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PART 3 - I'm sorry
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It's been boring these past days. I've been going to school and coming back right after like Chan said. And I've been avoiding both the girls and Minho because I need space from all of them, mostly Minho. And this all happened because Chan was drunk and Minho came over. I was almost done cleaning the house because It's a Sunday and Chan has been making me clean the house on Sunday's and Wednesday's.
It's been 2 weeks since that incident and he's still punishing me. And I still need to study for a test that's coming up in a month. I put my hair up in a messy bun and start to clean my desktop. I literally don't have to do anything else after I'm done with my studies. But I can't call Minho nor Mina, Momo, and Dahyun. Chan took my phone away. Asshole. I sigh and put the cloth I cleaned my desk with and throw it in the laundry basket. Your probably wondering, why is Chan not here? Where is Chan? Well he went on a 2 week trip to the mountains with his team like he does every year. I walk towards my bathroom to clean it and trip over something.
"Ugh! God Damit!"
I look to my side and see that I tripped over a toy. What? Wait. Of course that's Jaehyun's toy. He left it when I babysitting him yesterday. That's why I'm cleaning because he left a mess while I was sleeping. Ugh that kid is so hard to babysit. I should go cut my hair. I say in my head while looking at myself in the mirror. It is pretty long. but I don't like it long. I look around my room.
"hm, it's pretty clean."
I say while walking over to my bag taking out my purse. I only have 40 dollars, plus the 100 that Chan left me. I don't want to spend it all. They'll probably charge me 20 dollar's. I put my purse back inside my bag and decide to get ready. I walk towards my closet and choose my ripped jeans and a white plain shirt. Hm... shoes....shoes..... the heels will do. I get changed after 3 minutes and start to apply my mascara. Which took 15 minutes or more because the way I apply it takes forever since I mess up like 3 times on both eyes. That's why I have to by a lot of makeup wipes. Yes, it sucks. I was eventually done getting ready and grabbed my bag and apple watch. Yeah that dumbass brother of mine is smart, but not as smart as me. I smile to myself grab my keys and head outside. then it hit me. How the hell am I going to get there?
I sigh, lock the house and turn around to find Minho washing his car across the street. I take big gulp of my saliva and stare at him for a fat minute. I get out of my thoughts after some time and look around to see if anyone saw me. Then I see him leaning against his car while looking at me. Oh no. Oh no no no. I start to walk as fast as I can away from him. But when I thought he wasn't following me I was wrong because he stopped me by turning me around.
"Why are you ignoring me? Hm?"
I roll my eyes and let go of his grip them start to walk again.
"You know you can't ignore me forever right Pinkie pie?"
Oh my god, there he goes again with that name.
"I'll just walk to wherever your going."
Do whatever you want Mr. Lee know. I look at the time on my watch, 1:23 pm. I sigh. It's barley 1? Ugh just great. Might as well just ask him for a ride since he's going to walk with me. I stop and turn around.
"I'll let you come with me if you apologize to me which I know your going to do so I just wanted to ask Will you take me to the hair salon in your car since your going to follow me either way." I say really fast while looking down. "So? Will you?"
he run's his hand through his hair looking around until his eyes meet mine. "Well yeah I'll take you and there's no need to go to the hair salon because my Cousin lives close by and has her own hair salon she'll do it for free and yes, I'm sorry." He says then kisses my head and bringing me into a hug. I widen my eyes at his actions. Well um okay. I push him off me after some time.
"So where does this cousin of yours live?" He smirks and we head towards his car.
20 minutes later
"Lee know you said you knew where her salon was. ...Where the hell are we!?!?!" It's been 20 minutes and he's lost. He said we were heading the right direction. He said he knew where her salon was. But this dumbass supposably "Forgot".
"Hey relax let me call her." He says and pulls over then start's to call her. "Heyyy Ana!" He says and I can here her talk on the other side of the phone since she screamed and it was quiet.
Wait, ...he was supposed to come here either way? Well no wonder he wanted to take me here.
"yeah yeah I know, I'm sorry I just forgot where it was." he says while scratching the back of his head and looking at me.
"Forgot? yeah my ass, hurry up and come. bye."
After that she hung up. And Minho looked a little... well stressed.
"Hey, are you okay?"
He takes his face off of the wheel and looks up at me. He just stares at me for the longest time and then rubs his eyes. He mumbles something but I can't here. Yep something's definitely wrong with him. He starts the car and drives back to the salon.
It start's to get darker so I decide to play some music. I look for my phone inside my bag and then think. ...Chan took my phone. I look over to Minho who's just driving. I gulp.
"Can I use your phone?"
He looks at me then at the road. Minho stays silent for some seconds. Then he surprisingly hands it to me. I widen my eyes and then grab it and open it since it was already unlocked. I go on Spotify and play my favorite song right now. "Concrete by Teyanna Taylor." I was so into the song that I didn't realize that I was singing to it.
"We can fuck it away, we can tuck it away." I sing without noticing while looking outside. "We can drink it away and a see in a way. To much pride in the way." Then I hear someone laughing and clapping at the same time. I turn my head to my left and see that it's Minho. Wait.. did I just sing... in front on him? I hide my face with my hands and he speaks.
"You have a really talented voice you know?"
I uncover my face slowly and look at him. I swallow my saliva and fidget with my fingers. "Yeah um.. I'm in choir... but journalism takes up most of that time so I can't really go."
"Oh your also in journalism? Wow then you must be a really great writer." I just smile as a response as the song keeps on playing. "You could continue, ..I felt like you were singing to me." Minho says with a smirk. I hit him with my hand in the shoulder. "Okay okay! sorry! Were almost there ... just 3 more minutes." I get comfortable in my seat and look up at the stars. Minho then opens up all the windows including the rooftop. Well that one window on the top of the car I don't know what it's called okay? Yeah were not in his other black car. Were in his newest car, a BMW. And no I don't know what type of car this okay? I'm not that good with cars as I said I was.
"Were here beautiful." he says while parking in a parking spot. I sit up straight and grab my bag.
"Thank god! I was almost going to kill you." I check the time to see that it's 6:55 pm. Wow he said it was close. Liar, I roll my eyes and open the car door.
"Finally You made it!" A girl which I'm guessing is his cousin. She hugs him and he hugs her back. She doesn't look too much older. "Oh! Who is this?" She just questions.
"Oh her? This is my girlfriend Bang Y/n." Minho says while winking at me. I just smile at her.
"Well nice to meet you! Welcome to the family and well um I'm sorry your stuck with this asshole." She laughs and I laugh a little too. "I'm Lee Ana, come in." We go inside and the place is decorated and designed really good.
"She came to cut her hair, and well I also came because I owe you."
"Yup you do and I can't cut her hair. Yes I know the professional can't today. But you used to work here you can cut it for her bundle boy! I'll be inside my office." Ana says to us and leaves. He used to work here?! Lee know!? Wait he worked?! I thought his family was rich? I guess I was wrong. I sit on a chair and Minho comes.
"Prepare for my worst babe." He says playing around. Minho covers me in that robe shit and crabs the straightener. "How do you want it?"
"Short, Really short. To the middle of my neck." I point to where I want it at and he nods. Then two boys comes inside. They are very attractive like Minho but not that much. "Um who are they?" I ask Minho. He just keeps on straightening my hair while cutting it.
"There my other cousin's Lee Felix and Kim seung-min." I make an "O" shape with my mouth. He seems like he doesn't like them. They look this way where me and Minho are and start to walk towards us.
"Well if it isn't Minho, where have you been hm?" The one with the blondish hair says. Minho just ignores them. "You haven't changed a bit, your just the same old Lee know that ignores everyone of his family members." He says again. I'm guessing he's Felix. He looks at me up and down and smirks. "You've got a girlfriend huh? mm what a shame, she doesn't know the asshole you really are." Minho stops doing my hair and looks at them.
"Kiara, can you do Y/n's hair. I have to talk to someone outside." Minho says walking outside. Oh god I hope he doesn't get into a fight like he did with Chan. That black eye hasn't gotten anywhere near better. Kiara comes and starts to do my hair.
"Don't mind them, ...It's just rare when they come and plus I know Minho he won't do anything bad." She smiles at me then starts to cut my hair. What does she mean she knows Minho?
"What do you mean you know him?" I look at her through the mirror.
"He did tell you we were together right?" She laughs. "Yeah well we were together and then he broke up with me since he was moving and we were in a toxic relationship that didn't work so yeah." I breath in and then out really heavily. Minho didn't tell me anything about him and another girl. Especially a girl that he knew really well and acts like nothing happened between them. I bet he's dated everyone of these girls here. I look through the mirror again and just look at myself. I here someone come inside the store and see Minho and well I'm guessing seungmin. "All done." Kiara says and walks away while smiling at Minho. I just sit there looking down.
"Hey, come on let's go." Minho says while touching my shoulder with his hands. I just hum in response. I grab my bag and head towards the car. I open the car door and sit in the back seat. I see Minho come outside with seungmin. Minho walks towards me. "Hey are you okay? I like your hair cut by the way." he says while smiling at me. I just roll my eyes at him and stair outside the window. "Seungmin is coming over my house so he's coming with us." I ignore him and then Minho sits in the front seat and Seungmin in the passenger seat.
"Hello, I'm Seungmin." he says smiling at me then turns back around to the front. I thought he would be like Felix, I thought wrong. Minho then starts to drive on the freeway. Little by little I start to fall asleep until I fall asleep.
"Bang Y/n!"
I open my eyes and see Seungmin. I get up from my seat and grab my bag. I look at him and speak, "Uh thank you for waking me up." I say smiling.
"Well it's the least I could do after Felix was being an ass today." Seungmin says laughing a little then clears his trout, "Minho's taking a shower he'll come to your house after he's done." I nod and check the time. 12:13 Am, that's how long it took us to come home? I sigh and rub my eyes.
"Um so how did you two meet?" Seungmin asks me while he runs his hand threw his hair.
I laugh and respond to him, "I was his tour guide at school."
"Oh really?" I nod yes. "I thought you two met by well.. neighbors of course." Seungmin says laughing. "So how old are you Miss. Bang?"
"Oh same, were in the same grade then." Seungmin says while scratching the back of his head. I thought he was going to be 19 years old like Minho. He looks older than he is, but that's good to talk t someone in Minho's family that's the same age as me.
"So your family's rich?" Seungmin looks up from the floor looking straight at me.
"Oh my part of the family is rich but not at the same time it's mostly Minho's family that's the richest out of all of the family." So no wonder Minho got the best house in the neighborhood and all of those cars he has. I've never seen his mom or dad around, hm I wonder where there at.
"And his family? His mom and dad? Where are they? I never seen them around."
"Uh yeah about them, Minho's parents are always on business trips and they move whenever they want to so don't be surprised when you don't see him around." He clears his throat, "I would tell you everything but you know it's already so late we could meet up tomorrow what's your number?" I take my hand out asking for his phone. He takes it out of his pocket and puts in on my palm. I go on the app and start to pin in the numbers of my phone number. Wait, my phones token away. Oh I do have my tablet, but I can't call.. fuck.
"I got my phone token away but I have my tablet and I can access everything on my phone on there but i can't call so whatever you need to tell me just text okie?" He laughs and then nods. we here something so we turn our head to see Minho.
"What's up?" Minho asks us as he puts his hands inside his hoodie pocket. I look up at his face and see his hair is still wet. He's going to catch a cold, this boy.
"Your going to catch a cold your hairs wet and it's freezing cold outside." I tell him strictly. Seungmin and Minho just laugh. What? I'm just taking care of him. "What?"
"If your so worried baby, why don't you come take me inside hm?" Minho tells me smirking. What did he just say? This kid with his dirty mind. But I've always wanted to see how the mansion did look inside. Yes Minho lives in the mansion that has been on sale for at least 1 year. And I've never seen how it looked inside. I roll my eyes and start to walk towards the door to his house. I open the door and my eyes were amazed. He lives inside this?!
"Close your mouth Y/n." Seungmin says. I close my mouth and roll my eyes. It isn't that fancy but it is it looks like a normal house.
"I'm going to remodel it soon." Minho says in the corner. I turn my head to face him.
"I thought you lived with your mom and dad?" I question Minho.
"No I moved out that's why I moved here." I hum in response. I wonder if he'd let me stay over? Hm lets see.
"Can I stay the night with you baby!?" I ask Minho while hugging him. I see Seungmin in the other room weirded out. I roll my eyes at him and focus on minho. "I want to sleep with you baby!" Minho widens his eyes then smirks.
"You want to sleep with me?" Minho asks me while licking his lips. I shake my head yes. "Let's go upstairs then hm?" He picks me up bridal style and takes me up the stairs.
"You two better not do anything bad! You two can't even do it because of your ages!" Seungmin complains.
"Fuck off!" Minho yells then closes the door to his room.
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Hoped you enjoyed! Have a nice day cookies! Trust me they don't do it just yet.
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