Leaves232Please respect copyright.PENANAkULJYmp5aa
fell from trees and branches danced lightly as a light figure raced through the232Please respect copyright.PENANAaikGDTwdMc
trees of the Wyrmwood, it was swift and sure, anyone looking up into the trees232Please respect copyright.PENANAdSzD8yFxZI
would have seen nothing but a blur, maybe even the hood that concealed its232Please respect copyright.PENANAilJWijxEeU
head. Not that anyone else was foolish enough to venture this deep within the232Please respect copyright.PENANAL9DWURorKl
woods. This person however, had a reason and as it pranced from limb to limb232Please respect copyright.PENANAmCJ1NCfVer
its hood came loose, revealing the soft facial features of a woman in her early232Please respect copyright.PENANAH692VUvAeH
twenties, her long white blond hair flowed along behind her giving away her232Please respect copyright.PENANA4SZCCNx5LF
soft pointed ears. She smiled as she saw a small clearing ahead, knowing she232Please respect copyright.PENANAuGPiq7fqgn
had finally reached her goal. She landed with a soft mildly perceptible thud on232Please respect copyright.PENANA1DjUsQVoQi
a tree branch just at the edge of the glade she looked around the clearing but232Please respect copyright.PENANA0MynFUG7pQ
saw nothing. The elf girl stared in disbelief at the glade for a moment before232Please respect copyright.PENANArFxnLJ620v
silently cursing under her breath, she quietly reached into a small pouch at232Please respect copyright.PENANAzPeIBNEUx2
her waist and took out a small glass vial containing a swirling silver liquid,232Please respect copyright.PENANAKs4dKauCN2
then with one fluid motion she removed the stopper and downed the liquid.232Please respect copyright.PENANAOfd6NrMVJI
Suddenly her natural blue eyes changed to a swirling rainbow of colors, and she232Please respect copyright.PENANAimevW4BBdY
finally saw what she wanted. The clearing was filled with a variety of woodland232Please respect copyright.PENANAsscDkL9oz3
creatures munching on the grass that grew there, yet although the sight was232Please respect copyright.PENANAukcqe8fh8C
stunning in its own right, her attention was grabbed by a single white deer232Please respect copyright.PENANAgfXxnoHvkW
that stood in the center of the glade, its eyes trained on her “I’ve got you232Please respect copyright.PENANAhdjoGZXtUl
now” she smiled as she removed an intricately carved bow made of bones from her232Please respect copyright.PENANA3qStLtrEtP
pouch and pulled the drawstring, as she did so an ethereal arrow formed in her232Please respect copyright.PENANAkTgznZemJA
hand. The elf trained the arrow on the deer it232Please respect copyright.PENANAAxRgGbXPai
definitely sees me, so why doesn’t it run? She thought to herself doesn’t matter I suppose, once I claim this232Please respect copyright.PENANAd4ZgQZwXGB
kill the others will have to start respecting me she took a deep breath and232Please respect copyright.PENANATXUxs1iwpP
steadied her aim “Princess Andraste, you do know that those of the royal232Please respect copyright.PENANASffssQNSfd
bloodline are allowed in the Wyrmwood right?” a harsh voice sounded beside her,232Please respect copyright.PENANA4XWUxkdkR1
she screamed as the voice startled her causing the elf to jump and fire the232Please respect copyright.PENANA6hYkosyh9T
arrow into a nearby tree. Andraste fell from her perch and landed with a splash232Please respect copyright.PENANAxI5Q8jyyCD
as she fell into a patch of mud “such a fitting place for you, your highness”232Please respect copyright.PENANAoX0ujwLXix
the voice sounded behind her this time and Andraste jumped to her feet to face232Please respect copyright.PENANAG4hhapS3Ir
it “you really should learn not to sneak up on people, master Brinn” she smiled232Please respect copyright.PENANAbM7iLN8LTo
at the hooded figure before her
“And232Please respect copyright.PENANAuGNxwSxvyh
you should learn to keep your cool under stressful situations, my pupil” Brinn replied,232Please respect copyright.PENANAAupPwx95RP
a cheerful note to his voice this time “and the last time I checked, sneaking232Please respect copyright.PENANArlafph34j7
up on people was my job”
Andraste232Please respect copyright.PENANAqEowFRC0kJ
smiled at the man, he could be cold and cruel at times but she knew he was a232Please respect copyright.PENANAgU19rws0pO
good person deep down in the darkest crevasses of his soul. “Why are you here232Please respect copyright.PENANAoIk6z63648
“His232Please respect copyright.PENANAqJjitFPDAV
majesty is holding a special meeting, he expects all the nobles and councilors232Please respect copyright.PENANAkW10hYNmbc
to attend” he replied, disgust painting his voice
“I do232Please respect copyright.PENANAaaPIpVfhfu
not know, and that troubles me” he looked away from her and sighed “I do not232Please respect copyright.PENANASUJmhkW4TI
like not knowing things”
“Well232Please respect copyright.PENANA7J6k6fZ0eO
then, we’d best get a move on shouldn’t we?” she stepped forward and removed232Please respect copyright.PENANAkrP8oYvnOJ
her dirty hooded cloak revealing the tight fitting brown leather pants that232Please respect copyright.PENANAAlMkjBYjhK
wrapped her legs as well as a matching corset which hugged her chest leaving her232Please respect copyright.PENANAYBd9yc7h24
belly bare. She stretched her curved lithe body and motioned to her master232Please respect copyright.PENANAbsKj8c4PjC
“Race you to the edge of the woods?”
“All232Please respect copyright.PENANACLFUfSXfBg
these years and you still fail to understand the difference between racing232Please respect copyright.PENANAs3Jv4ZdPJQ
someone and following them” he laughed as he vanished in a blur
“Hey,232Please respect copyright.PENANAc3FPmVCJAG
no fair!” she shouted as she took off behind him.
Princess Andraste shifted232Please respect copyright.PENANARmaT3sKfrl
nervously from foot to foot, she stood in a large throne room, the high walls232Please respect copyright.PENANAQSTQzXT2xU
were adorned by portraits of the past rulers of the kingdom. The room was232Please respect copyright.PENANAPEgEf7UgKG
currently filled with all the noblemen and women of the land who were all busy232Please respect copyright.PENANAR1vVQ3VPJ2
chatting amongst themselves, seemingly forgetting they were in the presence of232Please respect copyright.PENANAFkR9IP0TZE
their princess. They were anxious to know what this was about, and so did she.232Please respect copyright.PENANABu3GEixB3q
She glanced at the empty throne behind her and sighed, she spun on her heels232Please respect copyright.PENANAI66Gb0FlOa
and exited the room through the door behind the large imposing throne. She232Please respect copyright.PENANAAQtvkBU2Vw
Stumbled as she almost collided into Brinn “Not like him to be late…” he said232Please respect copyright.PENANApN4feL98wb
as Andraste stormed past him, she paid him no attention as she continued down232Please respect copyright.PENANAuf7CUBe2r6
the narrow corridor. She passed by tens of doors along the232Please respect copyright.PENANAiXmo9Zra0Y
sides, until she came upon a door at the end of the tunnel, she gently eased it232Please respect copyright.PENANAErh9VyOqoG
open and entered into a small study from behind a large bookcase. Andraste232Please respect copyright.PENANAgt9JYbvpNN
looked around the room, there were books strewn across the floor then her eyes232Please respect copyright.PENANAS1MibdqQOm
rested on the only chair occupying the room, on it sat a large man wearing232Please respect copyright.PENANAD1D6J66Wxn
exquisite golden robes, he held a golden jeweled crown in one hand and a piece232Please respect copyright.PENANA8BUiGvsFPF
of paper in the other, he looked at her and despite the haggard expression the232Please respect copyright.PENANAeyhUIgIvJ8
man wore on his face he somehow still managed to look intimidating. “Hey there232Please respect copyright.PENANA96ksdC3Ggs
little sis” he smiled weakly
“What232Please respect copyright.PENANAbsXVACAChO
is the meaning of all this?” Andraste gestured at the room her voice was232Please respect copyright.PENANAhsramJ5CMY
tainted with worry, in all her years she’d known her brother she had never seen232Please respect copyright.PENANA1vVQVVOy8a
him so weak, and vulnerable. The man waved the paper at her and she walked232Please respect copyright.PENANA7PGOUKf4hk
slowly over to him and took it and read silently. “Oh no!” Andraste gasped as232Please respect copyright.PENANAdrK6iLmsUB
she fell to her knees and clutched the letter. She closed her eyes as they232Please respect copyright.PENANA9D7PryoiKS
started to stream tears.
“He232Please respect copyright.PENANAEGAT49fyDh
killed her” she heard her brother say, his voice was strangely deadpanned “that232Please respect copyright.PENANAJQifWPvAGu
monster murdered her, he and I had a deal”
Andraste232Please respect copyright.PENANAA3dxcA11er
stared up at him as he spoke, her face written in confusion “what of the knight you sent to secure her safety, what happened to232Please respect copyright.PENANAzCUlQhZKK4
The king232Please respect copyright.PENANAyLXngtNQDq
sighed heavily as he lowered his head into his palms "No word. The last232Please respect copyright.PENANApKE6Dxei2e
letter he sent said he was on the outskirts of Avrym's domain......that was232Please respect copyright.PENANAS4UHWgFNyg
five days ago"
"We232Please respect copyright.PENANAVgRP85PHKh
need to ready or armies." Andraste's voice cracked as she spoke "This232Please respect copyright.PENANAKU0yd19jFf
bastard has toyed with us enough."
“No, it232Please respect copyright.PENANAAgI2dTaFnt
doesn’t matter anymore” he replied coldly as he stood and placed his crown in232Please respect copyright.PENANA0BXvv3Gpsp
place, brushing away some of his hair revealing his small rounded ears. As232Please respect copyright.PENANAETfh1nD5VC
Andraste looked at him she thought she saw a look of fear, but she quickly232Please respect copyright.PENANAtjv7ognAoa
banished the stupid thought
“What?” she232Please respect copyright.PENANAopSn1O1DqD
DAUGHTER?" The king completely ignored her words as he walked towards232Please respect copyright.PENANAiP3rAW5ln6
the exit. She couldn't see it, but his face was riddled with worry. Andraste232Please respect copyright.PENANA6FzVpiIlgX
took one last look at the letter in her grasp before crumbling it and following232Please respect copyright.PENANAaE7vl7LU0J
after her brother, swearing to herself that they were going to have a proper232Please respect copyright.PENANANBzJzVbvP6
talk whether he wanted to or not.
The king sat upon his throne and232Please respect copyright.PENANAOsLLtoEMjX
glared at the nobles gathered in the room, he felt a hand grip his shoulder and232Please respect copyright.PENANAVFPpgY6kml
he looked up to see his sister smiling at him, her tears were gone and she had232Please respect copyright.PENANAIRt6svwB0M
an air of confidence about her. Though the two weren’t siblings by blood, they232Please respect copyright.PENANAhO6MpMqN4D
had always had each other’s backs, for nearly thirty years they have been232Please respect copyright.PENANAtAZ3POV9gl
inseparable, and now he felt that was about to change. He smiled back at her as232Please respect copyright.PENANAfjDaiW2Sib
she made to walk away to join the nobles, but he grabbed her hand “stay” he232Please respect copyright.PENANAOZQxQFk5LV
whispered. Andraste nodded without looking at him and brushed off his hand,232Please respect copyright.PENANAPiNlVHAxjw
that was when he realized he was right, she would not be with him this time, if232Please respect copyright.PENANA1gD41tI6bO
his nobles didn’t kill him now………his sister would. The king gulped as he232Please respect copyright.PENANAZvtSDPXha6
cleared his throat to address his people, he severely doubted he could best the232Please respect copyright.PENANAvOun5UWTHb
nimble Elf in a fight. “First of all, I thank you all for answering my call” he232Please respect copyright.PENANAvpWsho3bh6
began, watching as they stiffened and stared dumbly at him. He had taken232Please respect copyright.PENANAsne59dCzAU
advantage of all these people, and he knew he would pay the price today.
“I know it232Please respect copyright.PENANAGGHQN9D4by
was a bit short notice, but the matter was too urgent -"
"What232Please respect copyright.PENANAQtFJInP7jQ
the hell is the meaning of this, Roland?" A voiced cried out from the232Please respect copyright.PENANAJcusJ0QzGY
semicircle of nobles, cutting him off "I had important matters to attend232Please respect copyright.PENANAzJ7hOU1fmf
to and not only do you call me here at such a time, you also have THE FUCKING232Please respect copyright.PENANAxEYLD8xgql
There was a232Please respect copyright.PENANAOLEEg6FOi2
flash of silver as something raced through the air cutting off the voice. It232Please respect copyright.PENANA5QXWe6R0i2
was then followed by shrill scream. The nobles looked at the old man who was232Please respect copyright.PENANA0u9HPLq2J7
now clutching his face. He opened his mouth to speak but was instantly cut off232Please respect copyright.PENANA2ay5yXahQi
by Andraste.
"The232Please respect copyright.PENANASrbfkxJ3Sp
next person to interrupt this meeting will leave this room missing a232Please respect copyright.PENANA79BB6oniWe
tongue." The gulped as he heard her words. He rose his hand and spoke once232Please respect copyright.PENANAi5jLx4ST82
more "As I was saying, I'm terribly sorry for calling you all here at such232Please respect copyright.PENANAHSE1XZH1WW
an hour, but I'm afraid I had no choice. As I'm sure you're aware, there have232Please respect copyright.PENANAJycmqYltbE
been rumours circulating the kingdom for the last six months, stories about how232Please respect copyright.PENANAWaRldFaPnj
you nobles have been sending the kingdom assassins to villages on the edges of Lanatheas232Please respect copyright.PENANAvjLYWnwMgM
to kidnap young girls from their homes."
"Permission232Please respect copyright.PENANA46P6ChsXPG
to speak, sire?" A young man spoke up from the group
"Those232Please respect copyright.PENANAcu6JmVc7ED
rumours have been nothing other than, well......rumours." he paused before232Please respect copyright.PENANABW0VE3hVsU
continuing "you had us all investigated by your Spymaster, Lord Brinn that232Please respect copyright.PENANATBXOgAnaGj
is, and as I'm aware....those investigations yielded no results232Please respect copyright.PENANARsqynejNot
"I'm232Please respect copyright.PENANA1Gv4BdMrkM
afraid that's simply because Brinn was ordered to not carry out an actual232Please respect copyright.PENANA8ZjTbzGUBw
"Pardon?"232Please respect copyright.PENANAQfMeUvrlel
His confusion was echoed by everyone else in the room, including Andraste.232Please respect copyright.PENANANLtu64f1mJ
"What do you mean by that brother?" She asked as she looked down on232Please respect copyright.PENANAlUPIl6Kusq
him. The king looked at her and shook his head, her eyes were cold and he felt232Please respect copyright.PENANALAPxkLh1df
like she was going to cut open his throat after his next words "I'm232Please respect copyright.PENANAOkfmZ48OfL
ashamed to admit the rumours are indeed true" he paused and then continued232Please respect copyright.PENANAE4rzaDzoad
before anybody had the chance to react "In fact.....those assassins were232Please respect copyright.PENANAfQMqdMpwzu
sent out by me, and were led by none other than Brinn" before he had even232Please respect copyright.PENANA8WjwA3f7hp
finished talking, the nobles were shouting and demanding answers. They wanted232Please respect copyright.PENANAPg2WEthYIy
to know what he had done, as well as why. In the uproar they had all forgotten232Please respect copyright.PENANAPY7LBXbi08
Andraste's threat, all but one man who was trying to leave his seat before she232Please respect copyright.PENANAtGjSp04CVd
noticed him. The nobles, realising that he had no intention of answering them232Please respect copyright.PENANAPNThyCEd7C
then started to rush towards him on the throne, but before the got close232Please respect copyright.PENANAtqbBXDZNGe
Brinn's cloaked form fell Infront of them from the ceiling. He stretched out232Please respect copyright.PENANABAah1HxNUK
his hands, showing the throwing knives between his fingers "Who dies232Please respect copyright.PENANAgqduBrc9vl
first?" He asked sneering. The nobles gasped as they backed away slowly,232Please respect copyright.PENANACzn5PrhFCo
Brinn glanced behind him and saw Roland running through the back doors. Brinn232Please respect copyright.PENANA95TFHkr3oM
knew the king wasn't afraid of the weaklings before him, so he figured he must232Please respect copyright.PENANAGm3n9BgaVj
have been running from his sister. Brinn might have been the one to teach her232Please respect copyright.PENANARvy5GRB8mD
everything she knew, but even he wouldn't be able to inflict injury on her232Please respect copyright.PENANAXd8DRXSa4l
before his head rolled. Without looking at her he sheathed his knives and went232Please respect copyright.PENANAJ3fVLCohiT
after the king.
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232Please respect copyright.PENANAyxhsJUP9cC
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232Please respect copyright.PENANAAfgyAeTebu
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232Please respect copyright.PENANAe90Mz4YKAD
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All of this232Please respect copyright.PENANA4N29r7EMvj
had happened before the princess had even finished processing the information232Please respect copyright.PENANAZVXuzHdzVM
she was just given. She didn't notice any of the events that had just232Please respect copyright.PENANAVq67aj6HRi