Chapter 3
"Alright, rise and shine! Time to get up and rolling!" Hank yells right at Meredith's bedroom door to the girls still asleep. After he did, he went to go call out the rest of the family to wake up.
"We better get up before he brings the bucket." Meredith said while rubbing her tired eyes.
"Wait, what?" Amelia looked surprised while yawning.
"Dad gives us a warning wakeup call before he gets the bucket if we don't get up." Lynae mentioned this to Amelia.
"Trust me, you don't want to find out. It's best that you get out of bed." Meredith warned and confirmed what Lynae said previously.
"Do you always get up this early?"
"Every day." Lynae responded.
"I pity you," Amelia yawned while saying this.
Not wanting to take that chance, the girls got ready while putting on their bathing suits underneath their clothes. Meanwhile at his jeep, Hank and Brie go over the supplies that they packed for the trip while the rest of the group was still getting ready.
"That should be everything."
"Are you going to take your fishing gear?" Brie asked.
"Oh yeah, thanks for reminding me. It's about time I showed the boys how to fish. Plus, it's been awhile since I fished with Billy boy in so long."
"Do you need anything else?
"Nah, I think this should do it for our trip. Would you mind checking on the kids? Already gave Alex and Aaron the water bucket treatment."
"Sure, I'll go check on them."
Brie goes into the house to find Aaron and Alex with freshly changed clothes but their skin and hair was still damp from Hank dumping water on them.
"Oh good, you guys are up."
"Yeah, after we both got dunked with water after refusing to get up." Alex grumbled complaining about being wet.
"Sorry, boys, house rules are that everyone gets up before sunrise. No exceptions."
"I'll make a mental note of that for the next few days." Aaron said irritably.
While conversing still, Lynae, Meredith, and Amelia came into the living room still half awake.
"Oh, good, you girls are up. Lyn, would you mind getting some of those containers out of the fridge for me to make breakfast?" Brie asked Lynae
"Sure." Lynae responded.
"Where is your mother and father? They should be up by now." Brie asked her niece and nephews.
"Are they going to get the water bucket too?" Alex asked.
"If they aren't out of bed by now, then yes, they will."
"I gotta get my camera for this." Alex started to grin at the idea of his parents getting the same treatment as he and his brother did.
Later at the Jeep, Hank and Bill were jabbering with one another while one of them was soaked with water.
"Jeez, I always thought you did this just for the kids."
"Nonsense, even when I'm struggling to get up, Brie would do that to me a couple of times once in a while."
"Really?" Ashlynn spoke in astonishment.
"It's more of his idea than mine. Once he got stationed here, he asked me to throw a bucket of water on him if he doesn't get up in the next fifteen minutes of his alarm clock going off." Brie explained.
"Yeah, it was either the bucket of getting an air horn which the drill sergeants used on us while we were at boot camp. Anyway, the jeep's all set. Hey, Lyn, care to drive the car?"
"She can drive?" Bill looked at Hank with a surprised look.
"Of course she can, she's got her license. Besides, she'll be trailing behind us so nothing to worry about."
"Do you think one of us should be in the car with her?" Ashlynn asked in concern.
"She'll be fine. Plus, Amelia will be with her."
"That's what I'm afraid of." Bill said with a nervous tone.
The adults rode with Hank in the jeep while their boat was trailing behind it. Then the kids rode with Lynae as she followed her father out of the driveway. The ride over to Nanakuli was quiet since everyone was still trying to wake up from Hank's wake up call.
At the beach, Hank parked his jeep next to Lyn's car. Everyone pitched in setting everything up at a spot at the beach with the towels and some umbrellas. Hank got out his fishing poles and gear – then directed his attention to his nephews and Bill.
"Alright, fellas, it's time I showed you how to deep-sea fish. Plus, I want to give your old man some lessons from a pro."
"Very funny..." Bill said in a sarcastic tone.
"You sure you don't want to join us on the boat?" Hank asked Brie.
"I'm sure, I want to catch up with my favorite sister in law."
"Alright, I'll see you when we get back."
"Catch a big one for dinner tonight."
"Will do, hon." Hank winked at her then started getting on the boat with the guys.
Hank started up the boat, and sailed off into the big blue ocean. After they left the shore, Ashlynn, Brie, and the girls set everything up for their spot on the beach. Once everything was set up, they applied sunscreen on one another and lied down on their beach towels until the sun surfaced.
Later in the afternoon, the girls were splashing in the water further down the beachline.
"I never realized how clear the water is here." Amelia said thrillingly.
"It's better when you go out further to surf." Meredith mentioned.
"You surf?"
"Yeah a couple of times with my dad." Meredith said.
Out of nowhere, Lynae reemerges from underwater catching her breath.
"Wow, the water feels good - wanna explore underwater?"
"Is it safe?" Amelia asked.
"Sure it is. It's not shark season out so why wouldn't it be?" Lynae reassured her cousin.
"Okay, sure." Amelia said hesitantly.
The girls went underwater running into some fish and other native creatures on the island that live in the water as well. The water was vibrant with colors from the coral reefs below and rock formations from what looked to be from some underwater volcanos. Then Lynae directed the girls to go under the rock down below then swam back up to what it turned out to be a dark luminated cave.
"Wow." Amelia said that in astonishment as she looked around in the cave.
"I know right? This is my favorite spot to go to. Plus, I think no one goes here much because they either don't know it's a cave or they don't even try to swim under to get to it. Plus for some reason I feel so drawn to it, like it is just like my place to just be able to relax and have some tranquility."
"Do you know why it's like that?" Amelia asked.
"Some say it use to be part of a volcano or it was formed by an underwater volcano." Lyn told her of some of the legends and rumors of what it probably once was.
When she touched the walls of the cave, Amelia had a piercing vision of a fish with a shimmering pearl colored tail and it ended giving her a sharp headache.
"Mia, what's wrong?" Meredith got close to Amelia to see if she was alright.
"Nothing, I'm fine."
"Lyn, let's get going." Meredith had a worried look onto her.
Both Lyn and Meredith had the same idea that maybe that this was a warning sign that Amelia was about to have an episode and that they should be where everyone can see them and be able to get help if needed. Lyn directed the girls swiftly back to the beach while Meredith watched Amelia swim up the shoreline. The girls finally resurfaced back to the shoreline holding Amelia linking each arm.
"Are you sure you're okay?" Lynae said in a concerning tone of voice to her.
"I'm fine, it was just a headache. Plus I...."
Amelia deadstopped at midsentence when she had that same vision and that same headache. This time the vision showed more of the tail and it wasn't a fish. It was a figure of a mermaid with that color tail. When Amelia envisioned this, her body collapsed and started convulsing into Lynae's arms.
"Amelia? Amelia?!" Lynae got scared as she saw her cousins eyes were rolling backward as she was seizing out of control.
"HELP! Someone help!" Meredith ran and shouted at the lifeguard nearby. From a distance, Brie and Ashlynn came sprinting toward the scene as Meredith cried out for help.
"Oh god, Mia, come on, stay with me!" Lyn was panicking as the lifeguard was calling 911 on his cellphone.
I need an ambulance on the west side of Oahu, I have a young woman having a seizure...