. I'm not sure if she acts that way around her friends though.
I was still curious about what she was doing hanging around those Emo kids, but I think I was lucky to make it out alive.
The sister of Elenore… hmm.
At school, she acted like a carbon copy of Elenore. Though she didn't bully me. Man, I really thought she was going to kill me when I walked into the house with her. After I reminded her she offered to let me sleep in the bathtub and I didn't want to be mugged walking around in the night she got angry but didn't say anything beyond ‘whatever’ she threw a pillow and blanket at me and went downstairs.
There wasn't a bathtub on the main floor and I doubted she wanted me in the basement with her so I went upstairs into Eleanor's room. Nothing had changed. I figured no one went in here so I laid down in the bathtub. I was a guest after all I might as well follow the rules even if it means sleeping in here.
I didn't know Elenore had a sister.
Considering I got good grades Eleanore had me over a few times to do her homework for her, even if we weren't in the same grade she told me she didn't care and that I should figure it out.
Once Elenore found out who I was I was no longer welcome to do her homework. I had enjoyed it, gave me purpose.
It's not like Mindy will ask my name anytime soon. It would be nice to have something to do again. Even if my sister thinks it's degrading.
I think Mindy’s reaction would be very similar to Elenore’s to find out I was Emma Parks’ brother.