I met her under the rain.
That day, after school, without an umbrella, i rushed forward from the school back home like mad. Ended up sheltered in abandoned shopfront near bakery store, around two stops from school. There was i, sat on one of the stair, looking up to the sky.
"Hey kid, what are you doing?", asked the bakery store's staff. With a "forget my umbrella", he back to the office from afternoon lunch somewhere. If i brought enough money, i would come and ask for a nice bread there. The store itself is one of the place that give me a morning scent therapy every time i walk to school.
I lived in downtown, so everyday, i will take bus to go to school. For two years now, i find myself fond of riding inside the city bus. From inside the bus, you can sit and enjoy the cityscape whether it is hot outside or when it is raining.
I would love to riding the bus when the rain come, but not that day. sat on the empty shopfront, an abandoned one was like you are alone in the empty space. Except, you could hear the footsteps and the water falling down from the sky above.
All alone, without any one to ask help to. Not that i didn't have any intention to get some help nor anything, is just that in the spur of the moment, i suddenly got in the moment of peace. Or so i called it, but that's wrong too.
It was quiet. I could just stare into the distance and seeing the rain while it last. Even, i want to dance under the rain, if tomorrow is holiday. But this school uniform is still for tomorrow before changing into other one in the after tomorrow.
The city drown in the gray-color blanket. Like sleepy cat, it's slowly captivated me and after few moment, my gazed was literally entered the daydream. An abstract yet calm-daydream.
Ahh, i saw that before too.
The rhyme of the sound. This sensation in my head, coming down into my whole self. Eyes wide open, yet i could just close it anytime now. Even after i realize that the tip of my uniform was drenched in rain.
For a moment there, hydrangea-imagery came to mind. That slow footsteps and the color of the rainy season. It was October 29th, if i recalled.
She was there, looking at me under her transparent blue umbrella. Standing in front of me, as if inviting me into the ultramarine-colored universe.
Until i realize who was that, i remembered one thing.
"What are doing here, re?"
With her face became one with the rain, what i did first when saw her face was calling her name.
"What?", she said to me looking worriedly, but her expression might look like a flat-expressionless-type-of-face. but her face sometimes telling a different thing. at least i could tell.
"No, i wonder it is because you have a club after school that we could meet like this", i said with a bitter smile. yeah, a bitter smile.
i don't need to repeat that again. For me and her to meet like this again, even though we are in the same school is something i could not imagine.
"I got something homework to do in the classroom just earlier..."
"It's that so..."
I knew her back-home route. Because we ride the same bus every morning and every afternoon after school. But still, with an umbrella, she could just go------
"Re... here come with me"
With a clear voice that betray her image in my mind, at the very least------
"Let's go home together"
She said that while offering me her umbrella.
That moment i realized it again.
It was always like this. Even after i knew the truth about her, i could not pin point what is wrong. But now, i could tell.
A moment from my past coming back to me and show me that scene. I don't know when or how, but it was raining. while standing under the rain, like now------------------
"Let's go home together"
was that what she said that time? bit by bit, the past and my fantasy is mixing, creating a blurry, yet strong image within me.
We are suppose to change.
We are suppose to let go. Between my memory from childhood about her, and the reality in front of me. She is the same person, yet----------------
"Thanks, Fira", as i said that, i grabbed her umbrella and stood in front of her. I could look straight into her face, but i choose to not look at it and walk beside her, under the rain.
Under the gray-colored sky, a sleepy cat imagery came to mind. In this small town where every space is cramped by building, i met her under the rain.
She was suppose to aware of this. No, She was aware from the beginning. I could tell from her face just now. Because she knew me as well.
We are suppose to recognize it.
I am recognize it. On the October 29th, i realized again. I am her first love.
She was my first love too.
Under the rain, our story begun a long time ago.