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~ Hope you enjoy the first chapter! ~
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It was Monday Morning and yes school. I was just staring at the seeling thinking about how my first day of senior year will turn out. What if dahyun, momo, and Mina don't want to be friends with me anymore? What if- You know what, Y/n you need to stop doubting yourself. Your brother Bang Chan will then give you a talk and I have heard so many of those already. It kind get's annoying. But what can I say? He's a Libra. And he flirts with literally everyone at school! For me it's literally the same shit, different day. And If you can't relate then you actually have a life. a few minutes later I decided to get my lazy ass up and do my morning routine.
"Y/n! Hurry up! There's only 5 more minutes left before school starts!" Bang Chan yells from his room. Oh shit this is what I get for not getting up earlier. I brush my teeth as fast as I can and wash my face with my cleanser's. Oh god only 2 minutes left. There's no point we were going to be late either way. I choose what to wear and I wear a crop top with blue stripes and brown buttons and ripped jeans. I look like.... Like what a blonde girl on a summer day in seattle would wear. I grab my books and bag and head downstairs where I find an angry Bang Chan.
"Oh! You look so cute when your mad oppa!" Yea Yea He's older than me by 4 years so that's why I call him oppa. He just rolls his eyes at my comment. What? I never lie. I smirk and head out so he can drop me off at school. I get in his car and he get's in some time later. "God You know you take forever!" I hit the back of his head. He just rubs it and groans in pain.
"I was just helping the new neighbors out Y/n. Something you would never do" Ouch, okay he got me there. He just knows how to put people in there place doesn't he. Then I here someone come inside the car. I turn around to see a boy. But I couldn't see his face clearly.
"Aish and you brought one of them along!"
"What? No the new neighbors kid is still at his house! That's Woojin!" He starts the car and looks at me again, "God it's just the beginning of the day and you making me scream already! God damit Y/n! Just let me get to school safe."
ah okay I guess I should listen to him for once. Bang Chan pulls out of the drive way and while he pulls out I see this Really Really handsome boy. Wait Whoa this isn't a boy, ...This is a man! I see him lift up the box. God kill me right now. My face starts to get hot and red, and I feel my heart beat really fast. Those veins popping out of his hands just makes me want to die for him, give myself to him. And kiss those lips everyday. How come Bang Chan didn't tell me our new neighbor was a boy and really attractive ! God if he's the new transfer student attending my school then just kill me.
I think my brother and Woojin noticed because I have been looking back threw the window for the longest time and they were calling my name.
"Y/n! were here!" Bang Chan yells. I didn't pay attention because I can't get him out of my head. How can someone make a man that beautiful!
"HAHAHAHAHAHA! Your sister has a crush on the new kid on the block!" Woojin laughs. That catches my attention. And I get off my seat and slap him in the head. That's what he deserves. I grab my bag, get off the car and head inside school. I see them drive off and head to college, yes It's sad I'm the youngest so I still have to attend high school. I'm 17 and he's 22. I clear my mind and start walking to my locker. Then I see him... My crush. Well you can call him my crush but he's my ex boyfriend. He was a dick and yes he cheated on me, me bang Y/n fell for the playboy himself. Changbin. After him my brother has been overprotective. He said the next boyfriend I have I need to show him so he can approve. There he goes talking other girls into his trap. I laugh to myself and walk away to find the girls. I bet all three of them found boyfriends this summer.
I see them with to my surprise no boys. I smile to myself and walk over to them. "Hey Y/n! Did you here there was a new kid coming to ours school!?" Momo yells out of now where. Mina just laughs. Yep that's the Momo I remember.
"Yeah the new kid's a boy." I sit next to Dahyun. And they all look at me surprised.
"How do you know it's a boy?" Dahyun asked me. I swallow my saliva and sit nervously. Shit Y/n you don't even know anything about him. What if he was a mover that helps poeple! I'll just lie.
"Um B-because the principle told me, she said I'm going to be his tour guider." they all make an "O" shape with there mouths. I take out some chips from my bag and start to eat them. God Why did I have to lie on my first day? I breath in and then breath out. I need to talk to Mrs. Jenkins. I get up and swing my bag over my back.
"Where are you going? You just got here." Mina asks. Shit.
"It's time for me to give the tour, I'll see you all at lunch?" They all nod and I head over to the principals office. I hear the bell ring which means it's time for first period. God I need to figure out how I'm going to actually tour the new boy. Fuck me for my great lying ability. I walk into another hall and see the office and there's no one in sight so I run to the door and open it. To my surprise the boy's in there with the principle.
"Oh Y/n, what a surprise to see you here. I was just going to call you from class to tour this nice young man." Wait she was actually going to pick me to tour him? God thank you! Now That actually wasn't a lie to Dahyun, Mina, and Momo. he turns around and smiles at me while looking at me up and down. I swallow my saliva and speak.
"Um... Yeah um I'm bang Y/n and I'll be your tour guide around the school." I tell him nervously.
"You two can go start the tour now if your ready." Mrs. Jenkins says then sits down at her office. I look at him. And he he puts his hand out telling me to go out first. I step out of the office and so does he.
"My names Lee Know or Bundle Boy that's what my cousins call me." Lee know says.
"Ah, yes aren't you the new neighbors that moved in on cross street?" He looks at me surprised and confused.
"Yes.. Wait do you have a brother named Bang Chan? and live across the street?" I nod and he smiles. Thank god he wasn't mean! He's a sweet handsome hot boy. Wait Man yes a Man.
"Well that's good that I at least know, well some what know someone here. I was homeschooled." I turn my head and look at him in surprise.
"Oh really?" He nods as we walk around the hallways.
"Yes I know ever since this one kid punched me in the face in 3rd grade My mom homeschooled me." Aish that's sad. We walked threw the hallways and students can see us walking threw the windows. And I didn't pay attention all I payed attention to was Him. My new crush, Lee Know.
"I hope it didn't hurt, that sucks I have an over protective brother Bang Chan the one you met this Morning." I see him turn his head and then I turn mine real fast and look forward. I just here him chuckle.
"Nah I didn't but thanks for carrying, But you don't have your parents?" Lee know asks. I know what your thinking Oh my god she doesn't have her parents! It's been so long that I don't even care anymore. They both left me and my brother for drugs and stuff like that. There loss I'm happier without them.
"Yea I don't have them they left for drugs and shit, my aunt tells m some things about them and what they did but I honestly don't care anymore. And there's some thing's I don't even know but I don't want to talk about it right now but it's okay, let's change the subject?"
"Uh, I'm sorry and yea of course let's change the subject."
We talked all the way to lunch. I showed him his classes but he wanted to keep talking with me all day. I got to admit he is actually kind of cool. But I still can't trust him. Some people can be nice during the day, and assholes during the night. It's like they have a mask on in the day then there's a bad boy at night. I hope that's not him.
So were at lunch now. And Mina, Dahyun, and Momo are all over Lee know. What? I told him I had all girl friends.
"So you don't know who Jeon jungkook is?" Mina keeps on telling him.
"No uh I don't." He says laughing. I'm texting Chan's dumbass. Why? Right he's the on who bugged. He found out I toured The Bundle boy over there and now he's pissed. He saw my reaction to when I saw him this moring and nowhere knows I have a crush on him. I don't know why he's mad, I've seen him play all the girls at his school. What a pain in the ass. I put my phone in my back pocket and listen to what my we rid ass friends are saying.
"Guys Leave him alone." I laugh while there making him uncomfortable, "Give him some space ALONE for at least a minute."
"God! Y/n! Fine!" Momo says and they all leave to the hallway. Me and Little Bundle boy head over to the school garden.
"It's so peaceful out here, your friends are a little too much." He laughs and I just look at the sky.
"You okay there pinkie pie?" I look at him weirdly because of his comment.
"Did you just call me pinkie pie?"
"Um Did I? ...mmm No I don't think so." He laughs acting like he said nothing.
"Uhh no I'm pretty sure you called me pinkie pie Munchy." He does the same reaction that I did.
"Yes Munchy, I saw your fat ass eating all of those hot Cheetos during lunch." I start laughing like crazy with him. What? I saw what I saw, and He knows he did it too.
"Okay but you wouldn't know why I did it because it's a Scorpio thing." He looks at me up and down while smirking. Wow a Scorpio thing? He really went there. No no no, I know why he did it, he did it because he's a fat ass. I smile to myself.
"Okay whatever I'm pretty sure it was because of that." I look back at the sky. And I see him roll his eyes at the corner at my eye. Asshole. I just laugh a little bit to myself.
Some time passed and Minho was eating the chips he stole from the the cafeteria. Fat ass! I'm responding to everyone I left on delivered because I've been in class. Yeah that's my excuse even though I skipped class, we'll just leave it at that I didn't respond to about 10 people because I was in class. finally the last person I'm responding to is Chan.
I heard from his mom, that they moved to Seattle because he ... Did something really bad.
- A pain in the ass Chan -
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What? Yes I changed his name to pain in the ass chan. Because he is a pain in the ass when he wants to be. Well to me at least.
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Come on Chan, I'm with him Right now. He can't be that bad.
- Y/n -
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Suit yourself, but don't say I warned you lil sis.
- A pain in the ass Chan -
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Whatever, see you later. And remember to pick me up!
- Y/n -
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I can't you can take the bus or walk but I can pick you up tomorrow for sure
- A pain in the ass Chan -
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okay bye
- Y/n -
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He left me on open after that. Should I tell him id he can some walking with me? I don't want to be a bug but I'm scared.
"Like what you see?" huh? oh shit! I was staring at him for too long again. Damit Y/n! Just tell him. okay here I go. I take a deep breath and speak.
"Can you walk with me to my house today? My brother has to do something." I say fidgeting with my fingers. I'm that nervous but that's how I am all the time when I want to ask something.
"Oh... um yes of course always to help a friend out but I have a car Y/n." He has a car?! I thought he was 17 like me!
"Wait, aren't you 17?" He just laughs at what I said.
"Me? 17? Nah, I'm 19 going to turn 20 in october. My Mom put me in school late." I make an "O" shape with my mouth. Damit Y/n, what a dumbass I am. Well he's the on who didn't tell me how old he was. I guess I'm going home with my crush. ...In .... His ....Car. I swallow my saliva. God why am I always so nervous? I exhale the air in my lungs and look at him to find him staring right into my eyes. They say, whoever's eyes don't glow in the light are not virgins. Now I know my answer from him.
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"Want to have a little fun cutie?"
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