Picture by anushaxcreation her link as follow: https://www.instagram.com/p/CJIbcfyJroh/?igshid=1kbw61h71mzga
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Shubhangi leaped out of the white van hollering her goodbyes as she ran down the narrow lane. Her hair flying around wildly as the summer wind breezes. She smiled and greeted the crew of show as she walked as fast as a rabbit towards the fitting room.442Please respect copyright.PENANATcsdbDJiwE
She sneaked into the room watching the tailor Mr Anand sewing Manimekalai's costume while commenting on her sudden weight increase. Shubhangi shocked causing the Mr.Anand to nag at her for being late.
" Sorry anna, heavy traffic."442Please respect copyright.PENANAa9N556RsNw
" You sound like your driving from out of chennai..."
Shubhangi pouted at Mani's remark and quickly scurried to the dressing room. She sighed in relief as the costume fitted her properly and doesn't require any additional alterations.
" Mani akka, is there any news regarding the new participants?"
"So far they told me someone like Ramya from last session might join, I am not sure."442Please respect copyright.PENANA9xwHnx8HLn
Mani then proceed to walk out of the room after urging her to wear her make up faster.
Shubhangi sighed and quickly applied her foundation, followed by tapping some concealer under her eyes to cover her eye bags. She then proceed to apply eye liner on her lower eye lids , continued with mascara on her lashes. Just as she was applying blusher to give her cheeks, the door opened and pugalendhi peeped inside.
"Paapa.. faster the director is already calling for shoot!"
"What..so fast !! Anna I haven't style my hair yet.. please anna 5 minutes.."
" Sighs..haii paapa..you are...okay okay..faster faster..I will let them know your coming now"
Shubhangi gave him a bright smile and quickly applied her lipstick. She sent a silent prayers to the almighty and brushed her hair. 442Please respect copyright.PENANAak9BNEhVFX
'Thank god Ama sneaked in some butterfly clips.'Grabbing a handful of them, she quickly walked out of the room nodding to the crew whom urged her to go quickly.
In the set Director Parthi was shouting to the cameraman while the TT stars and Chef Venky was reading the script. 442Please respect copyright.PENANAGPR7gNe8Gq
Ms Anjali glared at her causing shubhangi to smile at her sheepishly.Murmuring her apologies , she rushed towards pugal and snatched his script causing the later to glare at her.
" Ana ..they say got a bouquet..is it for us also ?"
"Paapa ! See properly it's for the chefs..not us..we must give them.. I guess there will be few single female contestants..time to start my tune.."
Shubhangi slapped him arm while laughing. At times, it feels better to be a participant rather than the TT stars..yet Shubhangi wasnt a cook..hell she has never cooked unless you count season 1 .
Director Parthi strode towards the TT stars and heartily welcomed them.442Please respect copyright.PENANAFR4O89XXgE
" Thank you all for joining again in season 2. Mani, Pugalendhi, Bala and Shubhangi, you all were highly popular in the last season thus the upper production unit wants you all to be your best. Pugal as usual....flirt and be hilarious in the same time, Bala this time I want you to me more humorous rather than flirty so control flirting..Mani you must be more talkative and annoying and finally our singing star...Shubhangi there might be a male contestant so if you can flirt ..do it . Is everyone clear? There will be four other new TT stars that will join in for this season...so I want you all to perform your best since your well aware of this show!"
The four of them nodded their consent and Ms Anjali ushered them inside a cabin.Soon another four TT stars join in and the eight of them exchanged pleasantries. Once again Ms Anjali briefed them and their ushed outside again.
*Lights on, camera 1 focus Rashaan , Camera 2 focus on TT stars..1..2..3 Action*
"Good Morning Tamil Nadu !! This is Rashaan your favourite anchor on TT channel yet again with another season of chefs and jokers! So let us now meet our Jokers!!"
Shubhangi and the rest of the TT stars hollered and screamed. Rashaan then proceed to make jokes and introduce them to the camera. He then proceed to welcome the panel of judges Chef Dhamu and Chef Venky. Pugal made some jokes on the expense of the judges causing the entire set to roar in laughter.
Ms Anjali ran towards them and gave Pugal the bouquet of roses. Once again the director gave the signal and Rashaan started welcoming the participants. Each participant dance to a special music as they walked into the set. Pugal rushed and gave flowers to the two pretty young ladies while Bala pushed pugal down and ran to the third woman.
" Bala...before you give flowers..please know that she is married with kids " Rashaan boomed causing the set to roar with laughter. Shubhangi giggled watching Bala turn embarrassed. She pat his shoulder as he walked back to their side.
When the last female participant came in Pugal gave the entire bouquet causing Rashaan to once again inform him that there is one more participant. Pugal then snatched one rose from the bouquet and waited impatiently.
" Let's welcome our final participant Ashwin Kumar !"
"What..ashwin kumar... Paapa naa you take the rose.."
Shubhangi laughed and hold the rose. Soon the music began to play and tall hunk walked down the aisle...reaching near the fire crater he made some dance movement causing Shubhangi to squeal and rushed towards him with excitement. She hand the rose to him and he took the rose and gifted her with a charming smile. She squealed and skipped towards the TT stars causing everyone to laugh. Her heart beating loudly and her face flushed with some unknown emotions tingling inside her.
The participants were then made to introduce themselves. There was a total of eight participants consisting of three males and five females. Among them three participants were unmarried. Soon Shubhangi and the others went inside th choosing chamber.
Rashaan and Chef Venky proceed to explain the rules where each participants will be paired with one joker and they will be doing the cooking for that week. The jokers will be choosed by selecting certain objects displayed.
Inside the chamber the TT stars waited in anticipation. Pugal and Shubanghi made a bet on whom who will choose them. Unfortunately for her, Ashwin did not choose her. Ms Anjali signalled her to walk out. Dejectedly she walked towards Rashaan whom grinned at her.
"Why the long face ?"
Shubhangi whined and point towards Ashwin " I thought you will call him next!"
"Even if I did..what makes you think its you he will choose ?"
" Everybody likes firecrackers! So I know he likes them too!"
Rakshaan turned anf faced Ashwin and asked if he likes firecrackers. Shubhangi cried out to him to say yes causing him to grin and just nod. She clapped her hand excitedly and waved at him before walking towards her partner of the week.
Ayesha Gupta turned out to be a nervous wreck. She kept blaberring the ingridents to Shubhangi and kept changing them every few minutes. Shubhangi grimaced once again as she was instructed to retrive a pan from another table. She began walking towards the other tables alas everyone was using that specific type of pan.
Pugal pointed towards Ashwin's table and Shubhangi ran to her destination with a bubbly smile illuminating her face.She pulled his sleeve and asked for the pan. However due to her not knowing what the pan is called, Ashwin teased her.
"Can you get me the bottle of Olive oil Shubhangi ?"
"I..My cook is waiting for me.."
"You won't do a simple help for me ? "
Shubhangi blushed and retrived the oil for him causing both Ashwin and his Jester to grin and inform the camera of their smart work.
The task ended and it was time for the Judges to taste the dishes. Shubhangi and Ayesha stood nervously infront of Chef Venky whi was inhaling the smell.
"The dish resembles of a restaurant dish , however the rice is not mushy enought. You should have waited for another 5 minutes, but otherwise its a good dish."
Ayesha hugged Shubhangi and conveyed to the judges that she helped her alot. Soon it was Ashwin's turn and Shubhangi helped to carry his dish to the judges. Chef Venky and Rashaan smirked as she set his dish down.
Ashwin won the task for the week and was awarded with a brand new oven. The participants then left the set. The TT stars were given briefing for the next shoot and Ms Anjali warned Shubhangi not to come late.
Mani hugged Shivangi and walked into the car. Aiman her husband, rolled down the window and exchnaged plesantaries. Soon the Audi zoomed away leaving stones and dust behind.
Shubhangi sat down on the pavement cursing herself for leaving her mobile phone at home. She looked up the sky and saw the orange hue gradually changing to dark blue. She started pacing up and down nervously biting her fingernails.
Thunder and lightining chased each other in joy causing Shubhangi to wince. When it started to drizzle, she jog and huddled beneath the set. A red colour benz stopped infront of her and the window rolled down.
Ashwin raised his eyebrows at the young woman infront of him. The silly chit was shivering and yet managed to look like a utter fool by gaping at him.
"Why are you playing hide and seek here ?"
Shubhangi spluttered " Is that what it looks like ! "
Ashwin chuckled and signalled her to enter the car. To his surprise, she stuck her tongue out and turned her back on him.
" The news channel said a storm might be creeping up upon us soon.."
Shubhangi gasped causing him to grin. Again he gestured to the passanger seat. Shubhangi weighed her options but once squeaked and scurried inside the back seat when the thunder boomed once more. Ashwin raised his eyebrows and watch her from his front mirror.
"Do I look like your driver ?"
"I am sorry.. I always seat in the back seat...it comes to me naturally .."
" Well where is your chaffuer then Madame ?"
Shubhangi blushed and wringed her hands. " I forgot to bring my phone...so I can't call my dad.."
Ashwin pinced the bridge of his nose. Reaching the drawer he took his phone out and hand it to her. Shubhangi smiled widely and made her call.
"Appa ! where are you ?? You know by know the shoot finished !!"
"Shubhangi ? Whose number is this.. wait..your not back yet ! I informed your brother to send a cab... Didn't you check my message ?"
"I..the phone's in the house.."
"Shubhangi ! You silly goose.. how many times have I told you to check your things ! Your mother and I have our programme in Kochin remember ? We are on our way there now.. "
"Just send me Vipul's number pa.. to this phone..I will call him.."
Ashwin drummed his fingers on the steering wheel. Sighing softly he glanced at his watch. Behind him, the doremon voice changed from high pitch to soft mumuring. He looked back at her. She switched of the phone , hand it over to him and looked at him pleadingly.
"Can you book a cab for me? "
Ashwin nod. The atmosphere was tense.
"You want to pay by cash or by card ?"
Shubhangi gasped and searched inside her bag. Ashwin pinched the bridge of his nose.
"Let me guess... you forgot your purse as well..."
Shubhangi frowned at the tone of his voice and nod. Ashwin groaned and furiously tapped his phone.
"Hi this is Aina ? Yes.. I am waiting infront of the PVE set, the gold Audi . Yes.. can you come fast ? ..ok..ok.."
" The uber driver is woman... she will be here soon.."
Shubhangi mumbled her thanks and opened the door.
"Where are you going now ?"
"The uber.."
"Are you deaf ? Didn't I tell her gold Audi ? "
"Yea.. but.."
"Your blind as well ? Your seating inside a car.. what colour is it ?"
Shubhangi frowned and slammed the door . She crossed her hands and sat inside fuming with anger. To Ashwin she looked like a disgruntled chipmunk.
Forty five minutes later a blue Innova stopped beside the gold Audi. The drivers windows rolled down, Ashwin flashed his best charming smile to the driver. Shubhangi glared at both of them and slammed both the door during her journey from leaving car A to getting into car B.
" Thank you for coming quickly. You can get the adress from her."
The uber driver nod and Ashwin drove away.
Aarthi saw her brother humming softly as his locked his car.
" The shoot went well then ?"
Ashwin yellped and glared at his elder sister to raised her hands in mock defense. He grunted and walked pass her to the kitchen.
"It smells so good in here...whats cooking ?"
" Chicken cuka ..amamma's recepi "
Ashwin opened his mouth and accepted the chicken , moaning as the rich flavour swirls inside his mouth. His mother smiled softly and placed some in a bowl and hand back to him.
Aarthi sat up on the counter watching her brother . Ashwin raised his eyebrows and looked at his sister while sticking the spoon in his mouth.
" Amma..did you know.. your card was swiped for 150 USD.."
"What.. I did not use my card....Ashwin..."
Aarti smirked watching her brother. Ashin was caught like a deer in the headlight. Swallowing the last bite, he simpered
" Someone was in need to cash ...I simply borrowed them.."
Aarthi and Seema raised their eyebrows." I thought you said you didn't know anybody in today's shoot?"
Ashwin sighed and explained the event that happened. " So as you can see..."
"Why didn't you simply drop the girl home ?"
" I didn't know where she lived .."
"So you book a uber to the set...paid for it ..and then paid again when she home....how chivalorous..My brother..the savior of girls !"
"Woah where's the fire ?"
Naren grinned and hugged his brother in law. " Did I miss some Juicy info? I heard something about your brother and saviour .." Naren waggled his eyebrow. Ashwin sighed and shook his head walking away from the kitchen. He can hear his sister's excited voice.
Ashwin stepped out from the bathroom when his mobile phone kept ringing . He slide the door open and saw his mother answering it.
"Alright ...thank you ..its no harm.. yes..yes I will send the detail soon.. yes..good night .."
Seema then plugged the phone into the charger and picked the dirty clothing pile.
"Who is that .."
"Mr Krishi Kumar.. please send him your bank acc number.."
"Who is that.. and why ?"
"His the father of the young lady you helped..."
"Didn't you say she called from you phone.."
" Ya.. but .. I thought.."
" You thought..?"
" She will give it to me tomorrow...and.."
" Why did you thought that ?"
"Because..she was flirting earlier.. not as much as the other jokers but the was the most vocal and well frankly I thought she might even forget she owe me.. the girl forgot her phone and purse ama.."
" You said before...its all for rating and what the director tells you to do..."
"But in this show.. the was no script for us... It was really like a game.. they just told us to dance when we enter and after that go with the flow..."
" Then she simply woke on the wrong side of the bed... You never bothered about your co workers before...and from what you said.. she isnt even your partner for this week..so what changed..?"
"Nothing changed ama...and stop looking at me with that smile.. I will whatsapp him my acc details.. Good night.. There is a add shoot for Nescafe tomorrow early morning.."
Seema smiled and left her youngest to his thoughts.
That's it... Chapter 1.. well not sure how it goes. I would really appreciate it if anybody can correct my sentence or tenses if its wrong. :) 442Please respect copyright.PENANAcUgSqPLJwo
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