Chapter 2533Please respect copyright.PENANA2HUqbwDf5V
This was not how I expected my sixteen birthday to be.533Please respect copyright.PENANAe8ZdAYRqwu
Walking down the street with a suitcase in hand hadn't been how I wanted to spend my sixteenth birthday. The salty tears fall down my face and the crying from me hadn't stopped since I left the house. I walked over towards a bus stop and sighed.533Please respect copyright.PENANAkCRHQLtEx3
Maybe I should have thought this through more! I mean sneaking out right after a family fight is not a good idea on my part. I thought.
Stopping by the bus stop, I sat down thinking of everything I had to live on. I had a total of seventy dollars, a laptop, a phone, and a changer for both the laptop and phone, a weeks worth of clothes, bras and underwear, I also had a pair of sneakers in there, stuff with some candy bars and two pieces of leftover cold pizza, and then I had the clothing on my back.
I sighed harder as I felt a rain drop land on my face. I watched as more rain begin to fall, I just sat there as the rain deepen. Not caring I was getting wet.
I had nowhere to go and the first thing I thought of was leaving town, figures.
I almost laughed at the irony of this situation, this felt like a bad romance flick, the one where the girl would eat ice cream and cry, and then run away from home only to be found by the bad boy of the town.
Goodness, I have actually come this low to the point of wanting revenge. I wanted to rag my sister, slap my mother silly, and say a few words to my father before punching him, again and again, and again and again. Unbelievable.
Plus if I was going to get revenge, how was I going to get it with no roof over my head, little cash, and only seven days worth of clothes.
I ran a hand through my unattractive black hair and gasped when a lot of water was thrown onto me. Now I was even wetter than I had been before and looked up to see the car that had done this. I glared and I glared hard, but the car had barely stopped. I scream out in anger, grabbing a small peddle beside the bench, I toss it at the car. I laughed with satisfaction as it hit the shiny golden car, but didn't do much to damage it.
You know everything always seemed to go wrong in my life, well that's about to change, because I'm totally about to get the people who have should have loved me, but instead rejected me, and treated me as if I didn't exist back. Hard.
And just how are you going to do that? You have no friends or a place to stay! My self-confidence scolded me.
I gritted my teeth as more tears rolled down my ears, but disappeared in the current rain.
I'll think of a way. I thought back.
Yeah, just like you thought your family loved you. My self-confidence shot back.
Now that hurt, even more when I told myself the truth, but the sad part was I was having a argument with myself as if I was talking to another person. This was how I knew I was losing my damn mind already.
However I kept repeating in my head. Your family doesn't love you. They think your ugly compared to Tara, Tara always hated you, nobody likes you anyway, your nothing but a goody-two-shoes, and a fool. You always thought your family loved you despite their behavior that said otherwise, the warning signs were there dummy. Your nothing but a idiot, a ugly, stupid, idiot.
I couldn't contain myself and I cried, and cried, and cried. Sobs rocked my body. I was a idiot. I wouldn't make it out here in the real world, I wouldn't be able too. I'm nothing, nobody likes me and nobody cares if I disappeared. I'm just a flick of dust in this world, why should anyone care?
My life was honestly messed the heck up.
I continued to cry for whoever knows how long and tried as ever, I grabbed my suitcase, and lay it down on the bench I was sitting on, I lay my hand down on it and closed my eyes, letting sleep take over.
When I awoken my clothing was still soaking wet and I shivered at the coldness I was feeling deep into my skin. I sneezed out loud before looking around and frowned when I didn't see my suitcase.
I cursed. Somebody had to steal it and as a official idiot, I fell asleep at a dang bus stop expecting my stuff to still be there when I awoken. How much of a idiot was I?
Wait the money! I thought.
I checked my pockets for the seventy dollars and sigh in relief when I pulled the cash out to see the money a little wet, but all there. At least I still had something. I gently put the money back into my pocket hoping it wouldn't get anymore wet than what it was.
Getting up, I walked down the street sneezing every now and then, I even began coughing harder. My throat was tingling from the soreness and there was no doubt I had a cold, and most likely would die of a fever on these streets. It was my fault for sleeping in the rain anyway.
I continued to walk hugging myself and shivering, my feet felt heavy and looking down I realized I didn't have any sneakers on, and I nearly punched something. I wanted to punch something.
Just who the hell stole my sneakers?
Wow great plan to leave home! It's working so great for least at home you would have had a roof over your head, fresh clothes, a bed, and access to food. You're truly a dummy and you're getting dumber and dumber by the freaking minute! My self-confidence laughed at me.
"Shut up!" I screamed out loud.
I was tired, cold, pissed off and truly upset with myself. This plan should have been thought out better and I honestly didn't need myself telling me how much of a idiot I was. I knew how much of a idiot I was...and I'm officially going crazy.
Yes I admit I not the brightest apple in the brunch, but I had at least been a decent person who could tell right from wrong and wasn't overly dumb, and now I couldn't even said that about myself because so far I was losing a lot of nuts from the tree. And I mean a lot.
Crossing the street, I looked up at the sky to see the moon still shining brightly. I didn't know what time it was and I was almost sure that the time had to be over midnight, but I have no idea.
I continued to walk causing my feet to hurt after awhile, even with my feet hurting I passed houses and stores, I just wanted to get as far away from that house and those people as I possibly could before they called the police-or if they called the police to report I'm missing.
I doubt they would do that though. I wasn't messing up their life's anymore and they no longer had to deal with me, so why call the police and ask to find me? After all they made it perfectly clear I wasn't important.
I walked passed more houses until the pain in my feet began to be unbearable and stopped droppings into the ground. I looked around, I mean anybody could be following me and they could come and kill me, but then again, they would be doing me a big favor. Thinking about it they may or not be doing me a big favor, I was kinda unsure.
I sat there feeling bugs surrounding me and crawling on me. I slapped and waved at them hoping the things would take the hint that they were not wanted, but they didn't. They reminded me of myself, I couldn't take a hint either. I didn't move for one, I didn't care and secondly I didn't care.
I heard a car driving this way, but I didn't look up or move. I was tried and if that person wanted to hurt me, so be it.
I watched as the window rolled down to show none other than Blade Smith.
He was wearing a pair of sunglasses that covered his forest green eyes, his black, but his dyed tips red hair fell into curls around his tan ears, his lips were bloody red lip, medium-sized and totally uneven. His nose was crooked. His face was round and prefect. He was our town of Lakewood hot bad boy.
The darkness was not helping his bad boy image at all, the shadows dance around his making him look scarier and darker then the guy already was.
He looked me up and down before smirking. "Lil miss goody goody having a bad day?"
"Fuck off!"
Blade looked taken back, the surprised was mirrored on his face and I smirked. Blade smirked back at me, before demanding. "Get in the car."
"No!" I shouted.
I stood up and began walking, and Blade began driving alone side me. I shivered as the wind picked up and sneezed not to soon afterwards.
"Get in the car Kara." He repeated himself.
"Don't you dare call me that again!" I screamed.
I heard a gasped beside me but I didn't turn around and pretended that I didn't hear the sound.
"Why not? It's your name." He asked sounding confused.
"I hate that name." I replied.
"Get in the car." He said again, it was like he was on repeat.
I sneezed and didn't reply. I was tried of telling him no and I kept walking as I coughed. I heard a growl of anger before, I heard a door opening and slamming.
I turned around to see Blade walking towards me as a animal did its prey. I started to run before I was grabbed and pushed into the backseat. Blade got in and I heard a click, I tried to open the door but I couldn't.
"You gotta love child's lock." He laughed.
"You do realize this is kidnapping!" I said through gritted teeth. "You can go to jail for this!"
"I already been there darling." He responded.
"You know, you should learn when a girl says no, she means no." I told him.
He laughed. "I know, but that doesn't mean I'm going to leave a defenseless girl who's seems sick out on the street."
I mocked him. "Your such a gentleman."
My head began pounding and I touched my head in confusion, I felt a little hot.
He replied darkly. "I'm nowhere near being a gentleman. Now put your seatbelt on."
"Alright don't so said I didn't warn you."
Then he began driving-speeding down the street. I gasped in fear grabbing onto the seat and reaching for my seatbelt I placed it on as fast as I could. I frowned, the fear blooming deeply into my chest as I watched him past a red light, my mouth falling open in shock.
He can get a ticket for that! I thought.
My inter-self asked. Really that's what your thinking about?
I yelled when he made a turn and I rocked all the way to the side. I hang on to the seat for dear life.
My chest rising and falling very fast, my body felt as if it was blooming heat.
I asked weakly. "Can you please slow down?"
"To me this is slow." He responded.
My head began pounding and I cried out lowly from the pain.
He kept driving at the same pace and I closed my eyes. One sheep. Two sheep. Three sheep. Four sheep. Five shee-
The car jerked into a stop and my head flew to his car seat.
"Ouch." I whined.
Blade turned around looking at me with a wicked smirk on his lips. "Were here."
"Where?" I asked afraid of the answer.
"My home of course." He responded like it was no big deal.
I frowned my mouth opening to said something, but eyes felt heavy and I closed them feeling strongly hot all over.