An uncomfortable chill settled over her body as she settled on the bench in the small garden just a few blocks from Diavolo's penthouse.345Please respect copyright.PENANAxgIzgN48HG
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Despite the warmth of the summer day, she shivered. Even as the sun's rays found her tightly clenched fingers, the heat was not able to chase away the goose bumps. She was sure that her driver wouldn't be too happy over her sudden disappearance. Neither would Diavolo when he would be reported that she hadn't taken proper security measures while 'sneaking out' without his protection.
But going to her doctor's appointment with Diavolo's driver hadn't been an option. Diavolo would have known for sure, that something was going on , even before she could even return home to tell him herself.
How would he react to the news ?
A deep chill ran over her spine as he thought of Diavolo.
Despite the fact they'd taken precautions, she was eight weeks pregnant. The best she could surmise, it had happened when he'd returned from an extended business trip overseas and they'd made love in the shower. They had been insatiable.
A bright blush chased the chill from her cheeks as she remembered the night in question. He had made love to her countless times, murmuring to her in Italian-soft words that she didn't understand, but still made her heart melt.
She checked her watch and grimaced. He was due home in a few short hours, and yet here she sat like a coward, avoiding the confrontation. 345Please respect copyright.PENANAGRn4fB7BKT
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With uncertainty, she forced herself to her feet and began the short walk to the luxurious building that housed Diavolo's penthouse.
Her heart pounded as she neared the entrance.345Please respect copyright.PENANAe1GdUi0dwE
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You are being silly , she muttered under her breath as the doorman hastened to usher her inside politely.
She stepped onto the lift and smoothed a hand over her still-flat belly cautiously.
Nervousness scuttled through her chest as the elevator started moving and she rode higher. When it halted and the doors opened into the spacious foyer of the penthouse, Marley breathed slowly and slowly walked out of the elevator.
She walked into the living room, and made her way to the couch, where she tossed her wallet down. Fatigue niggled at her muscles, and all she really wanted to do was lie down. She was exhausted. But she had yet to decide how to broach the subject of their relationship with Diavolo.
A few days ago, she would have said she was perfectly content with the status of their relationship , but the results of today's blood tests had left her shaken. It had her doubting on the last half year they had spent together.
She loved him wholeheartedly, but she wasn't entirely sure where she stood with him. The sex was fantastic and he seemed devoted when he was with her. But now she had a baby to think about. She needed more from the man she loved than hot sex every few weeks. She had to make sure were they stood taking the baby into consideration. One thing was for sure - Diavolo wouldn't turn his back on their baby , but what about her ? What if ... what if he would want to have sole custody of their baby ? Diavolo came from old money , and even if she went to court , she had no chances of winning against him. But he wouldn't do that to her , would he ?
She trudged into the large master suite and stared at Diavolo who walked from the bathroom, just a towel wrapped around his waist. She breathed in the faint smell that lingered in the air - wood and Cinnamon.
A slow smile carved his handsome face. Every time she laid eyes on him, it was like the first time all over again. Goose bumps raced across her skin, lighting fire to her every nerve-ending.
"Oh , you're early today" she blurted out.
"I've been waiting for you, mi amor" he said huskily , his eyes dark. She shivered at the nickname he'd given her.
Smirking, he let the towel drop from his lower torso , and she swallowed as her eyes tracked downward to his straining erection. He walked towards her predatorily, taking long strides. His hands snaked around her waist as he drew her body closer to his own , and bent to ravage her mouth.
She melted into the kiss feverishly and a soft moan escaped her as her knees gave in .He had only to touch her, and she went up in flames. He was like an addiction that would ruin her , but she would never get enough of him anyways.
His mouth trailed down her jaw to her collarbone planting wet feathery kisses, and his fingers tugged impatiently at the clasp of her bra. She didnt know when he had managed to get her out of her clothes , but he did . Her fingers twisted in his silky dark hair, pulling him closer.
He moved gracefully like a gleaming predator , his fingers moving masterfully over her body like a skilled hand of a guitarist. 345Please respect copyright.PENANAyoa0XgoQlf
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She wrapped her legs around his waist as he lowered her to the bed.
She knew they should stop. They needed to talk, but she'd missed him. Ached for him. And maybe a part of her wanted this moment before things changed irreversibly.
He released her bra, and she gasped when his fingers found her highly sensitive nipples. They were darker and larger now, and she wondered if he'd notice.
"Did you miss me?"
"You know I did " she breathed out.
He smirked. "Say it , Bambina"
" I missed you. I missed you, Diavolo " she said breathing heavily
His hand fumbled over the zip of her jeans , and he tossed them across the bed. Before she knew it , he was over her, deep inside her.
She arched into him as he possessed her, clinging to him as he made love to her, their passion hot and aching. It was always like this. One step from desperation, their need for each other all consuming.
As he gathered her in his arms, he whispered to her in Italian . The words fell against her skin like a caress as they both reached their peaks. She snuggled deeper into his embrace as the exhaustion overtook her.
When she woke up, Diavolo was staring at her intently and she blushed. His dark eyes burned as he hummed in contentment.
Now was the time. She needed to broach the subject. There would never be a better occasion. Why did the thought of asking him about their relationship strike terror in her heart?
"Wait" she began softly , gently pulling away from him.
"What is it?" he asked concerned.
"I wanted to talk to you."
"Talk to me ? About what ?"345Please respect copyright.PENANA2aFur71Xqs
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He stretched his big body and pulled slightly away so he could see her better.
She took a deep breath before looking straight into his brown orbs.
"us" she blurted out.
His froze and his eyes grew distant . But his face reflected a mask of indifference, something that frightened her. She could feel him pulling away, mentally withdrawing from her.
She was nervous.
A buzz sounded, startling her from her thoughts.
"Che culo !" Diavolo exclaimed. He got up from the bed warily and pressed the intercom .
"What ?" he snapped clearly annoyed.
"Hello to you too Mr Veneziani. Can I come up ?" His assistant Cassandra chirped in a sugar coated tone.
Evenora frowned and looked down at her lap with knitted brows. As far as she knew , it was too late in the evening for him to deal with work. Then why was she here popping into his apartment , now and then , she knew he shared with Evenora ?
Her back stiffened as doubt clouded her mind. Was Diavolo two - timing her ? Making her believe of a possibility of a future together, while having a forbidden romance with his secretary ? Was she all but a distraction ?
Diavolo sighed as he rubbed his temples.
"Come in, Cassandra. "
Without giving her a single glance , he strode over to his wardrobe and pulled out a shirt and a pair of trousers.He swung his legs over the side of the bed and stood. He strode toward his walk-in wardrobe and pulled out a pair of trousers and a shirt.
" Why does she show up here so often?" she mumbled.
Diavolo's head snapped towards her in question.
" What do you mean ? She my assistant, ofcourse she'd show up " he said confused.
"At your personal reside- never mind . It doesnt matter" she muttered under her breath as she looked away from him.
She was scared that her assumptions were true. That he thought nothing of her more than a casual fling. Come to think of it , he'd never taken her out for romantic dates or anything of that matter.
Most of the time he was gone for weeks for business meetings and when he would return home , he would get her into his bed. And the next morning , he would be gone. Not a call or even a text.
She missed him , but did he miss her ?
Marley watched him button his shirt and walk out of their bedroom and her chest tightened.
She was tempted to save the discussion for another night , but she had to tell him of her pregnancy, and she couldn't tell him of the baby before she knew how he felt about her. What he thought of their future.
As the moments grew longer, her anxiety heightened. What was taking him so long ?
She heard his footsteps coming nearer to the bedroom. He walked in with a distracted frown on his face. His gaze flickered over her, and his lips twitched.
He opened his mouth to say something , but refrained himself anyway.
"Is something wrong at work ? You look distracted " she said softly.
He waved his hand dismissively. "Everything's taken care of . " He stalked toward her smirking , as his hands reached for the buttons on his shirt.
"Diavolo " she held her hand up signaling him to stop. "We need to talk , please"
She stepped back , taking his hair through his hair in annoyance , he considered her with hooded eyes.
"It can wait-"
"No , Diavolo . This is important "
"Then speak up. What is it that you wanted to talk to me about ? "345Please respect copyright.PENANAqHIr19JjtG
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Translations :345Please respect copyright.PENANAAFEUlvMiqk
345Please respect copyright.PENANAowbNgN0NyQ
Mi amor - my love345Please respect copyright.PENANABLCLrmM9Vq
345Please respect copyright.PENANA5ZmXf0CSnn
Che culo ! - what luck ! (Cursing)345Please respect copyright.PENANAQ2TKg1lrXT
345Please respect copyright.PENANAgxoR7QZj9g
Bambina - babygirl / baby (female)345Please respect copyright.PENANA93Vnpo5zrH
345Please respect copyright.PENANAPhJdETePNf
Mio dio - my god .345Please respect copyright.PENANAv1dP1ntiGf
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345Please respect copyright.PENANAHI0GCaTXH0
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