The group consists of me, Kojima-san, Okada-san and Satoya-san. 'Our' group mostly talks about the life with their boyfriends and whatnot... as you can see, I don't actually fit in here.
'I... I don't know, I'll ask him, he seems busy...' I excuse, but they didn't buy it. I mean, I've been giving them the same excuse everytime they invite me with my 'supposed' boyfriend.
'You've been saying that since then... we're starting to think you don't have one.' Kojima-san says with a frown in her face, standing up ready to leave.
'See ya, then,' Okada-san stands up as well. Oh no.
'Alright... send me where we'll meet. I'll try to convince him to have that day free...' now I've done it.
'Well, we're looking forward to finally meeting him. I'll text you where the day after tomorrow,' Satoya-san says before leaving.
Who am I supposed to bring?