Twelve: Pieces
Damon couldn’t help it. He moaned. Embarrassingly loud. It was just – wow that was a new sensation. Whenever the idea of oral sex crossed Damon’s mind – which, he’d be honest, was almost never – he had always thought it would be kind of gross. Not only for the other person, but just to feel someone’s tongue down there wasn’t something he’d ever equated with a ‘good time.’
He was wrong. Boy, was he wrong. Damon’s eyes fluttered shut unconsciously as his lips parted to release sounds that, had he been lucid, would have probably made a blood vessel pop in his eye out of embarrassment. Jun, for his part, didn’t seem to mind. If the way his purring increased to the point that Damon could feel it all the way in his own chest was any indication, then he was very much okay with whatever embarrassing noises Damon felt fit to give him.
Or…wait, was it Jun purring?
Well, yes, Jun was purring – a consistent, deep rumble that made Damon feel like he was floating on clouds – but Damon was purring as well. He wasn’t sure when that had started.
Damon didn’t have time to be shocked that he’d lost even that amount of control over himself before Jun did something – magical – with his tongue and teased something inside Damon that made him see stars. Damon writhed on the couch and Jun’s fingers dug into Damon’s hips to hold him still in a way that Damon knew, in the back of his mind, would leave marks. Something in Damon that rarely ever saw the light of day surged forward, whispering hold me down harder.
The thought was a bit jarring – and it brought a sharp stab of clarity to Damon’s addled mind. He stared up at the ceiling fan and became aware that he was drooling, a line of saliva escaping the side of his mouth to his neck. He hated what he was about to do. He had to stop this. Not because he wanted to – no, he very much wanted Jun to stay exactly where he was. But he was going to come if Jun did that tongue thing again – and if that happened, Damon knew he was going to go into black-out horny omega mode and ask Jun to breed him, and because Jun was a good boy, he would. Then Damon would probably be unlucky enough to get pregnant and then they would be in a whole different situation.
Damon would let it continue, if he had condoms anywhere in his house. But he didn’t. Because one – as an omega, he was incapable of getting anyone pregnant, and therefore wouldn’t need them for himself and two – after Malachi, Damon figured his days of promiscuity were over.
Clearly not, that hidden part of him whispered. Look how slutty you’re being right now – you knew this would happen with Jun eventually. You wanted it to happen. You’ve fantasized about it since day one.
Damon trembled hard. Well…maybe he had. But that was a thought for another time. Knowing that he was physically incapable of saying coherent words at that moment, Damon dug his heel insistently into Jun’s back. Thank god Jun was intuitive enough to know what that meant, and retracted his sinful tongue, sitting back.
Still out of breath, Damon peeked at Jun to try and communicate why he was stopping with his eyes – but froze, watching in a daze as Jun nonchalantly licked the slick off his lips. It was all over his chin and cheeks, but that wasn’t a problem for Jun because he quite happily scraped it off and licked it off his own hands.
Distantly, Damon thought that it couldn’t taste that good. It wasn’t meant to. But the way Jun made sure to even lick the spaces between his fingers to get every last bit said Jun thought differently. He thought back to when Jun had innocently told him he just ‘wanted to know what it tasted like.’ He never had asked whether it tasted good or bad.
Jun didn’t seem put out or frustrated that Damon had stopped him, thankfully. But now he was just sitting between Damon’s knees and blinking at Damon. Damon thought he looked like a dog that had been told to ‘sit.’
And there was Jun’s dichotomy encapsulated – unbearably cute and unbearably sexy all in one package. He had just had his tongue in Damon’s ass and yet he looked like a little kid who had just gotten dessert at his favorite restaurant.
Jun seemed to understand that Damon needed a minute to gather himself – and that their little session was officially over – because he covered Damon more completely with the blanket and got up. He walked out of the living room, leaving Damon looking after him, completely bewildered. Where was he going? What – he wasn’t going to just leave and go home, right?
No, Damon knew Jun wouldn’t do that. Plus, he hadn’t heard the front door open. So where the hell did he go? Damon was just reaching weakly for his underwear – now tangled around his calves – when he heard Jun’s footsteps returning. He looked up and found Jun with his arms full of items he’d scavenged that he set down on the coffee table before kneeling on the floor by the couch.
Damon looked closer. It looked like he’d brought a wet washcloth, a pair of Damon’s underwear and sweatpants, and a water bottle. Strangely, all Damon could think about – even as Jun carefully wiped Damon down between his legs – was that Jun had never been in his room before. And now he had, to get the clothes. Damon hoped he hadn’t seen his own scarf in Damon’s nesting corner.
Jun was still very quietly purring through all this, though it was less noticeable now. Damon wouldn’t have been able to hear it if the room weren’t completely silent. He was suddenly glad that alphas only made the sound when they were happy, unlike omegas who could make it for all sorts of reasons. It was a pretty surefire way of knowing how Jun was feeling. Once Damon was suitably cleaned off, Jun helped him put on the underwear and sweatpants before handing him the water bottle. Damon drank obediently, only then realizing that he was thirsty enough to drink a lake.
It was peaceful. Strangely so, considering neither of them had actually gotten off. Though Damon had been psyching himself up to talk so that he could explain himself – he suddenly realized, all at once, that he didn’t have to. Jun did not care that they’d stopped in the middle.
That…was a ridiculously freeing feeling. He didn't think Malachi would have done the same in that position.
Damon sat up carefully, still feeling a little like he could float out of his body at any minute, and patted the seat next to him. Jun clambered up eagerly. Maybe it was the intimate atmosphere, or maybe Damon was more tired than he thought, but Damon cuddled up to Jun and rested his head against Jun’s shoulder. Jun’s arm automatically came up around Damon’s shoulders, cradling him close.
They rested like that in peaceful silence for several minutes. Surprisingly, Jun was the first to speak – and it had nothing to do with what they’d just done.
“Would you like to go for a run with me tomorrow?” he said. Damon could detect the slightest apprehension in his voice, and Damon knew exactly why.
By ‘go for a run’ he almost certainly meant a run in wolf form. And that was kind of testing things a bit. First, because again, shifting in front of someone was a fairly intimate act. Second, because though Jun surprisingly hadn’t triggered full heat despite everything that had just happened, the chances of Jun losing control or – indeed – going into heat – were significantly higher in wolf form. And if that happened, pregnancy could happen even easier than it could have happened today.
There were plenty of reasons to refuse. But…well, Jun had done nothing but prove that he was capable of controlling himself and respecting Damon’s boundaries.
“If you would like, we can have a chaperone along,” Jun continued when Damon hadn’t replied right away. It was the perfect thing to say. If they had a beta or even another omega along – preferably one with no attraction towards Jun to speak of – there was no chance of deranged heat-breeding.
Damon leaned up and softly kissed Jun’s cheek. “I would love to.”
He caught a glimpse of Jun’s amazed smile and cursed in his head. No – he couldn’t – ugh. Damon suddenly felt like shit.
What was he doing? Sure, he and Jun were in a courtship. But Damon couldn’t…he couldn’t get Jun’s hopes up too much. Not without knowing the things Jun refused to tell him.
The thought was like a bucket of cold water, but Damon hid his face in Jun’s shoulder to conceal his expression. He had to remember that, if nothing else. Jun was perfect in every way.
But if there was one thing Damon knew, it was that things that were too good to be true often were.