Well, let's just get this done and over with. I have bigger problem to solve than overthink something else. I plug my earplugs in and blast my normal jam.
I nod my head to the beat, my eyes close. I push the gym door and enter thinking no one will be there since club time has already finished. The photo copying was a hard work... the teacher must've hated me for sleeping in?
My mind wonders again back to the stupid thing I spouted, to bring my non-existent boyfriend along.
'UGH. Why the hell did I even tell them I have a boyfriend?' I hiss quite a loud and when I open my eyes, that dark orbs stares at me, again.
'Oh...' I say, then look around to see if someone else is here. None. Only him, what a timing. 'I didn't know someone's still here...' I say in a whisper. I just shouted that in front of him.
'I can be your boyfriend,' he smirks, 'your 'fake' boyfriend,' he says making it more clearer... this is it! He's a senior and from this school!
My eyes twinkle...