Chapter 2
Neytiri walked through the eerie and dark hallway that lead her back to her room. The sound of her shoes would echo through the empty halls. On the walls were the portraits of her family and ancestors the past couple hundreds of years. Every time she walked through here; she would look at them.
The first king of Aquarukin was a kind man. Neytiri would think as she walked pass. Compare to the rest of the generations after him, King Zale had the most genuine smile of someone who loved the world and his kingdom. A couple of generation after him however, the kings and queens would fake their smiles. None of them truly care about their kingdom as they were blinded by the wealth and power, they were born with from the day they were born. But their corruption was not as bad as one thought until the defeat of King Alphonse a couple of hundred years ago. At least, that was what Neytiri thought.
In her years of trying to impress her parents, she read a lot of different books and that included the history of the world. The timeline just matches up. The first king that became corrupt and start to increase the taxes in his kingdom was also the same king participated in the sealing of King Alphonse. But then again, I could be mistaken. Neytiri thought as she approached the end of the hallway and make a right turn reaching her room.
Neytiri locked the door and immediately jumped on the bed, exhausted. She sighed looking up at the ceiling, lost in her thoughts. She had always wondered; Why does everyone look down on her just because she couldn’t use magic? Why was she the only one born unable to use magic like everyone else in the world? Discriminated because she couldn’t use magic. Although Neytiri put on a strong facade, she felt like a curse, a prisoner in the one place she should be calling home. She would feel as if she was a shameful existence who wasn’t supposed to be born.
Neytiri knew she worked the hardest to obtain knowledge and physical strengths and she knew she was strong. Today was the prove of it. Yet everyone in one way or another, weak or strong, had the power to manipulate water. It did not matter that she was physically capable. Why was she the only one who was not able to manipulate magic? She was supposed to have magic like everyone in the world but, she was not born with it.
How frustrating. Damn it! I can’t calm down neither do I feel like sleeping it off. It is still way too early. Maybe, I could just hang out in the library tonight to collect my thoughts.
Neytiri immediately jumped off her bed and changed out of her dress into something more comfortable. She swiftly grabbed her cloak as it was chilly during the night and made her way to the castle library where she knew no one would bother her at this time of the day.
Neytiri opened the door, the smell of old books brought her a sense security and calmness and immediately, she felt like all her worries flew away. She felt isolated and secluded from her mother and sister as they would never seem to guess that when she wasn’t around, she could be here. Magic tend to be their sole focus for power. Though Neytiri believed that knowledge could be power as well, however being aware was different from applying her beliefs. Regardless, her family members did not know her enough, never had.
Since Neytiri was thinking about King Alphonse and of the past, Neytiri decided to read more about the fallen kingdom, Icratrolux. She picked the seat close to the window and began reading with only the candlelight as her company.
When Icratrolux still exist, it was considered the strongest kingdom out of the five existing kingdoms and to Neytiri, the most romantic one as well. Unlike the other four kingdoms, Icratrolux had two different types of power among its people. The power of light and darkness. Before King Alphonse destroyed everything, Icratrolux was a wonderful place where every other kingdom was slightly envious of.
Why was it romantic? There was a story within the kingdom, a tradition of how the kingdom chose its king and queen. The princess or prince would only be given the throne when they found their other half within the kingdom. If they were born with the power of light, then their other half was somewhere in the kingdom with the power of darkness and vice versa. This did not only apply for the royal family, but the rest of its kingdom. One might think it was confusing but because of their history and power, the moment light and darkness meet, they would know exactly whether the other person was their other half.
The kingdom was beautiful and well known for its eclipse that happened once a year. The only time of the year where the moon and sun overlapped each other and bring prosperity and luck upon its land.
I would love to see this kingdom for myself. Neytiri would think to herself whenever she reread the old texts. It sounded like a wonderful and beautiful place. But, what if they also treat people who couldn’t use magic the same way my family and people treats me. She continued thinking with a solemn expression.
Neytiri slapped her cheeks, snapping herself out of those thoughts. I should stop thinking that way.Tomorrow will be better than today. But it was to convince herself that everything would be fine while she was at her whit end.
As she read more about the extinct powers of Icratrolux, for a brief second in the corner of her eyes, she saw a ray of light outside. But that did not make sense since it was night and the brightest light would be that of the candles yet this one seemed like the light that came from the sun. Neytiri stood up and looked out the window to check things. All she could see was the empty riverside but no sign of a strange light. Usually strange sightings like this could even be consider an attack on the castle but she doubt anyone would believe her if she told them she saw something suspicious.
As I thought, I was just imagining things. Neytiri sighed in relieved. Maybe reading about Icratrolux and talking with her mother everyday had final drove her to the point of hallucinations and insanity. For a brief moment, she felts a presence and when she looked back once again, there was an old woman on the castle’s ground to her surprise, in the garden of all place.
What? How did she enter the castle unnoticed at this time? Mother did not say we had a guess over as well.
Neytiri immediately rushed out, to investigate what was happening despite fatigue. All was too suspicious to be left alone. Once she was down, she looked around and saw the woman at water fountain. Being next to water made Neytiri worried as if the water source of the kingdom is compromised, no one would be able to use their magic to the best of their ability. Utilizing nature as it is.
“Who are you?” Neytiri asked, “You are not authorized to be here.”
“My, is that how you going to greet a cripple old woman.”
Neytiri answered her statement with silence.
The old woman spoke, “I am here to see you child.” She said with a crooked grin and upon the moon showing behind the clouds, Neytiri saw that she was blinded on one eye. “Soon, you will try to find me on your own obligation. When you do, I will be south of the Blackage bridge leading out of this kingdom.”
“I don’t understand. Why would I even look for you for anyway? I am going to call the guards.” Neytiri responded annoyed.
“Such a shame they don’t appreciate you enough but what can they do when you were born so useless to them.” The old woman said as she walked towards Neytiri.
Neytiri eyes widened at the topic as the old cloaked woman continued, “But you are such a hidden gem. It’s such a shame but I must go now. Tomorrow you will understand.” She grinned and as Neytiri about to burst out in anger and annoyance at this strange woman. Water from the fountain engulfed the old woman and before Neytiri knew it, she was gone from sights.
Neytiri grumbled. “Should have bloody called the guards, or even Rose. At least I would get a witness and now telling anyone about this make me sound like a mad man.”
What was that all about? Neytiri made a mental note to increase security around the castle. Letting a crazy old crooked in the castle, they were too laxed! Despite not having magical powers, Neytiri studied magic enough to know that the old woman ability was not to be underestimated. She was from the kingdom but to become one with water like that, was even difficult for royals and few have the ability to learn among peasants.
Neytiri sighed. Not much could be done now and she knew it so she called it a day and go back to rest. It had been a long day and now one more thing was added to her plate of worries.
First was a strange light and an old woman came to me specifically to tell me my life was going to change. What is happening here? Neytiri thought as get to bed, unable to sleep. No matter what she did, she would just twist and turn until the light of the sun shone into her bed chamber.