Nine: Scent-Marking
Maria’s smile froze awkwardly, a slight twitch beginning in her left eyebrow that brought Damon an unprecedented amount of glee. He wasn’t so keen about the alpha currently trying to mold their bodies into one at his back, but at least it put Maria in her place.
And the funny thing was, she couldn’t even pretend it hadn’t happened and keep flirting because Jun was currently giving off some very scary ‘back off’ pheromones that were even causing Damon’s instincts to go haywire, despite not being the one they were directed at. He felt itchy in his own skin, not daring to even blink because that small, animal part of his brain insisted there was danger nearby. Which, there was, but not to himself. He knew that. So he really couldn’t blame Maria for booking it the second those pheromones came her way. Damon was practically choking on them, wishing, just a little, that he could do the same.
Thankfully, as soon as she left, Jun reigned them back in, but he refused to let go of Damon, rubbing his cheek on what felt like every strand of Damon’s hair. Damon let him do it uninterrupted, if only because he understood that Jun’s preheat-crazed alpha needed the reassurance. Damon had to admit, though, he was a little surprised that Jun was so aggressive. All she had really done was ask to join them, and though Damon understood the undercurrents and nasty intentions behind her sweet smile, Jun most definitely did not. He went from zero to sixty way faster than Damon expected – Damon didn’t know Jun had a sixty.
After a few minutes passed and Jun still hadn’t released him, Damon thought it was enough. Now Jun was just using the situation to get some free cuddle time. He brought his elbow back to gently nudge at Jun’s ribs.
“Hey, big scary alpha. She’s gone. You can relax.”
Jun didn’t seem to hear him and kept nuzzling, his grip growing impossibly tighter.
Jun didn’t respond, which immediately alerted Damon to the anomaly. With the exception of Jun’s avoidance to lying, Jun always responded to Damon when he directly addressed him – even if it was just a humming in the throat to acknowledge that Damon had been heard – but now there was nothing. What? It was just one jealous, overstepping omega, was there any need to go nonverbal over it?
Damon tried to twist around to see Jun’s face, but as he did, Jun flipped them both. The world went topsy-turvy for a moment, and then Damon was facing the blue sky, flat on his back on the blanket with Jun’s entire weight crushing his body. He would admit, the pressure was pretty comforting, but Jun’s face was now buried in his throat and he didn’t know what was going on until Jun started licking Damon’s scent gland. He was scent marking him.
He really couldn’t help the horrendous moan he released from the sensation. It wasn’t his fault okay! That was a very sensitive area! It had no business being licked willy-nilly.
“Jun…!” He cut off with a gasp as Jun lightly nibbled the area – never biting, Damon knew Jun wouldn’t do that, crazed by hormones or not – but each little pull of his teeth was sending pulses straight down to Damon’s lower abdomen. His cock stiffened do fast it was painful where it pressed against his jeans, and the flow of slick that had stopped earlier was now back in full force, a deep, familiar ache to be filled calling out from his core.
There was a whimper – but it wasn’t from Damon. He opened his eyes blearily, unsure of when he’d shut them, at the noise and found Jun’s forehead pressed to Damon’s clavicle. He was breathing heavily, something desperate in the way he panted against Damon’s skin. Damon was confused, until he glanced out of the corner of his eye and saw Jun’s hand next to Damon’s head, fisted so hard in the two blankets that he’d clawed five holes in both of them.
Ah. This was Jun’s restraint.
Jun had started this just to scent mark Damon. It was a completely normal thing for a courting couple to do, and Damon hadn’t minded, knowing that Jun needed to do it. Whenever an alpha felt that there was a threat to their mate or potential mate, it calmed them down to cover the other party in their scent. Omegas did it too – and it would have been more likely for Damon to initiate it, because it had been an omega attempting to move in on his alpha. However, strangely, it was Jun that felt threatened. Damon had been confused, but he didn’t care if he went around smelling like Jun for a while. He was supposed to, in a courtship.
But now Damon was all aroused and wet and Jun was right there so he could smell all of it. It would have driven a rational alpha insane, let alone one in preheat.
And yet, Jun only went as far as to nudge one of his thighs between Damon’s before he carried on with his scent marking, now consciously keeping his teeth away from Damon’s scent gland. Damon appreciated the gesture. He let Jun continue to rub his face all over Damon’s body, licking wherever he found skin, and because Damon was already hot and empty and wanting it was doing more to aggravate his arousal than lessen it. Scent marking usually wasn’t a very erotic affair; it was something families did often with their young, so a blush rose on Damon’s cheeks. Jun was the picture of a good boy, pure and restrained despite the clear temptation in front of him, and here Damon was, practically begging Jun to mount him. He closed his eyes and took deep breaths, hoping to restrain some of his scent to make Jun’s job a little bit easier.
Jun kept moving lower – a full body scent marking rather than a much lighter one centered around the head and neck. Damon was being tortured. Because Jun’s pheromones were almost as out of control as Damon’s. And now Jun’s head was at Damon’s abdomen, much closer to his leaking lower half.
Damon was desperately hoping he would stop at the waistline. There was no need for Jun to find out about the severity of Damon’s ‘over production’ problem right at this moment. Damon knew his slick had already drenched the denim of his jeans. It was probably all over the blanket now too.
Only friends and family really knew about this condition of Damon’s – and Malachi, unfortunately. When they had sex the one time, Malachi had offhandedly wiped some of the slick that had dripped onto his own thighs during their coupling and wiped it off with a vague disgust. “Weird,” he’d muttered, and then went back to slamming into Damon like he was trying to break his hips.
Needless to say, it wasn’t something Damon bragged about. To a potential partner, it could be either very sexy, or very not sexy, and he didn’t know what category Jun would fall into. The one time Jun had put his hand down Damon’s pants to taste his slick, he’d only gone as far as the top of Damon’s hole, so thanks to gravity, he hadn’t felt the full extent of the moisture situation.
Now, though, if Jun decided to go all in and scent mark all of Damon, Damon wouldn’t be able to hide it. Jun had now finished with rubbing his face all over Damon’s belly, so when Damon saw him starting to go lower, he panicked and grabbed Jun’s shoulder.
Jun looked up at him, eyes glazed, distant, and reddish as if he was the one suffering. Damon took another glance between them and jolted a bit in surprise. Well, maybe he was suffering. The sizable tent in Jun’s pants looked particularly painful.
Damon bit his lip, unconsciously staring for much longer than appropriate, and only snapped out of it when Jun whined and slammed his head back onto Damon’s belly in aggrievement, every muscle tensing.
All right. New plan. Let Jun do what he needed to do regardless of what he discovered. Damon realized that if he tried to interact right now, it would probably end with himself getting fucked in public. To Damon’s horny omega brain, that didn’t sound like such a bad idea, but it was already lucky that no one had come close enough to smell the sex pheromones they were both giving off. They were in a public park for god’s sake. There was some tree cover, but definitely not enough for this.
Damon couldn’t stop it. Jun went lower, consciously avoiding the tent at the front of Damon’s pants, thankfully, but in the next moment, he used each hand to grab each of Damon’s thighs, fingers pressing into his skin through the fabric of his pants and Damon nearly came just from that, but he dug his nails into his hand and staved off the feeling, chanting ‘I will not come in my pants in a public park’ over and over again until the feeling lessened.
Jun rubbed his head and the tops of Damon’s thighs first and everything was fine. Now closer to the source of Damon’s slick, Jun was letting out unconscious, tiny whines from the back of his throat as he tried to focus on his task. And then, entirely by accident, Jun went to go lower, to Damon’s kneecaps, and adjusted his grip on Damon’s thighs – accidentally sliding his hand up just far enough to reach the slick-soaked part of Damon’s pants.
Jun’s hand spasmed in surprise, and his head shot up, eyebrows slowly drawing together in confusion.