Chapter 3, Sandy French Fries.502Please respect copyright.PENANAF0lMcCi1Sg
There's nothing more important than trust. It seems like a simple concept in theory but difficult to execute in existence. It requires you to let go of every pre-existing notion ingrained within yourself. To dig your fingernails into your sensitive flesh and rip it wide open, allowing your full vulnerability to be on display. To trust someone with something you don't even trust yourself, that's even harder. Trust is something Everett never thought about. It was something he just had to do. He never got the choice of who to trust, nor did he choose who trusted him. Not many, he wholeheartedly believed, not any, if he was frank, yet at this moment, he is conflicted with that very predicament, trust.502Please respect copyright.PENANAnNajrTo8dW
While waltzing along the dank wooden boards of the dock, leaving behind a stranger, he came across the very person he wished to meet. Thomas was heading his way towards the little shack. He looks more tired with a slanted grin and crooked eyes than he did just a few hours ago. He was holding a large wooden crate. Awkwardly adjusting his grip every few steps. His golden skin was radiant from the vibrant sun. He lumbered along till he met Everett, who was lighter than air.502Please respect copyright.PENANAlaUpji3xcF
"Sorry I took so long," Thomas slumped while fumbling with the wooden box. His mind seemed preoccupied, but alas, he came With good news.502Please respect copyright.PENANAVAYt2HylaY
"I found you a little place to stay." He smiled. Everett's large slate gray eyes went wide.502Please respect copyright.PENANAvW81KEsZuk
"I didn't say I needed a place!" He curled his lips, juggling his weight from side to side. Thomas tilted his head.502Please respect copyright.PENANAEbJIOhXOzq
"You got a place then?" he asked with a brass monotone voice. Everett retreated into himself, shaking his head. He was elated at Thomas's forethought, yet overwhelmed at the situation altogether. It shocked him that such a person would be willing to help a stranger. It was true that they had some connections, but it was just a mere frayed thread compared to how Thomas was treating him. Everett had only heard good things about the Millers. Strong people who were willing to give to those they don't know. Whether it was empathy, sympathy, or pity, it didn't matter.502Please respect copyright.PENANAU81fUIbSOn
Dorothea did the same with his father. He didn't know exactly how it happened that day, only that he came back with a face full of hope, something that he had left without. Liam Porter was trying at least, willing to reduce himself to bagging at the knees of a stranger. Everett couldn't really judge, wasn't he doing the same?502Please respect copyright.PENANAz2IK54GTYp
Thomas fished a little piece of torn paper from his worn-out jean’s back pocket. Anchoring the crate on his knee while he did so. Everett quickly scooped it from his hands, so Thomas could hold onto the box correctly. Opening up the crumpled torn paper, he saw scribbled in a blue pen, 1616 Marigold Lane- Harriet Whiteman.502Please respect copyright.PENANAkU6SvKXu5z
"It's easy to find it's on the corner of the main road," Thomas explained. He apologized for not showing him, but he didn't have the time. Thomas was slumped with work, which made sense from what Everett saw; he practically ran this place. Thomas went to leave, swaying along with the weight of the crate. Everett frantically expressed that he could do more work, but Thomas wasn't blind. He could see those dark circles and heavy-set eyes that tainted the young teen's complexion.502Please respect copyright.PENANAnDKk9oQaCc
"Come back tomorrow morning around 8:00." Thomas sternly smiled with a quick head nod before turning back and leaving. Everett huffed but was somewhat relieved, he felt his body rock with the waves, like a gentle crib, feeling the urge to close his eyes and rest. The quick morning's adrenaline was starting to wear off; he could feel his feet were starting to get heavy.502Please respect copyright.PENANAW4igsxuHOW
He quickly stammered off the docks, his feet crunching in the gravel before he got to his beat-up soup can of a vehicle. It started with a clunk and tinkering away up the steep hill and onto the main road of downtown. A few more people occupied the little street, and a few shops open with excited little buyers. 8:45am, the start to a sunny summer's day.502Please respect copyright.PENANAXE1jtkqFZF
It was almost inevitable that Everett would get lost on a straight street, but after a few too many uncomfortable U-turns he finally found the place he needed to go. All the more embarrassing that it was part of the stores he passed just hours previously. A little shop nestled beside a few other shops, with painted brick walls and large glass windows. Above looked to be more space, hinting at housing. 1616 Marigold Lane was hung above the door, X marks the spot. He opened the door and was slapped in the face with an overwhelming sensory overload. Like a magpie’s nest, the shop was cluttered with a multitude of stuff. Shelves of books and pottery, scarves, and other fabric laid and hung every which way, a cluttered, scattered disheveled, mess. There were even little bags of teas and herbs but what was the most prominent was the jewels. Gems and Crystals everywhere. Tossed around on display shelves and even hanging up from the low ceilings like twinkling multi-colored raindrops. There was also an unusually large number of mirrors littered all around, even when it didn't make sense for them to be there. The floors were concrete but a large shag rug in splotches of earth tones covered it up. The walls once a light coffee colour now adorned with all the abhorrent number of knickknacks. All dazzling shades of jewel tones glistening like a slick oil spill. The shop had everything but an owner.502Please respect copyright.PENANACILWFXGN2b
Everett looked around but there wasn't too far to go. The shop was empty beside himself and a small grey cat. A pretty cat that was daintily napping on a plush Merlot pillow right by the cash register. Everett tried his best to tiptoe to the sleeping feline without startling her. She almost looked like a kitten in how small she was. A pretty face, elegant, royally even. She was slumbering like an ancient goddess, her hair a blueish-grey with no markings, short, with an emerald green collar that had a cluster of stones attached to it. Once Everett got close enough, he noticed a note, it had caught his eye, tucked away under the cash register. All it said was, “Mr. Porter, door on the left.” On top of the note lay a small regular key. He slipped the note out making the slightest of sounds but that was enough. The small cat stretched awake, yawning, and kneading slightly. She took no time to search for the source of the sound. Spotting Everett she peered up. Instantly startled she arched her back, hissing violently at a cringing Everett.502Please respect copyright.PENANAxdzIX5VRPn
Everett sighed picking up the small key, paying no attrition to the furious feline. He looked around for a door but didn't see anything. He searched for a bit, even moving a few mirrors to see if perhaps a door was hiding underneath. Finally, he noticed a little staircase at the back of the shop, which was the only other entryway beside the front door. He ducked down under all the hanging strands of beads and fabric, bumping a few wind chimes that serenaded him back. Up he went. As he ascended, it made more sense now that the shopkeeper wasn’t there, because the cat was watching the shop. The little cat was a Familiar or an animal with magic. Everett wasn’t always the best at noticing Familiars. They don’t talk but he heard you can communicate with them. They weren’t some special breed; they were simply just an animal that possessed magic. They had some advantages, some disadvantages, the same as a human with magic, but an animal. The little gray cat was more than capable of taking care of the shop. Although this wasn’t the reason, she hissed at him rather it was because that’s just what cats do around Everett. It's something he has just become accustomed to at this point, it doesn't really offend him anymore.502Please respect copyright.PENANAeey2ubkKzp
He stumbled up the stairs till he reached a little island with two doors on either side. One on left 1616 A and one on the right 1616 B. He glanced down at the key and jostled it in the palm of his large hand, examining it for a second before finally committing to slipping it in the door lock. It opened with a creak. He entered with some false gusto, inside was a rather bare room, a box of a space. The same light coffee walls and a sandy-coloured carpeted floor, a similar shade to his jacket. On the side closest to the street was a small wire bed, it had sheets but no bedding. Beside it sat a tiny beat-up nightstand with a small alarm clock and a metal desk lamp. On the other side, there was a small section that technically could be classified as a kitchen and another door that had the tiniest bathroom Everett had ever seen, but really, he didn't care too much. There was something comforting about the tiny box with low ceilings. He flopped onto the bed with a loud creaking sound, his intentions to give his aching legs a break but his heavy eyes gained weight and his body seemed to melt into the thin mattress. Before he knew it the whole space around him was dark.502Please respect copyright.PENANAESnA0qsiz5
Beep, beep, beep, beep.502Please respect copyright.PENANAAbTY5PjKPb
Everett's eyes shot open. He was lying on his back, spilling over the tiny cot. A frantic feeling of desperation as his foggy mind fathoms where he is. Like making a straight impact with a car and tumbling down a grassy Knoll, quickly stumbling back up to reality. His mind is groggy, his eyes stinging, he smacks his lips together a few times to moisten his dry throat. A large pounding sensation overtaking everything.502Please respect copyright.PENANAAEM9uRPQFJ
Beep, beep, beep, beep.502Please respect copyright.PENANA0YBxBc2bRY
The alarm Clock on the tiny nightstands screams again, a banshee wail in his ears. Everett swings his arm over haphazardly hitting the plastic in hopes to stop it but to no such luck. It forces him to sit up grabbing the clock so he can clearly smash a few little buttons on the side, finally, it shuts up. The clock reads, 7:30. Everett’s eyes blinked a few times, still half asleep as he attempted to organize all his wandering thoughts into one coherent stream.502Please respect copyright.PENANA7XiV1clgtk
“I closed my eyes for a second,” he groaned, lifting himself up to look out the wide window above him. Out on the street, it looked to be a fairly bare sight. Only a few pedestrians walking about. It didn't appear that he had mistaken day for night, confirming the alarm clock was right. Finally, it occurred to him, he had slept for almost an entire 24 hours. Slumping back down on the bed, he began to rub his burning eyes with the palm of his hands. He hadn't gotten much sleep in the last little bit and he was more susceptible to prolong sleeping around this time, however, he had never slept for an entire day. honestly, it probably did his body good, that overwhelming feeling was laying low in his gut agai, instead of bobbling dangerously close to the surface. Another panicked feeling emerged.502Please respect copyright.PENANAyk8IcLtIDj
“Thomas,” he yelped, he had forgotten that he had to go to the docks to meet Thomas again. He didn't want to be late, nor did he want him to think that he was taking his gratitude for granted. The docks weren't too far away, and he was certain he would make it in time but he would have to leave now. He quickly went to stand up and immediately he felt the shaking within his leg, then a shooting pain trembling up and ricocheting within himself. It forced him back down, he bit his lip, massaging the source of the pain. His left upper thigh, his damaged leg. He had tried to ignore how weak it had been yesterday; he knew he overdid it with the long car ride. “This stupid leg,” he though to himself. Damaged from that foreboding accident. Perhaps, if his leg wasn't damaged, he could forget about that inconvenience that leaves him dry heaving with lingering lots of astronomical terror. If only his leg was the only issue.502Please respect copyright.PENANAOBBGVfvy0K
With more preparation Everett attempted to stand, leaning all his weight on his right side. Successfully he got up. He then started to lower to the other side, it was painful but manageable. He toggled along through the little room, peg legged and dreary. He made his way down to the stairs, Although it took a significantly longer time. He was expecting to see the shopkeeper, but again nowhere to be found. He didn't have time to think he just continued to hobble his way out the door and to his beat-up car parked on the edge of the sidewalk, pulling out in a hazy dissonance.502Please respect copyright.PENANAxn0zAFqL3G
Bumping along the same road he followed yesterday. focusing on his breaths, as he made it to the little office building just a few minutes past 8:00 o'clock. Thomas was already there, he stood stiff, but his eyes were bright against his weathered face, a sternness to him, but it didn't feel unpleasant. Everett slipped out of his vehicle, which was parked in the same spot as it was yesterday. Crunching along the gravel with a slight limp. Thomas made a soft smile once he noticed the slumped over Everett slowly making his way to him.502Please respect copyright.PENANA8QJW6xUS5P
Once over, Thomas expressed that he had just gotten there, and Everett made it in perfect time. Everett felt his breath that had been lying like a lump in the back of his throat slowly start to deflate. Beside Thomas were a few crates that were stacked up similar to the ones he was struggling with yesterday. Everett creased his brows shifting his eyes from the cargo to Thomas, however, he didn't have too much to worry about.502Please respect copyright.PENANAeNhntwXnaC
“I'm gonna have you work in the office,” Thomas expressed, patting his hand on the teen’s shoulder, “I hope you don't mind it'll just be the two of you today Sunday isn't busy.”502Please respect copyright.PENANAgJszh3L5tC
Thomas opened the door, holding it wide for Everett to shuffle in. Like yesterday there wasn't anyone there, except the person at the main desk. The blonde bobbed lady. Her eyes squinted the moment Everett entered the room. She was fixed on him, her lip slightly curled up like she had smelled something vile. She sat like a poised Lioness watching her prey. She slid her perfectly manicured hand under her light-coloured bob, flipping it behind her ear and then turning back to her computer. Everett’s eyes shot down staying low as he continued to walk inside.502Please respect copyright.PENANAASQazhwfvA
Thomas set him up at a little desk In the corner of the main office. It was less of a desk and more just a chair with a TV tray. There was a large stack of papers beside him that he was instructed to sort through. It was nice because it kept Everett busy, though he was somewhat disappointed that he didn't get to see the stranger again. The one with the dark hair, Evergreen eyes, and laid-back attitude. “Ash, that was his name,” Everett thought to himself. A smile came to his face and something just felt nice about that name in his mouth. Though he felt like a kindergartener who was latching on to the first kid that expressed any interest.502Please respect copyright.PENANAgKtajlbRTI
Time seemed to trail away and Everett felt more comfortable in his new position. The blonde-haired lady stopped staring now, only glaring over every once in a while her fingers that had been so diligently clattering away on the keyboard now fell silent. She pushed back her chair making an unbearable screeching sound, like that of a fork against a tin can. She stood up puffing out her pleated skirt. She sauntered over to the door, she took out some keys from a bag that was hung on a hook by the front window. Everett tried his best to not focus on what she was doing and continue on his work, but he felt his eyes start to wander to the petite person thrashing about. She opened the door slightly slipping most of her body through till she paused for a second rolling her eyes in the direction of the “preoccupied” teen.502Please respect copyright.PENANAqwmm55VNI8
“Take a 30-minute break but you better be back before I am.” She Instructed, while finally slipping completely out. Everett blinked a few times at the door. He couldn't help but chuckle slightly, he had noticed about an hour ago that he was getting hungry. He knew it wasn't good, but he couldn't remember the last time he had eaten. It must have been a few days back, but nothing was sufficient. He didn't have much money but after convincing himself that spending $5 or so wouldn't kill him, Everett stood up. Completely forgetting about his tender leg. It throbbed the moment he stood up, making his knee buckle, and his muscles tense, while his teeth gritted. He wobbled along the wood floorboard to the front door. Wondering what he could afford for food his mind filled with a wonderful selection of assorted cuisines all likely out of his budget. Everett made it outside and he was about to enter his car.502Please respect copyright.PENANAHt5xWg6Rhq
“Everett?” a strange yet familiar voice asked. Everett shot his head back. He was correct. It was the teen from yesterday standing casually, looking unbothered. His raven hair was brushed back, half up in a messy tangle the other laying briskly on his shoulders. It showed off his face clearly. A thin face with softer cheekbones and an angled jaw. He truly was handsome, almost pretty. His eyebrows were dark like his hair and in a prominent arch. Thick curly eyelashes framed his rich drowsy eyes. He was wearing a baggy T-shirt with some unknown band and a pair of straight faded black jeans ripped, torn, and frayed, and a pair of flat black boots somewhere between a combat and work style.502Please respect copyright.PENANAbaQ6gszutI
Everett tucked his face down again as he looked rather disheveled wearing yesterday's clothes. Ash raised his eyebrows at the gesture. He was holding a large to-go cup and a Brown paper bag with large grease stains. The smell of fried oil humming in the air.502Please respect copyright.PENANAX3t59qr3o1
“That was your name?”502Please respect copyright.PENANAP7Fei4QRUp
Everett nodded his head, Ash let out another faded cocky smile. Though it’s hard to tell, his face lay pretty stiffly. The dark-haired teen lifted up the bag sloshing it around slightly, asking if Everett was on lunch break. Another nod. The boy let out a slight smirk again, lowering the bag.502Please respect copyright.PENANAMwUgOHQVZn
“If you're not too hungry I ordered fries, but the worker gave me a large by accident,”502Please respect copyright.PENANAQ15U81MDNi
Everett could feel his stomach rumble at just the thought of oily crispy spuds. In any other circumstance, he would have refused but he couldn't really fight with his demanding stomach and an empty wallet.502Please respect copyright.PENANAyMHCJjldyC
Ash led him to where he normally eats a little further down the opposite way from the docks. Where the grass meets the rocky beach. Everett was trying his best to keep up. This particular beach had a high tide, so it was full of a mixture of stone, gravel, broken shards of bark, and the odd Patch of sand. Nothing like the beaches on the glossy pages of magazines and television screens, this was hard to walk on. It was practically just filled with Barnacle covered stones, which is why Everett was surprised to see a bench so close to the beach. Located right near a patch, of course, brown sand, not a lot, and more of a mixture of half sand, half gravel but still sand. Ash sat one resting on the armrest, and the straw of his drink hanging leisurely out of his parted lips.502Please respect copyright.PENANA6UOO7OyI5S
Everett lowered himself onto the bench. There was a beautiful view of the twinkling ocean, But he was quickly brought back by the crinkling sound of the brown paper bag. Ash looked over at him, fry in hand. Like the finest gold a divine specimen. He brought it closer to his mouth, the same soft way he had his straw. Just resting in his parted lips, he took a bite. The two strangers’ eyes locked on each other. Before Ash pulled away shaking the bag towards the hungry Everett. He smiled excusing himself before delicately picking up a fry with his fingers.502Please respect copyright.PENANAEUtGYejeta
“It's nice,” Ash said with a soft hazy voice.502Please respect copyright.PENANAaoV9yTrNCY
Everett nodded while nibbling on the first piece of food he's had a long time. Ash let out another slight chuckle, chomping down on another.502Please respect copyright.PENANAQmqfqx0ORW
“It's nice that you're here,” Ash stuffed the other fry in his mouth.502Please respect copyright.PENANA4ptCCU40Wa
“Why's that?” Everett asked. Ash slid himself back on the creaking wooden bench.502Please respect copyright.PENANAYaUK1N9WNl
“I'm the one who works here that's below the age of 30,” he replied.502Please respect copyright.PENANAYFuHIDVRuv
Everett really only saw a handful of people, all a little older. The image of the bobbed haired lady fogged his mind. Shaking his head to get rid of her sour face. Focusing back on Ash who was staring out into the cheery afternoon. Everett slumped down a little more, following Ash’s lead.502Please respect copyright.PENANAhLbhNrdyoq
“How old are you then,” Everett softly inquired. Ash let out a slow breath, his mind at ease. Everett was right in his observation when the dark-haired teen replied by saying he was 18 turning 19. A year older than Everett whose 18th birthday was seeking up.502Please respect copyright.PENANADA9MNshaZF
“Thank you,” Everett stuttered.502Please respect copyright.PENANAepqcZjr3kU
“What for-”502Please respect copyright.PENANAPgpMquxGxA
“The food and just being nice, it's the first time being on my own,” Everett expressed in a bashful voice. Ash rolled another salty fire around in his fingers. His focus now on the fried food watching as the salt gently flicked off before slipping into his mouth. On his index figure was a bulky ring. Silver and well maintained. It was of a bird from what Everett could tell. It was the head of the bird and the neck that created the rest of the band. Detailed carved feathers were Intricately around. The head up slightly the beak parted and in the middle of the eye, a deep Emerald coloured gem. Everett’s eyes locked on it before it despaired once Ash lowered his hand.502Please respect copyright.PENANAxcHLELDe3K
“So, we're even.” He joked.502Please respect copyright.PENANAHq0iotV9ho
“I guess so,” Everett laughed back. He felt like he was chatting to an older friend. What he believed it would feel like to chat to an old friend. You could listen to him for hours. Every single word articulated in a way that was rich with opportunity. The two boys completely devoured the large bag of French fries, Everett could eat more but he was feeling content at the moment.502Please respect copyright.PENANAsZt0WORp3U
“Ash?” A soft voice sang out. A strange voice, delicate and youthful. Ash didn’t flinch; his expression stayed completely the same. Hurried footsteps clattered beside the bench. Everett gently turned his eyes in the direction until slowly shifting the rest of his head.
It was a girl. If Everett had to guess, he thinks she was around the same age, maybe a year or so younger. She was pretty but in a normal kind of way. Lanky build with narrow shoulders and hips and rather thin. A soft round face, full cheeks, and round eyes. She had long, light brown hair that flowed down her back. Mostly straight but gently puffed here and there, especially around her face. She was glowing in the warm sun, like Golden Amber.
"Jenny needed to talk to her mom, so I thought I'd say hi," she smiled large, rocking back and forth, her hands behind her back. Ash was facing her now; he just nodded, didn't say much.502Please respect copyright.PENANARiqwmS7hVH
"I wish I knew you had a break. You could have come and eaten lunch with us," she kept that same glowing smile on her face. She seemed sweet while she tried to keep the conversation flowing. A few awkward seconds had passed, and her doe-like brown eyes seemed to trail to Everett. Her smile seemed to fade slightly. This caught Ash's intention, who turned slightly back at Everett then back to the girl.502Please respect copyright.PENANAmaJLudY5D7
"Everett," he abruptly spoke, introducing the silent teen to the girl. The girl shot back to Ash the smile tightened back to its original form.502Please respect copyright.PENANA07Ig9VjP3i
"Oh, Amanda"502Please respect copyright.PENANA1S4VD4w4Ah
Everett adjusted his weight; the girl wasn't even looking at him.502Please respect copyright.PENANALFnwjfk8OR
Ash turned back to the front, facing the water again, to the girl's dismay. She then decided to pay more attention to Everett, who avoided eye contact by fiddling with the crinkling paper bag.502Please respect copyright.PENANAsyRQReP3lE
"It's good to meet you. I haven't seen you around here before. Are you Ash's old friend?" She asked politely.502Please respect copyright.PENANA9KmER9yCTC
Everett smiled, his fingers still meticulously playing with the oily paper bag. He took a deep breath and swung his head up—a smile to match the girls.502Please respect copyright.PENANAE7xjlp9EsC
"It's nice to meet you. I'm his coworker,"502Please respect copyright.PENANA6rQjLi3ZzL
The girl and Ash were taken aback; her eyes widened, and her mouth loosened at Everett's confidence. In a way, it made her more puppy. She seemed to feed off the sunny atmosphere that had been created.502Please respect copyright.PENANAZ5iyNxtahx
"Mandy!" Another girl called out, everyone seemed to swing their heads in the direction of the yell. Another girl ran down the path from the docks and up to the bench, with a huff.502Please respect copyright.PENANAyrBi6O79LW
She was short but still had long features and was athletically built. She was stunning. Long sunny hair that bleached out as it went further down, a slight fringe that framed her delicate face and bright blue eyes. The kind of girl you would imagine being extremely popular. Though she had this mean girl look, it was completely contrasted by her attitude, a smile so large it felt awkward, and a bubbly giggle that was contagious. The two girls made quite a pair. She looked at Ash then looked at the other girl, Amanda, and her smile turned to a teasing smirk.502Please respect copyright.PENANAiZ8A7s0aSP
"Sorry, I gotta take her," she giggled at Ash, Amanda's face flushed crimson, while Ash looked unbothered.502Please respect copyright.PENANADX0374PCpm
"Okay, let's go. My mom should be back at the office by now," she pulled on her friend once more; Amanda waved goodbye before they both hurried away to the docks.502Please respect copyright.PENANAOWIiRRpI6j
"Odd?" Everett thought, extra odd, that he knew it was only him and the bobbed hair lady. She surprisingly looked like the blonde girl, almost like it was her mother.502Please respect copyright.PENANArYkF16BdbM
Everett's eyes went wider than they ever had before; he shot up, not even focusing on his throbbing leg.502Please respect copyright.PENANAOJHMSXRGxx
"I need to go!"502Please respect copyright.PENANAhLvSbVegva
"Okay," Ash said, rattling his almost empty drink.502Please respect copyright.PENANAz4iRErqehg
"I'll see you again," Everett paused.502Please respect copyright.PENANAwLvL2NpDAk
"Yeah, of course," Ash replied.502Please respect copyright.PENANAnDY96ETfg4
Everett went to hurry back, hearing the soft chuckle and smirk of Ash behind him. He was trying to go as fast as he could. Leaving behind the dark-haired stranger and awaiting his own demise.