“I’ve just been so…so thirsty lately!”
The man sprawled on the couch sighed loudly, closing his eyes as he laid his head back on the overstuffed armrest, intertwining his fingers in front of him.
“I’ve tried everything too. Animal blood makes me gag and packaged blood from hospitals tastes like sand and only makes my throat feel drier. I even went through all the types; A, B, O…nothing works!”
The man sighed once more, long and slow, slumping into the chair and finally opening his crimson eyes to stare at the ceiling.
“Nothing can abate my thirst except fresh blood. I swear I’ve tried to change myself though. I’ve sincerely tried to mend my ways! You believe me, right Doctor?”
Still resting on the couch, the man flicked his eyes to the left for the first time, his eyes turning a dusky garnet in the splotched shadows cast by the full moon.
“Doctor?” he asked again, seeking affirmation for his efforts.
“Oh right,” he remembered with a start, freeing his fingers and pushing himself up so he was sitting. “I drank your blood.”
The room fell silent once more as the man considered the problem before him; finally shrugging and standing up.
“Well thanks, Doc. Our talk really helped. I mean it. I’m glad I finally got that off my chest. And, hey, I’m not thirsty anymore.”
Nodding at the other man and smiling widely in thanks, his stained fangs brought little satisfaction to the other man in the room; slumped in his chair and rapidly growing cold, two small punctures wounds marring his neck.
“Ahhhh, therapists really are the best,” the vampire muttered under his breath as he picked up his top hat and headed for the door.