The Forest 360 miles away from home
Amelia wakes up lying on the forest damp floor, her dark blue dress damp from the leaves and dirt. What happened? She asks herself as she sits up and leans against a tree. As she stands up her head starts to spin, Amelia breathes and puts her hand on the tree to steady herself. Once Amelia’s head stops spinning she starts to walk, slowly mist starts forming around her feet. The sun is setting making the forest look grey, Amelia picks up a stick and manages to light the lantern back up. As Amelia continues walking she starts to remember what happened. Amelia thinks about father’s warnings about going into the forest at night, she thinks about mothers worried face when she finds out that she is lost.
A tear falls from her face as she thinks about mother, oh how she will act when she hears the news. Her head snaps up when she hears a wolf howl, “Oh no, oh no” she mutters to herself, she falls to her knees and prays “Father, father please help me. I need you right now, I know you’re here with me” Amelia pauses then continues “I put my trust into you, I put my life into your hands, I know you love me. Amen”. Amelia shakes just realizing how cold it is, Of course you forgot to put something warmer on. A loud noise rumbles, Amelia jumps realizing that it was her stomach. She stands back up and continues walking,
“I need to find help” she mutters to herself.
Soon it seems like Amelia had been walking for hours so she decides to sit down. Amelia’s teeth start to chatter and the clouds start to role in. After a few seconds it starts to rain, Amelia jumps up and starts running to find a big enough tree to shelter her. The rain soaks her dress making it hard to move but she continues to walk. Thunder and Lightning seem to fill the sky, It looks beautiful. Amelia starts to run as soon as she sees a tree, the tree is next to a stream that has fish in it. Amelia looks in it and jumps over it to get to the tree. She stands under the tree and waits for the rain to stop. Soon enough Amelia starts to feel hot and her head starts to spin. After a few seconds Amelia collapses and gives into the darkness.
Amelia gain conscience to a voice of a man. “Miss are you okay?” the man asks. When she doesn’t say anything the man speaks again. “It’s going to be okay I’ll bring you to a healer” The man picks her up and places her on a horse. He sits behind her. She falls asleep to the rising and falling of his chest.