All of the clans are at peace by a lake, but some loners will change that forever.
Blood flew into the leader's face, "Why must you make this hard on us?" Laser asked.
"We are KiolClan. We will not give up till our final breath!" Wiskerstar, Dirtynose, and Shadesight jump forward.
"And we are FlowerClan!" Flowstar followed after while jumping forwards with Quietnose beside her, and all hell breaks loose, but more and more cats are coming. "We need more cats!" Wiskerstar said before Cocoback jumped on his back.
A strange cat walked into the barn, "The time is approaching, brothers, we will take down those clans, or all of us die." All of the other cats started yelling their support.
"We are The Loners! No one will ever beat us!" The cat in front of everyone else said.
"They think they can take over the clans? That is like saying that you can take down a badger without even lifting a paw!" The cat thought to himself.
"I need to warn them. This clan attack thing might be bad for every cat." He told himself, turning and running to the clan territories.
"I hope I remember how clan cats talk, or I am as good as a mouse." He said while running.
"For the sake of every cat, please let the clans win."