A youthful woman with jet black hair hurried, as if her life depended on it, through a field of midnight poppies until the perfume of cinnamon and vanilla caught her in a trance, nearly ceasing her actions. The alluring and familiar odor drew her closer, running until she arrived at a township and staying hidden within the cluster of trees which bordered it. At a distance, she stood gazing upon the dancing masses as they whooped, sang, and frolicked to lively music. Further elsewhere, she spotted a large entrance gate with caravans and carriages trotting through on tamed beasts with horns and hooves, which seemed related to cattle, only doubled in every way with scarlet pelts and short, fluffy tails. The town was decorated with banners and streamers of all colors, some even glowing as her eyes did. Excited by the festivities, they had now ripened into a violet hue, watching lights sway, blink, and twinkle all over in contrast to the moon and stars.
The townspeople were loud and frightening, but nothing would compare to the sudden crackling noise that exploded in a huddle of youths, making her flinch. They played a few meters towards the northwest in an abandoned street and laughed, cheering for the excited sparks of light causing the racket.
She sighed. "There isn't anything to fear, just another children's toy..." she thought, and, as if she had been an illusion, disappeared, reappearing farther away where she could remain out of sight. As the noirette's sapphire eyes surveyed the village, her surroundings became noted, and she retrieved a small pouch of coins from a dark, worn satchel slung across her chest, to total its contents.
Though the night chilled with cool currents, her attire only comprised tattered garments: a long-sleeved gown, comparable to the midnight's complexion in that of a dirty puddle, came to her knees with slits on either side, that began at the start of her thigh. Beneath were black leggings, and about her neck was a burgundy scarf with part of her lengthy mane tucked into it, the straighter strands exceeding the small of her back. It was full of curls and loose coils, but the ease she showed when passing her fingers through it, so that most of it was on her right shoulder, displayed that it held no tangles. The little sack retired to her satchel, and she returned to taking in the scenery of the residents, as each of them repeated the word "festival" in conversations with each other. Her sights landed on the head of a young man who was observing fireworks alone on the sidewalk, while others passed by with giggles and treats. He had raven with blonde tipped hair, intriguing, as she could not help but stare and enter the crowd to see him up close.
The pitiable woman would get bumped and frightened often, but she soon was near enough to just graze his hand with her fingertip when she reached out, accidentally. Both flinched and looked at each other frightenedly. Her own hand drew close as the tip of her middle finger burned with a cool sensation of electricity that quickly dissipated. "What... was that?"
{Just moments before then...}
A thin, young weredog man with blonde and black hair, long, furry, grey ears and heterochromia eyes was parting with an old friend after hours of nonstop running. The older man rubbed his head tenderly before dropping a black and red wallet. Once the younger bent to pick it up, the older disappeared in a swirl of black dust, causing him to look through the crowd for them frightenedly. He moved through the bustling people with some difficulty, being light weighted and fatally distracted by bright lights and loud sounds. Panic overwhelmed him at the sight of such crowds, flinching roughly when meeting another, such as bumping shoulders, leading to a series of hasty apologies. Stopping him in his tracks was the scent of spicy lavender wafting through the air and causing him a blissful daze. He followed it.
As he continued wandering on autopilot, he fiddled with his hair, twisting the strands and curls around his fingertips, and tugging gently for comfort. He gazed down at his torn and ragged clothes, that were definitely too small, even as thin as he was, with a frown, when suddenly, there was a loud BOOM! causing him to jolt, cover his ears, and quickly glance toward his side and up into the sky. He squeezed his eyes shut in a wince and shuddered as another occurred. When he finally looked back, he witnessed in awe at the explosion of gorgeous colors shooting and falling out of the sky. He had never seen them before and quickly became entranced by it instead, only to come out of it when he felt a spark, followed by coolness, shoot through the nerves of his arm, resulting in another flinch. When he looked down, he noticed a gorgeous young woman with black hair, holding her hand close to her chest in fear and confusion. She had pink irises and examined him for a moment, but the longer she did, the darker the color of her eyes got, until they returned to a dull sapphire. He also relaxed a bit in that time and looked down at his hand, sniffing it for clues with a tilted head to determine what had just happened. "Who...... what-?" He jumped again as yet another firework sounded, causing him to return his attention to them.
She looked up at them too, with wide eyes. Her irises phased into a saturated purple as she watched the fireworks in excitement, but then glanced back at the boy beside her. He was taller than her by a few inches, skinny and frail. His heterochromia eyes and hair reflected the many colors of light bursting in the sky. "You're... so pretty..." the girl said before frowning slightly at herself when she realized she said that aloud. She blushed and sighed in embarrassment while backing away.
"M- my apologies..." She looked down at the pavement as if she had done something wrong before that familiar vanilla and cinnamon smell came to her; It was much stronger, yet just as airy now. 245Please respect copyright.PENANAIt6ptiWv1V
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"Is it him...?"
He looked down at the woman and stared at her changing-colored eyes in awe. He found them strange, yet beautiful and tilted his head, "p..re..tee?"
He recognized the word, but had not known what it meant, though he had been taught to respond politely with 'thank you.' "t-thank you... why... are you saying sorry?"
It perplexed him to hear her apologize, sniffing the air, and raised a brow. The spicy lavender scent slipped into his nose again as he stole a glimpse in her direction, trying not to drool. "She smells good~," he thought.
She glanced off to the side, not really knowing the answer, and kept a distance from him, which was about a yard away. Giving him a small nervous smile, she looked up at him again. "Do you... mind if I join you?" the girl said whilst tapping behind her hidden ear.
He stood confused for a moment before nodding his head eagerly. "Yes! I don't mind a-at all! Yeah! I do mind...! Wait no! I don't mind—Not one bit!" He played nervously with his hair, then froze. The poor boy confused himself.
She giggled, "My name is Kira. What is yours?"
He flinched before looking back at Kira and smiling timidly from her giggle. "L-Louis..."
And thus, began the start of an unperceived journey that would test and push the two past their limits. They will fill the roads ahead with happiness while dark truths lurked within the shadows... How long would it be before they greeted such a thing?
To be continued~
Welcome to the beginning of Dragon's Turmoil: Curse of the Dark White Dragon~! Milk, our wonderful editing team, and I are proud to present the prologue of our trilogy in Book One: Corruption's Curse. Prepare yourselves for an emotional journey full of passion, angst, and humor!
We'll see you next week~
P.s. View our linktree (which will be linked below and in the comments) for our discord server and links to the other books, as they become published of course~