Thou wretched youth! thou foulest rotten beast!872Please respect copyright.PENANA0SLgiXXg2N
My hurt and anger to you knows no bounds,872Please respect copyright.PENANA3kg2K982X2
For thou hast always treated me as least872Please respect copyright.PENANAK215l0wDwE
when thou art most. Thou sits upon thy mounds872Please respect copyright.PENANAmH4qPvX6Fv
that put thee higher than us common men,872Please respect copyright.PENANAZgV1EgUAf8
we all who shovl’d the dirt for thee to sit,872Please respect copyright.PENANAVeJRwlC467
but no sweet words have thy lips uttered when872Please respect copyright.PENANANKWFYbhvj4
myself is near, although your full of wit.872Please respect copyright.PENANATHfxQaGZdU
What now? Am I not good enough for thee?872Please respect copyright.PENANAr4ANukYe7X
I am the lowest in your eyes I know.872Please respect copyright.PENANA4rn7fYTM9Y
What is it now that thou dost think of me?872Please respect copyright.PENANAF7kkj8EPxu
That of all things this is what thou mayst show.872Please respect copyright.PENANAVzIkQ9Eit2
But most of all I know not why I care.872Please respect copyright.PENANA4JkRimAlfq
This wretched hurt is more than I can bare.
872Please respect copyright.PENANAKNPYtsyrms