Luckily for us, the walk to school isn't to long. It's about a twenty minute walk from our house. Akio was rambling on about something. As usual, I didn't paid to much attention to him. I was just mostly thinking about the high school. When I was in middle school, I just usually hanged around library or the computer lab. Any where where there wasn't a lot of people. Its not like I hate everyone around me or anything. I just prefer to be somewhere more...secluded.
Ask anyone who knows me and you'll hear them say I'm quiet and basically a loner. I am pretty much one but I do hang out with few people during my past school years. The four people who I can actually call my 'friends'. I knew each one of them since I was young, not at the same time though.
To begin with, there was Hisoka. Hisoka is rather a bright student for his age. Always doing great with tests and everything when it comes to school work. I've been around him for a while and haven't once seen him get anything lower then a B+. He can be serious when it comes to things like grades, the future, and money. A cautious person. He wants nothing more but to go through his life with very few problems. We met when I was probably around eight. We would always be in our class room when everyone else went off to lunch and play. I would just sit at my seat doing nothing while he was just mostly helping the teacher. Even so young he was really mature about most things. Everyone labeled him as 'The Teacher's Pet' and would usually tell jokes about him. Like me, he didn't cared much about everyone else and was just not social people. The teacher thought that since we are the 'outcast' of the class, she thought it would be best to pair up. No idea why. Even at the beginning we didn't really like the idea. But we slowly grew attached later on and became friends. But we usually just talk about various things then going outside. A good person to have a conversation with.
Then, Koji. Koji is a very interesting person. He rarely ever speaks, even less than me and I barely say anything to anyone. Even around us he hardly talks,but he does seem more comfortable. He usually seems tensed everyday, as if expecting someone to do something to him. I often heard some people called him paranoid. I'm not sure if he is or isn't. I don't like digging into people's business so I just let it go. The two of us met when I was ten. When I wasn't with Hisoka, I would walk around town and would usually see him somewhere in the park. But he mostly just sits under this one tree with his ear-buds in. It always looks like he was off in his own universe of his or is either sleeping. One day, he seemed to be in a rush after he woke up from his nap under the tree and accidently left his ear-buds. Not the ones he was using but a spare he always keeps with him just in case the original one broke. Needless to say, he loves music. So I took them and just waited for the next day. He always comes to this park routinely so I could just give it to him later. After returning it back to him, he was a bit grateful about it. We've been hanging out since then.
Then my neighbor, Gina. She been living right next to us ever since I can remember. The first friend I ever made. Though we hardly ever walk to school together because she prefers to sleep in a bit more. Not a big morning person at all. I'm still surprised that she is always on time since she sleeps in so much. Probably the most lucky person I know. And not just because she's able to get there exactly on time, but with nearly everything. She manages to pass tests without studying that much. Basically anything that comes to luck or chances, it usually goes in her favor. A calm person who is a bit talkative from time to time. I think she has a crush on Koji but I'm not fully sure. We met when my parents and hers wanted to have a little party. We were both seven at the time. All we did was just playing video games and had an agruement every now and then. I thought that when the night ended it would be the last time I see her. But the day after she came over again wanting to play my games. At first I wanted to say no but some how she ended up in my room before I could say anything. That's another thing about her, very persistent. And it became a routine, she always trying to come over to play my games while I try to stop her. But it never worked and I decided to just give up. But that didn't stop the small arguements, nothing big though.
And finally, Masami. Masami can be a bit...supstitious. Believing in things such as ghosts, vampires, Big Foot, and so on. The thing that I don't understand was when she said she also believed they're demons but no God. Hisoka and her got in a pretty tense conversation about the topic. One conversation I wish it would never happen again. Not just because their dispute lasted for a few days, but because it was rather annoying in my opinion. Hisoka mostly believing in the scientistic facts while Masami believing in the exact opposite. Sometimes their conversation can be funny, but other times is annoying. The two bicker to each other every day. She loves reading books and writing stories about the supernatural. She asked me to read one of her 'work in progress' stories about a secret society. It was pretty good but did needed work. She still confuses words she should use like 'their', 'they're', and 'there'. But she slowly started to get use to it. We met around the beginning of middle school in English class. The assignment was to pair up in a group to right a short, creative story. The teacher ended up pairing me up with Masami. Working with her was a bit of a hassel. She mostly did the work, by her choice, and only wanted my input sometimes. I didn't mind at all. I'm not so talented in writing...well anything. The project was die in a week during that time and she usually followed me around school until the week was over. And I had absolutly no idea why she would do that. But I didn't bothered to argue with her. Took little time before she met my friends. On the bright side, she didn't bothered me so much and would usually toy with the others. After the projeect was done, passing with an A-, she started to hang out with us.
And now, we all end up in out new school together. Tamemichi High School. There is nothing special about the school from hearing it from Akio. But if there was one thing about it that I should pick out, it would be the garden. Well not much of a garden since there's barely anything eatable growing. Its like someone took a peice of the forest and put it in the back of the school. Not a single dead plant and everything is green and bright. However few students are permitted to go there. They don't want the students to mess up the place.
"Well here we are." Akio said to me before I opened my eyes to see we were near the entrance of the school. I just stayed silent as I looked around, not looking at anyone or anything in particular. "Well listen, Akane. I'm heading off to find the guys. You got some time before class starts. Think you'll be alright?"
"I don't think I'll get in much trouble or lost if that's what you mean."
"Okay then. Good. Then I'll see ya later." he said as he started to make his way through the crowd of students hanging out with their groups. Deciding not to just stand there, and have some time before math starts, I wanted to at least attempt to see the school's garden. But it didn't took to long until I heard a familar voice.
"Hey, Akane!" I turned my head to see Hisoka. Hisoka was about a few inches taller than me, had blonde hair that is long enough to cover his ears, and cold blue eyes under a pair of glasses. He also had fair skin and is often seen wearing rather plain, comfortable clothing. But today he has to wear the school's uniform: a back shirt under a black buttoned up jackets with silver-colored lining, black pants, and a pair of black shoes. "It's been a while since the last time we saw each other huh?" he said with a slight smile.
"Yeah, it has." I said as I returned the smile. "So what have you been up to during the summer?"
"I went to visit my grandparents for the summer. Nothing much exciting. What about you? Let me guess, video games with Gina?"
"Almost. I did nothing but stayed inside but Gina never came over for the entire time. Kind of odd."
"Maybe she was bussy during the summer. You can't always spend your time on games you know."
I simply shrugged my shoulders at the comment. "What if you go into the gaming industry?"
"Not the point. Anyways, where were you off to?"
"Wanted to go check out the garden. Heard it was something worth seeing if you're going to be here for four years."
"Reaslly?" he said as he crossed him arms. "Didn't know you were the type with a green thumb."
"Of coarse not. If I try to plant anything, it would die in a matter of days." This made me recieve a little chuckle from him. "Just thought that it may be a good place to hang over there since there won't be much of the other students being there."
"Already thinking about where the group should hang out?"
I nodded my head before continueing. "That reminds me, have you seen the others?"
"Other than, Masami, no. But I would guess Gina is now getting ready to get here while Koji is off somewhere around here."
"What happened to, Masami?"
"She wanted to go and find her class. Good thing to since she started giving me a headache."
"Already getting on eachothers nerves I see. It's barely the beginning of the school year."
"Well, what did you expect. Logic and reason does not agree with fiction and nonsense. Water and fire. Up and down. Point is we don't get along very well."
"Could've fooled me." I said before hearing the bell. Have we been talking for that long already?
"Well I need to head off to History." he said.
"Math." I said simply. "When lunch starts just try to get the others to the garden. If you find them anyways. So I'll see ya later, alright."
"Yeah. See ya."
We parted our ways and it seemed like the classes faded away pretty quickly. Not much of a hassle since it was just the first day. Finding our seats, listening to the teacher about how their class would work for the school year, and all that. Besides Hisoka, I haven't seen the others at all. Hisoka probably already saw them though. But I can't help but feel a bit excited to meet them again. Oh well, nothing much I can do about it. I'm at least lucky that neither of the teachers weren't talking about anything serious. I've been a bit tired ever since this morning. I had to fight the urge to not rest my head on my desk and take a quick nap. I should have gone to bed earlier last night. It will take a day or two to get my sleeping routine in order though.
It was now lunch time and I went to the school's garden I told Hisoka to meet with the others. Once I entered, it did seemed beautiful. It even had its own small pond. Now my brother said that the schools doesn't want students to go in there but since it's a new year, he decided to have it opened up to the students but as long as no one messes it up. However, I'm the only one here and its been about ten minutes in. That's a good thing. The reason about coming here is so that there won't be much people to be around.
It's been a while and I still didn't see Hisoka or anyone else. I was now sitting under a tree and had my back against the trunk. I yawned as i rubbed my eyes slightly. Damn I really should have gone to bed early. I'm rediculously tired right now. Without even knowing it, my head slowly started to hand down and my eyes were starting to close. Maybe a quick nap would do sonm good. It wouldn't be a long one. Just a quick nap to get my batteries recharged. It became quiet, the sound of the other students off in the distance slowly fading out. It's peaceful.
But why do I suddenly feel cold. So cold. Why does it feel so familar?