Poppyfrost was frantic; she knew her kits were coming soon and the camp had been full of rogues! A group of them had been attacking WindClan for the last moon and there was a possibility that Timbernose, her mate, wouldn't come back. It seemed the barn mice had been poisoned and the rogues were desperate. They had no camp anymore, so taking WindClan camp was probably the best option. Poppyfrost feared that when her kits were born they would be in danger, so she slunk farther into the darkness of the warren.
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A few hours later Timbernose lumbered into the rabbit warren that Thrushstar had ordered them to go to. He had been injured when a rogue slashed his belly. Whiskerstream, the medicine cat, who had been sitting next to Poppyfrost calming her and every once and a while, forcing her to eat juniper berries, stood up as he entered and quickly grabbed some herbs from the stock behind her.
"Timbernose! Are you okay?" Poppyfrost fretted.
"He's fine," Whiskerstream replied for him, "I'll make sure he is. Eat more juniper."
Poppyfrost chewed the berries as her shoulders released all the tense air. Timbernose smiled weakly at Poppyfrost; his bleeding had stopped and Whiskerstream was checking up on him.
A few minutes later, the rest of WindClan, lead by Thrushstar and the deputy, Sootheart, stumbled into the warren. All the warriors, even Blacksun, the timid Blacksun, was grinning.
"How was it?" Poppyfrost asked. She shuddered to think that her kits were going to be born in a rabbit warren.
"We defeated them! We can move back in tomorrow!" a warrior exclaimed.
Poppyfrost looked toward where the meow was coming from. It was Vineleaf, Poppyfrost's kithood friend.
The next day they moved back to WindClan camp. The camp still smelled of stale blood but Greenleaf was still there and the camp looked as beautiful as ever. At dusk, Poppyfrost started yowling in pain. Whiskerstream ordered Timbernose to get a stick.
When Timbernose returned he gave it to Poppyfrost.
"Bite this Poppyfrost!" Whiskerstream told her. "It'll help with the pain."
It was unbelievable how calm and firm Whiskerstream was. Timbernose trusted the medicine cat.
There was a little bit more yowling, then came silence. When some of the warriors stuck their heads into the medicine den, they saw three kits sucking their mother's milk. Poppyfrost was resting her head against the nest as the kits sucked. Timbernose groomed their little bodies one by one, and eventually, Poppyfrost started nudging them, feeling proud and relieved that the pain was over and her kits were healthy.
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Chapter 1
The kits were padding curiously between the rocks and heather. Poppyfrost and Timbernose stared at their kits affectionately. Runningkit, Longkit and Sharpkit were fascinated by everything. They may have been three moons old, but it still amazed them how WindClan was not the best Clan! There was beauty everywhere you looked! It was full of prey! The camp was safe! The kits didn't think any camp could be better than this.
"Sharpkit! Look! Puddlefoot has three rabbits in his mouth!" Longkit squealed.
"Three? Wow! That's a lot of rabbits!" the tufty kit replied.
Runningkit shrugged, what was so amazing about catching three rabbits? They were everywhere! She feigned interest by widening her eyes. She had learned that if you didn't pretend to like hunting, the clan cats thought you were a bit odd. Though she wasn't actually looking at the three rabbits, her eyes quickly glanced over at the leaves in the medicine den. Then she quickly looked back, embarrassed. Why did you do that Runningkit? Sharpkit and Longkit could've seen! Runningkit's eyes were disappointed. She wished she knew what StarClan had planned out for her. Then it would be easier to know what to focus on, but for now, she had to learn how to unsheathe her claws at the leader's word.
"C-cool" is what came out of her mouth when her siblings looked at her.
"I thought you were going to be much more excited than that," Sharpkit commented.
"S-sorry, It's just I saw Dapplebreeze catch five." Runningkit was so disappointed that she had to lie. She looked away. When Longkit and Sharpkit went to ask Vineleaf some questions about the hunt, Runningkit crept away, hoping to get to the medicine den without any cat noticing.
Eventually, when no cats were looking, she scampered over to the medicine den.
"Whiskerstream?" the little kit squeaked. She was more interested in herbs than hunting and fighting.
Whiskerstream turned around to see a kit, sitting there patiently, "Well, hello there Runningkit! What are you here for?"
Runningkit thought for a moment, What am I doing here?
"U-um, I just wanted to smell some herbs!" she replied shakily. Will she send me out?
"Oh, okay! Just make sure to be careful." Whiskerstream rather favoured Runningkit out of the three. She was quiet, sensible and she had matured much faster than her brother and sister. Let's hope Thrushstar and Poppyfrost agree.
"Whiskerstream? You went quiet."
"O-oh! Sorry, I'm just worrying about who will become the next medicine cat. I'm growing older every day! And I'm fifty-seven moons old! I need an apprentice."
"Oh, ok." Runningkit hoped that Whiskerstream was planning to make her the medicine cat apprentice.
Suddenly she heard Poppyfrost calling her from the nursery. "Runningkit! It's time to eat! Longkit and Sharpkit have already eaten!"
Runningkit looked at Whiskerstream, dipped her head and trotted off to the nursery.486Please respect copyright.PENANAgHZvI0Eofv