(this is my first time writing a Masky fanfic so please let me know what you all think of it.)
The moon was bright yet full, it lit up the woods dimly but at least it was something to Masky, he was getting back from his last mission for the night, no thanks to Jeff and Ben who got his ass in trouble and as punishment had to finish their missions, god he hated them so much but knew better than to try to kill them, besides he knew his brother wouldn’t allow it.
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He sighed as he reached in the back of his tote bag and pulled out his camcorder, might as well try to film a little while he made his way home, turning the front viewer to face him as he hit record,
“So another night alone to do someone else’s dirty work….im getting so sick of all of this, but as you can see, it’s a pretty nice night…”
Masky flipped the front viewer around to show his surroundings, it's not like people will come after him, ever since Ben tried showing him on Youtube, everyone thought it was some cosplay gag, he really didn’t mind being on camera, he already had more subscribers then Ben or his brother, not as many as Jeff but it would do.
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He walked around in the woods, soon realizing he had no idea where the hell he was, he soon walked over to a large foggy area, walking through it as he walked slowly, making sure he wasn’t gonna get hurt, the closer he got he soon realized he was walking over to a large looking pond of some sort, it actually looked very beautiful and peaceful.
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“I never noticed this before,”
He said softly as he moved the camera around to get everything in the shot,
He heard a pretty loud splash and felt as if he was being watched, but couldn’t see anything…
Masky shrugged and closed his camera as he made it through the woods, soon making it home where he sighed and opened the door and walked upstairs and down the hall and to his room where he shared a room with his brother and Toby.
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Hoody looked up from his book he was reading and looked down from the top bunk he was sharing with Toby,
“And what took you so long?”
He asked as he noticed Masky plugging his camcorder into his laptop at his desk and replying to the video,
Toby looked up and got off his bed and walked over to Masky to watch the vid, his eyes soon widen as he pointed at the left corner of the screen,
“Th-th-there…..in th-the co-co-corner…..z-zoom u-u-up..”
Masky zoomed up to the corner of the left screen, not seeing anything till he replayed the vid and heard the splash, seeing a very large tail come out of the water and hitting the water.
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“What the hell is it?”
Masky asked as he removed his white mask to get a better look, this was no fish, he's never seen a fish with such a tail, Toby leaned in closer as he removed his goggles from his eyes
“I th-think i-i-it’s a m-m-mermaid…..”
Everyone looked at him with an annoyed look as Masky rolled his eyes before getting up and unplugging his camcorder,
“whatever it is, it isn’t gonna live for long, tell slender I won't be home for dinner”
With that being said, he walked out with his coat and mask in hand and his tote bag over his shoulder, hurrying back out.
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The mid-morning sun was slowly peaking over the trees as he placed his mask back over his face as he hurried to the spot he was last night, finally hurrying to the pond, he looked around at the edge, trying to see if he could find whatever he had filmed, shortly he heard movement from a bush up ahead, pulling out his knife as he walked over,
“Come out, I know you're there…..”
he spoke through his voice changer, making his voice sound more dark and menacing, a woman around his age stumbled out from behind the bushes, her blonde hair was long yet tangled, her skin was milky white while her eyes glistened like polished emeralds, she looked weak and slightly dirty as she held her head, he noticed she wasn’t wearing any clothes which made him blush, but luckily he was wearing his mask, he watched the woman stumble over to him and then faint, he quickly caught her in his arms as he looked her over carefully until the sound of male voices echoed in the distance, he quickly picked her up and hurried off back to the manor, where he snuck inside and walked into an empty gust room, laying her on the bed, he walked off to his room where his room mates were sound asleep and quietly pulled out some shorts and a tank top from his dresser and walked back to clothes the woman, he pulled up a chair and sat beside her, observing her, he had never seen anyone so beautiful at all in his life.
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“where did you come from?”
He asked out loud, soon jumping slightly as he watched her toss a little and slowly open her eyes, he placed his mask back on, not wanting to risk his identity just to be safe, he watched as the woman opened her eyes more as she now was looking at him with fear and weakness,
“wh-where am I?”
Her voice sent chills down his spine and gave him goosebumps, it was like fine silk, or something even smoother and sweeter,
“Your safe….for now…..tell me, why were those hunters after you?”
He spoke through his voice changer, as he watched the woman flinch in fright and watched her sit up,
“Not hunters…….scientists……..workers of the….how you say….F.B.I?”
He noticed she had a slight accent, nothing he has never heard of before, British maybe? No, it couldn’t be…. He tilted his head to the side in curiosity at what she had told him,
“and what does the government want with you? Did you steal something of theirs?”
The woman only looked at Masky before pulling her legs to her chest as he rested her chin on her knees as she looked down,
“yes…..my freedom, I know what you are……what you became and for the reason, that is why I'm not going to run nor scream if you try to kill me…”.
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Masky was completely shocked out of his mind, he stood up slowly and walked over to the door, placing a hand on the doorknob before walking out, he looked back at her,
“you will stay in this room until I figure out what to do with you, you are not to make a sound, is that understood?”
He watched the woman nod her head slowly before he walked out and locked the door behind him and walked back to his room and sighed as he sat on his bed, resting his hands over his head as he tried to go over everything the woman had said to him.
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Throughout the day Masky would check up on her, making sure nothing had happened or if anyone tried to break in, most of the day she had been sleeping.
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He would sometimes catch her humming in her sleep, it sounded so peaceful and so different, almost like a sailor tune, during that evening while everyone was waiting downstairs for dinner Masky had been in the living room with a beer in his hand, looking around to see if it was going to be safe to go upstairs, he got up and walked to the kitchen and grabbed a plate and fixed some food right before Toby could call for everyone to sit at the table and snuck back upstairs where he unlocked the door and see the girl now sitting up in bed staring out the window, something was off though, he could feel it.
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“I brought you some dinner, “
he spoke through his voice changer, the woman only looked at it and sighed as she looked back at the full moon shining through her window,
“I wish to take a bath….if you don’t mind”
Masky only tilted his head to the side for a short while before setting the plate on her bedside table and walked to a door that led to the bathroom, she could hear water starting as she looked over at him,
“please….make it cold….”
She heard a faint sigh as the squeak of a nob turned right before he stepped out with a towel,
“do you need help, or are you capable of walking by yourself?”
He asked as he stood in front of her, seeing if she could walk, the woman looked up at him then slowly removed the covers off of her, her legs looked different as if a horrible rash had occurred while she was sleeping, was she sick? Or allergic to something he wasn’t aware of? The woman noticed him staring at her and blushed,
“it's nothing…..just poison I've I ran through earlier….. I'll be fine…”
Masky watched as she made it to the bathroom, right as she was about to shut the door he quickly held it open with one hand,
“you arnt allowed to shut or lock this door, ill be back with something for that rash, if I even see this door shut or find out its locked, you will regret it” he spoke as he handed her the towel and walked off, to find eyeless Jack for some ointment, who knew trying to hide someone would be so annoying, but he couldn’t bring himself to kill her, not just yet he wanted to study her more, right as he walked into the room he noticed the door wasn’t shut but half closed, he sighed softly, at least she didn’t fully disobey him, he opend the door as he held the bottle, “I got this for yo-“ he froze mid-sentence from what he saw, the same large tail he saw in the video slowly splash the water while the woman looked horrified as she quickly sat up from laying in the tub, masky couldn’t help but remove his mask for a better look, the tail was much bigger in person, it was all green with tints of colors in it, he reached over gliding a finger over the scales, sure enough, if was very real,
“you're the thing I caught on camera last night……no……Toby can't be right about this……….this isn’t real…….” His normal voice cracked a little, as the woman blushed as she watched him back up a little and slide down the wall and sit on the floor in front of her,
“Please…..don't be afraid……..it….its a long story……..yes…I'm a mermaid……..but I wasn’t like this before…….. I…..I used to be human…………”
Masky looked up confused and shocked, giving her a look to continue, she nodded and sighed,
“you see, I used to work for this secret service…….you could call it similar to area 51……I call it hell…….they would always bring in strange creatures……….but one day while I was working in the science lab, my boss walked in with this very odd man, he was wanting something new…….something he has never seen before……a mermaid….they all thought he was crazy and laughed…..but he made everyone go out and investigate………to our luck we couldn’t find anything until one night some co-workers came in with something in a bag, moving around a lot, one of the men were badly hurt, I followed them into the lab where I normally worked and saw this really large dark tank, a large splash was heard and a large tail showed but nothing else…..for days they made me watch whatever was in the dark water, one day…….I made a mistake I…..I saw the creature………and it looked nothing like what I thought it would look like……….yes they look like us……..but much different…….i…….i .let it go……”
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Masky was in pure shock at what he was hearing, “a mermaid…………..y-you let it go?...........but why?”
He asked as he pulled his knees to his chest and rested his arms on them,
The girl sighed as she ran her finned hand over the cold water,
“the man who I have known as Doctor Sánchez wanted to experiment, cut it open to see how it worked, luckily for us we were still on the ship, heading home. I couldn’t let him do that to such a beautiful creature, so I broke the tank, I did everything I could to not get bitten or cut by his claws or teeth…..once I got to the edge, it was too late Dr. Sánchez and a few scientists tried to stop me, but right as he were about o get hit by a wave, it crawled to the edge and jumped off, they were furious, then something in him seemed to snap……he made them take me to the prison cell and kept me there till we got back to headquarters where he made them take me to the experiment room……there he tied me to the operating table and………done horrible experiments to me, he said if he couldn’t have his dream creature….he would make one………and he did…..I was known as SCP 000…….th-that’s where he took me to another room…….that was full of all these off-looking creatures…..they were all his experiments that have gone wrong….SCP 173, I'm sure you are more than familiar with him…….he was his prized possession………he had special doctors checking up on him….but each one died of a horrible death so they learned to leave him alone, as for me, I was forced to live in a tank and watch everyone gawk at me……….I soon had enough and broke free, I soon noticed during the day my legs and normal form would turn back but at night……..I turn to this……….thats when you saw me in the woods,….I was hiding……I wanted to get your attention but I was too scared……..”
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Masky had no idea what to think about all of this………he never thought mermaids would even be real….until now,
“don’t worry…..your safe here……I won't let anyone outside hurt you again……..but you must promise to stay here and never leave this place……….once you do………….you will be killed by those people……”
The woman nodded, and smiled softly,
“My name is Sophie, by the way”
Masky smiled a little as he got up and walked over to the toilet and sat on the seat as he looked at her,
“Timmy………but everyone calls me masky…..”