"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards."-Soren Kierkegaard
Aaron Eosphoros's POV
"Hey! Aaron! Wake up!" I wake up and look to the side and see a young women with long brownish hair, silver eyes, fox ears and tail shaking me, calling me to wake up.
"Jeez Yako, just let me sleep for a few more minutes will you?" I look up to the face of the young woman named Yako and she just frown, giving me the I-am-so-disappointed-in-you look. I look at her accusingly and she just sigh. " Fine. I will give you another 20 minutes. But after that please wake up. Our instructor and the General wants to meet with the team especially the team leader." I look at her curiously. " Why does our magic instructor and the General wants to see all of us?" Yako shakes her head confused as well. "I don't know." she replied with a frown on her pretty face. I tell her politely to go out of my room and walk into my washroom. I stare at the mirror in the washroom and sigh tiredly, rubbing my eyes and running my left hand through my long and messy silver hair.
It has been four years since that time when I came beck to the academy to continue my studies and my nightmares have been more frequent, especially when I walk through the old academy building's corridor, I could still remember my disappointment as the students in there all avoided me as I was different from them when I was ten. I could still remember the pain that I felt at that time as though the world was falling down on me. I could still remember that time when my dad told me to ignore what people say about me as I complained to him that my instructors and fellow students didn't care about me. I could still smell the smell of blood in the air of that time when I had first started killing innocents, smiling wildly while their blood was in my hands as insanity had gotten its hold on me. I still remembered my excitement that time when I had gotten the assignment from the leader of the supernatural gang that I had to kill two young students and I still remember what they told me after I opened up about my past and I still remember how they used to be angry at the way how everyone treated me as a jerk that time when I told them about that part and how they become my best friend. I could still feel the burning pain of the whip wounds on my back as I remembered how I was being tortured day after day because of disobeying orders by the leader of the gang. I still remember the words that he used to talk about me when he tortured me.
I put my hands in front of my eyes and breathe deeply as the word and memories slowly begin to torture me.
I blink back tears that threatened to come out of my eyes as I still remember how I look like before wanting to kill an innocent girl.
"You're just a boy who cannot do anything right."
I began to sob heartbrokenly but softly as I remember the times where I tried to kill innocent man, women or children but failed to do so as I don't have the heart to do it.
"No wonder why nobody likes you."
I started sobbing heartbrokenly as I still remember the days in the academy where no one wanted to be with me just because I am different. I still remember that time when I ran into some bullies when I was walking into class and they bullied me and that time when I walked into class ten minutes late and the teacher noticed and told me off that I should not be late to class next time.
"Hey Aaron. Are you there? Are you okay?" A lady's voice call out to me and I quickly wipe off the tears, wash my face, freshen myself up, dress myself up fast before opening the door of my room for the lady.
"Oh hey Amelia. What are you doing here?" The lady who is named Amelia pulls my hand and rush up the corridor of my dormitory to the hall of the academy with me in tow. There I see that everyone is already gathered and that I am late.
"Sorry that I am late sir, General." I say, turning from my instructor to the General. "Ah Aaron you are finally here." my instructor smile and the General frown deeply and with the look on his face, he is worried about me. "Aaron, is there any reason that you are late?" I shake my head no and the others start to feel that something is wrong and even my instructor and the General look at me with a strange expression that I can't place.
"I'm fine. Why are you guys looking at me like that?" The others are still not convinced that I am okay but decide to drop the subject. I give a pleading look to the General and my instructor and they both drop the subject as well even though they are worried about me.
The General spread the map for our next assignment and I take a good look at the map and my face pale a fraction. I pray that the others will not catch my look but they did.
"Aaron? Are you sure that you are okay?" My face pale even more as I remember the times where I have to kill the innocents in that area where we have to go for our assignment. I still remember how insane I had sounded when I laughed as I killed all those targets that the gang leader wanted me to kill.
"Dude, you are paling." Everyone look at me in worried look and I sigh, looking back at the map realizing that the landscape haven't change at all. "I'm fine guys. It's just that I am tired. Anyways, this place, Faenya, is an Elven town named after Aerdrie Faenya, the elven goddess of air, weather, and birds and it was the place where I used to go for my assignments when I was 13. I always love this town as there are many scenery near the town and that the people there are friendly. I went there for three times at that age as ,well, assassination." The others all look at me with wide eyes. "Assassination?!" The other students look at us in surprise that the others yell so loud and I apologize to them
"Dude, why assassination?" Aragorn ask and I just shrug. The others look curiously at how I would react and I sigh. "I was assigned to assassinate the leader of Faenya at that time. I didn't know he was a good man. If you guys are wondering why I am wearing a mask from 18 years old until now in class, that is one of the reason why I wear it." The others look at me in shock and I ignore that look. I look at the clock and sigh.
"Guys, should we start this mission or what?" The others all nod and the General commence the start of the mission. We all hug our instructor goodbye as we go to our destination for our mission.