Fire312Please respect copyright.PENANA3PfATUmKtl
and smoke, corpses burned beyond recognition, blood splattered streets. It was312Please respect copyright.PENANAveTLFu1giK
all around him, he stood in the middle of a burning village, watching as more312Please respect copyright.PENANAgvnDRkGPjB
people were butchered by the horsemen. Arrows plunged into some, while others312Please respect copyright.PENANA3PQCEaLSxS
were struck down with swords. The boy did nothing, only staring in horror at312Please respect copyright.PENANAu7FqG2Yr9c
the scene which played before him. A group of horsemen started to approach him,312Please respect copyright.PENANAx2FFqJ6Fat
he watched as they got closer and closer, the boy thought of running, but his312Please respect copyright.PENANAzpaZgCpGsn
legs wouldn’t move. He was frozen, he was afraid, he would soon be dead as well.312Please respect copyright.PENANAZCAMeZG0Vk
The horsemen stopped, and their leas dismounted and approached him, the312Please respect copyright.PENANAvY0PQawvZI
reflection of the flames danced along the silver longsword in hand. The boy stared312Please respect copyright.PENANA1FVBATGLcN
wide-eyed at him, he was an intimidating figure, larger than any man he had312Please respect copyright.PENANAJ0qjQXxuFk
ever seen, with a long scar running diagonally across his face, stretching from312Please respect copyright.PENANAqr6gZHLie9
his right eye to the side of his mouth. The man grinned as he lifted the longsword312Please respect copyright.PENANAMM1nHVCP0u
with one hand and swung down with it.
Kemari312Please respect copyright.PENANAm5WDWnqLld
awoke suddenly, his heart was pounding in his chest and he was drenched with sweat.312Please respect copyright.PENANAaiwJidmb4Q
He sat up in his bed and put his right hand over his face then screamed loudly312Please respect copyright.PENANAMu5JlJLwCm
into it. He stopped and caught his breath for a minute before swinging his legs312Please respect copyright.PENANAbz5shHwpql
off the tiny bed, looking around at the wooden room he sighed. It was tiny and312Please respect copyright.PENANAnX8GcoBRws
the only furniture were the bed crammed up against the wall which he slept in312Please respect copyright.PENANAIBAW06SUEO
and a small chest tucked away in a corner, above it hung a small cracked mirror.312Please respect copyright.PENANAUXdkV7S6VA
Kemari got up and tentatively walked towards the mirror and looked at himself. He312Please respect copyright.PENANAgeCIoGL0Gi
stared at his reflection for a while, waiting for his heart rate and breathing312Please respect copyright.PENANAjpKFszfD2E
to steady. He brushed his locks out of his face and tied it behind his head,312Please respect copyright.PENANAx4rvs1aK4F
leaving two strands to remain at the front. His two crimson eyes stared back at312Please respect copyright.PENANA4HoFXqMLWv
him, and as usual he felt like he was sharing his vision with something else,312Please respect copyright.PENANAqIaWCFJIwH
as if there was someone else inside him using his eyes. He ran his hand over a312Please respect copyright.PENANADiaqnNHFOg
long scar that stretched from his shoulder to the middle of his chest, images312Please respect copyright.PENANAintAFT0k5A
from his nightmare flashed before him making him sigh. He admired his dark312Please respect copyright.PENANAQA9SpQuCbU
brown complexion for a minute before opening312Please respect copyright.PENANAi2QLqHJPB0
the chest and getting dressed in his purple Mage’s robe.
“Time312Please respect copyright.PENANAUw7WJgS3KA
for another day of failures and being dependent on Isadora” he mumbled.
The312Please respect copyright.PENANAHSx7YivEWo
Dragon’s Tongue was a small run-down Inn and Tavern situated in the slums of Lanatheas'312Please respect copyright.PENANA1uOu767h5v
royal capital. It was a place only frequented by the poor as well as a variety312Please respect copyright.PENANArR2C276Rmt
of unsavory types, it was here Kemari called home. For unlike all the others312Please respect copyright.PENANAmn82R5GgkJ
who were members of the Adventurer’s Guild, he was incapable of earning enough312Please respect copyright.PENANAn1zHDt8Yfr
gold to get himself a room in the richer districts, this was something Kemari312Please respect copyright.PENANAwa8rlU6b29
despised and always swore he would have to change. He sat in a corner, alone, with312Please respect copyright.PENANAtQlemOUfN7
a book laid before him on the table, the common room was lively as server girls312Please respect copyright.PENANA418ZUOyUtI
carried meals and ale to various tables of loud customers. A server walked by312Please respect copyright.PENANAypqtcB53hN
him and the smell coming from the tray made him gag. How do they eat that312Please respect copyright.PENANAH3KKuVMhJD
filth? He thought to himself shaking his head. He was about to start312Please respect copyright.PENANA6I1FQuiIOA
reading when a rusty iron sword impaled his book and lodged itself in the table.312Please respect copyright.PENANAQd61MfsFiq
Kemari heard laughter from around the room as he looked at his book in horror, blue312Please respect copyright.PENANAgPy4DG6Egp
mist rose from it in a puff of smoke as the contents spilled out of the book as312Please respect copyright.PENANABnvESLWlSp
if it were bleeding.
“What312Please respect copyright.PENANAHbeAge9QNK
the fuck!” he heard a figure beside him exclaim. Kemari looked up to see the312Please respect copyright.PENANAHudxgxp1io
man who was holding the sword, he was muscular looking fellow who wore a rag tied312Please respect copyright.PENANAjVwfFS0vUO
like a mask around his neck, and was wearing tattered clothing under a rusted312Please respect copyright.PENANAs10vRlvUbf
iron chestplate, which had its fair share of dents. “do you have any idea how312Please respect copyright.PENANA1qoWTjNlb5
much this book cost me?” Kemari said as he clenched his fists. The man looked312Please respect copyright.PENANALbkod6jPvt
at him and laughed “would you look at this fool, boys” his laughter was echoed312Please respect copyright.PENANAslSTpWnOBg
by the other people in the room “ha, looks like he wants to fight you” a voice312Please respect copyright.PENANAtOUnSfqVCV
“yea?312Please respect copyright.PENANAB3eICk9zeT
Is that true, brat?” he lowered his body into a crouch and stared into Kemari's312Please respect copyright.PENANAMaLbdgaG0r
eyes “you want to fight, you little weakling?”
“Go312Please respect copyright.PENANA58OubFiZyg
fuck yourself” Kemari spat in his face.
“Aargh!”312Please respect copyright.PENANAa6BFDVBJDa
the brute grabbed him by his temples and yanked him from his chair then threw312Please respect copyright.PENANAjKf0Ttwa5Z
him across the room in one fluid motion. Kemari crashed into chairs and tables312Please respect copyright.PENANAsxes8eaQl8
as he flew through the room, and coming to a stop as he slammed against the312Please respect copyright.PENANA8xuv0uVpnv
wall with a thud. His assailant pulled his sword out of the table and pointed312Please respect copyright.PENANAUFja1QF6E3
it at him “I think it’s time you learned your fucking place, trash.” He walked312Please respect copyright.PENANAne82hzOlIu
forward slashing his sword through the air as he moved. “You might not have312Please respect copyright.PENANAGVah4eGGlQ
realised it as you were coasting through life in your peaceful little village,312Please respect copyright.PENANAJVQjcWuuoT
but we live in a world where the strong eat the weak” he paused slightly then312Please respect copyright.PENANANz9EFaWRkn
continued “There’s no place in it for pitiful, weaklings……... except for food312Please respect copyright.PENANAYUbPk4Cwsu
that is. So do tell me mage” he was grinning madly by this point “WHAT.312Please respect copyright.PENANA1BIzExyxo2
PURPOSE. DO. YOU. SERVE?” he punctuated each pause with a slash of his sword as312Please respect copyright.PENANAPyEDvMW1nJ
he stopped over Kemari, who was now propped up against the wall holding a hand312Please respect copyright.PENANANIWsnvigjG
to his side while his other began to move in motion weaving a spell.
Despite312Please respect copyright.PENANALjTiq8E4U6
all that had happened, Kemari was not afraid, for he had faced down bigger and312Please respect copyright.PENANAFP7cAbMfgn
more dangerous enemies and lived……never mind it being because he was saved by a312Please respect copyright.PENANA5HEdtYvMm3
certain someone most of those times. He held his hand before him and smirked as312Please respect copyright.PENANA4iIHCUWiiw
the spell was completed, he was shocked however, when the brute grabbed his arm312Please respect copyright.PENANAaiQ3eM043i
and forced it downward right as an ethereal arrow shot out from his palm. He312Please respect copyright.PENANAohxOCZPeHT
grimaced as he suddenly felt a kick to the gut, Kemari doubled over in pain and312Please respect copyright.PENANAOU6D6Tg5dL
coughed up blood. His assailant released his arm and placed the sword against his312Please respect copyright.PENANAtI8IJJzJQ8
neck. Kemari glanced around the room, hoping someone would come to his rescue, he312Please respect copyright.PENANAVpZwbmHgN5
soon realized that would not happen as he saw the twisted smiles on everyone’s312Please respect copyright.PENANAKuwAVlXxCu
“That’s312Please respect copyright.PENANAn3UBEJi8Sy
enough Ivan” Kemari’s head snapped in shock towards the rotund bartender who312Please respect copyright.PENANAiRf2pCYEqi
had spoken. Unlike the others his face was written with concern. “.......I312Please respect copyright.PENANAMhWQK6lUrG
think the child has had enough of your lesson” he hesitated
“Is312Please respect copyright.PENANAbA7vXBxEii
that so?” Ivan punctuated his question with a severe kick to Kemari’s side,312Please respect copyright.PENANAeHvEnSKc5y
causing him to hit the floor. “Well what do you all say?” his question was312Please respect copyright.PENANAcZzF6OABg5
directed at the other occupants of the room and Kemari cringed as he heard312Please respect copyright.PENANAFP0ywdylcl
their replies: “kill him”, “rip his guts out”, “show him who’s boss”, “Finish him off” they cried.
“As312Please respect copyright.PENANAkJI4LKjJcz
you command” Ivan sneered as he raised his sword. Just then a figure wearing a312Please respect copyright.PENANAPSz72BDb7Z
black hooded cloak broke from the crowd and walked towards them, Kemari laughed312Please respect copyright.PENANA3EC4oHNRSA
as he noticed it.
“What’s312Please respect copyright.PENANAX6vQcX9tQn
so funny?” Ivan said, his sword still held high.
Kemari312Please respect copyright.PENANAIMeUaeCie2
heard the bartender sigh “You done fucked up now Ivan”
“Huh?”312Please respect copyright.PENANA9QYr9xt7dA
that was all he managed before the figure slammed a powerful kick into his neck312Please respect copyright.PENANAqaijUaUHDl
causing him to drop the sword as he skidded sideward before falling. “You ok312Please respect copyright.PENANA9OoGs9vc2M
Kemari?” it's feminine voice asked without looking away from Ivan who was312Please respect copyright.PENANAMzCf5GxZTU
already back on his feet and holding his neck.
“yea”312Please respect copyright.PENANAR6yLvCLckT
Kemari wheezed “Nothing a little healing magic can’t fix……and thanks by the way,312Please respect copyright.PENANAH0qPqPghQj
“good312Please respect copyright.PENANAGssJnWVq9Y
and don’t mention it, just stay right there and watch as the greatest monk in312Please respect copyright.PENANABx9iwpkCm2
all of Lanatheas kick ass” the figure giggled.
“Didn’t312Please respect copyright.PENANAqojThphnMO
you drop out of your training?” Kemari smiled.
“SHUT312Please respect copyright.PENANA885uc1BXnU
UP!” she took a fighting stance “it was a mutual agreement”
The312Please respect copyright.PENANAr8aZR5Eszy
two laughed as everyone stared at them in bewilderment. Ivan, who had finally312Please respect copyright.PENANAU50oVxHCfE
recovered from the blow looked at the figure as they sized up each other. “who312Please respect copyright.PENANAftbHWaCsTZ
the fuck are you?” he finally asked the figure.
“you312Please respect copyright.PENANARtOfj2pMVe
sound like a woman”
“I312Please respect copyright.PENANA54qB1wiTU1
should hope”
“that312Please respect copyright.PENANAc8oLq7cYH9
was a magnificent kick, for a lady of course” he rubbed his neck and grinned at312Please respect copyright.PENANApAdStviO3g
“Wow,312Please respect copyright.PENANAYuFA4xtTBb
that was a bit sexist don’t you think?”
“Sex312Please respect copyright.PENANAcxmE2XhicK
what?” He shot a glare at Kemari who had laughed a little at his question.
“are312Please respect copyright.PENANAwAIXdrOnsJ
we going to fight or not?” she asked sounding irritated.
“heh,312Please respect copyright.PENANAlmOO516HrR
I wouldn’t want to break your fragile little bones miss” Ivan smiled and the312Please respect copyright.PENANARVOOwxmrcU
crowd chuckled, the bartender only shook his head. Kemari sighed to himself as312Please respect copyright.PENANAhLZxmgV0WQ
he saw her dash toward Ivan with uncanny speed, he was barely fast enough to312Please respect copyright.PENANAq6PR3AmuNb
block the kick that was aimed at his face. Isadora spun and delivered a kick to312Please respect copyright.PENANA6uXKWTjnVR
Ivan’s abdomen which forced him back a few steps, before he knew it she was on312Please respect copyright.PENANAz8Ty2J19kM
him again, firing a quick jab to his nose followed by a myriad of blows to his312Please respect copyright.PENANAYOs3nQRapt
face and upper body. Ivan wobbled as the hits connected, he was unable to312Please respect copyright.PENANA6KAg7saU7z
block, dodge or even see them. The onlookers watched in awe as Ivan was beaten,312Please respect copyright.PENANAcfN8MNjKjt
unable to defend himself against the sheer powers of his enemy’s blows. Kemari,312Please respect copyright.PENANAvGnzxc9wrc
who was now back on his feet fully healed looked on smiling as his friend312Please respect copyright.PENANAGiBoI0Hu2q
finished the fight by palming Ivan square in the chest then walking away312Please respect copyright.PENANAuSV8y78N2Y
towards Kemari. As he looked he noticed the man’s chestplate was even more312Please respect copyright.PENANAKDMTkJMPbi
dented than it was before and there was a hole in it where he had gotten the312Please respect copyright.PENANA88CZE2GKBO
last hit, his face was twisted and bloody. As she walked by him, he turned to312Please respect copyright.PENANAO7is5RhChl
follow her and heard a metallic clank as if Ivan’s body had finally registered312Please respect copyright.PENANAUpdD2qPIh7
that it was no longer living. The people moved to the side as Isadora walked past312Please respect copyright.PENANAkad3nRTuOK
with Kemari in tow, they stopped by the counter where she fished a coin purse312Please respect copyright.PENANARxxZmaHqnz
from somewhere in her cloak an handed it to the barkeep.
“Sorry312Please respect copyright.PENANA0JSnwiCSWL
for the disturbance big guy.”
“No312Please respect copyright.PENANA5lfN1XVla5
worries little one” the bartender replied.
The312Please respect copyright.PENANAdCH5AnCq9O
two walked down the streets of the slum districts. People in tattered clothes312Please respect copyright.PENANAx95xmx3JaE
walked along as if they had no purpose, while others looked out from alleyways312Please respect copyright.PENANAQnPuIbij2x
and the insides of broken down houses looking for unsuspecting prey to rob,312Please respect copyright.PENANAYmNLPZFuCc
abduct or kill. They walked in silence as they passed by buildings clumped together,312Please respect copyright.PENANA6Ve2iETjMl
some even looked as if they were about to topple. They stopped as a group of boys312Please respect copyright.PENANAl7eumrS88K
ran out In front of them chasing after a smaller one who was running with a312Please respect copyright.PENANAtbW4ERTT80
huge rat in his hands. Isadora started walking again as Kemari stared after the312Please respect copyright.PENANASU6DGUFMAJ
children as they caught up to the boy and took they rat from him then proceeded312Please respect copyright.PENANAKImrucvHHC
to beat him.
“Same312Please respect copyright.PENANA3p8RKkWZBi
age” he said before following after her
His312Please respect copyright.PENANAVr9PRtr1YM
friend looked at him as he caught up with her “said something?” she asked
“I was312Please respect copyright.PENANAdF3eXr73NP
just thinking….” He paused “those children just now, they don’t look that much older312Please respect copyright.PENANAqbm1ClC3wE
than we were at that time…”
“What312Please respect copyright.PENANAyBPAvizBQD
does that have to do with anything?” she was curious, Kemari rarely mentioned312Please respect copyright.PENANA1hFHeSpmx6
anything about their past. He tried not to show it, but she could tell that it312Please respect copyright.PENANAoLhw7eBdyQ
still haunted him.
“…It312Please respect copyright.PENANAS70yK3iYp9
isn’t right” his voice quivered and was almost a whisper “children are supposed312Please respect copyright.PENANAC8Qwoc34v3
to be safe, they shouldn’t be exposed to these harsh realities at such a young312Please respect copyright.PENANA5Eh9XsrIRf
“Better312Please respect copyright.PENANAPl3OGkB2Ii
now than when they’re older and are incapable of dealing with the shit the312Please respect copyright.PENANAjNw5Db8cCk
world throws at them, because of the sheltered pampered life they lived” Her312Please respect copyright.PENANAQK65sR2luZ
reply was blunt and harsh, yet He knew she had a point. He had lived a312Please respect copyright.PENANAUdvKAMK9B4
sheltered life while she was always fighting for what she wanted, and now years312Please respect copyright.PENANAdJsHj7wggI
later she was an accomplished Monk despite being a 'failure' to her mentors as312Please respect copyright.PENANAgWntqfzPZb
well as a 'B' ranked adventurer while he was stuck at 'F' the weakest rank312Please respect copyright.PENANAubyyBb5tM3
there was.
“I312Please respect copyright.PENANATXtkhawaCS
wish it didn’t have to be that way” she suddenly continued “But this is the way312Please respect copyright.PENANAXRqMeEZxEH
of life. With death lurking around every corner, we can’t afford to be weak” she312Please respect copyright.PENANALIgGE1w7Ux
looked to the sky as she spoke.
“Like312Please respect copyright.PENANAZmlB2eWhEb
me Huh?” Kemari chuckled lightly
“Pretty312Please respect copyright.PENANAYqNeA6tKDB
much” she laughed and punched Kemari in the shoulder, he flinched as she hit312Please respect copyright.PENANARG5Q23lV65
him and that only made her laugh harder. He rubbed his shoulder as they312Please respect copyright.PENANAtN9CvSS8ZW
continued their walk in mostly silence.
It312Please respect copyright.PENANAxcTJUznXqT
was almost noon by the time they reached their destination; the Adventurer’s312Please respect copyright.PENANAHuNWxyBeVQ
Guild. It was a large imposing structure which stood at the top of a grand marble312Please respect copyright.PENANAPTO35ZKiAB
staircase, Kemari stopped and stared in awe at the high walls that shined in312Please respect copyright.PENANAuUATrGeTTg
the midday sun. No matter how many times he visited, the sheer beauty of it312Please respect copyright.PENANA5DwRy6utMB
always caught his eyes . He smiled and walked up the steps where Isadora waited.312Please respect copyright.PENANAbnwNIZHiwU
They approached the large Oak double doors together which swung open as they312Please respect copyright.PENANA5AR8MnpOoC
got close, stepping inside Kemari looked around the huge open area they now312Please respect copyright.PENANAP377JNFwHa
stood in. The floors were made of a dark reflective surface that absorbed mana312Please respect copyright.PENANANA0jadKZFO
from it’s occupants, making them weaker the longer they stayed, which Kemari312Please respect copyright.PENANAqDpPIWPqI0
believed to be weird, but apparently the GuildMaster had done this to prevent312Please respect copyright.PENANAsiC1xGyuc9
fighting in his hall “can’t fight if you can't freely manipulate your body’s312Please respect copyright.PENANARtk2O80Pk3
ambient mana” the receptionists would repeat. The room was filled with a variety312Please respect copyright.PENANAqOe06kHFBO
of adventuring folk; some wore bulky, heavy armor and carrying massive swords312Please respect copyright.PENANACBI4jDinpS
while others dressed lighter, wielding bows, staves, or much smaller swords.312Please respect copyright.PENANAsV00ANd0d2
Two adventurers caught his eye, as they seemed to be out of place, one of them312Please respect copyright.PENANAccxLg7y4Wf
was a green slightly muscular being Kemari assumed to be a Half-Orc who leaned312Please respect copyright.PENANAKAVtwmqwh5
against the wall with a heavy looking broadsword leaned up next to him, and was312Please respect copyright.PENANA1VXV7iquEu
wearing a brown tunic over black leather pants and boots, on top of that he312Please respect copyright.PENANA6N7MgLQYWK
also wore a pair of silver pauldrons and and a half chestplate, His hair was a312Please respect copyright.PENANAlNJ1h62Vq2
greenish untamed mess from what Kemari could see. The other person was the312Please respect copyright.PENANA5PPcDeQJ4b
second most beautiful girl he had ever seen, an Elf with long silver hair tied312Please respect copyright.PENANA8nR6Vsr2YO
up in a ponytail.
“So312Please respect copyright.PENANAAh0Tk1gI0A
that’s your type hmm?” His attention was drawn from her before he had a chance312Please respect copyright.PENANAhjBXPdjjmp
to observe her fully. He turned to see Isadora staring at him intensely with a huge312Please respect copyright.PENANAHwFnF2OmaM
grin on her face.
“No,312Please respect copyright.PENANAtjttauwtBH
that wasn’t…….that’s not…” Kemari stumbled to find words.
“Don’t312Please respect copyright.PENANAMTvesFehNK
worry my dear sweet companion.” Isadora laughed as she leaned in close and312Please respect copyright.PENANAkvbMT5vUhk
covered her mouth as if to whisper to him “I SHIP!” She bellowed, attracting312Please respect copyright.PENANAiPiyh9bpde
the attention of the entire room.
Kemari312Please respect copyright.PENANAHssYaGjX51
looked around nervously and hissed “what are you doing, you idiot?”
“why312Please respect copyright.PENANAWcks0MjtHl
I’m just so proud of you Kemari” she spread her arms wide and squealed “You’re312Please respect copyright.PENANAh9pyV19DLv
finally interested in exploring the lush flesh of a –“ she issued a yelp as Kemari312Please respect copyright.PENANAQtycqElFQ1
grabbed her cloak and dragged her away to the reception area. He blushed312Please respect copyright.PENANAqR6ATi0qzy
slightly as he stormed past snickering adventurers. The reception area was a312Please respect copyright.PENANAOSAJxAruHZ
long counter towards the back of the room, behind it stood the guild’s312Please respect copyright.PENANASpZrO6Ywng
receptionists, all of which were identical women. The two approached the one312Please respect copyright.PENANAxWwgaojPEG
closest and exchanged greetings, it wasn’t until then that Isadora removed her312Please respect copyright.PENANAUtaQdZzXPc
hood, revealing her face. Her skin was a smooth almond complexion and her light312Please respect copyright.PENANAD5uWXJlXdP
brown hair was cut short in a close cropped style with the sides faded, her312Please respect copyright.PENANAQQ3aAThepX
eyes always took Kemari’s breath away, they were also a light brown with312Please respect copyright.PENANAlRdrjxtf2l
matched her skin tone and hair color and always seemed to sparkle. “keep312Please respect copyright.PENANAqng6fyf6KC
staring at me like that and I’ll steal your heart” he was so engrossed in312Please respect copyright.PENANAdEMBwMeYFE
admiring her that he didn’t notice that she had stopped talking to the312Please respect copyright.PENANAFcb6WglUuU
receptionist and was now starting at him smirking. “And I meant that literally”312Please respect copyright.PENANAHFi6u8Jd66
she said teasingly before returning to her conversation.
Kemari312Please respect copyright.PENANAbKtGNl76Ql
gulped and then sighed as he went about observing the room once more. He looked312Please respect copyright.PENANAt3Z8jhE1aQ
around at the occupants who were all embroiled312Please respect copyright.PENANAjihSzRdwcK
in conversation amongst their companions, the elf he had seen was no longer312Please respect copyright.PENANACGkecsQWPq
there, but the Half-Orc stood the same place leaning against the wall; this312Please respect copyright.PENANAbPJECFvT60
time he was staring right back at Kemari who quickly turned away. In the centre312Please respect copyright.PENANAYntDGa5KcY
of the hall was a giant golden statue of the legendary GuildMaster himself: Gaelin312Please respect copyright.PENANAqYIkzVwLJJ
Branandor, who had faced down the Black Dragon in the Arena pits, gaining his312Please respect copyright.PENANAPbwK9jSIYd
freedom from slavery in the process. The statue featured Gaelin in nothing but312Please respect copyright.PENANAAJp897mV3L
a loin cloth, with a broken sword in his left hand and the dragon’s head in the312Please respect copyright.PENANARRqNomg21M
other. The statue was of a powerfully built man, with long golden hair hung low312Please respect copyright.PENANAD3tsLxKmOk
behind his back. That looks nothing like the old fool Kemari thought to312Please respect copyright.PENANA3c8Af45p38
himself as he shifted his attention in scorn. The walls were a chalk white, and312Please respect copyright.PENANAuFNl6niWt2
were decorated with long portraits of the Twelve Knights of Lanatheas; the only312Please respect copyright.PENANA2joAnihOxV
'S' ranked heroes Lanatheas had to offer. They were the strongest and their312Please respect copyright.PENANA97cWxySbie
names carried a lot of weight. Kemari only knew three of them: Markus The Bear,312Please respect copyright.PENANAhiw074ud5C
who was a savage Hulk of a man who never wore anything apart from his brown fur312Please respect copyright.PENANANrWXGh2Uo2
loincloth and the pelt of some unknown beast around his shoulders. He was known312Please respect copyright.PENANAirHMyIOFVO
to tear his foes to pieces with nothing but his bare hands. Next was Lucien Arengar,312Please respect copyright.PENANAab1NxUZTZv
leader of the kingdom’s Dragon Knights which was an elite unit tasked with high312Please respect copyright.PENANAsHBD8qwqmL
priority quests from the Crown itself, he wore his signature red and gold312Please respect copyright.PENANAAPygM1O0Py
armour with his sword held high and his shield to his side. The last was the312Please respect copyright.PENANAgpWyvIrBxV
rogue, the assassin, and the fastest of all the 12………fuck, what was his name312Please respect copyright.PENANA1B2Pez6ZpL
again?. Kemari stared at the portrait of the man who stood completely clad312Please respect copyright.PENANAqn0wAaFAfm
in black and covered completely, hiding his features.
“Brinn,312Please respect copyright.PENANAC0N0EcS4Y5
I think” Isadora said from beside him. She had turned towards him and noticed312Please respect copyright.PENANAQHqWWmVOvH
him staring with a puzzled look on his face.
“Thanks,312Please respect copyright.PENANAQrO6RHvA9T
don’t know why I keep forgetting his name” Kemari replied “You finished?”
“Yuuup”312Please respect copyright.PENANAtRk2qhA0Ma
she bounced and grinned
“Great,312Please respect copyright.PENANAZI6Pt6Y1FB
let’s go then” he stretched and started to walk away when Isadora grabbed his312Please respect copyright.PENANATzxiB0lQnY
“Not312Please respect copyright.PENANA1k6c7O8xuW
so fast, my dashing knight”
“What312Please respect copyright.PENANAugLmxSPsKR
now?” Kemari sighed
“The312Please respect copyright.PENANAwPnWGwVhF1
GuildMaster has something for us”
Kemari’s312Please respect copyright.PENANAZIKGPoLhU1
demeanor changed upon hearing that, he spun around and grabbed Isadora’s312Please respect copyright.PENANAwncdFoaUHE
shoulders, she shuddered when she saw the cold look on Kemari’s face.
“Did312Please respect copyright.PENANAhTQVsTwgHF
they find him” he tried to ask as calmly as he could, but his voice was instead312Please respect copyright.PENANAV4XPZcwAzT
cold and tainted with anger. She nodded and turned then waved towards the312Please respect copyright.PENANAcQLh7n9Z2L
receptionist who was weaving a spell, she smiled and in an instant they were312Please respect copyright.PENANAptVorf1zdG
standing in an empty blueish space which only had a small desk and a few chairs312Please respect copyright.PENANAtdqTkEtcWK
in the middle.
Kemari312Please respect copyright.PENANATZYx3YYPgv
rushed towards the desk leaving his friend behind, he caught a glimpse of a312Please respect copyright.PENANAUxcy5PXwRU
giant ogre wearing full plate armour as it vanished from the room. Kemari312Please respect copyright.PENANAZgBSqmjG63
stopped at the desk and stared at the312Please respect copyright.PENANAYj8GojqSRW
small sinewy man behind it. The man wore a black vest over a white buttoned312Please respect copyright.PENANAGENXFQZIsE
down shirt, his head was completely bald and he seemed to be well over 100312Please respect copyright.PENANAO6P4whKVdJ
years old. “You stare too much Kephirian” the man said without looking up from312Please respect copyright.PENANA2w3Tl1ZMzx
a paper he was scribbling on before him.
“Where312Please respect copyright.PENANAE835bbgLGy
is he!” Kemari slammed his hands on the desk
“Have312Please respect copyright.PENANAHUSP0h6iL1
a seat first” the man gestured at a chair before the desk “you too monk”
Kemari312Please respect copyright.PENANAqnyS1SZDSh
looked and noticed she was right next to him now, she plopped into the chair312Please respect copyright.PENANAxKxt8XRd2L
and placed her feet on the desk, which evoked a glare from the man who made to312Please respect copyright.PENANAYlgbo7YBKZ
say something before shaking his head and changing his mind. “please?” He312Please respect copyright.PENANABIJupW5Onk
looked at Kemari this time, who sighed and sat in his chair.
“Who312Please respect copyright.PENANAJaFSj9vt1m
was that just now, GuildMaster?” Isadora spoke first
Gaelin312Please respect copyright.PENANAesBiCc16Wu
set down his quill and leaned back in his chair for a few moments before he312Please respect copyright.PENANAvPicZB03jv
finally responded “Targoth IronHorn…..” he hesitated, pondering how to continue312Please respect copyright.PENANAzd3hzB2Bm3
“He looks for the same man as you do”
“Did……..did312Please respect copyright.PENANAkDu6oo0hlM
you tell him what he wanted to know?” 312Please respect copyright.PENANAHTn9XFntg2
Isadora glanced at Kemari as she asked
“I312Please respect copyright.PENANAhl7spM5JP5
“YOU312Please respect copyright.PENANARJnRWfmy7s
HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME” Kemari flared up “WHAT THE FUCK? WE HAD AN AGREEMENT312Please respect copyright.PENANABnDUStOmoM
YOU OLD FART” He reached across the table and grabbed Gaelin by his shirt312Please respect copyright.PENANANppI9BYlxz
“THAT’S312Please respect copyright.PENANArBaSh73O6d
ENOUGH KEMARI” Isadora shot up and took his arm, he looked at her briefly and312Please respect copyright.PENANA3netPmI708
saw the disappointed way she looked at him. He grunted as he let go and paced312Please respect copyright.PENANAS1D3kB9k94
around the room “Great, so now we competition….”
“Does312Please respect copyright.PENANA1JUxHSGKpl
it matter Kemari?” She paused then continued “We just want him dead, so we…….you312Please respect copyright.PENANALAR6zwXPX0
can be free from your burden.”
Kemari312Please respect copyright.PENANApSypQi0zRT
stood still with his fists clenched “How in the world would that relieve me of312Please respect copyright.PENANAUFthrQXIl2
my burdens?” he looked at Isadora and said firmly “I have to be the one who kills312Please respect copyright.PENANAzIlFseggQ6
him...…..I won’t be at peace unless I am. Why do you seem to have a problem312Please respect copyright.PENANAJcU8ZeuNAM
with that? You. Kill. All. The. Time… what’s the fucking difference here”312Please respect copyright.PENANApasZJL195Z
she didn’t answer, and the room stood in silence, waiting, before it was312Please respect copyright.PENANARaDm9Y7cf3
finally broken.
“You’re312Please respect copyright.PENANAJ91TZsj8XF
a fragile one, Kephirian…...” The GuildMaster smiled “Do you honestly believe312Please respect copyright.PENANAXKaVXk0YoX
you have what it takes to kill this monster on your own, or will you need the312Please respect copyright.PENANActVMzS7XQK
monk to do it for you?”
“…..” Kemari312Please respect copyright.PENANALaHHlrTR76
stood there in silence unable to answer.
“Nevertheless,312Please respect copyright.PENANAgrHFH0eckk
we have a deal. The man you’re looking for is known as 'Vanther The Bold',312Please respect copyright.PENANAeqY1LhaGbZ
everything you need to know is in this” he handed Isadora a small scroll.
She312Please respect copyright.PENANAqiSkDgJQ61
muttered a 'Thank You' as she turned to leave
“Oh,312Please respect copyright.PENANA01mjJORRDL
and one more thing” he said stopping the duo in their tracks “There was another312Please respect copyright.PENANAiZCAykHXUt
person besides the Orc who came for information on him, so you might want to312Please respect copyright.PENANAHytaU7Z1vn
Kemari312Please respect copyright.PENANAiyXJP5s3D2
and Isadora then vanished as they once again teleported elsewhere.
312Please respect copyright.PENANATVhfxd6K85
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312Please respect copyright.PENANAi1FkPM9kVD
312Please respect copyright.PENANApHP2rl6o2z