Once upon a time, in a story written by a master of tragedies, there was a kind princess who was the most beautiful in all the land.
A Demon King, so taken by her timeless grace, slaughtered all in her kingdom so that he may have her solely to himself.
Overcome with grief and despair, the Princess sought out for her revenge.
She leapt from the boundless pages of her book and cut off the writer's hands before driving her sword into his chest, making sure he could never spin such tragic tales ever again.
Desperate for the lovely princess, the Demon King followed her out into reality to continue his chase.
The Princess and the Demon King fought on par with one another outside the book's pages. With no author to end their tragic tale, the two were bound to battle for all eternity, creating havoc and chaos that was unfathomable to the townspeople unlucky enough to have lived with the wicked author.
"I grow tired of this fight!" Roared the Demon King.
"I grow tired of this fight!" Proclaimed the Princess.
Determined to end the feud and save the helpless from the Demon King's jealous wrath, the Princess saw no other choice but to use a forbidden power.
She plunged her sword deep within her pure heart to seal him away, and scattered the broken fragments so that he may never be resurrected from his tomb.
With the chaos gone, the town slowly returned to normal, unknowing of the fact that the Princess's shattered heart sealed them from the rest of the world as well.
Her heart missing, the Princess's emotions also completely disappeared. Now nothing more than a shell of her former self, she faded into the background of society and joined the life that many young girls her age led.