In the year of 2021, the region of Eastern Europe was surprised when magical portals, referred by many as 'Gates,' appeared with thousands of soldiers coming from another world. Those thousands of soldiers consisted of knights, orcs, golems,and dragons who were led by those known as the People of Magi. With this invasion taking place, Poland and its neighboring countries were subjected to fighting fantasy armies on their own.
On August 5, 2021, the Siege of Warsaw begins with the People of Magi assaulting the Polish capital. Extreme urban fighting between the Polish forces and the Magi led to fierce firefights in the streets. However, the great resistance from the Polish had forced the Magi to also target the civilian population within Warsaw. Yet, this causes the Polish population to join and support the Polish Army in defending the city.
It took some time for NATO to react to the situation, but in the year of 2022 a combined Euro-American fleet took position in the Baltic Sea to provide assistance to the Polish Forces within the region. However, they were met with a Magi fleet which intercepted their forces. Thus, lead to the Battle of the Baltics. At the same time, the Battle of Gdansk happens with the combined NATO forces taking control of the city through the beachheads.
Both battles end with the favor of NATO, but with the Euro-American Fleet crippled with heavy losses. This immediately grabs the attention of the observant United Nations Council.
Soon the United Nations request military intervention for the protection of Poland due to the demand for aide from the Polish government. With the combined fleet incapacitated, Russia is the first to join the intervention force while there was initial resistance towards their intervention. Then NATO orders a full-scale operation from the border of Germany to 'contain' the threat.
In the Winter of 2023, a combined attack from the Russian Federation and the NATO forces remove the Magi forces from the nations bordering Poland. However, the remains and the strong of the Magi forces is centered around the capital of Warsaw.
With the Magi forces surrounded, the respective air forces within NATO and Russia supply drop Warsaw with weapons and aid. Then an offensive in the spring of 2024 is placed on Warsaw. Pressure from all sides of the Polish government causes a demand for action from Russia and Poland's NATO allies.
On January 15, 2025, the largest battle known as the Rescue of Warsaw is unleashed and surpasses the Battle of Kursk. However, permission from the United Nations to use chemical and biochemical weapons has allowed NATO and Russia to unleash their fast arsenal of weapons on the Magi forces.
Fighting in the streets of Warsaw, Polish forces hold the line against the Magi. As the skies are filled with fighters pitted in dogfights against dragons, they protect transports of paratroopers who would join the Polish forces in the streets.
On the outskirts of the city, tank units engage in combat against golems as knights, mages, and orcs engaged against the modern infantry. Days go by with thousands of soldiers fighting and dying to relieve Warsaw of the siege. This goal is achieved on February 1, 2025, when Russian T-90s arrive in the streets of Warsaw after the Magi break the siege and retreat back into their gates.
After the success of pushing back the threat, the United Nations investigates the threat of the Magi. However, lacking a true offensive force they create the Ghost Division. This taskforce is created with members of world special forces to go through the gates and assess the threat.
Reports of threat assessment is still pending...